Tag Archives: trump

Signs are pointing toward another world war starting very soon

One hundred years after World War I there are many signs pointing toward another world war. It likely will begin in just a matter of months. The flash points are Syria, Israel, Iran, Ukraine and North Korea. The major world powers involved would include Russia, China, NATO and the US.

America is now blaming Assad of Syria for a nerve gas attack that killed scores of people. There is no doubt that nerve gas was used, but blaming Assad for the attack is premature and it might be misguided. After years of the United States telling Assad that he had to go, the United States just a week ago said that he could stay.… continue reading

Posted in Eve of destruction | Tagged , , , , | 100 Comments

Globalist left intends to launch all out war on Trump and America.

The globalist left intends to launch an all out war on Trump and the American people supporting him. The power elite and their corporate cronies know that socialist globalism will be set back for at least a decade if Trump gets his nationalistic agenda implemented in America. They also fear that Europe would be next. The globalist left will continue to ramp up the attacks on American nationalists.

For example, websites considered pro Trump or against the globalist leftist agenda are already starting to be censored by the corporatist Internet media fascists. Some alternative news sites have recently reported a coordinated effort to stop them from presenting their viewpoints.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism, Politics | Tagged , | 30 Comments

Trump will not end progressive agenda or drain the swamp.

The election of Donald Trump was a godsend to the Church because it may hinder further actions against Christians for four more years. Even so, I do not expect the Trump administration to hinder the progressive slide toward globalism, socialism, debauchery and violence. I also do not expect Trump to drain the swamp.

President Trump will find out very soon that saying you are going to do something and getting it done are two different things.

The Democratic Party is not going to go along with Trump’s agenda and those Republicans that hate Trump are not likely to go along with Trump’s agenda either.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism, Politics | Tagged , , | 18 Comments

This is the season for your comments on any topic

During the holiday season many have other things to do than to read my profound writings 🙄  Therefore, I am going to let visitors comment and talk about whatever may be on their mind. Opening Pandora’s box under the Christmas tree could even get interesting. 😯

Just try to keep it under 500 words or few will bother to read what you have to say. You can chat among yourself or give greetings to others if you wish.

Let me start it off with a short comment of my own.

I am rather impressed by the Donald Trump picks. I am hoping that a time of sanity in federal government follows the lying destructive divisive Obama administration.… continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 149 Comments

Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD

I have been writing articles on the Internet since 1999. Ever since I started this ministry I have said that the second coming of the Lord will most likely take place between 2030 and 2040 AD. The 25 world trends series that kicked off my website in 1999 points to that timing and it still does.

Over the last seventeen years, I have written over a thousand topical articles. I mention that because some people who find this blog are not aware of all the other articles. They can be found by doing a keyword search from the search box at the bottom of the website home page.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged , | 49 Comments

Trump will change America because rational veterans voted for Donald

America just averted an evil spell cast from the wicked witch of the East. Trump’s victory will change America. “Progressive” policies will be stopped or reversed. The media rats of the far left are now on deck and they are squealing loudly because their pirate ship just took a devastating torpedo.

Who would have thought that Donald Trump could win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan to secure the 2016 election? A crossover from Democrats only made that possible. Many blue-collar men voted for the radical change of direction that only Donald Trump could bring.

Go to most taverns or VFW’s in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere and you will find a lot of men for Donald Trump.… continue reading

Posted in Politics, World Perspectives | Tagged | 88 Comments

Hillary’s crimes don’t matter to Romans One people and the indoctrinated

Reality in America can be much scarier than any haunting experiences on Halloween. The possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming President of The United States of America is more scary than fiction.

Bill and Hillary Clinton should be in jail. Hillary’s crimes include willful mishandling of classified information, obstruction of justice, perjury, bribery, money laundering, pay-for-play, racketeering, and possibly treason, sex crimes, and murder. Such crimes would get her executed in about any other non Western country in the world. However, in The United States, Hillary might instead be elected President.

Apparently Hillary’s crimes do not matter to almost half the people in America.… continue reading

Posted in Depravity, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 65 Comments

Halloween fright night spooky stories wake the living dead.

