The year 2030 is when the UN plans to have global governance in place and the way things are going in the world there is little reason to believe they will not accomplish their objective. Even so, things like world wars or the Rapture could change timelines but let’s suppose mankind continues on its present course. How will life on earth change by 2030?
The 2020’s will bring many high-tech revolutions. Computers will be 100 times faster than they are today and people will have unlimited data storage access. Internet access will become a human right. Everyone in the world will have gigabyte Internet service by 2030.
There are plans to put tens of thousands of satellites in low orbit in the 2020’s to provide gigabit Internet service to all on earth. SpaceX alone plans to put up over 10,000 satellites by the mid 2020’s and there are several other competitors also planning to put up thousands of satellites. When these space communications systems are up and running the Revelation 13 prophecy becomes possible by man’s doing for the first time in the history of the world. The prophecy says nobody in the world would be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast or the number of his name. That will not be possible until all people on earth are connected to a digital world-wide system and do all their transactions using it.
I do not think people will be typing or texting anymore by 2030. Typing skills will become as outdated as Morse Code. People will just talk to their communications device that will be worn somewhere on their body. It will communicate with all local electronic devices and the World Wide Web.
By 2030 robotics will be everywhere. Much of the manufacturing in the world will be done with 3D printers. 3D printers will even become a common appliance in the home. If you need something made you will ask your communications device to find an algorithm to build it. There may be a small fee for the algorithm but many will be opened sourced and free. Manufactures will have industrial sized 3D printers that can build things as large as cars and prefabricated houses. 3D printing will significantly reduce the costs of manufacturing.
There likely will be a global transmission tax to pay for world government. To achieve this they could require all people on earth to get assigned a number to make Internet transmissions. That leads to people not being able to buy or sell anything on the Internet without their assigned number.
India with more than one sixth of the world’s population has already assigned everyone a number linked to their own biometric identification. China with a fifth of the population also is in the process of identifying and tracking all of its people. Each person in China is being given a social credit score and if their score is low they will start reaping negative consequences as soon as this year.
We in the West do not openly have such tracking programs but we are being tracked in secret by our governments. Facebook, Google and Internet tracking cookies also track us and that data is given or sold to others. At the rate this is going the digital buy/sell system of the Beast Antichrist certainly could be worldwide by 2030.
By the way, leftists love China’s authoritarian system. This Marxist one party system is their model for world government. That is why leftist “progressive” politicians in the West have sold out to China. They believe China is the future and they think they might as well get rich during the transition. That is also why America runs nearly a half trillion dollar trade imbalance with China each year.
It is no coincidence that China is the model for leftist global government and that China persecutes true Christians. That happens because the Christian worldview is in direct opposition to the Marxist worldview. By 2030, any true Christians left in the world will have to go underground just like we now see happening in China.
By 2030, the sky will be filled with drones doing everything under the sun. You will order items on the Internet and drones will deliver your parcels the same day. I think everyone will have a drone pad near where they live or work. Many people will even travel using land and air drones.
Criminals, non conformists and other enemies of the state will be monitored, tracked and disabled or killed by drones. Police will police the cities using drones. Military will fight battles with drones. Drones as small as insects will be spying on people everywhere.
Because of fear, people allowed government to go down the mass surveillance and police state path. People are likely to live to regret that by 2030. Tyrannical government will prove to be a much greater threat than terrorists. I think by 2030 people will be living in a Orwellian world where everyone is tracked and their life rated. The government will have a digital file on everyone.
There will be a debt crash and paper currencies will become worthless in the 2020’s. Many will lose much of their wealth. After the crash the world will go digital using blockchain technology. Everything owned and of value in the world will be recorded on the encrypted blockchain and stored on memory banks spread all over the Internet. Blockchain technology will eliminate paper transactions along with contract middle-men.
Medicine and genetic engineering will make huge advances in the 2020’s. There also will be mistakes and I think we should expect at least one plague as a result. Even so, many diseases will be cured or prevented. Medical scientists will learn how to repair just about anything in the body using stem cells and nano robots. Spare parts and organs will be grown outside of the body using stems cells and 3D bio-printers. Infectious diseases and cancers will almost be eliminated through ways to enhance the immune system. By 2030, the rich will be seeking to increase their lifespan and they may even be cloned, but the end of the age will come for everyone anyway.
By 2030, energy will be available everywhere in abundance. Solar energy will become cheaper than gas and coal. Solar may be the source of a quarter of the earth’s energy by 2030. Food production will follow the Israeli model. Much of it will be grown in green houses using hydroponics.
