Ding dong! The witch is not dead! Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020?

A couple of weeks ago I read Tom Horn’s Saboteurs Part 10. It mentions an evil spirit named Hilarion and the possibility that Hillary Clinton fulfills that prognostication about Hilarion. Although interesting and thought-provoking, I thought Tom Horn’s speculations were somewhat far-fetched like usual. Even so, the article got me thinking about the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for President again.

Hillary is a demonic being that seems to have nine lives, so I was thinking about writing an article about the possibility that Hillary might ascend on the political stage once again. I did not think anyone in the mainstream was even considering another Hillary run for the presidency, so I was in no hurry to write the article. Nevertheless, recently a couple of articles in the MSM stole my thunder by claiming that Hillary is planning to run again in 2020.

Hillary Clinton deserves to be in jail for her many crimes but somehow she never gets prosecuted. She always seems to be above the law. We know that Hillary talks to spirits, practices voodoo and attends satanic churches, so we might surmised that Hillary gets away with what she does through demonic powers. We need to keep in mind that Hillary’s mentor was Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer. I think Hillary sold her soul to the Devil long ago. She has been progressing on her path to hell ever since.

The satanic powers of Hillary might explain all the dead bodies and the Trump derangement syndrome. It also explains why so many godless people totally lost their minds after Hillary was defeated by Donald Trump. People who are under Hillary’s spell still rant, scream and cry like demon controlled people and call for Trump’s impeachment for no legal or logical reason. They apparently can’t get over the fact that Trump was given the power to cast down their satanic idol.

A few weeks ago I would have said there was not a chance that Hillary would run again in 2020. I thought that by 2020 Hillary would be sitting in prison. That still might happen but somehow she always seems to escape the law. It seems in federal law enforcement agencies the deep state is still firmly in control. It also seems that Trump is not willing to deal with those that are obstructing justice. All Trump would have to do is to order AG Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor to look into crimes committed by federal agencies. There are plenty of them. If Sessions will not do it, fire him. That is the only way people are ever going to trust the federal government again.

If Hillery skates, and thinks she has a path to the presidency, why would she not run again? Hillary believes she is entitled to the presidency. If criminal charges are not brought against her by 2019, I do not think justice will ever be done and we will have lost our constitutional Republic to tyranny from the Left. They will then use all the powers of the government to go after their enemies.

If Hillery skates, she will claim all over mainstream media that the lack of criminal charges means that everything ever said against her were lies. She will claim to have been vindicated. I do not think we should underestimated the persuasion that MSM has over Americans. The leftist media mind programing is a good part of the reason so many American’s departed from biblical truths. MSM very much is the voice of the Devil. There is a high likelihood that if Hillary is not prosecuted this wicked witch will rise again to cast her spells over America.

The Democrats do not have anyone else that will appeal to the majority of Americans. Oprah could have, but she said running for President would kill her, so she is not going to try. At least a quarter of all Americans still support Hillary for President and she has plenty of money. With that base, and with her idolators firmly entrenched in the Democratic Party, she can defeat any early competition. Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party and he may not even be allowed to run again on the Democratic ticket.

The big question is could Hillary defeat the Republicans in 2020? That depends on what happen between now and then. If for some reason Trump does not run again, it most likely would be Romney, Cruise, Kasich, Paul or Pence on the ticket. A path to victory for any of these Republicans seems remote. If Kasich were nominated, conservatives would stay home. I think Pence, Cruise and Paul are too Christian and too conservative to be elected in post Christian America. On the other hand, Romney could be as bad as Hillary. Would Americans elect a satanic witch or a satanic bishop? I would bet on the witch because the elections in critical states are rigged to favor Democrats.

Yeah, but Trump is running again, right?? Many things can happen in two years so I would not bet on that. If Trump lost some of his base, I do not think he would bother running again. What can make him lose support? Number one would be his failure to deliver on his promises.

