The satanic Biden regime took over in Washington last week. I say it’s satanic, because much of what they stand for opposes biblical revelation. I also say it’s a regime and not an administration, because I believe even those who thought Biden won legitimately will find out over time that Biden did not lawfully win the 2020 election. The election process in America was rigged by the leftist globalist Oligarchy. It also is evident to me that regime is a more suitable name for rule under the head of a criminal family and a Chi-Com puppet globalist.
In spite of what you are told, you no longer live in a democratic republic. We now live under an oligarchy. That has actually been the case for several decades. However, under Obama and Biden it has become a globalist oligarchy having much more of a fascist nature. There is a globalist antichrist Mao loving fascist oligarchy behind Biden being put in power. It’s hard to believe the evil that this puppet president has already done in just one week using his fascist executive orders.
I think everyone should read this brilliant article written by Angelo Codevilla. It is a very long article, but the paper needs to be lengthy to properly bring clarity to the pertinent issues. The thesis tells us how we got here, it puts Trump and Covid-19 in proper perspective, and it also says where all this will lead. I strongly encourage everyone to read this paper because it is the best that I have read on what is really happening in America.
Trump represented the right things. He was a true American patriot and a true supporter of the Christian culture. He got many things done in spite of all the opposition against him. However, on the issues of draining the swamp and bringing justice to the lawless deep state leftist traitors conspiring against our Republic, Trump never took the hard actions needed. Nobody went to jail, the media continued with their subversive lying narrative, and most of the unlawful activity was allowed to be covered up.
As a result, we now live under the radical leftist regime that Trump promised would never happen in America. Trump’s major flaw was his judgment of people. He put people in power in Washington that rose to power through the Washington establishment. He expected the establishment to investigate the entrenched establishment. Then when the Washington establishment conspired against him and covered up the truth, Trump would not step up to the plate to use his executive powers to fire them or to shut down the subversive lying media mouthpieces under control of leftist Oligarchs.
It seems that Trump was too afraid of being impeached or of media labeling him crazy. He tried to place it safe. For that timidity in office, he got labeled a Nazi and crazy anyway, and he got impeached twice by the House. Trump should have been more of the authoritarian that the left accused him of being. Instead, he allowed himself to become their patsy. If he had taken the action necessary to bring the deep state criminals to justice, he could have been put on Mount Rushmore, but now the establishment will not even allow his face to appear on Trump Tower.
For such reasons, I do not think Trump would be the right choice for 2024. Trump running again would be a fools quest that would be certain to end in defeat. Any future defeat of Trump could mark the end of the resistance by the freedom movement. Even if Trump won in 2024, the Oligarch controlled establishment would just find a way to not let him return to power, or they would find another way to remove him.
Trump must continue to lead the resistance to the puppet Biden regime. However, before the 2024 election he should get behind someone with the proven backbone to do more than just talk. That means getting behind a real patriot who like Patrick Henry is willing to be imprisoned or even die for the cause of restoration of true constitutional government. It is obvious, that unless the criminals, liars and traitors in Washington and the other large blue cities are brought to justice, “we the people” will remain subjects of the leftist Oligarchy that controls these centers of power.
I am not convinced that the freedom and liberty movement could win elections under a new party. Trump also now seems to realize it. The Democratic Party would remain the majority party while those now voting with the Republicans would split into two camps. That means certain defeat at the polls, because in the primaries neither the Republicans nor the new party would be able to draw sufficient percentages to defeat the Democrat contender. Splitting the resistance would result in a super-majority for the Democrats in almost all state and national offices. They then would pass the most radical insane agendas that communist reprobates like AOC can possibly think up.
I think it would take a minimum of 8 years for a new party to even become the dominant force in place of the Republicans. That would mean at least 8 years when Democrats have totally control of our nation. There would be nothing in America worthwhile left to resurrect after 8+ years under complete control of the Democrats. Having said that, under a complicit Republican Party a new party might become necessary at some point just to represent the resistance to the established Oligarchy. Even so, nobody should be under the delusion that the Oligarchy will ever again willfully allow free elections.