Oct 2020 update: every four years now demon possessed people run to become President and half of Americans vote to make that happen. The living dead among us gave us Clinton and Obama and now they want to give us Biden/Harris. The only thing scarier than that combination would be Hillary/Harris. With the Biden scandals becoming exposed, dark forces may still make that happen should Biden win but have to withdraw before he takes the oath of office. The original article follows

It has been a short and warped Halloween tradition of mine to write about spooky things or to allow others to tell their own spooky stories.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , , | 22 Comments

Elite intend to bring America down – America on the eve of destruction

America could be on the eve of destruction. I think very troubling times are about to hit America. The elite fully intend to bring America down one way or another because a powerful America is an impediment to world governance. They fully plan to have world governance in place by 2030 with or without America.

Obama came from out of nowhere and became President of the USA because the elite promoting him believed he would work to bring America down. He certainly has. With the help of fellow travelers in media, Congress and the courts there was no way to stop him.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , , , , | 37 Comments

Never Hillary! Trump globalists! Vote for Donald J. Trump!

I think the outcome of the 2016 election either seals America’s fate under the rule of international globalists or it brings back nationalism under Donald J. Trump for a time. Americans have a clear choice, either vote for globalist Hillary Clinton or trump globalists by voting for nationalist Donald Trump.

Neither choice will bring any utopia to America but lying Hillary will surely enslave Americans under the tyranny of globalists. The way America goes on this probably will determine the direction of many other nations as well.

The 2016 election in America probably will determine if globalists take over in this generation or nations remain sovereign for the near future.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism, Politics | Tagged , , | 60 Comments

2016 election and perspectives until “Democracy Spring”

The 2016 election promises not to be dull. Will America get a Marxist criminal on the Democratic Party ticket, an unindicted Marxist law-breaker, or just a godless Marxist Fascist? Actually they could get all three in one candidate. And on the Republican ticket will America get a populist and nationalist, or a Bible believing Christian and strict Constitutionalist, or will dirty tricks from the Republican establishment take away any such choice that their voters made?

Did you know that the primary voting in the parties are just advisory? The National Committees are not legally bound by the voters or the laws of any of the states.… continue reading

Posted in World Perspectives | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments

Elite terrified Trump’s nationalism will trump globalism

There are many valid reasons why rational people would not want Donald Trump to be elected President of the United States. Even so, the reason the global power elite are so terrified by Donald Trump and why they will do everything in their power to trump Trump is that his American nationalism will trump globalism.

Trump’s nationalism will trump globalism:

  • The globalist elite want multiculturalism with opened borders for their one world utopia — Trump would trump globalism with strong national borders and have limits on immigration.
  • The globalist elite need the threat of terrorism and violence to terrify people so they are willing to accept their big brother surveillance society for the promise of security.
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Posted in Politics | Tagged , , , , , , | 59 Comments

President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?

President Trump declaring America bankrupt and announcing that in 2018 is of course totally hypothetical. Even so, it is very possible for that to happen because someone soon will have to declare America bankrupt. Who better qualified to negotiate the financial restructuring of the United States than someone who has gone through multiple bankruptcy experiences? Is Trump a man born for such a time as this? Donald Trump’s resume in bankruptcy is quite impressive.

Trump Resume:

  • 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • 1992, Trump Plaza Hotel in Atlantic City, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • 2004, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • 2009, Trump Entertainment Resorts, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
In all cases, the Trump enterprises could not make the payments on the debt so the debt had to be restructured or investors would have lost everything.
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Posted in Politics | Tagged , , | 48 Comments

Christian politicians IHOP into Dominion Theology cuckoo’s nest

At first glance you might think that Christians and politicians IHOP into Dominion Theology cuckoo nest is a rather cuckoo title. Titles have to be short and they need to contain keywords to be found. I think I will first have to define a few things so that the title makes sense.

Christian Politicians – for this article it is Republican candidates for President in 2016 that are claiming to be Bible believing Christians.

IHOP – the International House of Prayer founded by Mike Bickle where one gets fed Christianized shamanism. It is not the International House of Pancakes where you get fed real food.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

Marco Rubio will be President of The United States in 2017

I will go out on a limb and say that Marco Rubio will be President of The United States in 2017.  Rubio best reflects the values and opinions of the majority in America. That is why I think he will be elected. I am not saying that Rubio is going to save America from itself.

I only see four electable candidates running for president of The United States at this time. Michael Bloomberg might jump in but I do not think a third-party candidate is electable. And with his gun control and New York values he would hurt the Democrats. If Clinton falters and Bloomburg somehow makes a deal to run as a Democrat he would become electable, as would Joe Biden.… continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged , , , , | 27 Comments