I wish the American people would get educated before it is too late. Obama has the most Leftist voting record of any member of the Senate. What should that tell you? It tells you if Obama gets elected with the most liberal congress of all time to support him, his leftist socialist agenda will get passed. That means you will soon be living in the Peoples Republic of America.
If they taught you any real world history in school at all, you should know that wherever Communist socialism was tried it was a failure. Now why would you want to destroy a system that has been working and has made America the most prosperous nation on earth for a socialist system that has proved many time that it cannot work? If the young people and the naive in this country do not soon get educated on the facts about Obama they will be living America’s worse nightmare.
A nice smile and positive talking does not make for sound ideas and sound governmental polices. Find out where your half black Messiah plans to take this country before you help destroy your own nation. We know why the socialist loving elite want to destroy the American way. They want a “workers paradise” with themselves in charge of the peons, but why would you want to destroy America by voting in Obama and socialism?
Here is just a small sample of what will happen under the socialist Obama: — (My update of what has transpired since I wrote this and since Obama was elected is in maroon in honor of the loony tunes that snowed America)
A national depression or run away inflation — (12/14), Twenty percent of the country is still underemployed and wages are falling. The national government is 18 trillion in debt and the Fed Reserve has also expanded the money supply by trillions. The only reason the dollar is not crashing with hyperinflation is because other countries are also spending way beyond their means. The whole world economic system is about to self destruct.
More abortion —Taxpayers started paying the costs of abortion all over the whole world as one of the first acts of Obama taking office. The Obama Health bill that passed will allow medical programs to pay for abortion in this country.
Mass taxation and give away programs that takes from those that produce and gives to those who do nothing — Partly fulfilled in bail-outs, but you have seen nothing yet. The health bill promises the biggest redistribution of wealth in the history of this nation. Obama now openly admits they he intends to redistribute the wealth and all indicators are that he plans to transform America into a second class nation.
Gun control laws that will put everyone under the control of government and criminals – After the Sandy Hook shooting, Obama and the Liberals saw their opening. They were falling all over themselves to see what kind of new controls they could establish. They will take advantage of any future crises in their quest to take away Second Amendment rights.
Hate speech laws that will not even allow Christians to proselytize — Hate speech laws were signed by Obama 10/29/09, they are the first step to stop proselytizing , soon there will be endless lawsuits against preachers, and Far Left socialist activist judges will read into this law what they want. The “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” repeal in December 2010 have stopped military Chaplains from preaching parts of the Bible. Christians in the military are now forbidden to express what the Bible says about Homosexuality.
Brainwashing of your children in all schools — Your children are actively being brainwashed in schools on homosexuality, Evolution, global warming and other pet perversions of the truth coming from the socialist Far Left. “Common Core” will standardize the brainwashing all over America if it is not stopped.
Thought police — Obama has targeted and singled out Fox News because they dared to report the truth. His staff also targets and attacks talk radio hosts that disagree with the Obama administration. His administration is trying to shut them up. He will try to control talk radio though his Czar and new FCC policies. Many other thought police type events have been brought up but rescinded because of huge protests. For example, the Homeland Security paper that profiled religious people, veterans, and patriots as possible terrorists. Also some local law enforcement were indoctrination to profile common people with traditional American values as people of suspect. There is much more to say, such as the biased coverage of Obama by most national media and the bill that was passed to give Obama total control of the Internet in a crises. In fact, the Obama administration can now shut down websites by decree. Big Brother has arrived. The NSA is monitoring everything. The thought police are now taking whatever Americans seem willing to give them.
Huge carbon taxes to fund the world government — The EPA is unconstitutional implementing carbon laws. Obama has committed our nation to international climate change treaties that never will by ratified by our Senate as is required by our Constitution. The EPA now intends to shut down the American coal industry.
A Nanny State that will control every aspect of your life and your children’s lives — They plan to do that through socialist UN Agenda 21 also known as Sustainable Development. They also intend to control everyone through climate change lies. The Obama administration will try to bring the climate change agenda in through the backdoor by international treaty and by EPA rulings. By the way, if you read the climate treaty it pretty much gives away all national sovereignty to socialist world government and since almost everything contains carbon everyone and everything can ultimately be regulated.
The health bill passed and was signed into law by Obama on 3/23/10. It allows the state to control just about every aspect of human health. The federal government now has taken control over one half of the American economy. One half of the people in the United States pay no income taxes so the taxes are either payed by the other half or passed on to be paid by a future generation.
A bill was passed to regulate all financial institutions and large transactions. The EPA intends to regulate almost all lands in this nation by declaring that it is all wetland. Other bills and bureaucratic administrative actions are regulating everything else.
If Obama stays on course and is elected it will bring civil insurrections and the break up of the Union. Mark my words! I told you beforehand. — (That still seems highly likely in 2014)
*(Note this post was originally posted on a prior blog that is now deleted. Posts that had comments worth keeping on that old blog have now been transferred to this blog. 170 comments were made on this post before the transfer.)
When the Communist Party gets behind a candidate, it’s not just words on a newspaper. The party dispatches apparatchiks to work hard for the candidate. It occurs to me we may very well have seen a couple of those workers of the world inside Obama’s Houston office – those ladies flying the Cuban flags emblazoned with images of Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
Think about this now.
Barack Obama is pummeling Hillary in the polls. He is cleaning her clock in the primaries and caucuses. He is leading John McCain in head-to-head matchups with the Republican standard bearer by 14 points!
This guy could actually become the president of the United States.
If he does, it won’t be like the Manchurian Candidate backing into the highest office in the land. If Barack Obama wins the White House, the Communists will have gotten their man the conventional way – through an actual election, working through the system.
I think that all this is bull about Obama, Inflation cannot be any higher than with that iBush gas prices groceries and a high deficit.. As far as I am concerned the Republicans are the only ones who have voted in a crazy man Nixon and a idoit Bush.
Sure inflation can be higher. It can be much higher and it is likely to get much higher. Jimmy Carter had the highest inflation in the history of this nation and yeah, Nixon was partly to blame for that. But Jimmy could not come up with any solutions through liberal economics while Ronald Regan did..
I am not promoting Nixon or Bush but I am just telling people that under an Obama nation the stage will be set for socialism and a inflationary depression that might make you envy the times of the great depression. By the way I am not saying it will be better under McCain. Congress makes law and McCain will also sign a lot of liberal law.
heh heheh,,go back to your survival camp and keep trying to force YOUR religious agenda on the rest of us..Obama 2008
I guess I will be forced to if you godless people should win
That’s not how it works. A president doesn’t just walk into office, snap his fingers, and turn the country Socialist. Socialism does not = Communism by the way, so great job on that one.
