Democratic Party enslaves Republican Party frees those enslaved

I get a little tired of hearing the revisionist history coming from the Far Left controlled media in America. Republicans are not racists and Republicans never owned slaves. It was the Southern plantation owners that enslaved black people; most of these owners were Wiggs, No Nothings (no kidding) or Democrats. After the civil war it was the Democratic Party that enslaved blacks under segregation laws for nearly 100 years.

The polices of the Democratic Party enslaves black and white people under tyrannical dictates of the federal government today. On the other hand, the Republican Party from its very founding has always striven to free all enslaved people.… continue reading

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Shamans and Appeasers are Leading Christendom

As most of you know, I recently moved to a new location. I have been trying to find a biblical Christian fellowship in my area to attend but these days it is difficult to find an evangelical church anywhere that is not led by shamans or hireling appeasers. Should Christians attend a congregation where wolves in sheep clothing and hireling appeasers lead the congregation? I think not.

The Shamans Leading Christendom:

The shamans leading Christendom are the leaders in or that are highly influenced by Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation and Hyper-Charismatic/Pentecostal spiritualism. Just a short time ago the shamans were still on the Christian fringe but today they have infiltrated mainstream Christendom.… continue reading

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Christian paranormal experiences might not be demonic

In my previous article I talked about The Unseen Realm, by Michael Heiser. Some used that post as an occasion in the comments to start talking about paranormal experiences that they had. That really takes the comments off the post topic so I thought I would post a follow-up article where Christian paranormal experiences might be expressed. I of course am assuming that most commenting here are Christians. If you’re into pagan spiritualism comment elsewhere.

I know some Christians think that all paranormal experiences are deceptions and have to be demonic but I do not believe that to be the case.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum | Tagged | 57 Comments

My Journey into “The Unseen Realm” and beyond

Titles can be deceiving. I did not go into some altered state and cross over into the unseen realm of the spiritual world. I read a book called “The Unseen Realm“, by Dr. Michael S. Heiser. I want to share a few observations about my journey into his unseen realm. If Heiser is successful with his teaching in this book, you will come out of The Unseen Realm with a supernatural Deuteronomy 32 worldview.

First, let me say that Dr. Heiser is a highly qualified Near East ancient texts scholar. He can and he does read many of the texts of the most ancient scripture fragments.… continue reading

Posted in Satan's Agenda | Tagged , | 40 Comments

Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist

With the Brexit vote some might think that globalism is failing and they would be correct. Contrary to what many think, globalism will fail because you cannot not have global unity when the world is totally divided over so many issues.

The world is actually creating more nation states, not less. There were 79 countries in the world in 1900 but today there are about 200 with more nations being created just about every year.

All historical efforts to unite the world have failed. Some have tried to unite the world by conquest but that always has failed. Some are trying to unite the world with utopian idealism but that also has failed and will fail again.… continue reading

Posted in World Perspectives | Tagged , , | 63 Comments

Satan’s Progressive Control Freaks Create Babylon 2.0

Satan’s Progressive Control Freaks will soon create Babylon 2.0 on earth. After that will come God’s Judgment. Progressives think that if they have total control they will create heaven on earth or paradise lost. They literally will create hell on earth instead. To understand where Satan’s progressives want to take mankind we have to go back to Genesis.

Scripture translations say that God said, let “us” make man (Adam) in our own image. That is true. Nevertheless, a careful parsing of the scriptures suggests that the most high God (YHWH) was talking to the Elohim (plural). They already were sons of God of the unseen realm.… continue reading

Posted in Satan's Agenda | Tagged , , , | 74 Comments

Bible prophecy teachers often teach presumption as truth

Many thousands of books have been written on Bible prophecy but none of the books totally agree with all the points of any of the others unless they were plagiarized. I am talking about serious students of God’s word. Let’s not even consider those false teachers that think they can interpret Bible prophecy through extra-biblical conjectures.

Have you ever wondered why so many Bible prophecy teachers that study God’s word cannot agree on major points of eschatology? Maybe it is by design. Maybe God does not intend for anyone to know just how everything will literally play out. After all, if the rulers of the age had known that the death of Jesus on the Cross would defeat them, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1Co 2:8).… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged | 60 Comments

Escape Beast World Order in Ozarks

If you believe that the pretribulation Rapture will take you out of here before the great trial takes place on earth (Rev 3:10), because you know you are in the body of Christ, then you already should know that you will not need to escape the Beast world order in the Ozarks.

