50 most downloaded posts
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- Tribulation begins in 2020's and ends with second coming in 2030's
- President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?
- Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD
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- Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
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- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
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- Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
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- Israel's 70th anniversary will result in something prophetically significant
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- My Journey into "The Unseen Realm" and beyond
- Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
- Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel's 70th week
- Americans are starting to wonder how plum crazy took over
- Living with the consequences of our decisions.
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- The 2020's will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
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- The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
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- Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God's offspring don't go there
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- People can expect significant changes by 2030
- Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020
- Huge changes coming no matter who wins 2020 presidential election.
- Maybe it is time for Q Anon and Trump reality check?
Tag Archives: Hillary
Trucking through unchartered territory until the four horsemen ride
I believe the four horsemen of the apocalypse begin their ride before this decade is over. If I am correct, it should not be surprising that the days leading up to those catastrophic Revelation events would not see business as usual on the earth. As you already know, all of a sudden the foundations of the world order are being shaken because of the Wuhan corona virus outbreak. The world seems on the brink of unraveling whether the actual health impact of the coronavirus turns out to be over-hyped or not.
What a difference a few weeks make. The Dow Jones was pushing 30000 a few weeks ago and now it is down around 22000.… continue reading
Posted in Eve of destruction, Politics, World Perspectives
Tagged China, Hillary, Iran, Presidential candidates, prophecy, trump
Black swans could poop on Trump’s 2020 election expectations
Black swans are unforeseen happenings that come out of nowhere and change the course of events in the world. I think one or more black swans could change the course of the 2020 national election. As things stand now, President Trump would be reelected and the Republicans would gain control of both houses of Congress, but one or more black swans could poop on Republican expectations.
Republicans should not become overconfident because this nation continues on a leftward march. Before the 2018 midterm elections the conservative talking heads were saying the Republicans would retain the House. The Republicans lost and elections have consequences.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, Politics, World Perspectives
Tagged China, Hillary, Iran, North Korea, Obama, Presidential candidates, trump
Impeachment of Trump strategy also enables Hillary rerun
Over a year ago I wrote an article partly titled Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020. As impossible as her running for President again seemed at the time, I wondered if it could somehow happen. The article also talked about a wicked spirit named Hilarion that could be driving Hillary Clinton. I now am getting the impression that the impeachment of Trump strategy is being orchestrated by wickedness in high places so that a Hillary rerun becomes a distinct possibility.
Whether the plan is successful or not, may not yet be determined. God once again may tell his angels to block Hillary’s way to the White House.… continue reading
Putting together the Ezekiel 38 39 coalition that invades Israel
It looks like the Ezekiel 38 39 coalition of nations that comes against Israel in these latter days is now being formed. For various reasons I do not believe Gog will pull off this invasion of Israel for a number of years yet. Nevertheless, if this invasion is going to happen within the next decade like many students of Bible prophecy believe, the alignment we see forming has to occur.
Russia is presently gearing up for what Putin believes is inevitable war with the West. Putin has aligned himself with the Russian Orthodox Church and thinks of himself as a Christian Savior figure that stands against the Western antichrists.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, World Perspectives
Tagged China, EMP, Hillary, Iran, Islam, prophecy, Russia, world war
Pagan barbarian people of the lie are at the Western gates
Satan is the prince of this world system and this age. Therefore, it should not surprise Christians that as we approach the end of this Satanic age he would lead his people to war against those who believe in Jesus Christ. Satan’s people are people of the lie. The people of the lie worship moon gods and other Satanic substitutes for the one true God. They are those given over to a reprobate mind. They display their hate of the true God in their attacks on whatever is truly of God.
In Western society anything built on the Bible is now being torn down.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, World Perspectives
Tagged Hillary, Progressive insanity, Teaching, trump, world government
Ding dong! The witch is not dead! Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020?
A couple of weeks ago I read Tom Horn’s Saboteurs Part 10. It mentions an evil spirit named Hilarion and the possibility that Hillary Clinton fulfills that prognostication about Hilarion. Although interesting and thought-provoking, I thought Tom Horn’s speculations were somewhat far-fetched like usual. Even so, the article got me thinking about the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for President again.
Hillary is a demonic being that seems to have nine lives, so I was thinking about writing an article about the possibility that Hillary might ascend on the political stage once again. I did not think anyone in the mainstream was even considering another Hillary run for the presidency, so I was in no hurry to write the article.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Politics
Tagged depravity, Hillary, Progressive insanity, Rapture, trump
Memo on FISC abuse by DOJ and FBI is just the beginning
It is important to keep in mind that the release of the memo is only the beginning of the disclosure of illegal government activities. This memo only deals with the way a few Trump hating bureaucrats in the DOJ and the FBI deceived Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges to allow spying on Donald Trump and associates.
This memo is very important because of what it implies. The DOJ, FBI, DNC and the Clinton campaign were conspiring to deceive the court so they could get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign to try to keep him from being elected. Then after he was elected, top government officials conspired to try to keep President elect Trump from taking office and later to remove him from office.… continue reading
Posted in Depravity, Politics
Tagged Hillary, national security, Obama, Progressive insanity, trump
2018 perspectives – Another unpredictable year
I will make only one prediction for 2018 and that is that most predictions about 2018 will turn out to be wrong. There are too many variables to forecast the future with any accuracy. Even trend forecasting has a record no better than long-range weather forecasting.
In 2018 there are things that we do need to keep an eye on. The agenda to globalize will continue. The globalists are luciferians. They have a global agenda and they have the power of the devil behind them. They can only be hindered where God’s people resist.
An information war is raging for control of America.… continue reading
Posted in World Perspectives
Tagged China, climate change, Hillary, Progressive insanity, prophecy, Russia
Collectivist traitors and snowflakes attacking the foundations of America
The foundations of America are under attack by socialist collectivists that have taken over much of academia, media, and government. They intend to destroy America because they hate God, nationalism, liberty and individualism. The socialists want a world where everyone on earth is micro managed by “more evolved” Obama and Oprah queens controlling the collective. All of what you see taking place in the cultural war is the means to achieve the Marxist end.
Godless Marxists calling themselves “progressives” now control the political left in America. The political right in America believe that individuals have inalienable rights given by God. Those rights are outlined in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.… continue reading
Posted in Americanism, Depravity
Tagged depravity, Hillary, Marxism, Obama, Progressive insanity, trump
Hillary’s crimes don’t matter to Romans One people and the indoctrinated
Reality in America can be much scarier than any haunting experiences on Halloween. The possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming President of The United States of America is more scary than fiction.
Bill and Hillary Clinton should be in jail. Hillary’s crimes include willful mishandling of classified information, obstruction of justice, perjury, bribery, money laundering, pay-for-play, racketeering, and possibly treason, sex crimes, and murder. Such crimes would get her executed in about any other non Western country in the world. However, in The United States, Hillary might instead be elected President.
Apparently Hillary’s crimes do not matter to almost half the people in America.… continue reading
Posted in Depravity, Politics
Tagged Hillary, national security, Obama, Presidential candidates, trump