Also, care to explain how exactly all of this:
“A national depression or run away inflation
More abortion
Mass taxation and give away programs that takes from those that produce and gives to those who do nothing,
Gun control laws that will put everyone under the control of government and criminals
Hate speech laws that will not even allow Christians to proselytize
Brainwashing of your children in all schools
Thought police
A Nanny State that will control every aspect of your life and your children’s lives
Huge carbon taxes to fund the world government”
is going to happen, magically, when Obama enters office?
Seriously, the president has less power than you think.
I have explained much of this on this Blog so you might read some of the related posts.
I know President’s just don’t walk into office and change this country into socialism. The problem is that the only thing now keeping us from going into socialism and the things that I mentioned in this post is a conservative president.
Put Obama in office and the checks and balances will be gone. We already have a liberal socialist House that would have tried to pass most of these things if they knew they could get it by the President. They are now just just waiting for their man to become President to submit these laws. The Senate controlled by Harry Reed is also Liberal. If Obama gets elected it only takes one Supreme Court judge change to make it liberal and a liberal Supreme Court will be a certainty with Obama as President..
So yeah, that’s how it works when one party controls all three branches of government and the Far Left controls the party and the media. This country is at a turning point. If people elect the wrong man it certainly will turn socialist unless the Senate can stop the bills through the use of the filibuster rule, but I already said in another article that they will attempt to change the Senate filibuster rule if they do not get the 60 seats that they need in the Senate to pass everything. They will only do that if Obama is the president otherwise there would be no point. We saw last term just how devious the liberals in Congress can be when they run the show.
I know socialism does not equal communism. Chinese socialism is not pure communism either but they call it that. I also know that Obama was mentored by a communist and that he went to a Black Liberation Church for twenty years that teaches much of the doctrines of Karl Marx from the pulpit.
I wrote about the coming economic crises in the following article.
All these things Don is saying holds a ring of truth. “Godless” is the best way to describe the leftist agenda. These days, anything that offends the athiests is given the highest priority and attention (See also ACLU) while anything that offends God-fearing people is labeled as religious bias.
Socialism and Communism are different. The same way that a honeydew is different from a cantaloupe. Both of these fruits are still melons. Socialism and communism both promote a state run system where Big Brother knows just what is good for you. I’d rather have a pseudo-democracy where I can at least improve upon existing material and live my own choices.
If people honestly want a president whose support base glorifies the “achievements” of Che Guevera…then all is lost anyway and the nation is truly godless.
Many think things in the U S are going soooo poorly. People are unhappy and the cup will always be half full. Can things be worse? It sure will under a socialist society. It normally brings on bloodshed and incarcerations. Being robotic is not naturally human. People will be walking zombies with little to look forward to. Having children force fed strangers ways of life and taught to turn on parents will be the norm. Having to wait weeks, months, never, to be seen by a doctor for serious medical problems will occur. Wealthy people will be able to hide their money. The middle class will be broken down next to the poverty level. (Why do the rich Hollywood elite back socialism if they’re going to loose their shorts?) With the huge push to bring on world socialism, we all will be under the European power, which will govern you. Maybe prophecy is right around the corner. After weapons are collected, after major bloodshed, crime will run rampant. The American dream will be gone as far as gaining wealth. All will be treated the same. You will be dependent solely on the government. You will obey. Freedoms, including voting, speaking out, is omitted. Rich people may skip the country and set up shop elsewhere. In socialistic, fascism or communistic societies, you think big brother is watching you now? You will be controlled, including attempts of mind control. People think God is no good now and wish to replace him with socialism. In little time, many will be praying to Him. With socialists in control of the White House, congress and senate, some can get what we wish for. Once you become a puppet, it’s next to impossible to cut the strings.
Good for you…you know your facts and are trying to get the TRUTH out….I am tried of my husband getting up every morning and going to work for ALL of those that would just as soon set at home on their butt…and taxes…I quit work this year because we ended up paying the government everything I made! I just wanted to work and make a difference so I got a job at the local middle school as a teacher’s aide….that ‘s a real wake-up call! This country is so screwed! It’s really sad to think we went to college (2x each) worked our butts off to get where I am and moved around to help better our family and now that we are alittle comfortable this IDIOT is going to come in and take it away! Hell, I am not even rich my van as over 125,000 miles on it…my medical bills are sky-high even with insurance…oh, but those little kiddies on TNCARE…they go to the emergency room at night for a sore throat….that way they are not charged…Who do you think paid for that? This guy is real trouble and America needs to WAKE-UP! My husband works in industry…industry has already said that if this guy gets in office he is going to pressure non-union industry because he thinks he is GOD…they are making arrangements to either shutdown or move outside this country when that happens….Talk about lost jobs….WOW!
American this guy only cares about himself…he’s arrogrant and too GOD-like to me…I am sure God loves that! He’s a socialist…and if you don’t understand what that is look it up on Wikipedia! Better yet spend some time researching on the net instead of blogging on your facebook page!
I feel your pain. I know people who never worked a real job in their lives yet they always seem to have all the money they need to buy the latest HDTV and have cable with 200 channels and walk around with cell phones stuck to their heads. They also can find the money to smoke and drink and take long trips. I cannot say they take vacations because they have been on vacation all of their lives living off of taxpayers.
Emergency rooms cannot turn anyone down that’s why many are now closing their doors. So guess who really pays the cost for the people who go to Emergency room and don’t pay their bill? You do when you have to go to an Emergency room and that is why the bills are so high. You are subsiding the medical care of others. Actually half of the people in this nation are already subsiding the other half in one way or another. That is socialism and the wealth transfer is going to get much worse under Obama.
Obama has plans for your kids also. It is much like the plans that Putin has for his own brown shirts. People need to read up and find out about the radical that they are supporting instead of just following his glib tongue.
We were just watching a show promoting Obama and his “greatness” and they said he wants to have children put in a “learning” environment from birth-5 years of age…sorta like a pre-pre-pre-school for all Americans….Whose going to pay for that? Why not just have all test tube babies and raise them like cattle? The funny thing is that both of his daughters are in PRIVATE schools and not public but he wants to snatch your little babies at birth and put them in some sort of Obama school where they can learn to be good little socialists! (Wow… that ‘s going to require alot of breast-pumps!)
What do you think about this?
And universal health care….I had a C5-C6 fusion about 8 years ago…sometime afterwards we were at a museum with the family…I saw an older man with a cervical collar on and I approached him asking the nature of this problem…He was from England (universal healthcare) and stated he needed the same surgery but was not “high” on the “waiting list” because he was older and not wealthy enough to “offer” additional funds under the table…….WOW—ain’t that a great idea?
Check out this link that is on WND today and you will get a good idea where Obama is coming from and where he is going with your kids.
