Signs are pointing toward another world war starting very soon

One hundred years after World War I there are many signs pointing toward another world war. It likely will begin in just a matter of months. The flash points are Syria, Israel, Iran, Ukraine and North Korea. The major world powers involved would include Russia, China, NATO and the US.

America is now blaming Assad of Syria for a nerve gas attack that killed scores of people. There is no doubt that nerve gas was used, but blaming Assad for the attack is premature and it might be misguided. After years of the United States telling Assad that he had to go, the United States just a week ago said that he could stay.… continue reading

Posted in Eve of destruction | Tagged , , , , | 100 Comments

Enoch the pre-flood prophet and end time witness

Some of the contents in the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch) requires that either the person giving the message was a prophet, or that much of the book of Enoch was written after the New Testament. Notwithstanding, there is now solid proof that parts of the book were written before the birth of Christ. Therefore, it should be obvious that a prophet had something to do with what is found in certain portions of 1 Enoch.

The book has five sections. Parts of four of the five sections are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Two Enoch fragments of these scrolls were recently carbon dated to between 166 and 102 BC and 186 and 92 BC.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy | Tagged , | 80 Comments

Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years

If the trends continue, it is obvious to me that persecution of Bible believing Christians will be widespread in America in just five years. Just look how much the truths in God’s word have been denied, twisted and disrespected over the previous five years.

I am not saying that most of those calling themselves Christians will be persecuted in five years. What I am saying is that Christians that believe the Bible and quote it and live by it will be persecuted in America in less than 5 years. I also am saying that even many calling themselves Christians will be the ones doing the persecuting thinking that they will be doing God a favor.… continue reading

Posted in Depravity | Tagged , , , , | 28 Comments

Evangelicals and Pentecostals join the Vatican and Oprah at Revelation 17

Some Christians in the west are becoming increasingly frustrated because they cannot find suitable Christian fellowship. I purposely did not say they cannot find a good church because most churches have become part of the problem and not the solution. Western churches do not necessarily contain born from above believers.

Today, almost all large churches that once identified as evangelicals now use the market driven seeker sensitive model to have church. The model was founded on the teaching of Peter Drucker. As an educator, Drucker developed the modern corporate model. Disciples of Drucker such as Rick Warren and Bill Hybells used this corporate model in the churches that they founded.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum | Tagged , , | 35 Comments

Globalist left intends to launch all out war on Trump and America.

The globalist left intends to launch an all out war on Trump and the American people supporting him. The power elite and their corporate cronies know that socialist globalism will be set back for at least a decade if Trump gets his nationalistic agenda implemented in America. They also fear that Europe would be next. The globalist left will continue to ramp up the attacks on American nationalists.

For example, websites considered pro Trump or against the globalist leftist agenda are already starting to be censored by the corporatist Internet media fascists. Some alternative news sites have recently reported a coordinated effort to stop them from presenting their viewpoints.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism, Politics | Tagged , | 30 Comments

Obama: twelfth greatest President or greatest un-American President?

I have had a long dialogue with someone emailing me. He was hostile toward me because of my views on Obama on my blogs. In the course of the dialogue, points were brought up that I addressed. This is not everything said. That would be too long. My comments are in bold.  The abbreviated statements from the other person begin with an *.

*I gave you proof in links.

Cherry picking articles is not proof of anything to me. I could find articles in support of what I said, but I know it would be a waste of time. You say your links were unbiased but most of them are to leftist sites.continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 33 Comments

America’s second civil war is underway choose sides or be conscripted

The second civil war might not appear to be very bloody yet unless you count the sixty million dead babies. The division in this country is greater than in the first civil war. In those days people were mostly divided on the issues of state rights and slavery. Today people in the nation are divided over many issues reflecting good and evil.

For the most part there are two main divisions in America:

  • People who love their sins, and people who hate their sins
  • People who want a strong nation, and people who want a socialistic world
  • People who believe in statism and collectivism, and people who believe in liberty and individualism
  • People who like rebellion, and people who just want to live in peace
  • People who believe women have a right to do what they want with their bodies, and people who believe life conceived in women’s bodies have the right to live
  • People who worship God, and people who worship themselves
  • People brought up by believing parents, and people brought up by the state
  • People who believe the Bible, and people who speak for God
  • People who love Jesus, and people who hate Jesus without cause
  • People who work for a living, and people who want others to work for them
  • People who want mob rule, and people who want a nation of laws
  • People who believe in free speech, and people who believe only their speech should be allowed
  • People who believe in equal rights, and people who believe in special rights
  • People who believe that self-defense is an inalienable right, and people who want others to submit
  • People who lead through good example, and people who blindly follow their peers
  • People who believe the gospel of salvation, and people who think they can earn their own salvation
  • Pastors who are shepherds, and pastors who are hirelings
  • Pastors who lead their flock, and pastors who mislead or fleece their flock
  • Leaders who serve others, and leaders who are served by others
  • Judges who rule justly, and judges who are politically correct

It goes on and on.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum, World Perspectives | Tagged , , | 55 Comments

Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?

