50 most downloaded posts
- Believers can expect the Rapture by 2025
- Tribulation begins in 2020's and ends with second coming in 2030's
- President Donald Trump declares America bankrupt in 2018?
- Second coming of Jesus still most likely between 2030-2040 AD
- Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
- First the Rapture or the demise of America?
- Persecution of Bible believers will be widespread in America within five years
- Only two hundred million will depart in the Rapture?
- Final decade before the seven year tribulation probably has already begun
- Don Koenig's 2021 Bible prophecy and geopolitical update
- Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel?
- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
- Satanic Biden regime enables rule under antichrist globalist fascist oligarchy
- Globalism will come but not the way "Great Reset" elitists believe
- Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
- Enoch the pre-flood prophet and end time witness
- Israel's 70th anniversary will result in something prophetically significant
- Expect Rapture 2024 2025 2026
- Are we witnessing the downfall of America?
- Don Koenig starts World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy End Times Depravity Addition Blog
- Elite terrified Trump's nationalism will trump globalism
- Great Reset with persecution of Christians or first another world war?
- My Journey into "The Unseen Realm" and beyond
- Exact sequence of events remains veiled as Rapture draws ever closer.
- Apocalypse Road puts gap between Rapture and Daniel's 70th week
- Americans are starting to wonder how plum crazy took over
- Living with the consequences of our decisions.
- Latest information on the health of Don Koenig
- The 2020's will turn out to be a prophetically fateful decade
- Commonsense reasons why Jesus returns before 2040
- The worldwide debt reset brings in the cashless 666 system.
- Trump won but leftist traitors frauds and liars corrupt everything
- Don Koenig's 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update
- Lake of Fire for Devil his angels and his seed; God's offspring don't go there
- Economic collapse and world war may occur alongside coronavirus pandemic
- The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: Large collection of Gnostic lies lore and myth
- 2020 election could set in motion devastating consequence for America
- Nations struggle as elitist Great Reset plan pushes global governance
- Pseudo Christianity now rules post Christian America
- living one day at a time even when Imminent dangers appear
- MbS Saudi prince king could have prophetic implications
- Will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end with the war of Ezekiel 38 & 39?
- Satan intends to become like most High by evolving fallen creation
- Supernatural nature of the Beast of Revelation is understated
- Second coming in 2030's - Rapture 7 to 10 years sooner
- People can expect significant changes by 2030
- Tales of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and mass hysteria of 2020
- Huge changes coming no matter who wins 2020 presidential election.
- Maybe it is time for Q Anon and Trump reality check?
Category Archives: World Perspectives
Perspectives on Trump and the Revelation 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017
I have to give President Trump credit. It took a lot of guts to withdraw from the Paris climate accords. I don’t think anyone else would have been so bold. The climate agreement has nothing to do with climate. It is all about global governance and wealth redistribution. The science behind global warming was always bogus. It is like the science of evolution. If you tell a lie often enough, and if you give jobs to only those that will promote the lie, the lie will be taught as truth. You cannot reason with those given over to a reprobate mind.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, Eve of destruction, World Perspectives
Tagged prophecy, Rapture, trump
American spring perspectives for 2017
An American spring perspective for the time that is almost 2000 years from the Lord’s resurrection!
The actions of President Donald Trump are making people wonder what comes after his first 100 days. Will he put tens of thousand of ground troops in Syria and get us involved in another ground war? Will more of America’s finest come back in body bags for no good reason? Will Trump bomb North Korea and get us in a war with them?
Will president Trump dump the conservatives and move toward the establishment and neo-con worldview? What will Donald Trump do? I do not think anyone has a clue.… continue reading
America’s second civil war is underway choose sides or be conscripted
The second civil war might not appear to be very bloody yet unless you count the sixty million dead babies. The division in this country is greater than in the first civil war. In those days people were mostly divided on the issues of state rights and slavery. Today people in the nation are divided over many issues reflecting good and evil.
For the most part there are two main divisions in America:
- People who love their sins, and people who hate their sins
- People who want a strong nation, and people who want a socialistic world
- People who believe in statism and collectivism, and people who believe in liberty and individualism
- People who like rebellion, and people who just want to live in peace
- People who believe women have a right to do what they want with their bodies, and people who believe life conceived in women’s bodies have the right to live
- People who worship God, and people who worship themselves
- People brought up by believing parents, and people brought up by the state
- People who believe the Bible, and people who speak for God
- People who love Jesus, and people who hate Jesus without cause
- People who work for a living, and people who want others to work for them
- People who want mob rule, and people who want a nation of laws
- People who believe in free speech, and people who believe only their speech should be allowed
- People who believe in equal rights, and people who believe in special rights
- People who believe that self-defense is an inalienable right, and people who want others to submit
- People who lead through good example, and people who blindly follow their peers
- People who believe the gospel of salvation, and people who think they can earn their own salvation
- Pastors who are shepherds, and pastors who are hirelings
- Pastors who lead their flock, and pastors who mislead or fleece their flock
- Leaders who serve others, and leaders who are served by others
- Judges who rule justly, and judges who are politically correct
It goes on and on.… continue reading
Posted in Christendum, World Perspectives
Tagged nationalism, Progressive insanity, word of faith
Don Koenig’s 2017 geopolitical Bible prophecy update
Forty years ago I thought the Lord would come long before now and so did many others. In those days people were thinking that the Lord would come about 2000 years from His incarnation. Now it seems more fitting that Jesus would come 2000 years from the start of His ministry when He announced the acceptable year of the Lord, or 2000 years from His death and resurrection. This is based on the day is as a thousand-year model with 7000 years being the week allotted to mortal man.