They claim they want your kids at a young age to give them equal opportunity but what they really want is to raise your kids to follow their socialist ideals and to alienate them from non believing parents. Like the Bible says train up a a child in the way he shall go and when the child is old he will not depart from it. They at least know this truth. Every socialist tyrannical government does this with the kids. North Korea is a prime example of how far they will take it when all the opposition is silenced. The nation is now a brainwashed religious cult with the “Dear Leader” being their god.
If you are aware of what Obama and the Far Left really stands for you should see that Obama is the scariest figure we ever had running for the office of the President, especially since he will have control over all the branches of government and the media. People often worried about fascism coming from the Far Right but here is the embodiment of the National Socialist Party (Nazi) change agent walking in through the left door and few Americans even take notice (left is right, wrong is right, and right is wrong in the postmodern helter-skelter depravity of the Far Left).
In Britain if you are over a certain age you cannot even get some life saving medical procedures done at all. What a wonderful free socialist system they have!
I have attempted to leave a comment on here many times but it’s too spammy? If this makes it through, hopefully, take me off the mail list, if I cannot post, I don’t wish to receive. Thanks, Mark
My brother served over 25 years in the military for his country…I am proud of him and have always been proud to be an American…unlike some we have heard from lately! My daughter just graduated from college with honors and is married…she and her husband are involved with a wonderful church where she lives….my son is a typical “teenager” but has a good heart and knows right from wrong….
My heart is broken when I look at what goes on in our world today…fighting, killing, families torn apart…stealing, lying and cheating….just greed! I have taught college and been a teacher’s aide…the last 3 years I devoted to the latter….I came home day after day and cried at what I heard and what I saw…My heart hurts for these kids…no one at home when they get out of school, some don’t know who their parents are or they are in jail…in and out of JuV….troublemakers trying to get someone to pay alittle attention to them all knowing they are just another welfare check to someone somewhere….Some of the children told me the only food or kind words they received all day was while they were at school…I’ve seen teachers take kids out at lunch to buy them new tennis shoes or clothers…I made the least amount of money I have ever made in my entire life (I have an MS degree) but I did the greatest work I will ever do…I did what God would want me to do….I DON’T have to be forced by government to STEP UP and help my neighbors…I AM AN AMERICAN AND THAT IS WHAT AMERICANS DO… NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE FORCED TO!
Sorry Mark, I had a software glitch and could not even get into the comments myself. I think I know what caused it. It is this aggressive spam filter that I put up because I was getting a lot of spam again. That software is now disabled so you should be able to post now. One thing that might set this off is extra long long comments. If it does not work now let me know.
By the way, I have no email lists. The only way you will get email from this blog is if you check the box on the comments saying that you want to be notified of new comments on this post or if you have your own way of being notified of new action of this blog.
Lee Ann, People like you and your family are the hope of America. If it actually gets to the point where good people can do nothing to change what you described, we are finished as a nation. I bet you can identify with Sarah Palin
o, ok, thanks
*The below was a mail I sent to someone in reply to a mail that McCain was against vets, his voting record to be exact. Having over 30 years in uniform, I understand that most all the elite in Washington get better retirements and perks than military retirees, and for less work and time. I had already had my mind made up as to the facts below, well before I knew this site existed. I did not use any info off this site. One has to search gravely for the truth today. I do wonder if it’s close to the time for many to receive that chip in the hand. We may be watching the true end times before our very eyes. It doesn’t really bother me, but it sure will some.*
I’d have to see what was involved with this. Many times pork is added to a bill that will interfere with the true reasons. It’s possible, if a bill was solely by itself, that it had details to as the money would of been spent, with stipulations, maybe not being used properly. With the way libs have been twisting the truth or leaving all the facts out, more than the other side of the fence, odds are there’s more to it than the below. It’s all part of Alinksy’s law. Happens all the time.
If this was all plain, up front facts, it still doesn’t outweigh bringing the nation into the socialist world. Once we go there, we’ll never go back. My children could be taken away. I could end up in prison. Everyone would obey or face possible incarceration or worse. Kids would turn on their parents, rat them out to the system by being brain washed. Speaking out against the system would be no more. Jobs and tasks would be handed down from the government. One may want to be a nurse but will cook instead. Pay could be mostly equal, no matter what your job is. There may be no room to advance nor improvement of life. Worshiping the Christ will be severely dealt with. This is socialism’s greatest enemy. True history of the past will be hidden and rewritten. Some already has in America. Lines to get health care would greatly increase and may take weeks to be seen, as some Canadians have stated, with their government health care. And as that Czech ex-communist president said, “Socialism brings on bloodshed”. Some may say that, and I have heard this, our new socialism will be the ‘mild’ type. No one knows that for sure. I believe the U.N. would be brought in. Even with the recall of guns, many would fight to their end. The U.N. has been after us for years to disarm. The government would need help and the Dem candidate has proven he wants to impress the world. People just don’t understand or care what can really happen to them. People are bombarded with the fact they should be unhappy. They are to look at the people that have more than themselves, working on their natural human greed. They say that they’ll tax only the one’s who made the American dream come true, the nasty rich. The Hollywood elite, that are libs with a ton of money, why do they back this socialist movement and not fear loosing their money? They hire people to keep Uncle Sugar from getting it. They can transfer it out of the states if necessary. Anyone with big bucks can do this. The middle class cannot. To bring on a socialist, more communist society, the middle class has to go. Theirs too much power there. The government has to insure people are dependent on the system. All in all, whoever wants this type of society, especially to gain power, they will always have to look over their shoulder. They best not rest easy. Most everyone is expendable. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Hussein, Chavez, Castro, the list goes on and on. The best people at the tops of these regimes met their fate on a whim. Millions upon millions have been slaughtered in the name of one type of dictatorship or another. Man will turn on man without God in the mix. It’s factual, proven history. No one can erase these facts, but they will try.
Whatever lies are told us now, by anyone, I’m content knowing that the Lord sees and won’t forget.
Even with all the socialist despots on historical record some of whom you have named. Most elite like Obama still think socialism is the only answer for the world. Why? Because the only solution for the world in their demented eyes is for the more highly evolved enlightened (such as themselves) to get government to force people to do what they know is right in their own bigoted superior eyes. That is why so many egomaniac movie stars are among them. Then they call those who oppose them fascist religious bigots and racists and all the brain dead say amen.
Thank you for the compliment and for providing an outlet to express our opinions…Somebody in Washington should be reading these instead of wasting their time on some of the other trash sites or media outlets….Isn’t it just amazing how the media thinks they have the right to dictate to this country what our views should be….I only hope Americans haven’t forgotten how to think for themselves…I can handle someone having an opinion that isn’t in line with mine as long as it is their opinion and they are passion about that…but this media influence is crazy!
