Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD

I have been writing articles on the Internet since 1999. Ever since I started this ministry I have said that the second coming of the Lord will most likely take place between 2030 and 2040 AD. The 25 world trends series that kicked off my website in 1999 points to that timing and it still does.

Over the last seventeen years, I have written over a thousand topical articles. I mention that because some people who find this blog are not aware of all the other articles. They can be found by doing a keyword search from the search box at the bottom of the website home page.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged , | 49 Comments

Enemies foreign or domestic are still grave threat to America

I suggest that you don’t put all your eggs in the Donald Trump will make America great again basket. Enemies foreign or domestic are still a grave threat to America. The enemies of America will now double up on their efforts to take America down.

I see three grave threats to America over the next couple of years.  Keep in mind that the unforeseen can and usually does happen.

  1. Assassination of our top leaders
  2. A nuclear event by Islamic terrorists
  3. Enemies foreign or domestic taking down America’s power grid

I know some might think that I should also have included an economic collapse.… continue reading

Posted in Islam | Tagged , , | 21 Comments

Trump will change America because rational veterans voted for Donald

America just averted an evil spell cast from the wicked witch of the East. Trump’s victory will change America. “Progressive” policies will be stopped or reversed. The media rats of the far left are now on deck and they are squealing loudly because their pirate ship just took a devastating torpedo.

Who would have thought that Donald Trump could win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan to secure the 2016 election? A crossover from Democrats only made that possible. Many blue-collar men voted for the radical change of direction that only Donald Trump could bring.

Go to most taverns or VFW’s in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere and you will find a lot of men for Donald Trump.… continue reading

Posted in Politics, World Perspectives | Tagged | 88 Comments

Hillary’s crimes don’t matter to Romans One people and the indoctrinated

Reality in America can be much scarier than any haunting experiences on Halloween. The possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming President of The United States of America is more scary than fiction.

Bill and Hillary Clinton should be in jail. Hillary’s crimes include willful mishandling of classified information, obstruction of justice, perjury, bribery, money laundering, pay-for-play, racketeering, and possibly treason, sex crimes, and murder. Such crimes would get her executed in about any other non Western country in the world. However, in The United States, Hillary might instead be elected President.

Apparently Hillary’s crimes do not matter to almost half the people in America.… continue reading

Posted in Depravity, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 65 Comments

Halloween fright night spooky stories wake the living dead.

Oct 2020 update: every four years now demon possessed people run to become President and half of Americans vote to make that happen. The living dead among us gave us Clinton and Obama and now they want to give us Biden/Harris. The only thing scarier than that combination would be Hillary/Harris. With the Biden scandals becoming exposed, dark forces may still make that happen should Biden win but have to withdraw before he takes the oath of office. The original article follows

It has been a short and warped Halloween tradition of mine to write about spooky things or to allow others to tell their own spooky stories.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , , | 22 Comments

Prophecy circuit watchmen with interesting insights pile on sensationalism

Popular Bible prophecy circuit watchmen individually do have interesting insights when they stay in their own area of expertise. However, they invariably pile on with material coming from other prophecy circuit watchmen that frequent the same Bible prophecy circuits. Thus, they often lose credibility because of piled on sensationalism.

By piling on, they may create a more sensational video program, seminar, or book for those looking for sensationalism, but I think they often lose serious Bible scholars. Bible scholars do not give much credence to Bible prophecy circuit teachers because they cannot believe some things that are being said. The more prophecy circuit teachers pile on with teaching of others on the circuit the more that becomes likely.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged | 53 Comments

When Progressive federal government persecutes Christians

We have a presidential election next month so Christians need to be ready for the worse case scenario. If Hillary is elected, she certainly will continue the Progressive agenda. That agenda is antichrist. Progressives will seek to persecute true Christians who oppose their Godless programs.

Progressives like Obama and Hillary give lip service to God but everything they say and the programs that they support prove that they are antichrist. They do not know God but they do know and promote godless global socialism.

Read the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Compare it to where Progressives have already taken America. They will continue to take America down that path if they are allowed to stay in power.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum, Politics | Tagged , , | 43 Comments

Elite intend to bring America down – America on the eve of destruction

America could be on the eve of destruction. I think very troubling times are about to hit America. The elite fully intend to bring America down one way or another because a powerful America is an impediment to world governance. They fully plan to have world governance in place by 2030 with or without America.