So here we are in 2017 and the Lord still has not returned for His Church.… continue reading
Posted in Bible prophecy, World Perspectives
Tagged depravity, Don Koenig, Israel, prophecy, Russia
Trump will change America because rational veterans voted for Donald
America just averted an evil spell cast from the wicked witch of the East. Trump’s victory will change America. “Progressive” policies will be stopped or reversed. The media rats of the far left are now on deck and they are squealing loudly because their pirate ship just took a devastating torpedo.
Who would have thought that Donald Trump could win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan to secure the 2016 election? A crossover from Democrats only made that possible. Many blue-collar men voted for the radical change of direction that only Donald Trump could bring.
Go to most taverns or VFW’s in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere and you will find a lot of men for Donald Trump.… continue reading
Antichrist neo-fascist oligarchy necessitates Internet censorship
Nobody should be surprised if websites like mine suddenly disappear from the Internet within a few years. The antichrist neo-fascist oligarchy who run most of the world wants Internet censorship of all opposition.
Most of the media is already under oligarchy control or there are plans in the works to silence them. Other than what is streamed or printed on the Internet only talk radio still has some degree of free speech. However, the neo-fascist control freak oligarchy also plans to regulate the Radio waves. They want nationalists, libertarians, conservatives, Christians and critical thinkers silenced.
Internet censorship is now rapidly increasing.… continue reading
Globalism will fail until the Beast/Antichrist
With the Brexit vote some might think that globalism is failing and they would be correct. Contrary to what many think, globalism will fail because you cannot not have global unity when the world is totally divided over so many issues.
The world is actually creating more nation states, not less. There were 79 countries in the world in 1900 but today there are about 200 with more nations being created just about every year.
All historical efforts to unite the world have failed. Some have tried to unite the world by conquest but that always has failed. Some are trying to unite the world with utopian idealism but that also has failed and will fail again.… continue reading
2016 election and perspectives until “Democracy Spring”
The 2016 election promises not to be dull. Will America get a Marxist criminal on the Democratic Party ticket, an unindicted Marxist law-breaker, or just a godless Marxist Fascist? Actually they could get all three in one candidate. And on the Republican ticket will America get a populist and nationalist, or a Bible believing Christian and strict Constitutionalist, or will dirty tricks from the Republican establishment take away any such choice that their voters made?
Did you know that the primary voting in the parties are just advisory? The National Committees are not legally bound by the voters or the laws of any of the states.… continue reading
Posted in World Perspectives
Tagged Cruz, Marxism, nationalism, Presidential candidates, Rubio, trump
Perspectives on 2016: A world full of crisis.
In spite of Obama’s rosy State of the Union message, from my perspective 2016 will be a year of crisis for the United States and the world in a world full of crisis. Instead of Obama ending his term gloating about his accomplishments, he may end his term with dung on his face when everything falls apart before he leaves office. The fall of Obama might be much like the fall of George Bush on steroids…or laxatives.
Economic crisis in a world full of crisis:
One world crisis that is looking increasing likely in 2016 is an economic downturn. There are indicators that already point to a recession in the United States.… continue reading
Posted in World Perspectives
Tagged isis, Obama, Presidential candidates, world government
Great leap forward to satanic global authoritarianism by 2030
Fallen natural people devoid of God’s Spirit seek out earthly substitutes. Those without the presence of God in their lives seek out authoritarian leaders to follow. After the great flood, Nimrod was the authoritarian satanic substitute that descendants of Noah followed. In God’s great mercy He scattered the descendants of Noah across the planet so that some in time would find His presence through the Son that He would send.
Even when God uniquely intervened for the nation of Israel and Israel knew that God was intervening on their behalf, and speaking to them through His prophets, subsequent generations did not retain the knowledge of God.… continue reading
Catching Up On A Few Major Issues In The Age Of Depravity
A lot has happened since I stopped blogging about a year ago. I will just document six major issues in this age of depravity post. Keep in mind that any complete discussion on these six issues in this age of depravity could not be accomplished in any reasonably sized article.
1. Trumping up the 2016 presidential election. Donald Trump for president? Ha ha ha ha. Who would have thought his present poll numbers were even remotely possible? After what the Obama administration did, and the Republican Congress has failed to do, I do understand why American’s are fed up with politicians.… continue reading