And yes…I really like Sarah Palin…the media has been horrible to her…I admire the way she is handling all of this….I am more of a traditional Mom but I do think that she can handle just about anything they dish out….I think she is geniune and real! Her heart seems to be in the right place and although we are all human and make mistakes I think she enters into her decisions with the right intentions. I like McCain and her together…I was just WOWED with the decision but like it!
First off, learn grammar.
The word “thought” ends in a “T”, so nice try there big guy.
Also, close your Bible, read a real book for once (try The Communist Manifesto; I read your holy book before deciding to become an Atheist). That being said, my “godlessness” stems from religion playing a part in almost every single conflict for the past 1000 years in Western Civilization.
By the way, read the lyrics to “I-Feel-Like-I’m-Going-To-Die-Rag” by Country Joe. I think you’d agree with what he’s saying (…substitute Vietnam for Iraq/Iran in the song).
I was born during the death throws of the Soviet Union, so I didn’t grow up with this government-controlled media bias, so I formed my own ideas, unlike you all who had Nixon telling you that everybody further left than a Democrat was evil. [By the way, the USSR wasn’t a real communist state: real communist states don’t have a “nanny” quality as was stated above, nor do they have a power hungry leader].
When you communicate to people where there are many comments the rules of good English communication indicate that you should make it clear who you are addressing your comment to unless it was to the last speaker. There is also a difference between spelling and grammar.
I will assume you were talking to me. Why don’t you try writing thousands of posts and thousands of comments without making any spelling or grammar mistakes? From what I see you cannot even write one here that is totally error free, not that good grammar proves anyone can communicate. Obama proves that every time he opens his mouth.
Besides that, the rules of civility might indicate that you overlook trivial things like this but we all know liberals believe the end justifies your cheap shot means. If you really want to be a grammar cop why don’t you go down to the ghetto and correct their grammar. Its easy to throw stones at other people when you are hiding behind a firewall.
In any case, this post is not about grammar it is about the socialism that Obama will bring to this nation. If you do not stay on that topic I will be more than glad to remove your Atheist butt off this blog.
If you read my Holy Book before becoming an Atheist and rejected it then you only have yourself to blame for where you will be in eternity.
Again, if you actually read the comments in this post you would know that we are referring to the Communism that people called Communism in the history of our world and not how the Communist Manifesto reads as you interpret it. No place in the universe has ever had pure Communism as far as I know and none would want it except maybe the Planet of the Ants.
Also nobody is saying religion is good here. World religion is satanic. Christianity as I understand it, is not a religion, it is a spiritual rebirth and personal walk with the Creator.
If ‘G’ is for real and not a prankster…
World waring has been going on long past 1000 years. Since you read God’s Words, not mine or anyone else’s, you know ‘religious’ wars have been on going for a few thousand more. History and the Lord’s Words have been found to mesh, over and over again. As the prophecy has been told, we can apply it to today in many instances, from physical earth, to ‘as in the day of Noah’, countries forming for the final two battles, the greatest falling away from God, to Israel becoming a great nation again, forever. The list goes on and on.
I could take a tune today or God’s words, like so many have done, to fit my personal needs. I have no idea what the tune thing was about unless it had to do with war protesting. I see you may be upset because we took a butcher out of business. The boy was throwing humans, alive, in a plastic grinder. People were tossed in head first normally, unless the dictator had a grudge against you personally. Then they were thrown in feet first. I shed no tears of his hanging. Whether he would of accepted the Lord before his death or not, there is a penitence to pay.
I cannot understand the nanny thing.
The Soviets nor communists are power hungry? Maybe not at the bottom. Millions of Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Middle Easterners, Koreans, Europeans, ect ., were not murdered for the sake of power and control? OK….
Sounds as if you didn’t live during the cold war, nor Viet Nam. Sounds like you need to go back to the history books, not history propaganda. It’s like you may of had a good socialib professor. They’re everywhere. The neat thing, you’re getting a second chance at the cold war. As stated in God’s Words, Russia will come down on Israel someday. They’re gearing up. They don’t want power? Why has Putin kept control behind the scenes? Why have they moved into Georgia? Oil. Stalin knew oil was power of the future. This mindset is ever present today.
The Lord tells us we’ll each be judged by His Words. There will be no crowd to back you, no hung jury, no press, no smart lawyers present at the Great White Thrown Judgment. It will be a one on one with the Creator, the one who will remember all.
“The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God”. Again, His words, not mine.
I have my own song words by Barry McGuire for Guevara
You see these things, “but you tell me over and over and over again my friend, Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction”.
Don…if it makes you feel any better I didn’t spell “clothes” right either…lol! This will just destroy my evening!
I always had problems with clothes myself. You telling me the spell cop missed something? Darn, I was hoping he would spell check my thousands of posts for me so I can give him a DDD award for finding the whole million errors. I know I can’t spell a lic. Anyway, that should give him a literary purpose for the rest of his life.
Piss off the network media… vote republican!
Thanks for this blog. It’s the only thing I have read that actually makes any sense, and put this whole “Obama nation” in perspective. I think Ronald Reagon said it best:
“If we ever forget that we are one nation under god, then we will be a nation gone under.”
Hmm… This is one of the reasons they say not to do drugs. Remember… Crack Killz!
Actually, this is becoming an un-Godly nation. You are correct ‘G’. We butcher babies for fun and profit, homosexuality is now cool, party it up, drugs are everywhere, schools preach islam, atheism, social and communism, having any sex is fine, racism seems never to go away but increase at times, broken laws of the land go unpunished and there’s a huge push to bring on the NWO here in America. Oh yeah… PROFANITY! This is one of the tell tell signs of the decline of a nation.
If you keep going at the same pace ‘G’, you will get your chip and become part of the NWO. No need to get hostile and testy, help is on the way for you, probably sooner than you think.
(By the way, why do you want to have sex with all those people you mentioned? Just curious.)
Oops! Looks like potty mouth went to the way side. Darn!
Wow! Very angry and typically unintelligent.
Republican dream island sounds nice (except for the raping part of course). I liked it so much I chose it as a name. Very catchy. However, since you hate it soo much here, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be you going to the island instead.
I don’t think anyone here cares about your opinion because you are juvenile and full of hate, and thank you for proving to be a stellar example of exactly why we are concerned.
Have a nice day-
Yeah Mark and Rep…, G’s foul mouth got him banned from this blog. He was banned once before but he changed his IP address and his email. I changed things so comments with certain words will never be posted if the filter works correctly.
Certain people on the Internet need some serious help.
Disregard last comment- The message it was responding to was pulled. Too bad because aside from the curse words it was kind of funny.