Will the wall be built in two years? I don’t think much of it will be built. In fact, with the new socialist President of Mexico killing the Mexican economy by 2020 and calling for Mexicans to head to the U.S., the illegal immigration problem could grow much worse by the next presidential election.

The economy is pretty good again so he can run on that, right? Maybe, but even with the tax cuts, and as things stand now, some experts are saying that there will be a recession in 2019.  The last recession was in 2008 and by 2019 we will have had the longest expansion in history. Nobody has had a good record preventing recessions or predicting them. They happen regularly anyway.

A trade war could also do in the economy before 2020. I do not fault or second guess Trump for the tariff actions that he is now taking because America has been screwed by a lot of nations for many years. Trump is playing high stakes poker but he does not hold all the cards so the outcome is not assured. Europe and China might not fold, then what?

Tariffs are taxes. A lot of tariffs will kill the economy as sure as a tax hike. With tariffs prices of products in the stores will rise and inflation and interest rates will also rise. You might think that tariffs will get people to buy American and that will create more jobs. The problem is that this change to domestic production can not happen instantly. A recession would happen first and corporations cannot get loans for expansions during recessions. That is why the world trade war of 1930 brought about a world depression. Any trade war today would not be painless and Americans would hold Trump accountable for the pain. If his high stakes poker goes bad, and the economy starts to go down the tubes, Trump would not run again.

Sanctions against Iran could get oil prices soaring and high oil prices kill economies. That is one major reason Europe does not want to rock the boat on the Iranian deal. Trump would be blamed for any oil disruptions.

Then there is North Korea, does anyone really think this psychopath will really give up all his nukes? Hillary probably will be throwing the Korean deal in Trump’s face by 2020.

There are other reasons why Trump might not run again in 2020, but absent criminal charges there are very few reasons why Hillary would not run again in 2020. Bill looks feeble and sick. He could die before the election and then Hillary would not only get Bill’s sex crimes off her back, she would instantly receive a sympathy vote. Of course, Hillary also could have health issues that may prevent her from running. In that case, she will get behind a demonic person about as evil as herself.

Think about it. Hillary or someone just as evil taking power in 2021 and bringing America to destruction during their reign. All this seems likely, especially since there is a good chance that the Rapture of the Church will happen in the 2020’s. Then with the Church gone Hilarion brings destruction and America’s cities turn into burning wastelands (read the Hilarion prophecy in the Tom Horn link above). That also would explain the 230 million American population reduction by 2025 that is projected by Deagel.com.

Heck, the Rapture might even happen before the 2020 election. After the Rapture Hillary would be the most qualified person in America to mislead the American people who are left behind.

Empires get the leaders that the people deserve and empires are brought down for the evils that many Americans embrace today. People in America should not think the Trump reprieve will turn into a pardon if Americans refuse to repent of their evil ways. Will Americans deserve Trump or Hillary Hilarion in 2021? We shall soon find out.

About Don Koenig

Don Koenig is the founder of ThePropheticYears website. He has been publishing articles on the Internet on Bible prophecy, biblical discernment and Christian worldviews since 1999. You can find well over a thousand articles and thousands of comments written by Don from the homepage of this website.
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34 Responses to Ding dong! The witch is not dead! Hillary Hilarion runs in 2020?

  1. Doug says:

    Hi Don,
    It’s curious that this 2020 talk is arising at this time, one year from when the annoying races begin again. I suspect it might a Deep State push to start greasing the skids for the witch. I too am disappointed she’s not in jail yet, but then there are still 2 years to go. On the bright side, she may not be able to run in another year as rumors abound about her poor health. One can only hope, I guess. And speaking of hope, I don’t believe there really is any left for this country short of a complete dissolution. The Rapture is our hope. In regard to that, it seem I’m hearing more and more rejection of the Rapture, as well as Dispensationalism. Recently I learned that even Kent Hovind, once a strong supporter of the Rapture, has rejected it. Have you notice this trend, Don? I find it both disturbing on one hand and encouraging on the other. Could it be The Deceiver’s final push before his end comes?