Barring an all out nuclear world war or a major world plague the world population in 2030 will be about 8.5 billion people. Many of these people will not be able to find jobs because they will be replaced by AI and automation. There are a couple of ways the world could handle that. They can reduce working hours, they could give everyone a minimum income or they could seek to reduce the population. Knowing the plans of some globalists and the depravity of man, I think their first choice will be to reduce the population. Most elitists want far fewer people living on earth. Some only want a few hundred million. They think the humans that remain can achieve immortality and utopia by merging with AI and robots.
The progressive globalists have already begun trying to reduce world population through abortion and the breaking down of traditional families and sex roles. Some nations like China have forced sterilization programs. The population imbalances that come as result will next bring euthanasia of the elderly. After that, they will seek to get rid of undesirables. Bible believing Christians would be high on their list. The fifth seal of Revelation talks about such a purge of believers and I think this seal is opened prior to the last seven years for Israel and before 2030.
Europe will be in revolution in the 2020’s and America probably will not exist as a superpower past the 2020’s for any number of reasons. By 2030, those surviving the civil warfare in Europe will be looking for a savior figure again. This will bring the Beast Antichrist.
The world will change significantly by 2030. Humanity will see more changes in the next dozen years then it has seen since World War II. Some of the changes that will take place will be called human advances but other changes will display human depravity. Even so, Christians can always hope for the Rapture.
wow great article don i can totally see all of that happening by 2030 with the rapture along the way…time is short no doubt
Hi Don,
Wow what a good article. I got excited and nervous reading it. We are that close heeehee lets go I’m ready. I’m looking to see what happens on and near the 70 yr anniversary of 1948.
I also wondered about this flu issue we had lately with young and older people dying from it because w/ just a handful of young ppl dying it causes a shift in the population over time. I read something to that effect a while back, just one of those things in the back of my mind that it was no accident.
I’ve been visiting this site about once a day now & a few days ago I was reading how it’s leading up a complete surveillance society (not that far off)
Actually that wasn’t the article but its close, an article I read was more detailed where u may have to where a camera on your person like cops do now & so forth. If I find it I’ll post it.
Naturally you are spot on.
Also these high school kids all around the world demanding change fits the biblical narrative where the world is ready for someone to step up and give them what they want. So they think.
That said I wouldn’t want to get shot up at in school either but it’s a perfect stew.
plus we will be on mars at that time and AI will be in full force
Hi Cardinal,
I think God will cut it short before he allows humans to travel to Mars. I wrote about that in this article.
hey don,
i hope that is the case because if it is then the rapture is at our doorstep literally. But i was wondering if god allowed men to travel to the moon, why not mars? they are both in space, unless we really advance to the point of having hundreds and thousands of people traveling to mars with elon musks BFR by 2030 then i do see ur point
When I see the future, I see a lot of hope for those of us who are awaiting the return of our king. He is coming soon.
Here is a kind of a thought to go with your comments. God, even in the time of wrath, seems to have made plans to keep those who serve him. When you write of the myriad of satellites that are going to be up and be needed to keep the beast world system, I think of Rev 16, Verses 8 and 9. [And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.]. I do not recall what your Revelation commentary says about this event, but to me it sounds like a very large solar flare. It would be much larger that the Carrington Event. It would wipe out the satellites monitoring those that will not serve the beast and probably result in a lot of chaos. I personally think that “vial” is not only to punish the wicked or get mankind to repent but think it is preplanned to help protect those who have repented after the Rapture and survived to that point.
Hi Cardinal,
Read that part of the article. The space program is one of the reasons that God will soon pull the plug. I do not think God will allow human souls to be bound on Mars. When humans die the Bible indicates that their souls go to Hades or Heaven until the resurrection. Nobody died on the moon if anyone really went to the moon at all. The moon of the earth is in the gravitational field of earth so souls may not be bound on the moon. If humans do go to Mars before the judgment, some certainly will die there.
yea that makes sense lol u got me on this one
i remember reading that article back when u first wrote it…it’s still on my top 5 list of best articles
Hi Phil,
I agree with what you said. These bowl judgments occur in the last few months of the great tribulation. All the electric and communication systems will be taken out. The whole world system of the Beast will totally collapse. Most people in the cities of the world will die because earthquakes and hundred pound rocks will demolish them.
Hi Don,
Once again you deliver excellent insights.
Just an interesting tit bit from Down Under. The Cash In Transit companies (the security that transports money) have been informed that their services will not be required after 2026. Normally their contracts are for five years. But this time around, they were for seven years.
The reason given is “technically changes” within the banking system.