I often wonder if the country would split in two. There seems to be a distinct difference in ideals. Yes, some folks rest in the middle but, for the most part, you are on one side or the other. If it went too far, I think some kind of civil war could be in the offing. You always see and hear the anger from the far left but, I believe there is an anger deep within the working man/woman’s soul with no outlet. I think we are getting tired of being forced to help those not willing to help themselves, and getting ridiculed for complaining about it. We cannot express our anger because we are being made to feel guilty for it. I feel as though my freedoms are being robbed a tiny bit each day. It is a gradual change so it goes largely unnoticed but, at what point is the “camel’s back broken”.
I want to stop this madness that is taking hold of our homeland but, I don’t know how to before it is too late.
There is a polarization between the majority Liberals on the coasts of America and the Bible believing conservatives living in the heartland. It could get bad enough that there will be a break up of the United States. I spoke about this on this blog. When you cannot quote the Bible anymore that day will have arrived.
Even though some in America are working at their best to kick the Lord out of our nation, there’s still too many believers around to cram on an island. It’d have to be good sized.
About quoting the Bible thing… It’s being pressed in Washington, as already done in Canada, that one cannot state what God has to say about homosexuality because it doesn’t support their cause. It appears Obama supports this. People like him are trying to link perversion with pigment of the skin. God made us with the tone of skin we each have. A habit, good or bad, is a different subject line. It’s like alcoholism and real illnesses, can one buy a can of mumps or bottle of aids? A most popular hamburger chain that begins with a ‘M’, is aggressively pressing this crime laws against the moral American. Incarcerations have already begun in Canada.
As far as ‘G’ goes, I guess one could say he got voted off the island.
Being the Creator of this Blog I condemned him to Cyberhell 😯
Just like God can send to Hell those who foul up His creation.
Don, I agree with what “G” said (in essence) however, voting him “off the island” wouldn’t even make a difference in his mindset. Yes, we butcher babies, we smoke pot, have the crazy idea that killing people is bad, don’t go to church, and think that capitalism is the root of all evil….but that doesn’t mean we’re a bunch of hippie socialists
also, the rules set by early christians ARE indeed very good rules to live by (the ten commandments, not falling under the seven deadly sins, etc)
That was pretty funny.
Actually, I would not have minded keeping “G” on the island because his foul mouth obviously provoked some great responses but there are two things that will get one immediately banned on this Blog and those two things are: those using extremely foul language and the other is personal attacks meant to be personal attacks rather than addressing the issues of the posts. There are woman and children reading these Blogs and Christians would depart if I allowed these types of posts to remain.
Unfortunately when you do vote foul people off the Island the islanders may get a civil view of the world that actually does not exist.
With all puns aside, this election is actually to see if the USA will remain a free society or move on over towards socialism,. Then we may never have freedom of speech, worship or to defend ourselves again. Lost forever. It’s a long. long time. The ones who vote off shear hatred are really going to be torqued if they vote for socialism. They then best not voice their anger thereafter too loud or they’ll get super torqued when they’re incarcerated. I wonder what our forefathers would of thought or done if they could of seen this day’s society of America. Would they of camped out in the frozen winter, marched hundreds of miles in bare feet, went over the top, up the hill or hit the beach? So many great people gave us so much, and many aren’t the least bit thankful for it. I always tell people to be thankful for what you have today or you may not have it tomorrow. When I start to feel like I need to keep up with the Jones, I look at others who have less than I. I could be one of the Kenyan’s, where presently many are being persecuted and murdered by some of Obama’s next ‘o kin. I believe he stood by the side and backed of one of these trouble makers, who promised to bring Shea law to the hood. Life is cheap.
Well, Obama isn’t a socialist. he’s just very liberal. Hillary on the other hand….yeah she’s crazy [bad kind of] socialist. haha. okay, but the freedom of speech is one of the things that modern socialism is indeed for (modern socialism in countries such as Sweden). often times, the biggest advocates for free speech are the super-liberals. the republicans (like your very own Gov. Palin) are looking to ban books in PUBLIC libraries, and to take vulgarity off shelves in record stores. the differences between republicans, socialism and the USSR are enormous. and wasn’t it the republicans who implemented the patriot act? thats more of a big brother move then anything a democrat would have done, but the USSR did indeed do that. and its not voting for socialism unless you vote for Brian Moore for president (socialist party USA’s candidate). my final remark is to this whole God issue. Look, i am an atheist, but i (along with many other liberals) don’t have a problem with other people’s religion. It is my personal philosophy that people should be able to do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of other citizens, or put them in harm. that being said, i think religion is a waste of MY time, not yours. so do what you’d like, i could care less if it has no impact on my life. you going to church wont make me get lung cancer, ya know what i’m saying? our forefathers fought for our freedom, and our freedom is the ability to choose what we want to do in life. it is MY choice to not believe in god, to believe in uniting as a nation, to be joined under a standardized set of rules and laws and it is conversely not my right to tell you what to think.
Actually Obama is a socialist by any playbook and not the new kind like in Sweden. He is from the old school, read about who his mentors were, his voting record and the programs he wants to bring in. Just his plan of a civil force with more power that the military and his proposal for government control of all children from birth should make your hair stand on end (If you have any hair I can’t really see any from your on-line picture) 😉
I think that is an old wives liberal tail about Gov. Palin looking to ban books in public libraries at least that is what she claimed on ABC. However, if we have truly obscene books and music this should not be allowed in any civilized society. That is why we have local laws and local courts to deal with these types of issues. A mostly Christian community might want different obscenity laws then say San Francisco. People do have the freedom to move and I encourage them to do so if the heathen have taken over their village.
What is your suggestion to deal with the terrorist threat? Just do nothing? The Patriot act deals with the threat and the Patriot Act was passed by a Democratic controlled House and Senate. Bush does not make law. If the democratically controlled congress passed a law that is unconstitutional and Bush signed it the Supreme Court’s job is to rule the law unconstitutional. That does not mean we should not be vigilant about our freedoms but blaming Bush for some loss of freedoms for mostly criminals is an argument from the Far Left conspiracy fringe and it ignores how our government really runs. The President does not have all that much power at all in the long term. You cannot have expensive executive branch programs without funding from congress. Having said that, have a WMD terrorist attack or two and you will see martial law and the suspension of your freedoms no matter who is President. It is better to stop them before that happens if we can, don’t you think?
You are allowed free thought in America at least until the Left passes its hate speech bill. Freedom for Life, Liberty and happiness is our constitutional right as long as it is not impacting on the freedoms of someone else. That is the way our system of government was designed. However, there are still consequences to choices you make in life even in a free society.
I do have hair, in fact, it is quite long. I think that we as Americans have the right to chose what we can read. we have the right to smoke cigarettes, intoxicate ourselves, but you propose that we can’t read books that are allegedly dangerous? The way to deal with terrorists, is to prevent them from even existing. I believe that Arabic terrorists wouldn’t even exist if Russia didn’t get involved with Afghanistan. If there is a WMD attack (who has these, Iraq? nope. Iran? they’re scared shitless to even consider using them against us. North Korea? the only country crazy enough to use them if they actually have an arsenal). That being said, we would react so quickly that they wouldn’t even know what hit them, sending our world into a nuclear holocaust. Russia would take it upon themselves to use one against us when we’re weak, and India would just shit itself and bomb everywhere that threatens her.