  2. Cork Hutson says:

    Mr. Koenig – Your mention of deagel.com is the first I’ve heard about this site. I clicked on several other country pages and noticed that almost all of the Western nations are forcasted to have severe population reductions, while many of the Eastern countries are forecast for break-even or population growth. I don’t see any supporting information. It IS interesting though.

    Any thoughts on how they come up with their forecasts?

  3. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Doug,

    This attack against Rapture theology and Dispensationalism is coming from the neo-calvanists and kingdom now Pentecostals (strange bedfellows). It is all part of the amillennial and post-millennial belief that the Church will have to convert the world before Jesus can return. That is why they also push the leftist social justice programs. It is all part of their plan to establishing paradise lost.

    Unfortunately the Bible does not teach what they are selling and by ostracizing those that take Bible prophecy literally they are warring against members in the body of Christ. They will not be held unaccountable for their worldly presumptions. In fact, along with the Catholics I think they are the makings of the end time Harlot of Revelation 17.

    I wrote about this seven years ago.


  4. Craig P. says:


    Yes, as I was reading this, I was thinking most everything in the second to last paragraph to close the blog – “…evil taking power in 2021 and bringing America to destruction during their reign… good chance that the Rapture of the Church will happen in the 2020’s…”

    I don’t see Trump getting a second term — one way or another — but I was thinking Oprah vice Hilarion. You mention Sessions — As far as I can tell, there is no Christian spirit to be found in him if there ever was, because no person who is the template of God would blunder the position and responsibilities of his shoes like Sessions has. Even if someone was to blackmail me, I would not, for one moment, turn my back on Christ in any time or position of responsibility. Sessions should be fired immediately, regardless of whatever else is going on. It’s hard for me to see Sessions showing up at the “marriage supper of the lamb,” but I’m overstepping my own liberty at that point.

    Don – I continue to pray for God to keep you strong as you manage this ministry / site and deal with all the headaches / hassles and commentators (including myself, chuckle).


  5. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your prayers and support,

    Our founders never could never have envisioned a deep state with the capabilities to spy on everyone and to control everyone with real or planted information. I think that is why most politicians and their appointees only play act and will not go beyond the politically correct script. They know the deep state will destroy them if they try to undue the leftist coup that has taken over America. Chances are it is now too late to do anything about this unconstitutional control over the people without resorting to civil war. It is not just happening in America either.

  6. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Cork,

    Deagel.com does not explain their reasoning much. From what I read they think conditions in this country will get so bad that Americans will immigrate elsewhere.

  7. Brian Huggett says:

    Cork Hudson… Perhaps Degel.com. is working on the ‘rapture occurring prior to 2025.

    But that would assume there are 200 or so million Christians in the US.

  8. Jim says:

    Did you all catch the part of the speech today where Putin said that Hillary recieved a $400 million donation from Russia that may or may not have been legal? What was that about?

  9. Greg says:

    Don I went thru the Deagle site. I sometimes wonder if the Deep State knows something we don’t. My thinking is this like it or not and I don’t. the United states must expire as the World Leader for a lot of the events to happen in the end times.I don’t even see us mentioned in the bible i.e.(emp) (natural disaster a bad one) disease just speculations but in my opinion something must take us out and militarily nobody can compete with us..any thoughts??

  10. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Jim,

    “According to Putin, Bill Browder’s associates contributed $400 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign—and while the contribution itself may have been legal, he said, “the way the money was earned was illegal.”

    “So we have a solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions,” Putin added.”

    In other words Putin seems to claiming that Russia was ripped off by our agents and nobody paid taxes anywhere on the money made. He is also claiming that the Hillary campaign ended up with 400 million of the money.

  11. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Greg,

    I can’t get into the head of the people at Deagel but I suspect that whoever came up with this is aware of the imminent dangers facing the U.S. and believes America will self destruct by 2025 because of an EMP or economic collapse.