However, if you are one of those that believe that the Rapture is a fairy tale and Christians will go through the tribulation like everyone else, you might want to try to escape some of what the Beast world order has to offer you in the Ozarks.

This also applies to non believers because the great trial on earth is designed to get people to change their mind and believe in the God of the Bible.… continue reading

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Mankind displays human depravity in world religions

I obviously cannot cover all world religion in one short article but I think that I can adequately convince most real Christians that mankind displays its depravity in world religions.

Human Depravity in Christendom

About a third of the world identify as Christian but most in Christendom never had a spiritual rebirth into the body of Christ. These false Christians are self-deceived. The proof that they are false Christian is that in one way or another they are still trying to earn their own salvation. False Christians have not been born of the Spirit. They are still dead in their fallen fleshly depraved human nature (Col 2:13, Eph 2:1-2, Eph 5:8, Rom 3:23, Rom 5:12-15, Ps 51:5, Gen 6:5, Gen 6:11, Mk 7:21, Jer 7:9, Ecc 7:20 Gal 5:17).… continue reading

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First the Rapture or the demise of America?

Those expecting anyone to make America great again simply have no concept of the prophetic years that we live in. First the Rapture before 2030, after that, the end time prophetic events take place over at least 7 years. 10.5 years is my best guess but it could be more or less. Therefore, there simply is not enough time left to make America great again even if the people of America were to suddenly change directions and seek God and obey Him.

Nevertheless, look around….Most Americans are not accepting the true gospel and are not repenting of their sins.

Good is quite often said to be evil in America and evil is now quite often said to be good.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , , , | 92 Comments

American depraved lacks motivation

First let me say that my relocation is still taking most of my time. I and the dogs are now physically located at my new place on the river (nice) but I don’t have the old place ready to sell yet. I had to fire my handyman because it turned out that he was not handy at all. I had to fix everything that he fixed. I have two bad shoulders a bad elbow and a bad wrist so if I have to do physical labor I pay for it in pain. He was not getting the wood striping and staining done on the house siding so I had to let him go.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , | 26 Comments

2016 election and perspectives until “Democracy Spring”

The 2016 election promises not to be dull. Will America get a Marxist criminal on the Democratic Party ticket, an unindicted Marxist law-breaker, or just a godless Marxist Fascist? Actually they could get all three in one candidate. And on the Republican ticket will America get a populist and nationalist, or a Bible believing Christian and strict Constitutionalist, or will dirty tricks from the Republican establishment take away any such choice that their voters made?

Did you know that the primary voting in the parties are just advisory? The National Committees are not legally bound by the voters or the laws of any of the states.… continue reading

Posted in World Perspectives | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments

America’s final decade as world superpower ends 2025?

Is this America’s final decade as a world superpower? A decade ago I started writing an Imminent dangers to America series. I wrote the first five articles in that series in 2006. I added another article in 2008, and the last article was written in 2012. All of the seven articles give a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 about the likelihood of the danger to America playing out before 2025.

The likelihood of at least one of those dangers playing out by 2025 was extremely high in my estimation. Since I started that series, one decade has now passed.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged | 33 Comments

Elite terrified Trump’s nationalism will trump globalism

There are many valid reasons why rational people would not want Donald Trump to be elected President of the United States. Even so, the reason the global power elite are so terrified by Donald Trump and why they will do everything in their power to trump Trump is that his American nationalism will trump globalism.

Trump’s nationalism will trump globalism:

  • The globalist elite want multiculturalism with opened borders for their one world utopia — Trump would trump globalism with strong national borders and have limits on immigration.
  • The globalist elite need the threat of terrorism and violence to terrify people so they are willing to accept their big brother surveillance society for the promise of security.
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Postmodern Post Bible Postmillennial Christian Pagans of Christendum

Postmodern, post Bible, postmillennial and especially “Christian Pagans”, sounds like a contradiction in terms. However, that happens to be the reality in Christendum today.

Most people today who identify as Christians are postmodern in their thinking. They think truth is relative. They do not read the Bible. And many of the few percent that do read the Bible redefine it to conform to their Kingdom-Now Utopianism. They are much like the postmodern progressives that want the US Constitution to be a living document so that they can change the meaning with the politically correct wind.

They are postmillennial in Theology. They want to believe the Kingdom is on earth now and the world will have no tribulation.… continue reading

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