Back to Obama – I’ve read everything by him (audacity of hope/the one about his father/etc.) and he isn’t an “old school” socialist. Those don’t even exist anymore. Are you suggesting that Ted Kennedy is one? How about Lincoln? They are some of Obama’s biggest heroes.
Your reading things in to what I said. I said the local community should decide what books they consider obscene in their libraries. If you were in a third world village who do you think would set the village standards? The elders of the village. In our nation we elect people for that purpose. In my taxpayer paid public libraries I do not want books on how to make atomic bombs available. If you disagree the community will vote in the representative that represents their values. If you do not like the community standards you can move. You have a right to read what you want if you pay the bill and do not expose people in my community to what we consider obscene.
Your wrong and very naive about Islamic terrorists they exist because it is part of the teaching of Islam. You are just talking about latest trigger points but the root of the Jihad is the teachings of Islam and it has been going on for 1500 years. Iraq would have WMD by now if we did not go in and take out Saddam. Do you really think that Saddam would let Iran get nukes without becoming nuclear himself? He had the yellow cake and the know how. Iraq was only about one month from a bomb on the first invasion and bombing of Iraq.
There is plenty of danger to us if Iran gets a nuke. Ever hear of an EMP attack? A single nuke could send the U.S. back to the 18th century for years. Besides, Israel is at grave risk. You say Iran is scared but your wrong about that. Have you never read what the Iranian leaders are saying? You can find those article on this Blog. The leadership thinks it will bring their Savior. They actually hope for a war and expect a war and that is why they are developing nukes.
Once the first nukes go off the whole world goes nuts as you yourself just said.
Ted Kennedy is an old school socialist of course. He would make a great communist. Most blacks consider Lincoln to be their liberator so what does that have to do with the price of tea in china? I was talking about Obama’s mentor as a kid Saul Alinsky. Even today I read an article by Saul’s son that said that Obama is following his Father’s radical teachings to a T.
So then i suppose you believe he was a member of the Weather Underground too?..since he’s such a rebel
First of all, thanks Karlos for being decent about the Lord’s people. Most who don’t wish to believe or accept God as He is, would start throwing rocks first.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Christ and know of what it takes to receive eternal life so I’ll attempt to show a couple things to reason with the existence of God. I was once a heavy drinker. I couldn’t get off the beer to save me. On July 26th, 9 pm Mountain Time, 1988, with a half can of beer in my hand, I accepted the Christ. If the Lord wants you, he’ll throw hints at ya. I kind of ran from him for years. That night, I wasn’t an alcoholic anymore. I knew I didn’t have to accept Him, but I knew I needed His help to get me out of the pit. It was my faith that got me eternal life. There was nothing scientific about it. I humbly and meaningfully asked forgiveness and I got it. Getting off the booze was one of many great things he did for me, and I’m not in heaven yet.
If one has a problem with God’s existence, why is there only one planet that can sustain human life? Many scientists now agree that there’s nothing out there that compares to earth. Also, where is those green men from Mars that’s so often talked about? When the Christ came and especially died, why did this event change the way history dates were recorded? BC/AD. He was just one small individual, as far as most are concerned. God’s Word tells us He flooded the earth. Man will say we had a huge ice age. Why is there fossils of sea life in the higher elevations? Man says we have walked this planet for who knows how many years, first coming from a fish now, let alone a monkey. God says He created us about 6000 years ago. How come man’s true history cannot go back past a handful of thousands of years? Darwin, who had no proof of his 10 steps from monkey to the man but an ape, a pigs jaws, an elderly man with severe arthritis and a standard man, stated at the end of his life that he was full of smoke. Some scientists have stated that this planet has been here for zillions of years but some are giving earth’s existence about 10k years now. Schools teach that oil is fossil fuel and came from fermented dinosaurs, yet the Soviets have known for years that oil comes from two elements deep in the ground, compressed to over 1500 psi and heated. Oil is then slung towards towards the surface by the rotation of the earth. The Russians have drilled miles and miles down and have found oil. Oil is a great interest to the old Soviets, which carries on today from Stalin’s era. Think of all the dino’s that had to of kicked the bucket to make so much oil. I once worked in the oilfield. I grew up in it. Oil is found at shallow depths to well over 10 miles down. God’s Word tells me that before He returns, the popularity of boys liking boys will increase, earthquakes will increase like a woman giving birth, as from the 70’s until today. Volcanoes will increase. There will be an increase of wars and rumors of wars. We do not hear of many of them today that are going on. Technology will increase dramatically. Partying will increase. There will be a turning away from God and His ways. The nations that will group together for the two final battles are already grouped together. The four are the EU, US, Britain and Israel, China and it’s fellow countries and Russia with 6 each Arabic states. If they’re not completely together yet, they’re working on it. Russia will come down upon Israel. It is specifically written that 5/6th of the Soviet Union will be destroyed. And why does the world in very most part, hate Israel and the Jews? They’re the Lord’s original chosen people. Evil man will attempt to destroy this country. It is also written that Israel would come back together and it would become great, 1947-today. (The dead sea is worth over 2 trillion in minerals and they now have oil that is said to easily compete with what Saudi had at the beginning.) When this happens, the Lord says to start looking for His return, that it’s ‘even at the doors’. If there is no God, what keeps us together. If I knew I didn’t have to face the one who has eyes of fire and snow white hair today, I’d be rich today. I’d probably be rude, a common thief, a boozer, drug seller, maybe a murderer or rapist, who knows. If ther ewas no eternal life or death, I would live for today only and mostly just for myself. We have cut our original nation’s laws from God’s Words. Thou shalt not murder, steal, ect. I could go on with this but there’s enough to ponder on.
Today in America, we have more crime than ever before. We have all type of aliens and enemies in the country. Obama wants to disarm us all. He has proven that gun laws to prevent one from defending oneself is more important than the one trespassing to do harm to a citizen in their home.
Liberalism, socialism and communism have control and redistribution in common. They also bring on negatives towards God and any believers. Why go to it voluntarily? It will bring on bloodshed. Just how much?
Europe went to a type of socialist community. Now they’re getting over run by Islam. Seems like some areas were torched in recent times. Jews are being punished there. The race war has started again. Many fear, if time goes on, within the next 20 years, if America would stay as present, we’d have to find new allies. Europe will be Islamic by then. Do we want to motto after Europe? As long as we just attack certain people in our country?