    In any case, the population speculation has been around for several years and it has brought tens of thousands of downloads to their website.

  12. Cork Hutson says:

    Wasn’t Browder recently being promoted as a “good guy” whistleblower on the Uranium One scandal by Hannity and others? So, if Putin is telling the truth, then everything Browder was saying about himself (not about U1) is suspect. Or, Putin is simply trying to cloud the issue with doubt, which is what we would expect. I wonder if he actually has produced evidence of such to POTUS?

  13. Gerd says:

    Don and all,

    Mostly out of curiosity I have been following the Deagel country statistics for a few years now. They claim they get their information from official websites of various Western governments, intelligence agencies, the military, political think tanks, and so on. It is noteworthy that their 2025 predictions have been getting worse and worse specifically with regard to the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Germany (where I live). The latest Deagel figures for Germany indicate a staggering loss of 53 million people in that small country until 2025 – makes one wonder how & where the survivors would want to bury all these corpses in such a short time…

    While this site no doubt upsets a lot of people, a closer look reveals an obvious lack of overall accuracy and consistency of the published statistical data, quickly defusing some of the seemingly explosive content. To give just one example, it is highly illogical that within the scope of the given scenario the Netherlands (which directly borders Germany and is a member of the EU just like Germany) should have no population losses until 2025 whatsoever (i.e. in 2017 it lists 17 million Dutch people and for 2025 also 17 million) and would even show a better economic performance (e.g. a higher GDP) in 2025 than in 2017. Give us a break, Deagel!

    Still, despite many inconsistencies their overall message should not be dismissed altogether.

    To keep it brief: no, the population losses predicted by Deagel for 2025 are not supposed to be real dead people. It wouldn’t make much sense, because a devastating nuclear or biological war or a large-scale flu or plague pandemia or an EMP would not stop at any country’s borders, certainly not in such densely populated areas like central Europe.

    What they probably want to point out is that by 2025 the economic situation in most Western countries could be very bleak indeed. So bad that for example a formerly wealthy country like Germany would only be able to provide decent living standards for up to 28 million inhabitants. Or the U.S. for a mere 100 million. All the other unfortunate millions would have to live and die in misery – no resources left for them anymore.

    Should the elites decide it’s about time to turn off their fiat money printing presses it could well lead to a total economic collapse in the West and a worldwide depression as has never before been experienced in the history of mankind. Indications are the elites are seriously thinking about it – the BIS has been making cryptic remarks in that direction for some time already and politicians everywhere have long stopped to be concerned about the welfare of their electorates. Whatever they may be planning – the Christian believer is not disturbed, knowing that our God is always and fully at the controls, even and especially at the end of this dispensation. So don’t worry, stay happy…

  14. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Gerd,

    Thanks for your input on this. I believe Deagel actually increased the population in 2025 for the United States over their earlier projection. If I recall correctly, up until recently they only had about 68 million in the U.S. in 2025. Now they have 100 million. I do not think it is just a coincidence that they reduced the population by 80 soon ever the EMP commission said that 80 percent of the people would die in America after an EMP caused grid failure. The projection probably is based on that happening by then. I do not know why they increased it to 100 million other than small actions are now being taken about our grid vulnerabilities that might allow a few percent more to survive. Since your are following this, If they ever explain it, let us know.

    In any case, we are not likely to figure out why Deagel is making such projections until if and when they decide to clearly tell us. I just threw Deagel in as food for thought. The more likely threat is the rise of the wicked witch again or one of her hand picked demonic disciples.

  15. Doug says:


    I did a little research and came up with this: http://www.newsfocus.org/deagel.htm

    Doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of definitive info out there concerning the site. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see if the predictions have any validity. I’m not holding my breath for an EMP as there is a lot of disinformation about such an event. And I don’t see how the dollar collapse could cause such a drastic reduction in population. A war? Possible. If I’m permitted to don my tin foil hat, I might suspect it could have something to do with the insanely rabid promotion of vaccines in combination with whatever it is being sprayed in our atmosphere by chemtrails.