I also have strong doubts that the liberty movement could primary enough of the problem people in the Republican Party to get the Republican Party in line. We have been trying to do that for decades. The Tea Party movement tried to do that and failed. We can get some RINO’s replaced, but certain Republican districts will keep electing people without true conservative and libertarian values. The election system in our nation is now rigged to favor incumbents, and those in power easily become corrupted by power and money. The system enables incumbents to raise much more money for their campaigns than do challengers. After all these years since the Tea Party movement, the liberty movement within the Republican Party has failed to even get Republican leadership changed in the House and Senate. The Republican Party keeps getting trounced by the left because either they are complicit with the leftist Oligarchy or they are cowed by it.
Therefore, I do not think Republicans will ever again control the Senate or the Presidency. At least not before a great awaking or a revolution in America. We may win back the House in 2022, but even that grows more doubtful each day while leftist media controls the narrative and leftist government changes the rules to favor the Democratic Party. Illegals will soon be made legal, and big cities will continue to control the election results. As I speak there is a bill in Congress that will make all future rigging and fraud inevitable. It is called, For The People Act of 2021 (HR 1). There also is a bill to make Washington D.C. a state. If it passes the Senate, that means two more Democrat senators. If they get that, Democrat controlled U.S. territories probably would be next on their list. How then do Republicans ever again control the Senate?
So folks, we have a conundrum. We can start a new party and accelerate the disintegration of our nation, or we can keep doing the same things over-and-over with the Republican Party expecting different results. Lawsuits and state or local nullification of unconstitutional actions by Federal government might be the only option remaining before total leftist authoritarian tyranny or a civil war.
It could be that the leftist takeover will rectify itself in short order, because reprobates by nature act so irrationally bringing judgment on their own head. Under the Biden or Harris regime, the nation could self-destruct and get so bad that a civil war become likely. When that happens, someone will get the upper hand and put in place a military dictatorship for a time until constitutional government can be restored. It has happened many times elsewhere. There also very well could be a foreign war or economic collapse under the blundering democrats that changes the whole ball game.
Even President Obama once said, “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up”. And Harris is an antichrist twit and buffoon. She slept her way into power, lies like a rug, and changes her positions with the wind. The Peter Principal applies to both Biden and Harris (“people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their level of incompetence”). With Biden now being only half the half-wit that he once was, Obama’s words may prove to be prophetic.
It’s all downhill for America from here for as long as the Biden regime remains in power. In their first day in office there were riots in Portland and in Seattle carried out by the Antifa. Remember Biden in his campaign said, “Antifa was not real, it was only an idea”. Seems he will have to change his tune as he finds out the Frankenstein monster that he helped enable is not fully under his control.
Things are going to turn radically worse very soon. The very rich are getting much richer, and what was once the middle-class is increasingly becoming dependents of government as are the poor. Tens of thousands of small businesses are going under. Unemployment will be rising again, Biden is shutting down some of the little economic sanity that remains. We really do not have much of a free-enterprise system anymore. Much of our economic system and even the stock market is under the control of the Oligarchy. And our government thinks it can borrow or print unlimited money to keep things going, as if there will be no future consequences. They are in for a rude awaking, as are all Americans when the cash cow’s milk turns sour, and the gravy train derails. The dollar is already down over ten percent, and it continues falling like a rock. That means things we import are about to become more expensive. The buying power of the dollar could easily fall another 25 percent by this fall.
At least many of the false prophets claiming to speak for God have been exposed as the liars that they are in all this. I have news for all the false prophets who make up things in their own head and then say “God told me”. Trump did not remain in office! These false prophets seek to gain status or money off of their lies, So they will just spin the facts and go on with their self-delusions or their cons. They know there are plenty of itching ears among Christians, who love to believe what they want to hear, as if God is telling them such silliness. Shame on all the false prophets and their enablers!
These presumptuous people expected God to take care of the leftist takeover threat for them, so they did little themselves to promote a Godly government. Many of these think humbling themselves with fasting and prayer is bowing their head over a late breakfast. They then presume that because they can quote 2 Ch 7:14, that God will heal our land. Such is the state of Laodicean Christianity in America!
