50 most downloaded posts
- Believers can expect the Rapture by 2025
- Tribulation begins in 2020's and ends with second coming in 2030's
- President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?
- Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD
- Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
- First the Rapture or the demise of America?
- Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years
- Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?
- Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
- Don Koenig's 2021 Bible prophecy and geopolitical update
- Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel?
- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
- Satanic Biden regime enables rule under antichrist globalist fascist oligarchy
- Globalism will come but not the way "Great Reset" elitists believe
- Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
- Enoch the pre-flood prophet and end time witness
- Expect Rapture 2024 2025 2026
- Israel's 70th anniversary will result in something prophetically significant
- Are we witnessing the downfall of America?
- Don Koenig starts World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog
- Elite terrified Trump's nationalism will trump globalism
- My Journey into "The Unseen Realm" and beyond
- Great Reset with persecution of Christians or first another world war?
- Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
- Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel's 70th week
- Americans are starting to wonder how plum crazy took over
- Living with the consequences of our decisions.
- Latest information on the health of Don Koenig
- The 2020's will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
- Commonsense reasons why Jesus returns before 2040
- The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
- Trump won but leftist traitors frauds and liars corrupt everything
- Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God's offspring don't go there
- Don Koenig's 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update
- The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: Large collection of Gnostic lies lore and myth
- Economic collapse and world war may occur alongside coronavirus pandemic
- 2020 election could set in motion devastating consequence for America
- Nations struggle as elitist Great Reset plan pushes global governance
- living one day at a time even when Imminent dangers appear
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- Second coming in 2030's - Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
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- Will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end with the war of Ezekiel 38 & 39?
- Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation
- Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated
- People can expect significant changes by 2030
- Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020
- Huge changes coming no matter who wins 2020 presidential election.
- Maybe it is time for Q Anon and Trump reality check?
Tag Archives: Rapture
Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel?
My Revelation Commentary suggests that there are 10 years from the Rapture of the Church, and the opening of the first seal, until the physical 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (not just 7 years). That ten years may or may not actually turn out to be the case. Even so, in Judaism, there are 10 days of awe where Jews are to repent so that their sins are covered before they appear before God. I believe these 10 days of awe may also represent 10 years to get the nation of Israel that have returned, but are still in unbelief, time to repent before the appearing of her Messiah.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction
Tagged Iran, Israel, prophecy, Rapture
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Second coming in 2030’s – Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
Some 25 years ago I started The Prophetic Years website with my writing of 25 articles on world trends pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ. The various world trends all correlated to suggested to me that the Lord would return in the early 2030’s. And because I believe the scriptures teach a pre-trib rapture before the seven seals in Revelation are opened, the rapture of the spirit born Church would occur 7 to 10 years sooner. I believe this should occur by the mid 2020’s.
Today, in late 2023 it still looks to me like these events will be fulfilled in the timeline that I suggest.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged China, depravity, Iran, Israel, Progressive insanity, prophecy, Rapture, Russia, world government, world war
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After America declines world power shifts back to first century location
Some think the civil war in America has already started. Has the fall of America as a world power already begun? The reprobate minded radical left who are controlling the Democratic Party obviously believes insurrection is warranted against President Trump. They also are hostile toward his supporters. The left already tried a coup attempt and an impeachment to overthrow the president.
Democrats are now outright saying they will take it to the streets if Trump is winning the election. This radical leftist hijacked party plans to use any means necessary, even insurrection, to drive Trump from office. I think people funding and pushing this insurrection should be rounded up and prosecuted.… continue reading
Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
We don’t know what God plans for His Church on earth in these last days, but we do know that Jesus promised to come back to take His Church off the earth before the wrath of God falls on this satanic world system. With mobs and Sodom and Gomorrah playing out in the streets, the Church should be aware that the Rapture grows ever closer.
Because Israel rejected her Messiah everything has been on hold until God takes out a risen bride for His Son to rule and reign with Him. After this fullness of the Gentiles comes in, God will again deal with Israel to fulfill the remaining week of years foretold in Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy (Dan 9:24-27).… continue reading
Economic collapse and world war may occur alongside coronavirus pandemic
Could world war be coming in addition to the economic downturn and the coronavirus pandemic? The Spanish Flu killed about three percent of the population on earth and it started during World War I. That flu killed many more people than did the war. One could argue that such happenings are a judgement from God. It does seem that God purges the earth occasionally to keep evil from totally taking it over. The reaction to the novel coronavirus is about to destroy all the economies of the Western World and evil dictators are likely to see the Western panic as their big opportunity.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged China, EMP, Iran, prophecy, Rapture, Russia, world war
The 2020’s will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
I am not going to make specific predictions for 2020 but I believed we have now arrived to the decade of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. Shortly after the Rapture the tribulation period will occur followed by the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy related to the second coming of Jesus Christ. I think most of the end times prophecies will be fulfilled in the 2030’s although the four horsemen of Revelation probably will ride in the 2020’s.
