President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?

President Trump declaring America bankrupt and announcing that in 2018 is of course totally hypothetical. Even so, it is very possible for that to happen because someone soon will have to declare America bankrupt. Who better qualified to negotiate the financial restructuring of the United States than someone who has gone through multiple bankruptcy experiences? Is Trump a man born for such a time as this? Donald Trump’s resume in bankruptcy is quite impressive.

Trump Resume:

  • 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • 1992, Trump Plaza Hotel in Atlantic City, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • 2004, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  • 2009, Trump Entertainment Resorts, Chapter 11 bankruptcy
In all cases, the Trump enterprises could not make the payments on the debt so the debt had to be restructured or investors would have lost everything.
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Christian politicians IHOP into Dominion Theology cuckoo’s nest

At first glance you might think that Christians and politicians IHOP into Dominion Theology cuckoo nest is a rather cuckoo title. Titles have to be short and they need to contain keywords to be found. I think I will first have to define a few things so that the title makes sense.

Christian Politicians – for this article it is Republican candidates for President in 2016 that are claiming to be Bible believing Christians.

IHOP – the International House of Prayer founded by Mike Bickle where one gets fed Christianized shamanism. It is not the International House of Pancakes where you get fed real food.… continue reading

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Marco Rubio will be President of The United States in 2017

I will go out on a limb and say that Marco Rubio will be President of The United States in 2017.  Rubio best reflects the values and opinions of the majority in America. That is why I think he will be elected. I am not saying that Rubio is going to save America from itself.

I only see four electable candidates running for president of The United States at this time. Michael Bloomberg might jump in but I do not think a third-party candidate is electable. And with his gun control and New York values he would hurt the Democrats. If Clinton falters and Bloomburg somehow makes a deal to run as a Democrat he would become electable, as would Joe Biden.… continue reading

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Nationalism is rising because globalist ideologies and Islam fail

Nationalism is rising over much of the world once again. Rising nationalism often precedes war. The rise of nationalist leaders like Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen are happening because elite internationalists have failed to bring about conditions that their bought and paid for politicians peddled to the citizens.

Elite globalists never want to let their idealistic dreams die, but like usual, world reality and nations will set the future course of world events not globalist ideology.

Most elitists are not as sinister as some like to think. Most just believe that globalism is inevitable and the sooner it takes place the better it will be for all.… continue reading

Posted in Depravity | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

The Roman Empire Whore has Dominion Theology.

I do not think that some studying Bible prophecy see the big picture and that’s why they go down various rabbit trails that cannot be backed up through scripture exegesis. One important issue that students of Bible prophecy would be wise to understand is that the end time Beast comes into power with a woman riding on its back. That woman is the Roman Empire Whore of Revelation 17. She represents Dominion Theology and she guides in the global governance Beast.

There were only four Gentile world empires in the dream visions of Daniel chapters 2 and 7. Those four represent the remaining Gentile world kingdoms until God smashes satanic controlled world rule and establishes His own kingdom on earth.… continue reading

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Perspectives on 2016: A world full of crisis.

In spite of Obama’s rosy State of the Union message, from my perspective 2016 will be a year of crisis for the United States and the world in a world full of crisis. Instead of Obama ending his term gloating about his accomplishments, he may end his term with dung on his face when everything falls apart before he leaves office. The fall of Obama might be much like the fall of George Bush on steroids…or laxatives.

Economic crisis in a world full of crisis:

One world crisis that is looking increasing likely in 2016 is an economic downturn. There are indicators that already point to a recession in the United States.… continue reading

Posted in World Perspectives | Tagged , , , | 25 Comments

Progressive insanity is human depravity displayed

Human depravity is displayed in the progressive insanity of the human race. The historical record of mankind shows this continued progression of insanity. It is rather ironic that many of the insane godless depraved people of the world today like to identify themselves as “Progressives”.

Before the flood, the Bible tells us that human depravity was so bad that God started the human race over again with just eight people. World history since the flood shows the progressive human depravity displayed in the countless wars over the centuries.