Qannon followers also should now see that they allowed themselves to be misled by a deep state Psy-Op put in place to pacify them. They were misled to believe that Trump had it all under control and he would soon be rounding up all the criminals and traitors. They were told want they wanted to hear, and they believe it. This psychological operation was very effective in pacifying millions on the right so they would demand no further action be taken against the subversive left.
Our constitutional republic has fallen and has become a globalist controlled oligarchy, and it remains to be seen if we can ever get our republic back. All earthly governments fail at some point because humans are fatally flawed. The book of Revelation even tells us that after a perfect administration led by Jesus for a thousand years, people will revolt against the Lord’s Kingdom because they will want to throw off those ruling over them (Rev 20 7-9).
Those wanting a godless nation will soon find out that there are consequences for choosing to make America such a place. Those of us who opposed the take over by the satanic globalist Biden regime, need to keep alert for any future realistic alternatives. Nevertheless, I do not think any changes to the antichrist globalist fascist agenda could come about peacefully anymore.
That was a very well written article you linked to. Possibly one of the best insights I’ve seen on our current predicament.
It really all comes down to time like you mentioned. Yes, we can start a movement. Build our own institutions. However eight years of the tyrants consolidating power
Would leave us with nothing. I think they know this. That’s why Biden us signing executive orders left and right.
The plan of the left is to label all those who oppose them as terrorists. This way they are justified shutting down alternative media, businesses, etc. They will say any conservative owned platform is actively aiding and abetting domestic terrorist separatists. I don’t know how to defend against that.
With all that said, I still think the best short term solution is to have millions of patriots move out of blue states and fortify in red ones. Elect tough leaders who will mobilize the NG if Washington attempts to force them into compliance.
Great article. I think we will need someone like Michael Flynn to lead us. I doubt he’d ever get the backing of the GOP, but I think he would be our only hope. I’m with you in that I don’t believe forming a third party will lead to success either. There needs to be a revolution within the Republican party.
Ultimately, secession and/or war is the only viable option left in my opinion. Or perhaps as you said, states (a confederation perhaps) nullifying any unconstitutional edict passed by the federal government.
Hi Steve,
I do not know about Lt Gen Michael Flynn leading the freedom movement. He plead guilty when the heat was applied to him. If Trump did not pardon him, he probably would be doing time by now.
I do not think the right leader for the liberty movement is evident yet. He or she may step up when the Biden regime tyrannically starts going after Trump supporters, conservatives and true Christians.
I am in agreement fully with your article, God’s Word says that His people perish for lack of knowledge. The Laodecian church has allowed their bellies to become their God’s and have forsaken the Great Commision for the mammon the world readily offers. True followers of Jesus Christ must allow nothing to dissuade us from sharing the Gospel. Christianity cannot change the world or what God has promised he will do as future events unfold. However, it can change the individual hearts of men. The Gospel is empowered by the Holy Spirit and is a force few realize is at their disposal. We, as true Believers must be involved in the Truth of who Christ was and is. We must come out of the influence of the world and it’s distractions and deception. The Beast is coming and the Horsemen are obviously in the saddle, ready to begin their ride, if it had not already begun. Thank you for your candor and for your stance for the glory of the Kingdom. Your brother in Christ.
I myself like a young man named Dan Crenshaw, a Texas republican House representative. And a few others.Great article and much to think about as we contemplate the future of our great nation. Covid seemed to be the perfect storm against Trump, as he was headed for re-election. (And still won) Biden wants us to fund abortions here and overseas, as today there is a march for life in Washington, DC. The list of wicked idiotic things on his agenda continues to grow. Soon I believe Biden is going to work on changing the Supreme court.
