It has now been over a year since Israel was attacked by Iranian backed Muslim terrorists. Israel’s war against the enemies that surround her is progressing. I believe the end of this war only comes after Iran’s present government is taken out along with their nuclear capabilities. I do not believe Israel can do this alone without using nukes. Only the USA has the long range bombers for the 30,000 lb bunker bombs that would be necessary to do the job. It looks like America shortly will join with Israel against Iran. The navel forces we now have in that area are there for a reason. They cannot stay there forever.
Jeremiah 49 suggests Elam (Coastal Iran) will be taken out by aircraft.
Jer 49:35 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might.
36 And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.
37 For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies, and before them that seek their life: and I will bring evil upon them, even my fierce anger, saith the LORD; and I will send the sword after them, till I have consumed them:
According to the prophecy, the people of Elam are sent to every nation on earth. Apparently that whole region becomes radioactive forcing an evacuation of all the people living there. The time for that prophecy to be fulfilled is during this present conflict because Iran has now reached the point where it can build nuclear weapons. Even the Arabs will support a strike to take out the Iranian nuclear threat.
After that event I think the Abraham Accords will be agreed to by Arab nations and Israel. This will probably be done under the leadership of President Donald Trump. This agreement will set in place the covenant that the Antichrist confirms. That according to prophecy will start the last seven years remaining for unbelieving Israel.
The Evangelical vote in America made the difference and is the reason President Trump got reelected. It should be obvious that true Christians are the only force on earth holding back demonic socialist globalism that has been spreading everywhere. Most of Europe and the English commonwealth nations are already gone because the influence of true Christianity hardly exists in these nations anymore. Once true believers are taken out in the Rapture, America will fall, and then satanic world government will become firmly established.
As a result of the 2024 election, it looks like power will be removed from the loony Left in America for a couple of years or until the Rapture. That assumes Trump and the Republicans actually are able to take firm control in January. A lot can happen before that. If Trump actually takes office, America will be the only powerful nation on earth holding back socialistic globalism. If true Christians are removed, the opposition to world government ends.
After the covenant (the Abraham Accords) is confirmed with Israel, the last seven years begins for Israel. This last seven years for unbelieving Israel includes the 3 1/2 years for her two prophets and 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist. This last 3 1/2 period is the trial that comes upon everyone in the world mentioned in Revelation 3:10. At the end of this seven years, the Jewish surviving remnant will call on their true Messiah (Jesus) and He will return.
For many reasons I believe we are living in the very last of the last days. I think just the following three reasons make it clear that end events happen in our time.
Israel has returned and is living in unbelief in her biblical lands, and she is surrounded by enemies just as bible prophecy foretold. The war Israel is now involved in can only be settled by defeating Iran and then making an agreement with the Sunni Muslims. Israel has to be unbelieving and living in peace before Gog comes down with his hordes. God then intervenes and makes Himself known by destroying the armies coming against Israel.
Birth rates are now falling in all nations coming against Israel in the last days. The peak armies only can occur right now. They won’t have the men of fighting age to carry out what prophecy says decades down the road.
Advances in computers, satellites, AI and surveillance makes globalism inevitable by the 2030’s. With that in mind, the globalists have set that dating for total global governance.
(Having said the little written above, I hope the few still reading this website understand that I do not have the energy to write long articles anymore. At 79, I continue in my struggle with incurable cancer. I still believe the second coming will be in the early 2030’s with the Rapture being at least 7 years sooner. I believe the 25 trends I first published over 25 years ago still makes that 2030’s timing obvious.)