I could be wrong about the tribulation starting in the 2020’s, but if I am, I don’t think it will prove to be of much comfort to those living through this decade.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction
Tagged China, EMP, Iran, Israel, prophecy, Rapture, Russia, trump, world war
The mystery of Babylon the kingdom counterfeit of Satan
One of the great mysteries of the Bible is how the prophecies about Babylon are to be fulfilled. The major prophecies about Babylon are found in Isaiah 13-14 & 47, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 17-18. Most just focus on the Revelation prophecies and ignore the Old Testament prophecies about Babylon. Even so, any prophecies that have not already been fulfilled about Babylon in the OT still must be literally fulfilled.
If you study all the prophecies about Babylon, you should see the parallel in Revelation to what is said in the OT. The OT prophets make it abundantly clear that Babylon is a literal city located on the plains of Shinar.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Satan's Agenda
Tagged Iran, Islam, prophecy, Rapture, Teaching
Worldwide falling birth rates signals 2030’s end of the age harvest
The Bible clearly likens the end of the age to being a great harvest of people. The people of God are reaped and stored in God’s barn and allowed into the Lord’s kingdom. The people of the Devil are gathered in bundles by angels to be burned and their souls are cut off from the earth. Harvests occur when the crop reaches maximum yield. One of the most overlooked signs of the times by Bible prophecy teachers is world demographics. Birth rates falling below replacement levels has never occurred in the history of our planet. It would be one of the clearest signs of the time that the end of the age has arrived.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged prophecy, Rapture
After the end of age harvest only gleanings remain
I have heard Bible prophecy teachers say things like a third or half of the population might not survive the tribulation. That sounds bad enough, but the truth of the mater is that less than ten percent of the earth’s population will live through these end of the age judgments. If God had not limited the length of the judgments for the sake of the elect, no flesh on earth would have survived. After a harvest, only the gleanings remain in the field. A few here and a few there. The tribulation is the end of age harvest of souls.
Before the end of age harvest, the Rapture will come for believers and remove some unknown percent of the earth’s population.… continue reading
2Th 2:3 Pretribulation Rapture departure or apostasy from the faith?
In 2Th 2:3 Paul clearly tells us that the Day of Christ will not come unless two things first take place. The apostasia happens followed by the son of perdition being revealed.
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
The word interpreted as a falling away in the King James version is the Greek word apostasia.… continue reading
Ding dong! The witch is not dead! Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020?
A couple of weeks ago I read Tom Horn’s Saboteurs Part 10. It mentions an evil spirit named Hilarion and the possibility that Hillary Clinton fulfills that prognostication about Hilarion. Although interesting and thought-provoking, I thought Tom Horn’s speculations were somewhat far-fetched like usual. Even so, the article got me thinking about the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for President again.
Hillary is a demonic being that seems to have nine lives, so I was thinking about writing an article about the possibility that Hillary might ascend on the political stage once again. I did not think anyone in the mainstream was even considering another Hillary run for the presidency, so I was in no hurry to write the article.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Politics
Tagged depravity, Hillary, Progressive insanity, Rapture, trump
Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
I believe we are now living in the final decade before the seven-year tribulation. If I am correct, it will be the last decade of the Church Age. Sometime during this period those born of the Spirit will be taken to be with the Lord and those left behind will have to go through the great trial on earth that will determine their eternal fate (Rev 3:10). During that trial people will have to get off the fence. They will either call on God so that their soul will be saved or they will follow the Satanic Antichrist.
The Kingdom of God cannot come on earth until all the enemies of Jesus are removed through these tribulation judgements.… continue reading
Harbinger hucksters peddling blood moons and American chronicles
Christians will not get so easily mislead by the hucksters of harbingers peddling blood moons and American chronicles if they just checked out the context of the scriptures being abused for themselves. I will give a couple of examples.
Mat 24:36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
I don’t know how many times I have heard Bible prophecy speculators say that the Rapture will occur on the Feast of Trumpets because Jesus said it will occur on a day that nobody knows. They claim that Jesus in Matthew 24:36 was using a Jewish idiom and was actually telling people that the Rapture would occur on the Feast of Trumpets.… continue reading
Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
I have to give President Trump credit. It took a lot of guts to withdraw from the Paris climate accords. I don’t think anyone else would have been so bold. The climate agreement has nothing to do with climate. It is all about global governance and wealth redistribution. The science behind global warming was always bogus. It is like the science of evolution. If you tell a lie often enough, and if you give jobs to only those that will promote the lie, the lie will be taught as truth. You cannot reason with those given over to a reprobate mind.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged prophecy, Rapture, trump
Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel’s 70th week
I had not read Apocalypse Road, by Bill Salus because I thought it was just the continuation of Revelation Road which I have read (it is). I thought it would just be telling me the traditional view about what happens after the Rapture (it does not). Apocalyptic Road is really about events in the gap between the Rapture and the start of Daniel’s 70th week.
I recently watched some interviews with Bill Salus on his book Apocalypse Road. What Bill said in those interviews sparked my interest because back in 2003/2004 when I was writing my Revelation commentary, I also came to the conclusion that everything said could not occur in just seven years like so many Bible prophecy teachers were teaching.… continue reading