Tag Archives: universalism

Harlot of Revelation 17 rising with social justice Dominion Theology

The woman seen in Revelation 17 is a worldly religious system. She will ride the Beast/Antichrist into power. If the Antichrist is to appear anytime soon, we first will  need to see this woman influencing much of the world. Are there any indications that this is happening or will happen anytime soon? I think there are.

This Roman woman who John saw, that comes to have so much influence in the world, rises through humanist social justice programs and ecumenism. Many religious leaders are now looking for common ground to unite upon. The together movement is spreading across Christendom. They think religion can realize the kingdom of God on earth through progressive social justice programs.… continue reading

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Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years

If the trends continue, it is obvious to me that persecution of Bible believing Christians will be widespread in America in just five years. Just look how much the truths in God’s word have been denied, twisted and disrespected over the previous five years.

I am not saying that most of those calling themselves Christians will be persecuted in five years. What I am saying is that Christians that believe the Bible and quote it and live by it will be persecuted in America in less than 5 years. I also am saying that even many calling themselves Christians will be the ones doing the persecuting thinking that they will be doing God a favor.… continue reading

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Evangelicals and Pentecostals join the Vatican and Oprah at Revelation 17

Some Christians in the west are becoming increasingly frustrated because they cannot find suitable Christian fellowship. I purposely did not say they cannot find a good church because most churches have become part of the problem and not the solution. Western churches do not necessarily contain born from above believers.

Today, almost all large churches that once identified as evangelicals now use the market driven seeker sensitive model to have church. The model was founded on the teaching of Peter Drucker. As an educator, Drucker developed the modern corporate model. Disciples of Drucker such as Rick Warren and Bill Hybells used this corporate model in the churches that they founded.… continue reading

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Pseudo Christianity now rules post Christian America

Most institutional Christianity in America today is pseudo Christianity. It has the appearance of Christianity but it is just a religious facade led by wolves in sheep’s clothing and hirelings lording over a flock of mostly goats. The leaders of pseudo Christianity appear as shepherds but they speak with a forked tongue.

Pseudo Christianity is now the vast majority in America. That is why astute Christian people are saying that America is now a post Christian nation even though over 70 percent of American adults still claim to be Christian.

100 pointers that should help you understand, identify or avoid pseudo Christianity:

  1. Those that believe you become a Christian through a ritual of baptism as an infant or as an adult, probably are in pseudo Christianity.
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Seventh-day Adventism is not Orthodox but Trump is?

Recently Donald Trump took a shot at Dr. Ben Carson by implying that Carson’s Seventh-Day Adventism was not mainstream and might not be accepted by evangelicals as being within the orthodoxy of Christianity while also implying that Trump is a mainstream Christian. While it is true that the denomination is believed to be a cult by some, most Christian scholars say they are within Christian orthodoxy.

What is it that this denomination teaches that makes some Christians question the orthodoxy of Seventh-Day Adventists? Also, Trump should have known that it is not wise for those in glass houses to throw stones.… continue reading

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