  16. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Doug,

    Deagel would not be eating anything cooked up in tin foil.

    Maybe they think the Chicoms will nuke us and EMP us and since our cities will be burning and we will be in civil war we will be in no position to respond in kind against China. Many have said that we should expect a war with China by the early 2020’s. This could happen over a South China sea dispute or because China invades Formosa.

    Whatever the case, its all speculation. Deagel might not have inside knowledge on anything. The strange population projections are more likely simply a device to get millions of people to visit their website. It obviously works. Its like the people that predict the end of the world on a certain date. They get a great following until the day comes and goes and nothing happens.

  17. Steve says:

    Hillary or not Don it’s easy to see that after Trump, 2020 or 2024, this nation will probably be headed back to an Obama type government. Speaking of Obama, he’s over in South Africa speaking about global wealth redistribution and race relations. I guess he has no problem with the threat of genocide and confiscation of land from white farmers there by the government? I still think he could be the Antichrist.

  18. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Steve,

    Apparently Obama is still running to head the UN.

  19. Jim says:

    Despite Obamas actions I never got quite the demonic evil vibe that I do from Hillary.

  20. Phil says:

    Hi Don, I was going to read all of the Saboteurs parts (1-10) you linked before comments. I did read, working backward, 10-6 of the Tom Horn work. I have not finished yet. It seems a lot of the predictions he refers to are not from sources we would expect to see accurate but instead document the plans and efforts of the evil attempting to take over. In Part 6, he discusses a lot of efforts based on the prophecies of St. Malachy. For all I know, they may be accurate and inspired, but they are not scripture and cannot be relied upon. My point, should I ever get there, is that Satan and his minions have been conspiring and attempting to destroy both the Jews and the church since the beginning. They will continue to do so. We, to do our job, must put on the amour of God as described in Ephesians 6 because, as stated there, we are not confronted by flesh and blood. The Rapture seems so close though, and afterward there will be no hindering of the plans that the evil groups have concocted. The Horn articles talk about the Bohemian Grove, I’ve not seen it but he may mention, or could, the activities of both Presidents Bush and Kerry in the “Skull and Bones” organization at Yale. You mentioned Obama is still trying for the UN headman job. Have you ever compared his “Greek Temple” prop used in the 2008 nominating convention to the real Alter of Zeus from Pergamon, Satan’s Seat from Revelation 2:13? To me, it looked as if he patterned his nomination to show who was behind his nomination. Anyway, thanks for a good thought provoking blog item and the link to the Horn writings.

  21. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Phil,

    Tom Horn has lots of theories that are supported by mostly pagan works but thus far none of his conjectures have come true as written.

    I wrote a couple of articles critiquing a couple of his previous books.

    I do not believe Horn’s latest conjecture is based on anything that will actually pan out either but it is food for thought.

    I do remember that they tried to recreate the alter of Zeus. Not sure if it was Obama’s idea or his idolators.

  22. Adriana says:

    It’s hard to imagine even the insane Democrat leadership wanting Hillary to run again, but wonders never cease. Satan has such a firm hold on so many Dems and the left so anything could happen. I do have to laugh though. That Ocasio Cortez woman is a direct product of the indoctrination of the school system which the left and the Dems have promoted. Now though, their “Frankenstein” has come alive. Their creation is threatening the very people who created her. The old guard Dems are freaking because they see their entrenched jobs in jeopardy. I can only imagine what’s being said behind closed doors. Unfortunately so many young people follow people like her and given the fact so many young people have no knowledge of Jesus Christ that void gets filled by the likes of Ocasio Cortez and her ilk. Like it says in that Creedance Clearwater Revival song…There’s a bad moon rising.