At first I was thinking there would be a civil war in the States at some point. I don’t think so anymore. You are a people who can’t get yourselves out of Facebook and Twitter, let alone start a war against the regime. They will just take your guns away at some point in 2022-2023 and you will be complaining on the internet about it… not on the internet actually, you won’t have access to it. Maybe you will be complaining to your undercover spy neighbors. There will sure be some kind of revolt, organized by the left by the way, Biden will tell the UN he can’t control the rioting mob, so he will ask for some foreign military aid. And this will be it. The world will be ready for its Antichrist.
Hi Toby,
Any future leader of the freedom movement is going to have to have much than a local following. It will have to be someone with the guts of a Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan and the stature and intelligence of a Mike Pompeo. At this point I like Josh Hawley as he is a Senator from my state.
Spoken like a true Mexican.
If you really think they can just come and take everyone’s guns away you really do not know rural America. Multiply the Bundy Ranch reaction against the federal agents by at least a thousand. Whatever this would bring would still look like a civil war even if most rural Americans decide to just comply. The Three Percenters are called by that name for a reason. They think just three percent of the population could win a revolt. There certainly are way over three percent that would oppose what they perceive as government tyranny. The Oath Keepers are over 35,000 alone, and believe me there are a lot of other oath keepers in America that have not joined that organization.
You’re all going to love this. Trump does peace deals, but BLM gets nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
I can’t even anymore. Welcome to the Oligarchy.
Black is white and evil is good.
Don, I had commented to my wife that if Trump got another 4 years, that the rapture would be that much further off. If Biden won… It means we are really getting closer. So, even though this is horrendous and our country is doomed. We can look up and lift up our heads as the time of His calling us away is on the doorstep! God bless you sir!
I have never used Facebook or Twitter. And they may first stop the selling of firearms, starting with the ARs, etc, but there is no way they will confiscate guns without a war. Let the liberals come knocking on our doors.
I hope you are right, Don. In a world where almost no real men exist already, I hope you can revolt against the communist left. This would empower all real men in the world. And will give Biden real reasons to invite UN foreign military aid. I really hope you are right though.
Yes Don your Senator seems to be a good one.
Above Jim stated “I still think the best short term solution is to have millions of patriots move out of blue states and fortify in red ones” reminded me of what the great Theologian Jase Robertson from Duck Dynasty stated on their podcast “Unashamed”. He stated that if we could get all the Patriots/Christians/Republicans to move from California and New York into the swing states, the demoncratic party would never win another national election. That will never happen for the same reason this nation is failing now, we all refuse to move from within our comfort zone (which I am guilty) and the only event that will pull us out of it is the Rapture! I do believe God is sifting the body/church to clear the fence of luke warm Christians and false prophets who as you said Don have been exposed and hopefully financially cut off enough to suffer greatly since we can no longer stone them! Exciting and encouraging days we live in as long as you realize this is not our home. Even though we pray for these earth bound heathen, it is hard not to look forward and see what their power and arrogant policy’s will do to this world and to their very souls without repentance!
I agree it won’t happen as fast as it needs to but TX, TN, and FL are leading the nation in immigration from blue states already. If things turn south you can bet that you will see this happening on a much larger scale.
I think like Don mentioned already that the Biden admin will start to implode from incompetence (by design or not). At the end of the day what this election showed us is that it’s the elite vs the rest of us little people. Look at the Game stop story in the news for example.
The question is will the damage they do if/before people wake up be too much to repair.
Im not sure if we can fix it but we needed the truth exposed about Washington like happened like never before in this election to make it possible. Its an opportunity if the Lord tarries and time remains to use it.
Do you think that America is so far gone that we are under the Jeremiah principle?
Hi Adriana,
God was speaking to Jeremiah about the nations around Israel that were of his time.
Finished the article you linked to this morning. Definitely a good layout and a good analysis of what is different about the socialist experiment in this country vs others before. I appreciate you taking the time to delve into these issues, they are certainly relevent, useful, and applicable to sharing the good news ex the creation of new media platforms. Since you seem to have written an article or two about end times events it seems only fair if you choose on your owm platform to write some about current events.
