Tag Archives: trump

Nationalism is rising because globalist ideologies and Islam fail

Nationalism is rising over much of the world once again. Rising nationalism often precedes war. The rise of nationalist leaders like Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen are happening because elite internationalists have failed to bring about conditions that their bought and paid for politicians peddled to the citizens.

Elite globalists never want to let their idealistic dreams die, but like usual, world reality and nations will set the future course of world events not globalist ideology.

Most elitists are not as sinister as some like to think. Most just believe that globalism is inevitable and the sooner it takes place the better it will be for all.… continue reading

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The Roman Empire Whore has Dominion Theology.

I do not think that some studying Bible prophecy see the big picture and that’s why they go down various rabbit trails that cannot be backed up through scripture exegesis. One important issue that students of Bible prophecy would be wise to understand is that the end time Beast comes into power with a woman riding on its back. That woman is the Roman Empire Whore of Revelation 17. She represents Dominion Theology and she guides in the global governance Beast.

There were only four Gentile world empires in the dream visions of Daniel chapters 2 and 7. Those four represent the remaining Gentile world kingdoms until God smashes satanic controlled world rule and establishes His own kingdom on earth.… continue reading

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2016 Presidential Candidates: Trump and Carson

I find from experience that long articles are not fully read. Therefore, On this new Discerning and Documenting end of the Age Depravity blog it is my intention to limit articles to fewer than 2000 words. Therefore, I will have to write more than one article on the 2016 Presidential candidates.

I only will give my perspectives on those candidates that I feel still have any chance at all. And I will not be doing perspectives on any Democratic Party candidates. That is because at the national level the Democratic Party has been taken over by Marxists, Fascists, and Communitarianians (all statist socialist kissing cousins).… continue reading

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Catching Up On A Few Major Issues In The Age Of Depravity

A lot has happened since I stopped blogging about a year ago. I will just document six major issues in this age of depravity post. Keep in mind that any complete discussion on these six issues in this age of depravity could not be accomplished in any reasonably sized article.


1. Trumping up the 2016 presidential election. Donald Trump for president? Ha ha ha ha. Who would have thought his present poll numbers were even remotely possible? After what the Obama administration did, and the Republican Congress has failed to do, I do understand why American’s are fed up with politicians.… continue reading

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