50 most downloaded posts
- Believers can expect the Rapture by 2025
- Tribulation begins in 2020's and ends with second coming in 2030's
- President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?
- Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD
- Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
- First the Rapture or the demise of America?
- Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years
- Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?
- Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
- Don Koenig's 2021 Bible prophecy and geopolitical update
- Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel?
- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
- Satanic Biden regime enables rule under antichrist globalist fascist oligarchy
- Globalism will come but not the way "Great Reset" elitists believe
- Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
- Enoch the pre-flood prophet and end time witness
- Expect Rapture 2024 2025 2026
- Israel's 70th anniversary will result in something prophetically significant
- Are we witnessing the downfall of America?
- Don Koenig starts World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog
- Elite terrified Trump's nationalism will trump globalism
- My Journey into "The Unseen Realm" and beyond
- Great Reset with persecution of Christians or first another world war?
- Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
- Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel's 70th week
- Americans are starting to wonder how plum crazy took over
- Living with the consequences of our decisions.
- Latest information on the health of Don Koenig
- The 2020's will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
- Commonsense reasons why Jesus returns before 2040
- The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
- Trump won but leftist traitors frauds and liars corrupt everything
- Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God's offspring don't go there
- Don Koenig's 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update
- The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: Large collection of Gnostic lies lore and myth
- Economic collapse and world war may occur alongside coronavirus pandemic
- 2020 election could set in motion devastating consequence for America
- Nations struggle as elitist Great Reset plan pushes global governance
- living one day at a time even when Imminent dangers appear
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- Second coming in 2030's - Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
- MbS Saudi prince king could have prophetic implications
- Will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end with the war of Ezekiel 38 & 39?
- Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation
- Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated
- People can expect significant changes by 2030
- Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020
- Huge changes coming no matter who wins 2020 presidential election.
- Maybe it is time for Q Anon and Trump reality check?
Tag Archives: world government
World trends and Abraham Accords indicate bible prophecy fulfillment.
It has now been over a year since Israel was attacked by Iranian backed Muslim terrorists. Israel’s war against the enemies that surround her is progressing. I believe the end of this war only comes after Iran’s present government is taken out along with their nuclear capabilities. I do not believe Israel can do this alone without using nukes. Only the USA has the long range bombers for the 30,000 lb bunker bombs that would be necessary to do the job. It looks like America shortly will join with Israel against Iran. The navel forces we now have in that area are there for a reason.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged Israel, prophecy, trump, world government
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Second coming in 2030’s – Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
Some 25 years ago I started The Prophetic Years website with my writing of 25 articles on world trends pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ. The various world trends all correlated to suggested to me that the Lord would return in the early 2030’s. And because I believe the scriptures teach a pre-trib rapture before the seven seals in Revelation are opened, the rapture of the spirit born Church would occur 7 to 10 years sooner. I believe this should occur by the mid 2020’s.
Today, in late 2023 it still looks to me like these events will be fulfilled in the timeline that I suggest.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged China, depravity, Iran, Israel, Progressive insanity, prophecy, Rapture, Russia, world government, world war
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Great Reset with persecution of Christians or first another world war?
Globalist totalitarian fascism is progressing across the globe so rapidly that the world will be in an either or situation very soon. Either the world globalizes under the Global Reset program being pushed by the elitists, or this agenda will fail because we will be in a world war in short order.
I think there must be a world war because things are just not fully set up yet for prophetic events to play out as written. I also do not think we can get there through just the Great Reset plan. Besides that, what is now occurring on earth is obviously being orchestrated by spiritual rulers in high places.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged China, EMP, Iran, Israel, prophecy, world government, world war
Globalism will come but not the way “Great Reset” elitists believe
We begin the New Year with globalist reprobate minds planning to take over the planet through their “Great Reset” plan. At this point, I do not think they will succeed, because globalism will not get much support until the general population demands it. The nations now are way too divided to agree on any type of globalism. By the way, the state run capitalism and socialism the globalists want is really Fascism.
The way I see it, nations could only come to common agreement now about global government, if some grave danger to the planet existed. Phony crises like global warming, the threat of this mild pandemic, or the economic downturn caused by fearful politicians are not going to bring about grassroots calls for globalism.
Posted in Eve of destruction, Satan's Agenda, World Perspectives
Tagged trump, world government, world war
Nations struggle as elitist Great Reset plan pushes global governance
The globalists are doubling down on global governance. They see the global coronavirus pandemic and the economic problems it will cause as an opportunity to revise the economic and social systems of the world.
The unwinding of the economies of the world will take many more months to play out as businesses continue to fail and people lose basic income. This economic collapse will bring disorder and chaos in the streets in cities all over the world. As people grow in fear, the European elitist globalist plan promising great things could quickly gain a great following. The European elite call their plan the Great Reset.… continue reading
Government technocrats cure will be far worse than the virus
What a change less than two months has wrought on our nation and on the world. In late February I was warning that the coronavirus hitting Wuhan China could cause an economic downturn that could impact Trump’s election chances. Just a month later governments all over the world began shutting down everything to stop the virus spread. Because of all the shutdowns, the world is about to be hit with the worst global economic crises it has ever encountered. This may take a couple of years to fully play out, but it will turn out to have a far greater negative impact on nations than anything the virus would have caused without the government intervention.… continue reading
Posted in Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged Progressive insanity, trump, world government
Daniel 2 & 7 prophesies that fourth empire tramples earth until end of age
The visions given to Daniel document that there will only be four Gentile world empires ruling over Israel from Daniel’s time until the kingdom of the Messiah. The four kingdoms in Daniel 2 & 7 identified with four beasts and four metallic parts of Nebuchadnezzar’s image have been identified by reputable historians as Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greek, and Roman.