Obama came from out of nowhere and became President of the USA because the elite promoting him believed he would work to bring America down. He certainly has. With the help of fellow travelers in media, Congress and the courts there was no way to stop him.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism | Tagged , , , , | 37 Comments

Pseudo Christianity now rules post Christian America

Most institutional Christianity in America today is pseudo Christianity. It has the appearance of Christianity but it is just a religious facade led by wolves in sheep’s clothing and hirelings lording over a flock of mostly goats. The leaders of pseudo Christianity appear as shepherds but they speak with a forked tongue.

Pseudo Christianity is now the vast majority in America. That is why astute Christian people are saying that America is now a post Christian nation even though over 70 percent of American adults still claim to be Christian.

100 pointers that should help you understand, identify or avoid pseudo Christianity:

  1. Those that believe you become a Christian through a ritual of baptism as an infant or as an adult, probably are in pseudo Christianity.
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Posted in Christendum | Tagged , , , | 32 Comments

Pastor/hirelings teaching presumption or twisted scriptures rule churches

2Ti 4:1  I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

As some of you know I have moved and I am now on a quest to find a new church.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum | Tagged , , | 40 Comments

Never Hillary! Trump globalists! Vote for Donald J. Trump!

I think the outcome of the 2016 election either seals America’s fate under the rule of international globalists or it brings back nationalism under Donald J. Trump for a time. Americans have a clear choice, either vote for globalist Hillary Clinton or trump globalists by voting for nationalist Donald Trump.

Neither choice will bring any utopia to America but lying Hillary will surely enslave Americans under the tyranny of globalists. The way America goes on this probably will determine the direction of many other nations as well.

The 2016 election in America probably will determine if globalists take over in this generation or nations remain sovereign for the near future.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism, Politics | Tagged , , | 60 Comments

Antichrist neo-fascist oligarchy necessitates Internet censorship

Nobody should be surprised if websites like mine suddenly disappear from the Internet within a few years. The antichrist neo-fascist oligarchy who run most of the world wants Internet censorship of all opposition.

Most of the media is already under oligarchy control or there are plans in the works to silence them. Other than what is streamed or printed on the Internet only talk radio still has some degree of free speech. However, the neo-fascist control freak oligarchy also plans to regulate the Radio waves. They want nationalists, libertarians, conservatives, Christians and critical thinkers silenced.

Internet censorship is now rapidly increasing.… continue reading

Posted in World Perspectives | Tagged , | 29 Comments

Bible prophecy watchmen saying Gog is coming! Russia is coming!

Fifty years ago near-sighted Bible prophecy watchmen were telling everyone that would read their books or listen to their teaching that Gog was about to invade Israel. Hal Lindsey in his book, The Late Great Planet Earth (1970), thought the Soviet Union would fulfill the prophecy by the early 1980’s. Even before 1960 Jack Van Impe was saying that the Gog Russian invasion was imminent. Van Impe also identified Russia with the forces of the Soviet Union. These Bible prophecy watchmen were wrong.

I understand their exuberance back then. The Soviet Union of fifty and sixty years ago certainly had the military forces to fulfill the prophecy.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged , , | 49 Comments

Satan is the spiritual prince of the people that destroyed the Temple

Much Bible prophecy teaching hinges on one’s interpretation of what is known as the seventy weeks of Daniel prophecy. The whole prophecy would take a chapter of a book to explain so I am limiting this article mostly to the identity of the princes and the people in that prophecy.

The prince of the people that destroyed the Temple and the prince that will sign a covenant with many for seven years are two different human leaders. However, they are vassals of the same spiritual satanic prince.

These two leaders are of the fourth beast of Daniel 7. That beast is the Roman Empire.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy, Satan's Agenda | Tagged , | 16 Comments

The final Roman Emperor is Nimrod/Apollo claims Horn/Putnam

The Final Roman Emperor, The Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican’s Last Crusade is a very long all-encompassing title and the last of five books on the topic of the soon coming Antichrist written by Tom Horn and Cris Putnam (we can hope). They say four books are in the series but it seems to me that they want to forget about Apollyon Rising 2012.

Besides the review of this book, I had already done a review of two of the earlier five books in this series. See Apollyon Rising 2012 and Petrus Romanus. I skipped, Exo_Vaticana : Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R.continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged , , , | 16 Comments