50 most downloaded posts
- Believers can expect the Rapture by 2025
- Tribulation begins in 2020's and ends with second coming in 2030's
- President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?
- Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD
- Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
- First the Rapture or the demise of America?
- Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years
- Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?
- Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
- Don Koenig's 2021 Bible prophecy and geopolitical update
- Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel?
- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
- Satanic Biden regime enables rule under antichrist globalist fascist oligarchy
- Globalism will come but not the way "Great Reset" elitists believe
- Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
- Enoch the pre-flood prophet and end time witness
- Israel's 70th anniversary will result in something prophetically significant
- Expect Rapture 2024 2025 2026
- Are we witnessing the downfall of America?
- Don Koenig starts World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog
- Elite terrified Trump's nationalism will trump globalism
- Great Reset with persecution of Christians or first another world war?
- My Journey into "The Unseen Realm" and beyond
- Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
- Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel's 70th week
- Americans are starting to wonder how plum crazy took over
- Living with the consequences of our decisions.
- Latest information on the health of Don Koenig
- The 2020's will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
- Commonsense reasons why Jesus returns before 2040
- The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
- Trump won but leftist traitors frauds and liars corrupt everything
- Don Koenig's 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update
- Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God's offspring don't go there
- Economic collapse and world war may occur alongside coronavirus pandemic
- The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: Large collection of Gnostic lies lore and myth
- 2020 election could set in motion devastating consequence for America
- Nations struggle as elitist Great Reset plan pushes global governance
- Pseudo Christianity now rules post Christian America
- living one day at a time even when Imminent dangers appear
- MbS Saudi prince king could have prophetic implications
- Will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end with the war of Ezekiel 38 & 39?
- Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation
- Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated
- Second coming in 2030's - Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
- People can expect significant changes by 2030
- Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020
- Huge changes coming no matter who wins 2020 presidential election.
- Maybe it is time for Q Anon and Trump reality check?
Tag Archives: Progressive insanity
Trump will not end progressive agenda or drain the swamp.
The election of Donald Trump was a godsend to the Church because it may hinder further actions against Christians for four more years. Even so, I do not expect the Trump administration to hinder the progressive slide toward globalism, socialism, debauchery and violence. I also do not expect Trump to drain the swamp.
President Trump will find out very soon that saying you are going to do something and getting it done are two different things.
The Democratic Party is not going to go along with Trump’s agenda and those Republicans that hate Trump are not likely to go along with Trump’s agenda either.… continue reading
The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
The worldwide debt reset could be pushed off for another decade or so using smoke, mirrors, bailouts and bail-ins, but sooner or later it will occur. The debts of nations are at the point where only the interest on national debts are being paid. The principle on national debts is no longer repayable. It will never be paid.
By a debt reset, I mean that national debts will not be paid. Nations will agree to start over under a new monetary system.
The reality that we are living in is that most nations are so indebted that they cannot raise enough tax revenue to even pay their bills.… continue reading
When Progressive federal government persecutes Christians
We have a presidential election next month so Christians need to be ready for the worse case scenario. If Hillary is elected, she certainly will continue the Progressive agenda. That agenda is antichrist. Progressives will seek to persecute true Christians who oppose their Godless programs.
Progressives like Obama and Hillary give lip service to God but everything they say and the programs that they support prove that they are antichrist. They do not know God but they do know and promote godless global socialism.
Read the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Compare it to where Progressives have already taken America. They will continue to take America down that path if they are allowed to stay in power.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, Politics
Tagged Marxism, Presidential candidates, Progressive insanity
Antichrist neo-fascist oligarchy necessitates Internet censorship
Nobody should be surprised if websites like mine suddenly disappear from the Internet within a few years. The antichrist neo-fascist oligarchy who run most of the world wants Internet censorship of all opposition.
Most of the media is already under oligarchy control or there are plans in the works to silence them. Other than what is streamed or printed on the Internet only talk radio still has some degree of free speech. However, the neo-fascist control freak oligarchy also plans to regulate the Radio waves. They want nationalists, libertarians, conservatives, Christians and critical thinkers silenced.
Internet censorship is now rapidly increasing.… continue reading
Democratic Party enslaves Republican Party frees those enslaved
I get a little tired of hearing the revisionist history coming from the Far Left controlled media in America. Republicans are not racists and Republicans never owned slaves. It was the Southern plantation owners that enslaved black people; most of these owners were Wiggs, No Nothings (no kidding) or Democrats. After the civil war it was the Democratic Party that enslaved blacks under segregation laws for nearly 100 years.