I think some Christians assume that many more people will go in the Rapture than will actually go. Some think countries like the United States will be significantly depopulated because of the Rapture. I do not believe that will be the case. Perhaps only two hundred million people in the whole world will go in the Rapture.

There are seven church types on earth revealed by the Lord’s seven letters to the churches in Revelation. Even so, only the letter to Philadelphia says it will be kept out of the great trial on earth (Rev 3:10). The letter says that the church of Philadelphia was to be kept from the time of the tribulation because she kept the Lord’s word (biblical doctrine), did not deny His name (Jesus is the only name under heaven whereby people must be saved), and kept the word of the Lord’s return for His Church.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy, Christendum | Tagged , , | 79 Comments

Sanity and progressive depravity now on display in the United States

Since the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, we have seen both sanity and progressive depravity on display. Sanity is being displayed through the executive orders of Trump and the people that he is choosing to lead the nation with him. I expect to see much more sanity displayed by the Trump administration over the coming weeks and months. I also expect to continue to see progressive depravity coming from the Left. This insanity will be promoted and displayed through the socialist globalist controlled main-stream media.

From day one of the Trump administration, we saw demonstrations by mindless snowflakes who chant lying slogans fed to them by their fascist socialist and Islamic programmers.… continue reading

Posted in Depravity | Tagged , | 23 Comments

Don Koenig’s 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update

Forty years ago I thought the Lord would come long before now and so did many others. In those days people were thinking that the Lord would come about 2000 years from His incarnation. Now it seems more fitting that Jesus would come 2000 years from the start of His ministry when He announced the acceptable year of the Lord, or 2000 years from His death and resurrection. This is based on the day is as a thousand-year model with 7000 years being the week allotted to mortal man.

So here we are in 2017 and the Lord still has not returned for His Church.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy, World Perspectives | Tagged , , , , | 46 Comments

Don Koenig refutes Hebrew Roots works theology

An article by Rod and Hillary Thomas, quoting part of a featured article of mine, was posted on website. The website appears to be a Hebrew Roots website. These two people also founded the Qumran Family Church in Denver Colorado. My article was written to explain how one is saved. Since this is a critical salvation issue, I will respond to what they said. The full article I wrote is found here. It is in the featured article section of my website.

You might want to first get some information about the Hebrew Roots movement. The following articles should help.… continue reading

Posted in Christendum | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

Trump will not end progressive agenda or drain the swamp.

The election of Donald Trump was a godsend to the Church because it may hinder further actions against Christians for four more years. Even so, I do not expect the Trump administration to hinder the progressive slide toward globalism, socialism, debauchery and violence. I also do not expect Trump to drain the swamp.

President Trump will find out very soon that saying you are going to do something and getting it done are two different things.

The Democratic Party is not going to go along with Trump’s agenda and those Republicans that hate Trump are not likely to go along with Trump’s agenda either.… continue reading

Posted in Americanism, Politics | Tagged , , | 18 Comments

This is the season for your comments on any topic

During the holiday season many have other things to do than to read my profound writings 🙄  Therefore, I am going to let visitors comment and talk about whatever may be on their mind. Opening Pandora’s box under the Christmas tree could even get interesting. 😯

Just try to keep it under 500 words or few will bother to read what you have to say. You can chat among yourself or give greetings to others if you wish.

Let me start it off with a short comment of my own.

I am rather impressed by the Donald Trump picks. I am hoping that a time of sanity in federal government follows the lying destructive divisive Obama administration.… continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 149 Comments

Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated

Many Christians have taken supernatural explanations out of the Bible. They claim to believe the supernatural realm exists but they deny it exists by teaching natural explanations for biblical accounts that do not say what some claim they teach. Two prime examples are the usual Sunday school explanation for when the Sons of God took daughters of men and produced offspring, and the watered down explanation for the nature of the Beast of Revelation.

The Bible clearly teaches that Elohim (angels) had unnatural offspring with women, (the Nephilim) even if many in our churches have an agenda to deny any supernatural explanation.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, Satan's Agenda | Tagged , | 50 Comments

The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.

The worldwide debt reset could be pushed off for another decade or so using smoke, mirrors, bailouts and bail-ins, but sooner or later it will occur. The debts of nations are at the point where only the interest on national debts are being paid. The principle on national debts is no longer repayable. It will never be paid.

By a debt reset, I mean that national debts will not be paid. Nations will agree to start over under a new monetary system.

The reality that we are living in is that most nations are so indebted that they cannot raise enough tax revenue to even pay their bills.… continue reading

Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction | Tagged , | 41 Comments