About The Author

Don Koenig can be emailed at thepropheticyears@yahoo.com  Caution: You may want to read the statement below or you could just be wasting your time emailing me.

Unsolicited newsletters will go directly to my trash file so why bother putting me on your email list? Others should know that I do not have the time to answer the emails of those who just want to chat, argue theology, need professional mental help, or those who want to tell me they received some special direct revelation from God about how Bible prophecy will be fulfilled etc.

If you have a question, please first use the search box on the bottom of my website homepage www.thepropheticyears.com to search through my many hundreds of articles, posts and comments; I probably have already written about it.

Any attachment or links from strangers are not likely to be opened for security reasons.


People often ask me about myself and since it is easier for me to write about myself in the third person, try to live with my way of doing this. ?

Don spent 11 years in the Air Force in communications and then went back to school and earned a B.S. Degree in Physical Geography with a minor in remote sensing from Northern Arizona University (N.A.U.). 

After Don graduated he held various positions at Defense Mapping Agency. He then went to work for Cruise Missile Support Activity located at USLANTCOMFLEET Intelligence Center and then later worked for the Bureau of Reclamation as a Geographical Information System (GIS) project manager.

Don was trained in Roman Catholicism as a youngster and attended Catholic grade school taught by nuns, brothers, and occasionally priests.  He became a true believer in Jesus Christ in 1973 through the teachings of Christian radio and Hal Lindsay. Don rejected many of the man-made doctrines of Catholicism and spent a great deal of time learning from more biblical Protestant Evangelical teachers.

Don has now been a born again Christian for over 40 years. In that time he has made countless relocations and has had the unique opportunity to attend many different churches within many different denominations. That gives Don unique insider insights on many different views within Christendom.

Don founded ThePropheticYears.com website in 1999 a few years after He retired from government service.  At the time of his founding the website, Don had already been studying the Bible and Bible prophecy for over twenty-five years.

Don’s Internet ministry since that time has been a full-time unpaid job. His website does not collect revenue from advertisement or solicit donations. Therefore, the views Don expresses are not subject to pleasing financial supporters. Nor are Don’s views unduly influenced by any denomination or local church. The Bible, God-given understanding, and common sense logic are his guides.

Don does not have a formal religious degree but after tens of thousands of hours of private study he thinks he has earned an honorary PhD from his own Home School of Self Importance.? Don wants that pointed out because people reading his website often ask him for his religious credentials as if academic credentials alone gives teachers wisdom and understanding.

In 2004 Don wrote a free Revelation commentary e-book named “The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through The Ages“. It is available for on-line or offline reading. It was revised a bit in 2011 for clarification and for a couple of omissions. You can download a PDF file of the book at the link above.

This Revelation commentary is now a free module that can be downloaded to E-sword, MySword, and theWord Bible software. The above links should take you to the appropriate module. If not, it can be found from the third-party modules.

This Blog is a sub-directory of Don’s main original website. Don’s previous Blog called World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy is now an archive of over 1000 articles and 15,000 comments. Those topical articles still receive many hundreds of downloads each day mainly from people doing keyword searches from search engines like Google.

This World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog went operational in late September 2015. Any new articles written by Don Koenig will be posted here.

Current information about The Prophetic Years website can often be found here.

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