Facebook, twitterati, etc only show a portion of our national populace. Nobody has ever tried to disarm a nation as heavily armed as ours. Civilians have .50 cal weapons, billions of rounds of ammo, millions of rifles, etc. No modern army has successfully defeated a well armed insurgency on a large scale. Ex Vietnam war, Russia in Afghanistan, U.S. in Afghanista, u.s. in iraq part 2, and so on. Half or more of the boots on the ground people needed for a successful military intervention or control set up are conservative. Don referred to it being a battle the left cant win in his last article if the current situation is pushed to civil war. The leftist areas are totally dependent on the conservative areas for all basic needs, and the supply lines could easily be cut.
The left is very clever, albeit deluded. Their only path to a total successful take over in the next four years relies on how fast they can cram through their agenda.
Can they make DC a state?
Can They legalize all the illegals?
Can they take the SCOTUS?
Can they stop patriot resistance?
Will They steal the vote again?
Can They purge the military?
Maybe maybe not. We all know their game plan now. Take over the country “legally” by the methods above. Start an oppressive radical agenda. Label resistors domestic separatist terrorists and use that excuse to shut down our alternative platforms/parties/companies. Arrest anyone who persists.
They may not physically come for our guns, but if you purchase ammunition or anything else gun related, they will tax you into oblivion.
Damn Don, say what you really mean! This might be your best article yet. One thing that me that hasnt before is, as Dr. Fakee states there are going to be mutations of the virus(duh!), wouldnt that render this miraculous vaccine completely ineffective? Also, with the admonition of The Georgia Guidestone, Prince Charles and others to limit the total population of Earth to no more than 500,000,000, could this virus be a means of culling the herd, so to speak? I wouldnt put anything past these bastards.
Yes sadly I think Joe and the demoncrats are waiting, hoping for another gun violent tragedy to say thats it, take the guns. Wasn’t Beto suppose to be his gun man?
Yeah Toby, they now have a gun bill (HR 127) in the House, it requires everyone to register all firearms and also requires a mental check for anyone owning them. To get it passed they may be planning a false flag. If they try to enforce something like this bill the civil war can be closer then people think.
Hi Michael,
I think we are now nearing population peak, but I do not think the earth will see any significant decline in population until the four horsemen ride. These elitists will get the populations reductions that they want, but they will be among those who will be cut off from the earth.
I see the DOJ indicted a “Twitter troll” for posting misleading info during the 2016 election. It was a joke that anyone above room temp IQ would of understood. Did I mention it was FIVE years ago? This is the beginning of the persecution. It’s going to get much worse.
Im waiting for them to start attacking the churches cause you know it’s coming. I think at some point they will attempt to shut down those that refuse LGBTQ staff and whom stand against this babylonian global system being put in place. Cancel culture is being turned into an oppressive defacto social credit system.
Jim I saw that, but unfortunately I dont think it was a joke. I do think it is bad that after 5 years they are going after the fellow. Allegedly the fellow spent a lot of time online putting intent about his pictures into writing and it looks like he acted on it. I would not want to go to court trying to defend making fake campaign posters complete with information claiming they came from the campaign as well as a large amount of writing about my intent for the posters, that will be very difficult to defend. If someone tried that to get money they would go straight to jail. Doing the same thing directed towards low information voters is asking for trouble. Looks like he fooled about 5000 people.
I agree about the lgbqt stuff, i expext to see churches targeted.
Mr. Koenig,
This my opinion of your opinion piece.
You mentioned that Donald Trump did not empty the swamp and failed in that regard “… on the issues of draining the swamp and bringing justice to the lawless deep state leftist traitors conspiring against our Republic, Trump never took the hard actions needed.”
In my heart, I feel he at least tried to do what was right and tried to drain the swamp, but he was far over his head in that regard and everything he did was for naught. Quite frankly, I believe the swamp was too big!
I thought it was a noble gesture on Trump’s part to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He made us energy independent, and took on NAFTA and the Chinese in bad trade deals. He was a good president who put America first. Most of America loved Trump!
For most people on the right, this statement is an obvious truth: “It also is evident to me that regime is a more suitable name for rule under the head of a criminal family and a Chi-Com puppet globalist.”