Obama is not pro Islamic? Why the trip to Africa to back the uncle who wants to bring Shea law to Kenya? Why does Syria, a terrorist supporting state, want him in? Why does the Russians want him in? If I were an old enemy of America, I’d want this guy in. He’ll never use nuclear weapons, period. With Russia’s and China’s military might, they’ll do as they please. There will be no deterrent.
Hope this helps somewhat.
Hi Don. I was reading about a man, Alexander Tyler, a Sottish man who lived in the late 1700’s , and here is what he said about democracy….
’A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.’
’A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.’
’From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.’
’The average age of the world’s greatest civi lizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years’
’During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage’
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota, believes the United States is now somewhere between the ’complacency and apathy’ phase of definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached the ’governmental dependency’ phase.
There you have it. It’s unfortunate, but it’s inevitable. I’m 25, and at some point in my lifetime I will see this country being run by a dictator. I agree with you whole-heartedly about Obama, but, the sad truth is that he has the majority of the voting block. I know in my heart that there will be a democrat in office this year, and this country is going to be destroyed. It’s really unfortunate that today’s generation and my generation are being taught by a bunch of left wingers with no appriciation for the truth. Teachers are not allowed to teach. They are told what to tell the students. And EVERYONE just accepts what they are being told. In many ways we are already brain washed. All you have to do is read back through some of the responses people left to see that!
I forgot to mention in my last, which was well too long, that the Bible says the Arabs and Israelis will be at odds till the last day. Abraham’s offspring. No true peace will come between them, as proved today.
Also, Biden has recently told Israel that they best get used to the fact that Iran will have nukes. Israeli officials are now pumped about that statement.
To answer Karlos question. No I do not think Obama was part of the Weather Underground although he had connections with a leader of it. When I was talking about him being a radical I was talking his connections with the Left wing Chicago machine and his connections with those in Black Liberation Theology. I guess a lot of that goes with the flow if you want political support from a good part of the black community but it does not make him anyone that I would want to become president of this nation.
Okay, lets agree on one thing. we’re screwed no matter who is president.
and where does it say that in the bible? the bible was written years and years before the muslim faith was even conceived
Hi Valerie,
Thanks for posting that info I was aware of it but perhaps many are not. That is one of the reasons our forefathers did not make the U.S. a pure Democracy we were created to be a Democratic Republic but more and more we are acting like a Democracy.
I would say we are will be in stage 7 if we vote in a totally liberal government. A week ago it sure looked like we would do that but right now I think it is 50/50. Nevertheless, no one is going to fix the problems we will have in the next four years and whoever gets elected is likely to be a one term president or a major war president and if that happens we could go into stage 8. Don’t give up all hope yet though, much of the Heartland is not drinking the Obama Kool-Aid. I admit that the liberals now seem to be the majority in this country but they cannot get along with each other for long and they end up eating their young.
Karlos, About three thousand years ago God made promises to Abraham and said that his wife Sarah that was way past child bearing age would give birth to a child who would inherent the land that includes much of the Middle-East today. The whole story can be found in the first book of the Bible called Genesis.
In short Abraham and Sarah tried to help God out in the flesh by Abraham having sex with a slave girl of Sarah. The child born was named Ishmael but the son of the slave girl (Ishmael) was cast out by Abraham’s wife Sarah after she had the real son of the promise from God (Isaac).
From Isaac came Jacob who was renamed Israel and from Ishmael came most of the nations around the Middle East today who were first pagans and then were converted to Islam. The son of the promise and the son of the slave girl both claim the promises given to Abraham. This family feud is being played out since that time. If you study Islam you will see that they claim to be the rightful heirs of the promises to Abraham but of course the Bible says that the promise comes through Issac and Israel. That is why there really is no solution to the Middle East conflict before the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is a blood feud between two half brothers who both claim the inheritance of the land.
Don…do you think Obama is going to win this race…I have faith in the more mature, rational, moral sector of society…but some of these “kids” are “out-there”…Who do they think is going to pay their bills when he starts playing “Robin Hood”? I mean it’s going to be hard to go back and live with dear ole Mom and Dad when they have lost everything they have worked hard for…there goes the will!
There’s a great deal of people around here that need a wake-up call?
I really do not know who is going to win this race. Right now McCain has the edge but one major mistake and it will go to Obama. Fortunately a lot of those kids never show up to vote. Many grown children are already gong back to live with dear ole Mom and Dam. I know parents who want to move out to get away from their kids that have moved back home because they cannot make it on their own. Obama economics will make things worse but I am not sure there is any solution anymore. We have way too much debt and have made way too many mistakes. If the government keeps bailing out corporations nobody is going to finnance our increasing debt and then inflation will become major and if it does not bail out these failing companys we will be in a major depression. We probably will get both it is called stagflation.
Not all Liberals and Socialists are Godless, and trust me many so called people of God that are Conservative are far from Godly…
I live in Arizona and McCain has been my Senator, he is a hero in many ways but is not right as the leader of our country in this day and age. I am a registered Republican and I belive in Creationism but I have declared myself an Independent and feel that we need something completly different, I voted for Bush, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, no way I would vote for the lying Rupublican ticket. Don’t let the conservative party scare you anymore. Both parties are a mess but Obama offers a=something different and if you are afraid of things becoming too leftist, the beauty of this country is we can replace him in 4 or 8 years. Someone above made a statement about Homosexuality being cool and other things and even though I don’t agree with beating people up who are different than you, relaize that all the things that person posted have really come to light during the Bush years.
You mentioned debt, this debt was created by the Conservative administration, c’mon, get real. The biggest debt in our countries history under the Bush admin. W e are in two wars and trying to pick a third, our economy is collapsing, the housing market is done, people abroad hate us, I can’t believe that all this happened in just 8 years under an ignorant administraion. McCain would be better than Bush but Bush screwed things up so bad we’d be foold to put McCain/Pailin in office. The Conservatives did this, blame ur party and its agenda and affiliations… The problem with the rich running this country is that in order to get ahead you must exploit people and environment and that what this administration has done. Get em’ out, kepe em’ out…
Again, I was reading more of above comments and I can’t believe you have the balls to call others Godless because they think different than you, you and your type are why things are the way they are in this country. And, why do you have to point out the color of Obamas skin? I guess that tells us really what your feelings are… Ones skin color has nothing to do with anything, this is the year 2008, its not the 40’s and 50’s anymore. Again, you most likley are a backward thinking racist who is calling yourself a man of God, trust me, God is not on your side with comments like that, you better grab your Bible and re read and re adjust your midset…. Obama is going to eat up McCain the debates, McCain/Palin have nothing to offer but more of the same and I think you will agree more of gthe same is not good.
That is correct Scot, pigment of the skin is what we were given. I’m a heinz 57 myself. I have three European and two Indian bloods in me including the low thought of Irish of the old days. I work with all different people from over the world with different pigments of the skin, daily. They know I look what’s inside of people.