In latter days, the wars have progressed to world wars and these world wars will progress to the point where they threaten the existence of the entire human race.… continue reading

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Documenting some extraordinary human depravity displayed in 2015

I started this World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog in 2015 for good reason. I think the human depravity displayed in 2015 reached extraordinary levels not seen on earth since before the great flood. The resulting judgment of God, destroyed almost all of the human race. God told us in the Bible that human depravity would also bring a judgment by fire at the end of the age. I think the increasing human depravity can be documented and  judgment can’t be very far off.

Jesus indicated that the depravity found on earth just before His return would be comparable to the human depravity found just before the flood and the human depravity found in the days of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah.… continue reading

Posted in Depravity | 16 Comments

Is December 25 “Christmas” a Christianized pagan holiday?

Is December 25th “Christmas” really a Christianized pagan holiday as some teach? This Christmas I want to give Christians reading this post the Christmas gift of an alternative reason why the early church accepted December 25th as the date for the Lord’s birth.

I know this information could rain on the Christmas parade of some Grinches that want all us Christians to know that we are really celebrating a pagan holiday, but so be it.

There is growing evidence that some in the early church actually thought that Jesus was born on Dec 25th. I became aware of this just recently by listening to Chris Pinto and by doing a bit of my own research into what he said.… continue reading

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Are Americans scared to death of terrorists?

During the December 2016 Republican presidential debates Chris Christie said, “people across the country are scared to death of terrorists” and Mike Huckabee said “Americas are just plain scared”.  Both of them implying that Americans are quaking in their boots because of San Bernardino terrorist attack. WRONG!

We sing in our national anthem that America is the home of the free and the land of the BRAVE.  I guess Christie and Huckabee think differently. They say we Americans are “plain scared” and “scared to death”??

America has 22 million military veterans? Are these warriors scared to death of terrorists?? There are many millions more Americans that know how to hunt and shoot guns.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , , , | 32 Comments

2016 Marxist choice assures Christian persecution until Rapture

The 2016 presidential election is upon us. Some candidates running for President are basically moral people with Christian values but a couple of the candidates running are evil Marxists that hate Christian morality. You will find them on the wrong side of every moral issue. Bible believing Christian should be evil to discern the difference between good from evil.

If Americans elect a Marxist choice for President again, they will just about guarantee Christian persecution in America until the Rapture. Another Marxist choice would also make it more than likely that America would cease to be a great country before the Rapture.… continue reading

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Global cooling of 2030’s brings Gog invasion against Israel?

The global cooling of 2030’s could be one reason for the Gog invasion of Israel prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. We really don’t know what the mention of the hook in the jaw is all about so I am not saying that the global cooling of 2030 would be the only reason. I will explain why global cooling probably is in the picture shortly. First, I want to point out a few things about the current global warming narrative that socialistic fascists and their useful idiots are trying to force everyone to believe.

If there was sound science behind the global warming hype, the pushers of it would not need to resort to name calling and threats against those that deny that climate change is being caused by humans.… continue reading

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Where are the God-fearing American men?

Americans have allowed depraved Marxist’s and depraved racist radicals to rise to power in government, educational institutions and most media. These people hate traditional Christian America and they are doing everything they can to destroy the nation built by the mostly white Christian builders. Bringing in millions of darker skinned migrants is part of their racist plan to change America. Where are the God-fearing American men that will stand against them?

These haters with influence in our nation also want to change America by bringing in more people who hate Christianity. I do not know why Americans cannot see that bringing in Muslims is just part of the hateful agenda to destroy Christianity in America.… continue reading

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Islamist tipping point consumes European natives

With the bombing of  Russian airliner, the attack in Paris, the slaughters elsewhere and the Islamic invasion of Europe, I believe the Islamist tipping point will consume Europe, Russia and much of the world. I have warned that a native nationalist backlash against Islam will arise in Europe for a long time, but the timeline for that has suddenly been accelerated by these barbaric attacks.

The backlash against Muslim migrants by the right was already growing in Europe but now it will become a full-blown rebellion against the leftist ruling elite with their Utopian globalist secular humanist multiculturalism.

The ideology of these globalists blinds them to the real world facts.… continue reading

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Christians are born of the Spirit & Christian identity is deceptive

Jesus told Nicodemus that one must be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of God. The claim that those born of the Spirit can lose their salvation is an oxymoron. Those born into the spiritual body of Christ cannot become unborn. God does not disown the children that He spiritually created.

John 3:5  Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.continue reading

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