50 most downloaded posts
- Believers can expect the Rapture by 2025
- Tribulation begins in 2020's and ends with second coming in 2030's
- President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?
- Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD
- Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
- First the Rapture or the demise of America?
- Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years
- Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?
- Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
- Don Koenig's 2021 Bible prophecy and geopolitical update
- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
- Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel?
- Satanic Biden regime enables rule under antichrist globalist fascist oligarchy
- Globalism will come but not the way "Great Reset" elitists believe
- Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
- Enoch the pre-flood prophet and end time witness
- Israel's 70th anniversary will result in something prophetically significant
- Are we witnessing the downfall of America?
- Expect Rapture 2024 2025 2026
- Don Koenig starts World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog
- Elite terrified Trump's nationalism will trump globalism
- Great Reset with persecution of Christians or first another world war?
- My Journey into "The Unseen Realm" and beyond
- Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
- Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel's 70th week
- Americans are starting to wonder how plum crazy took over
- Living with the consequences of our decisions.
- Latest information on the health of Don Koenig
- The 2020's will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
- Commonsense reasons why Jesus returns before 2040
- The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
- Trump won but leftist traitors frauds and liars corrupt everything
- Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God's offspring don't go there
- Don Koenig's 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update
- Economic collapse and world war may occur alongside coronavirus pandemic
- The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: Large collection of Gnostic lies lore and myth
- 2020 election could set in motion devastating consequence for America
- Nations struggle as elitist Great Reset plan pushes global governance
- Pseudo Christianity now rules post Christian America
- living one day at a time even when Imminent dangers appear
- MbS Saudi prince king could have prophetic implications
- Will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end with the war of Ezekiel 38 & 39?
- Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation
- Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated
- People can expect significant changes by 2030
- Second coming in 2030's - Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
- Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020
- Huge changes coming no matter who wins 2020 presidential election.
- Maybe it is time for Q Anon and Trump reality check?
Tag Archives: trump
Black swans could poop on Trump’s 2020 election expectations
Black swans are unforeseen happenings that come out of nowhere and change the course of events in the world. I think one or more black swans could change the course of the 2020 national election. As things stand now, President Trump would be reelected and the Republicans would gain control of both houses of Congress, but one or more black swans could poop on Republican expectations.
Republicans should not become overconfident because this nation continues on a leftward march. Before the 2018 midterm elections the conservative talking heads were saying the Republicans would retain the House. The Republicans lost and elections have consequences.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, Politics, World Perspectives
Tagged China, Hillary, Iran, North Korea, Obama, Presidential candidates, trump
Trump peace plan is not dividing Israel and won’t happen anyway
Everyone in Bible prophecy is talking about President’s Trump’s two state solution in the Middle East. I do not believe this peace proposal is dividing Israel as some are saying; nor is it the covenant that will be confirmed by the Antichrist. This proposal just goes to show you that the most pragmatic thinking still falls far short of any real peace solution for the Middle East.
The map below is the geographical proposal for a Palestinian State. All areas in green would become the future state of Palestine. There are many Jewish settlements within those green areas that would become part of the state of Israel.… continue reading
The 2020’s will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
I am not going to make specific predictions for 2020 but I believed we have now arrived to the decade of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. Shortly after the Rapture the tribulation period will occur followed by the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy related to the second coming of Jesus Christ. I think most of the end times prophecies will be fulfilled in the 2030’s although the four horsemen of Revelation probably will ride in the 2020’s.
I could be wrong about the tribulation starting in the 2020’s, but if I am, I don’t think it will prove to be of much comfort to those living through this decade.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction
Tagged China, EMP, Iran, Israel, prophecy, Rapture, Russia, trump, world war
Impeachment of Trump strategy also enables Hillary rerun
Over a year ago I wrote an article partly titled Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020. As impossible as her running for President again seemed at the time, I wondered if it could somehow happen. The article also talked about a wicked spirit named Hilarion that could be driving Hillary Clinton. I now am getting the impression that the impeachment of Trump strategy is being orchestrated by wickedness in high places so that a Hillary rerun becomes a distinct possibility.
Whether the plan is successful or not, may not yet be determined. God once again may tell his angels to block Hillary’s way to the White House.… continue reading
Will China thugocracy be Trumped by freedom loving nationalists?
China would still be a sleeping giant if Western intellectuals and elitists were not so foolish as to think that the Chinese Communists would become more democratic and play by Western rules once the Chinese got fat and happy. Western corporations moved their factories to China to increase their bottom lines but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not play by international rules. The Chinese thugorcacy robbed America blind and American leaders enabled them.
China still robs almost a trillion dollars of wealth from America each year through intellectual theft and unfair trade. Over a period of two decades, much of the industry of America was moved to China and much of the intellectual property of America was stolen.… continue reading
Republicans may need post Trump replacement to impede leftist takeover
I do not think it is wise for liberty loving Americans to put all their eggs in the orange basket. I can think of many reasons why Trump may only be a one term president and even if he is reelected what do liberty loving Americans do for an encore to stop the leftist takeover in America?
Trump is already signaling that he will compromise with leftists trying to subvert our Constitution. If Trump loses even a small part of his base, he will not get reelected. According to a Fox News poll Trump’s disapproval rating is now at 56 percent.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Politics
Tagged Presidential candidates, Progressive insanity, trump
5G milliwaves enables surveillance of everything and may even alter brains
5G technology using milliwaves has become such a big deal that China and the United States are fighting a cold war over which nation gets to build the electronics and networks. President Trump just had a meeting with heads of American telecommunication corporations and announced that America will be taking the lead in 5G technology and has warned other nations not to sign up with China. The Trump administration says it is a matter of national security.