There are no additional worldwide Gentile kingdoms in the prophecy between the time of the ancient Roman Empire and the time that God sets up His kingdom. Therefore, in God’s eyes the fourth beast exists and tramples down the earth from the time of the Roman Empire until the Lord smashes it and sets up His kingdom at the end of the age.… continue reading
False prophet Pope Francis tells nations submit to global government
Six years ago I wrote an article on my old Blog questioning if Pope Francis would turn out to be the False Prophet or the Antichrist. That article has had over 70,000 page views. It still gets hundreds of views most months so many are obviously interested in the topic. The Pope’s recent call for nations to submit to global government along with his other Marxist and pro Islamic positions even has many Catholics believing that this Pope is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Six years ago much of the interest in this Pope was due to the St. Malachy prophecy and Tom Horn’s book “Petrus Romanus”.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, World Perspectives
Tagged denominations, Islam, luciferian, prophecy, salvation, world government
World tyranny arriving sooner or later courtesy of Fabian progressives
The progressive movement also should be identified as Fabian Socialism. It embraces the concepts of Marxism absent violent revolution to achieve it. The UN was founded on Fabian socialism. Their goal is a totally top down managed world. The globalist plan to control the earth is called Sustainable Development. The plan to put sustainable development into effect worldwide is named UN Agenda 2030. The global socialists (fascists) intend to control the world and they will use governments, elitist controlled corporations and religious groups to help them set up the totalitarian system. Free speech and free thought is already being outlawed wherever the socialists are in control.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Satan's Agenda, World Perspectives
Tagged Progressive insanity, prophecy, world government
Revelation Harlot spiritually fornicating with luciferian globalism
Most Bible believers who take Bible prophecy literally are aware that Revelation 17 talks about a woman riding a Beast. The Beast depicted is the end of the age luciferian world system existing just prior to the second coming of Jesus. The woman that rides the Beast is a religious system that claims to speak for God on earth but actually does the bidding of Satan. Fornication occurs as this religious system directs the kings of the earth to carry out the luciferian agenda.
The Revelation Harlot historically has been identified with Roman Catholicism. She was identified in the days when Roman Catholicism was directing the kings and killing people who would not submit to her authority.… continue reading
Forget about global warming natural cycles indicate global cooling
2021 update: Forget about global warming, it is not happening. After the mid February 2021 wake up call, you may want to prepare for the global cooling that could have major impacts on all of our lives within a couple of years. By the way, much of the northern hemisphere had recorded breaking cold temperatures in 2021.
As I indicated in my previous article, most modern science is no longer based on empirical science. Climate science is no exception. The climate always changes on earth but human activity is not the cause for climate change. What I am about to write about does not come from the scientific consensus.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction
Tagged climate change, EMP, prophecy, Russia, world government, world war
Pagan barbarian people of the lie are at the Western gates
Satan is the prince of this world system and this age. Therefore, it should not surprise Christians that as we approach the end of this Satanic age he would lead his people to war against those who believe in Jesus Christ. Satan’s people are people of the lie. The people of the lie worship moon gods and other Satanic substitutes for the one true God. They are those given over to a reprobate mind. They display their hate of the true God in their attacks on whatever is truly of God.
In Western society anything built on the Bible is now being torn down.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, World Perspectives
Tagged Hillary, Progressive insanity, Teaching, trump, world government
People can expect significant changes by 2030
The year 2030 is when the UN plans to have global governance in place and the way things are going in the world there is little reason to believe they will not accomplish their objective. Even so, things like world wars or the Rapture could change timelines but let’s suppose mankind continues on its present course. How will life on earth change by 2030?
The 2020’s will bring many high-tech revolutions. Computers will be 100 times faster than they are today and people will have unlimited data storage access. Internet access will become a human right. Everyone in the world will have gigabyte Internet service by 2030.… continue reading
Posted in World Perspectives
Tagged Marxism, Progressive insanity, prophecy, world government
Globalist socialist coup against Donald Trump and America
A coup is underway in America and the outcome of it will decide whether or not the Marxists get to dictate their world agenda to everyone in America. When I point out that there is a globalist socialist coup against Donald Trump and America, I am talking about a conspired effort by the whole Marxist family. This includes Communists, Progressives, Fabian Socialists, Fascists and Islamists.
The ranting against President Donald Trump on most mainstream news is an all out effort to get public support to remove Trump from office and get their globalist socialist agenda back on track. It also is an effort to keep the focus away from all the criminal activity of the Obama administration.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Politics
Tagged NAR, nationalism, North Korea, Obama, Progressive insanity, trump, word of faith, world government
When socialists get their way the laws of human depravity follow
When communist styled socialism does not work as planned, their leaders turn toward fascism as the answer. A perfect example of that is China. Media still calls China, “Communist China”, but it actually is a crony capitalist fascist system. Islam also is a fascist system. The world is not becoming more communist. The world is rapidly becoming more fascist.
The large demonstrations in Europe and America are demonstrations in favor of communist globalism. However, if these dupes get their way, they will not get world communism at all. They will get Chinese styled fascism. The Chinese model is what the power elite intends for the whole world.… continue reading
Posted in Depravity, World Perspectives
Tagged depravity, Marxism, Progressive insanity, world government