I don’t believe our leaders anymore, our leaders are puppets for the globalists. Trump was iconoclastic and revolted against their system, but was put back in his place as soon at the globalist could do that (after an election riddled with fraud fueled by the Chinese pandemic). Trump even said the election was rigged and there would be widespread corruption on the part of the left using illegal ballots, but the courts reply was something like this: “unless a crime has been committed, we can do nothing.”
After the election was over and widespread corruption was observed, the courts said that it was up to state legislatures to decide who voted and the voting rules in “their” states. The State of Texas and others protested saying that the leaders in the rogue states were breaking their own laws (by counting illegal ballots), but the courts punted the issue back to the good states and did not listen to those allegations of crime because they were “states'” issues. Guess what…I guess crime does pay!
Texas brought up the issue that since places like Pennsylvania broke their own voting laws concerning legal/illegal ballots, it basically disenfranchised Texas in a national election. I agree with Texas, but the courts did not agree and didn’t even listen to the case. We were damned if we did, and damned if we didn’t!
The last time I saw Trump on television, he looked under duress to me. He did not speak with confidence anymore. In other words, the globalists won. I frankly don’t believe there will be another fair election, and we lost our nation. What does the Declaration of Independence say about a government that no longer works for the people? I will leave my comments there at that point, but the devil is in charge of the government (in my opinion.)
Biden is putting D.C. up for statehood, and I would imagine Puerto Rico is to follow. Next…stacking the courts: Trump predicted all of this!
(The above comments are my own and in no wise trying to deceive anyone; however, any mistakes are my own).
I see it very much the way Allen does.
Chang Chi Shek had a large Nationalist army and still lost. Communists use moles very effectively. Communists are satanic, diabolical, cruel and without conscience. They’ve been in our Government for decades. McCarthy knew it and couldn’t get them out but “McCarthyism” is still a word of contempt.
Now that President Trump is out of office the roaches come crawling out of the woodwork. Those who pretended to support him, the Republicans we elected to represent us and Trump’s policies. Were they liars or just cowards? Include the appointed in that batch.
Good comment Allen I agree. I suppose we can pray the Biden administration will implode, as the reprobates and far left fight against the not so far left, (if there is any of those in the democrat party anymore). However it seems the republican party is possible to implode also. However I agree it is an Oligarchy we are up against.
Rep Greene removed from her committees by a majority vote in the house. I don’t know how we can avoid civil war anymore. This is unacceptable. We have zero representation on the federal level. I don’t know what to do at this point. Nobody seems to be organizing.
I see Denmark rolling out covid passports. How long until that is made mandatory here hmmm? Of course they could care less about Covid it’s really just to get people used to a forced social credit scoring. Just like mail in voting is likely permanent now.
I have to adjust my opinion slightly. I’m listening to the book “Mao, The Unknown Story.” The parallels to the take over of China and what is happening in America now are too great to ignore.
I can see Trump in Chang’s role. He was a poor judge of people. He trusted who he liked even when they were betraying him. At times Chang didn’t act when he should have. At one point Chang’s Nationalists were about to defeat Mao and the Red Army but President Truman stepped in with harsh words for Chang if he went into Manchuria so Chang called a four month cease fire. Stalin used those four months to bankroll the Red Army and build it up. The end wasn’t yet but it’s a decades long horror story.
Russia, America, Japan and Germany all played a part in Mao’s becoming the supreme ruler of China.
Most of us weren’t born yet but it’s coming back to bite us. History repeats itself.
I see America is an Oligarchy. The system of rule by the few who own the banks, corporations, media and technology.
EU moving ahead with digital Covid passports by summer. I can’t believe the stupidity of the general public. I feel like most people wouldn’t even care if they lived in a techno-fascist surveillance state. Obviously this isn’t going to ever go away once implemented.
My question (big worry) is what is going to happen to those (of us) who decline to be “vaccinated.” I think a doctor’s clearance/exemption or Religious right reason would be claimed but what will the Left do with us? Unsettling thought.