The polices of the Democratic Party enslaves black and white people under tyrannical dictates of the federal government today. On the other hand, the Republican Party from its very founding has always striven to free all enslaved people.… continue reading
Satan’s Progressive Control Freaks Create Babylon 2.0
Satan’s Progressive Control Freaks will soon create Babylon 2.0 on earth. After that will come God’s Judgment. Progressives think that if they have total control they will create heaven on earth or paradise lost. They literally will create hell on earth instead. To understand where Satan’s progressives want to take mankind we have to go back to Genesis.
Scripture translations say that God said, let “us” make man (Adam) in our own image. That is true. Nevertheless, a careful parsing of the scriptures suggests that the most high God (YHWH) was talking to the Elohim (plural). They already were sons of God of the unseen realm.… continue reading
Posted in Satan's Agenda
Tagged depravity, Progressive insanity, salvation, world government
Escape Beast World Order in Ozarks
If you believe that the pretribulation Rapture will take you out of here before the great trial takes place on earth (Rev 3:10), because you know you are in the body of Christ, then you already should know that you will not need to escape the Beast world order in the Ozarks.
However, if you are one of those that believe that the Rapture is a fairy tale and Christians will go through the tribulation like everyone else, you might want to try to escape some of what the Beast world order has to offer you in the Ozarks.
This also applies to non believers because the great trial on earth is designed to get people to change their mind and believe in the God of the Bible.… continue reading
First the Rapture or the demise of America?
Those expecting anyone to make America great again simply have no concept of the prophetic years that we live in. First the Rapture before 2030, after that, the end time prophetic events take place over at least 7 years. 10.5 years is my best guess but it could be more or less. Therefore, there simply is not enough time left to make America great again even if the people of America were to suddenly change directions and seek God and obey Him.
Nevertheless, look around….Most Americans are not accepting the true gospel and are not repenting of their sins.
Good is quite often said to be evil in America and evil is now quite often said to be good.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism
Tagged nationalism, Progressive insanity, prophecy, world government
American depraved lacks motivation
First let me say that my relocation is still taking most of my time. I and the dogs are now physically located at my new place on the river (nice) but I don’t have the old place ready to sell yet. I had to fire my handyman because it turned out that he was not handy at all. I had to fix everything that he fixed. I have two bad shoulders a bad elbow and a bad wrist so if I have to do physical labor I pay for it in pain. He was not getting the wood striping and staining done on the house siding so I had to let him go.… continue reading
Postmodern Post Bible Postmillennial Christian Pagans of Christendum
Postmodern, post Bible, postmillennial and especially “Christian Pagans”, sounds like a contradiction in terms. However, that happens to be the reality in Christendum today.
Most people today who identify as Christians are postmodern in their thinking. They think truth is relative. They do not read the Bible. And many of the few percent that do read the Bible redefine it to conform to their Kingdom-Now Utopianism. They are much like the postmodern progressives that want the US Constitution to be a living document so that they can change the meaning with the politically correct wind.
They are postmillennial in Theology. They want to believe the Kingdom is on earth now and the world will have no tribulation.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum
Tagged Dominion Theology, NAR, Progressive insanity, word of faith
Nationalism is rising because globalist ideologies and Islam fail
Nationalism is rising over much of the world once again. Rising nationalism often precedes war. The rise of nationalist leaders like Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen are happening because elite internationalists have failed to bring about conditions that their bought and paid for politicians peddled to the citizens.
Elite globalists never want to let their idealistic dreams die, but like usual, world reality and nations will set the future course of world events not globalist ideology.
Most elitists are not as sinister as some like to think. Most just believe that globalism is inevitable and the sooner it takes place the better it will be for all.… continue reading
Progressive insanity is human depravity displayed
Human depravity is displayed in the progressive insanity of the human race. The historical record of mankind shows this continued progression of insanity. It is rather ironic that many of the insane godless depraved people of the world today like to identify themselves as “Progressives”.
Before the flood, the Bible tells us that human depravity was so bad that God started the human race over again with just eight people. World history since the flood shows the progressive human depravity displayed in the countless wars over the centuries.
In latter days, the wars have progressed to world wars and these world wars will progress to the point where they threaten the existence of the entire human race.… continue reading