Wow Don great article.When I read your article I get a little nervous thinking about if the Rapture hasn’t came yet things will get rather dicey. I also worry about my Grandchildren
whats also significant is that turkeys president is calling for a 57 nation Islamic army…obviously he wants to target israel and this could be a game changer if they form this massive army of satan.
but i dont see this alliance in the prophecies anywhere hmm
The different factions of Islam in 57 nations are not going to get together to form an army. And if they do, they will just end up fighting each other. By 2030, the Harlot of Revelation 17 will control the world and Islam will not be controlling that Harlot. It will be your fellow cardinals š
lol i dont even know why i chose this name perhaps i’m going to change it to alex…which is my real name.. btw i’m officially changing my religion from roman catholic to pure bible believing christan.
Hi Alex,
Good move.
If Turkey can manage to form an army that large and come against Israel, it sure would sound a lot like Gog/Magog in terms of size/scope. Them eventually turning against each other sounds about right too according to scripture.
Hi Steve,
Turkey certainly comes down with Gog but Gog is not the leader of Turkey. All nations will be deceived by the Antichrist and False Prophet near the end of the tribulation to fight against the coming Lord. It will not just be the 57 Muslim nations. They may fight against each other then but that is not the Gog war.
where in the bible does it say that technology shall rise before the 2nd coming, im sure they used another word for technology in those days
what i mean to say is what kind of word they used for technology i always see it in english
i just opened my galaxy phone and it says im connected to 5g network.. its already here folks
Hi alex,
They are lying. The 5g network will not be available until 2020. Some are now claiming that 4.X is 5G but they are lying.
The Bible does not talk about human science and technology. The closest thing that may apply is in Daniel were it says travel and knowledge will increase near the end of the age.
ah alright thanx for the info
Great post! When it comes to using technology I have always been a dinosaur riding a bicycle but it is amazing to see how its snowball rolling down a mountain advance is dovetailing into the prophetic.
The timing of this post fits my mindset as I am currently reading a book titled:
āRacing Toward Armageddonā Subtitled: Why Advanced Technology Signals the End Times by Britt Gillette.
He writes about Nano technology, the elites believing in transhumanism as their path to immortality (that makes sense) and how rapidly advancing technology will be used by the globalists/New World Order cabal/Anti-Christ to fulfill some prophecy.
Iād be curious if you have read him or are familiar with his website (he has other Christian books I have not read) what you think?
Thanks for another thought provoking post and follow up comments. Sometimes it feels like we are so close to the Raptureā¦I donāt want to buy ripe bananas!
Hi Mark,
I don’t recall reading anything by Britt Gillette but who knows the name sounds familiar. I read a lot on the Internet and watch stuff on Youtube but I don’t always pay attention to the name of the authors. There are quite a few people talking about the advancing technology and what it means for the future.
Hi Don Sir,
How can the fifth Seal happen before the tribulation period when Jacob’s trouble has not yet started. Please explain.
The fifth seal is talking about persecution of the saints. Jacob’s trouble is for Israel. It does not start until the Antichrist persecutes Israel for the last 42 months.
Hi Don Sir,
Sorry for my hasty question and thanks for your perfectly timed answer and the last statement in your above article, “The world will change significantly by 2030. Humanity will see more changes in the next dozen years then it has seen since World War II. Some of the changes that will take place will be called human advances but other changes will display human depravity. Even so, Christians can always hope for the Rapture.” Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Great article as i was reading the scripture verse Father against son, daughter against mother and families betraying each other kept popping in my mind.matt 10:35 We are heading to dangerous times i keep praying for my family and thanking guys like you for such articles that may me look forward to being with our Lord.
God bless you Don. Warm greetings from Germany. I wanted to share this post here. I think that fits very well to this topic, if not, delete it. The smartphone is eventually going to die, and then things are going to get really crazy:
Hi Neno,
Thanks for the link. I think it will not be long that your interface to the internet will be a ring worn on your nose, ear or finger. Video will be available on a flexible patch screen worn anywhere. The devices will be linked using Bluetooth. The energy to empower the devices will come from the transmission towers.
Just waiting to see if it will come to pass although it was prophesied in the holy book
I really enjoyed reading your questions and answers. GOD has truly blessed you with wisdom and knowledge of the word……….I too am looking for the coming of the Son of Man….When GOD tells JESUS to go bring his children home….how wonderful it will be to spend an eternity praising GOD our creator and our Savior JESUS CHRIST ! I am so thankful for the sweet HOLY GHOST. He is my teacher, my comforter and my guide….from the depths of my heart, I plea to anyone on this internet, if you don’t know JESUS CHRIST as your Savior…Please, I beg of you to consider GOD’s call to you and ask in the name of his son JESUS CHRIST for forgiveness of your sins Become one of his chosen few….before it is too Late!!!!!! Today is the day of Salvation, tomorrow may be too late!!!! My prayers of love to all….