Trump claims China will use this technology to steal personal data and will build in back doors allowing the Chinese to hack it. Nevertheless, at this point, Huawei corporation of China has the most nations signed up.… continue reading
Posted in Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged China, national security, prophecy, tech, trump
Jews and Gentiles trump on toward prophetic appointment with destiny
I have been a supporter of President Donald Trump and still am. He has been saying the right things but getting them done is starting to look less likely. Whatever Trump actually accomplishes in office, I think Trump will be fulfilling at least one prophetic appointment with destiny.
The Clinton alternative by now may have led us into a world war and a civil war. Even so, I think that many conservative Christians are putting all their hopes in one flawed man instead of actually trying to do something to change things. Things are not going as well in America as many Evangelicals want to believe.… continue reading
Posted in Politics, World Perspectives
Tagged China, Israel, national security, North Korea, prophecy, tech, trump
Surviving the next decade becoming unlikely for most Americans
Americans have become a very foolish people living under false security. They think life will go on as usual while they commit abominations, open our borders to drugs and socialists, and enable slime to rise out of the sewers to erode the pillars of our foundation. If this continues, most Americans will not survive the next decade.
Americans seem to have no clue about what will happen here if the godless left takes power again? What if some of the polices of the people controlling the Democratic Party actually went into law in 2021 and beyond? Just the expanded give away programs and high taxes would bring down our economic system.… continue reading
Posted in Eve of destruction, Satan's Agenda
Tagged China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Obama, Progressive insanity, prophecy, Russia, trump
Perspectives about 2018 mid-term election and reprobate minds
The 2018 mid-term elections shows that half of America has become progressively insane. There is little hope that America can survive when half the population is electing people with reprobate minds.
The House of Representatives in 2019 will be led by those that will do little else but spend the next two years trying to destroy President Trump, Judge Kavanaugh and the people that put Trump in office.
The Democrats in Congress cannot think for themselves and vote as a block so they most likely will impeach the president over some nonsense that they will fish up. It might make for a good side-show and appeal to the brain-dead but they will not get the votes in the Senate to remove him.… continue reading
Posted in Politics, World Perspectives
Tagged Dominion Theology, Marxism, Progressive insanity, trump
Pagan barbarian people of the lie are at the Western gates
Satan is the prince of this world system and this age. Therefore, it should not surprise Christians that as we approach the end of this Satanic age he would lead his people to war against those who believe in Jesus Christ. Satan’s people are people of the lie. The people of the lie worship moon gods and other Satanic substitutes for the one true God. They are those given over to a reprobate mind. They display their hate of the true God in their attacks on whatever is truly of God.
In Western society anything built on the Bible is now being torn down.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, World Perspectives
Tagged Hillary, Progressive insanity, Teaching, trump, world government
Internet tech giants are conspiring to steal the 2018 mid-term elections
Internet tech giants are now conspiring with other leftists to steal the 2018 mid-term elections. They intend to block conservative and libertarian viewpoints on the Internet so that leftist views on media will be unopposed. By means of censorship they believe leftists can take back Congress, get rid of Trump and then win all the marbles.
Much is being said about Infowars being taken down by the tech giants for hate speech (that is not hate speech) but it does not end there. The censorship of non leftist views are now happening all over the Internet. YouTube, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and other leftist controlled tech giants are involved in information or advertisement censoring.… continue reading
Ding dong! The witch is not dead! Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020?
A couple of weeks ago I read Tom Horn’s Saboteurs Part 10. It mentions an evil spirit named Hilarion and the possibility that Hillary Clinton fulfills that prognostication about Hilarion. Although interesting and thought-provoking, I thought Tom Horn’s speculations were somewhat far-fetched like usual. Even so, the article got me thinking about the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for President again.
Hillary is a demonic being that seems to have nine lives, so I was thinking about writing an article about the possibility that Hillary might ascend on the political stage once again. I did not think anyone in the mainstream was even considering another Hillary run for the presidency, so I was in no hurry to write the article.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Politics
Tagged depravity, Hillary, Progressive insanity, Rapture, trump
Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
I believe we are now living in the final decade before the seven-year tribulation. If I am correct, it will be the last decade of the Church Age. Sometime during this period those born of the Spirit will be taken to be with the Lord and those left behind will have to go through the great trial on earth that will determine their eternal fate (Rev 3:10). During that trial people will have to get off the fence. They will either call on God so that their soul will be saved or they will follow the Satanic Antichrist.
The Kingdom of God cannot come on earth until all the enemies of Jesus are removed through these tribulation judgements.… continue reading
Deep state coup attempt on Trump could bring their own demise
The deep state shadow government ongoing coup attempt to take down Donald Trump is part of a much larger coup to establish socialist (fascist) governance over the world. They are using government, corporatists, educators, foundations, media, surveillance, migrants, drugs, violence, crime, race division, sex confusion and religion as means to achieve their fascist authoritarian end.
The deep state coup did not start during the 2016 presidential election and it is not limited to the United States. Deep state Marxist globalists are now ruling over the nations of Europe. These progressive regressive fascists import migrants that they know will bring in violence.… continue reading
Posted in Depravity, Politics
Tagged depravity, Marxism, Obama, Progressive insanity, trump