  23. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Adriana,

    Yep, you hit the nail on the head. These people are a product of our state schools.

  24. Phil says:

    Hi Don, I finished reading the 9 of the 10 Saboter parts. I thought Part 3 about Donald Trump was interesting. The author referred to the Trump prophecies, so I looked them up on line: http://www.liveforforever.com/ They made interesting reading. If the article is true (huge IF), he was told Trump would be President on April 21, 2011. It could be a coincidence too. Right now I place them, in my mind, right beside Oral Roberts vision of a 900′ tall Jesus who told him to raise $8 million or die. The different predictions though are interesting to track. He actually sounds like one of the Joel’s Army dominion types but I am not as familiar with the various heresies (for lack of a better word) that are out there. And, as always, if the link in this paragraph is one you do not want seen on you blog, please delete. Thanks Phil

  25. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Phil.

    Yeah, I am not a Mark Taylor fan. He is connection to the New Apostolic Reformation. I do not believe anyone is receiving special private revelation today. All these claims are nothing but NAR hyper Pentecostalism presumption. The prophecies just itch peoples ears. That is a common thread with people that Tom Horn quotes.

    The NAR believes Christians will receive supernatural powers and defeat the Devil before Jesus can return. NAR has postmillennial and anti pre-tribulation Rapture Theology.

    Tom Horn at least believes in a premillennial Rapture. Horn’s beliefs are more like Assemblies of God but people in AOG these days are being highly influenced by NAR because of their common belief in private prophetic revelation.

  26. David L says:

    Hi Don,

    You talk about Sessions not doing anything, but I think he is. Investigations are not supposed to be leaked, and just because of a lack of information don’t necessarily mean he’s not doing anything. Here is a great article about why Sessions appointment of Huber is far better than a second Special Counsel. Huber, teamed with Horowitz means they have collectively far more resources, to do much more in a shorter time span. Plus there are nearly 40k sealed indictments on record, far more than is usually the case.

  27. Don Koenig says:

    Hi David,

    We will have to wait and see if Huber will actually prosecute anyone other that a couple of fall guys. So far he has publicly indicted nobody. I do not know where you get the idea that there are 40k sealed indictments ON Record? Where is the public information on that?

    I hear claims like this coming from Qanon and certain wishful thinking sites but I have seen nothing credible that these sealed indictments actually exist. I think such claims are disinformation to placate people until after the election. Meanwhile nothing will be done before the election, and if Democratics take the House the oversight committees investigations will all be shut down. Then the deep state Justice department will whitewash all the criminality that took place.

    You can believe there are 40k sealed indictments if you want, but I don’t think there is a chance in hell that they exist. I think we would be very foolish to believe that deep state investigators have indicted half of the people in the deep state that have any power.

  28. David L says:

    Hi Don, I sent you an email with a link & screenshot attachment. Sealed indictments are a matter of public record, so a group of researchers compiled this list, organized it into a helpful spreadsheet. The average is usually way lower than what’s being recorded over the last several months.

  29. Don Koenig says:

    Hi David,

    I do not think the total sealed cases compiled from over 700 federal courts in the United States means that these are in any way related to the Huber investigation or the investigation of the deep state. I would bet the increase from 2006 is mostly due to the increase in drug, internet fraud, child porn and immigration cases.

    For those to suggest that the number of sealed cases compiled from all the federal courts in the United States in any way means that their are thousand of indictments about to fall on the heads of the deep state criminals is nothing less than using court data to mislead people or else people are pushing such fantasy interpretations because of their ignorance.

  30. Kevin in Costa Rica says:

    Hi Don and readers. Re Hillery running, I heard someone on Fox joke about this possibility – but you’re on to something here! If i may say (half tongue-in-cheek) that the more you reveal about Mrs. Clinton, the more scarier she seems! Thank God I’m just a Canadian, “hiding out” down in Costa Rica – safe from Hillery’s grasp!LOL. It is unfortunate that the gov. hasn’t been able to prosecute Hillery for anything – she reminds me of a Prime Minister (John Chretien) Canada had in the ’90’s. Although he and his Liberal Party were guilty of some corrupt practises, Conservatives were never able to make anything “stick” directly to Chretien. Thus, he became known as “Teflón John”! Perhaps a similar nickname for her would be appropriate.
    Don, when you say that certain States have an election process that’s “rigged” in favour of Dem’s, how can they get away with that?
    I hope I’m staying “on topic” with my comments: when you talk of Trump Derangement Syndrome – I know that it’s no joke. I agree that there seems to be something demonic about how people have responded to the President. Of course, we can’t compare Mr. Trump with the apostle Paul, but there are similarities in how some react. I’m thinking here of some incidents in the N.T. where Paul was physically attacked in Greece and Asia Minor. Of course the treatment of the President has been reprehensible but also irrational – akin to the moslem hatred of Jewish people, perhaps.
    Additionally, the verbal attacks on both Pam Bondi (at a movie theatre) and Kirsten Neilsen (at a restaurant) were “chilling” for me – seriously! I get what you said re the security guys always wanting to diffuse a situation, but if I were one of Pam’s State Troopers, I probably would have used my riot stick to “crack” a few heads who were in her face! (gurrrrr!!) I mean, this (and Kirsten’s incident) are outragious. Even more telling, the Dem. leadership was basically silent. Guess it shows where their heart is! On the plus side, it was great to see the wife of Speaker MacConnel fighting back at those mouthy, goofball kids by her vehicle. Good for her!
    Thanks for this opportunity, Don.

  31. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Kevin,

    They get away with election fixing because in Democrat strongholds the Democratic Party controls the polling stations. There are many kinds of vote fraud but the most visible kind is allowing people to vote that are not qualified to vote and people voting under more than one name.

    Keep in mind that in liberal areas they do not even require identification. I think across the country the democratic vote in presidential elections is padded by millions.

    The police allow the violence because they were ordered to stand down. They also do not want to get charged or sewed where liberal prosecutors and liberal judges control the courts. If law enforcement officers in liberal cities do not abide by their bosses directives they can forget about ever having a career in law enforcement.

  32. Michael Merola says:

    Don, I don’t know how far back you check comments here, but here goes. ALL muslim run countries, to the best of my knowledge, regard all females as subordinate to males, period. The thought of Shrillary, or ANY female as President of this country terrifies me, not because I am anti-female, but because of the FACT that all of the Muslim countries would consider that as an act of subservience or cowardice to have a female run this country. Look at Germany and Merkle and you could probably see my point. These dogs need to be eradicated, euthanized, or whatever other term you want to use. They are nothing but cancer, and having a woman run this country aint gonna fix it.

  33. Don Koenig says:

    Hi Michael,

    I am notified of and read all new comments on any article on this blog.

  34. Kevin in Costa Rica says:

    Hi Don. Sorry I didn’t get back right-away. But thanks for your Swift response! You clarified the voting situation for me – this seems to be a serious problem in some áreas of the U.S. In Canada, elections are over-scene (and run) by a federal commission – presumably independent. I get that each State in the U.S. has responsibility for all elections. Sincé this will never change, I suppose it’s up to conservatives to do all they can to ensure a fair (as posible) election. I would never suggest that Canada “does elections” better than the States, but it helps that we retained the simple paper ballot. I certainly don’t doubt that the Dem’s have padded their #’s, perhaps for some time! This is why I laugh when people try to say that Hillery got 3 million more votes than Donald Trump. More like 3 million ‘fake’ votes or ones from illegal aliens!
    I appreciated your insight into the ‘politics’ of law-enforcement. It seems that all the wacky rulings have come from Obama appointed judges. Must be frustrating for many policemen in ‘liberal’ jurisdictions!
    Thanks again. I look forward to each of your articles. Kev

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