The news media is bias for the most part, mostly for the socialib scene. It is a shame that I have to go out and search for the facts. I have had to sign up to multiple news sites to retrieve fact from fiction. This shouldn’t have to be. The honest facts should be presented to me when I turn on the tube to a news station. I have found off television news, twisted truths, outright lies and unfair coverage. The communists and dictators do this. This is a subliminal hint in itself.
With the above in mind, with a socialib Congress, Senate and President, I see more of this coming. We may not have another real election. With foreigners voting, electronic voting machine ‘glitches’ and post punched cards mostly in the lib’s favor, it may not matter what many Americans feel today.
As far as debates go I’m not into who’s a better salesman. I want to know who has the real and better experience, morals, common sense and been in the light long enough to really know what he’s up to.
One running for prez has a long history to like or dislike. The other has very little. With what little that is out for the public to see, the negatives have sure outweigh positives on him. All he has is his hopeful words for the most part.
I am not a McCain fan either and its true that not all socialists are godless and that many conservatives are far from Godly. However changing to a government where all branches are controlled by the Far Left is not wise. In fact, you may not be able to replace anyone in government in 4 or 8 years if that happens. The Democrats will have changed laws and stacked the federal courts with like minded people. It will be the end of America as we know it. Many nations have taken the socialist path that Obama is set to put this nation on and the people of those nations lost control over their government If you want to risk becoming Cuba go ahead and vote for Obama.
Debt was not created by some Conservative administration. It was created by all administrations for the last one hundred years that spent more than it took in. Congress has been controlled by liberals and progressives for quite some time and they pass the spending laws. Even Republicans like the Bush’s are not true conservatives. The conservatives do not control the Republican party. Bush is really a moderate as was his father before him. We have not had a true conservative president for quite some time and McCain is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Nevertheless, as I said, the real danger is letting the Far Left which hijacked the Democratic Party get control of all federal government. You might as well move to Cuba because that will be our future.
The reason the U.S. is falling apart is because of the big government socialism already in place that has bankrupted this nation. It is because of the socialist globalization that sent our jobs overseas. It is also because of the moral decline and the division that causes in our nation.
The wars we are in are due to a world that has had its head in the sand about the evils of Islam and the world tyrants that it faces. So America stands pretty much alone putting fingers in the dike until the next world war. Try to even imagine a world that did not have America standing in the gap against evil tyrants for the last century.
Bush can do nothing without appeasing Congress and as I said, congress is controlled by the Far Left. So don’t think everything is going to come up roses when you put someone in the presidency who will just rubber stamp all the Far Left legislation’s and appoint federal judges that will subvert our Constitution by legislating from the bench and appoint a Supreme Court that will redefine the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We are only one judge away from that happening right now. Under Obama the change is certain, under McCain it is at least questionable.
Your last post is not worth commenting on. It is typical liberal name calling and unfounded attacks claiming racism. Get real!.
I will let the last post go but you were the one who said something to the extent of black savior or something like that??? I do not have time right now to go back through and find it, but anyway; appreciate the discussion even though but this administration inhereted a surplus and now we are close to a depression, the President has a tough job whoever it is, at least his last name won’t be Bush but as Americans we have to work together, we need a balance and right now our greedy money hungry capitalistic society has hurt our society, its sad that we need Federal intervention, lets just hope we can get some honest people into offices who really have America’s best interst in mind. All we can go off is words, its scarey but I look into McCains eyes and do not see confidence and I listen and do not hear a plan. Obama, if elected will have to live up to his words but he can’t do it without all of our help. God is in control of all things and has given us all the ability to accomplish anything. Muslims, Christians and Jews all believe in the same God, the God of Abraham and Moses, we all share the same history. Religion is what is corrupt not spirituality. But there is a place for non believers as well and as believers we must love them too and all work together to make the world a tolerant place. I think God is leaving it up to us. No President can fix things but this administration has done a terrible job…
The evils of Islam are due to the US and Israel’s treatment of the Palastinians, funny how we cannot condemn an entire people becaus eof some radicals. Understand that these radicals came about because of the imperialistic approach and selfishness of our greedy culture. America is great, don’t get me wrong but lets face the fact that if you oppress people for long enough they will be forced to react in extreme measures. The middle east is very tricky but it is the Holy land and people of all the Major faiths are brothers and sisters in Gods eyes, I beleive. Don’t be naive to think that throughout history Christians have not did their part as far as terrorism. The whole reason we are allies with Israel is due to power and control. All this is important but the conservative approach is to start wars over lies and fabrications of the truth. We should of captured Osama Bin Laden by now and the Taliban should be completely defeated but we took our eye off the enemy and went into Iraq and now we are losing young American lives and our country is in debt. Sadam was a bad man but we also have a bad man or men and women as heads of our Government too. There are just as many bad dictators in Africa as well, oppressing people and killing innocent people. But at least when Bush is out of office his interests will be satisfied, high oil prices and tons of his buddies companies as the main contractors in Iraq. Obama was the only one opposed to this war so his judgement on that was better than Bushs, Hillarys and McCains. In nay case, times are going to be tough for us all, if we are believers we need to pray and take action, for those who are not believers, we still need their involvement as right must prevail over wrong and good over evil and I think this adminstration is evil and McCain has sided with this Admin close to 100% of the time. The only one with any sense got out before the u know what hit the fan, Colin Powell.
I am sorry I meant funny how we CAN condemn and entire people.
And as far as Cuba, here is something interesting: While it would be wrong to make light of the poverty that afflicts Cuba, the people do seem content – more so than your average Westerner. The complete absence of capitalism means Cubans are not obsessed with getting the latest plasma TV, the biggest house or reading the latest celebrity gossip magazine.
“Instead, people get together to talk, socialise and spend time with their families and friends.”
See? You don’t need capitalist luxuries like a plasma TV or a big house of even a magazine to be happy in revolutionary Cuba.
Oh, yes, and your own private doctor, available around the clock.
More on Cuba: this was taken from an article written by a British teacher who took 0ver 20 students to visit Cuba.
In Communist Cuba, we witnessed a regimented school system where 99% of the country is literate. We observed an organized, productive, and inclusive way of working. In Cuba, everyone has a job; not one person is without work. Women retire at 55 if they wish, and men retire at 60. As we became familiar with the Cuban work ethic and value of life and work, we also began to feel a shift in the values we brought to Cuba.
Cubans are happy and generous people. We all returned home with a richer spirit, warmed by the love of the students and teachers we met at Frederico Engels Polytechnical School, located in Pinar del Rio, in the west of Cuba. For one week, we lived in the school dorms, worked in the fields with the students, discussed globalization and national heroes, and endured rice, beans, oranges, and cake at every meal! We were surprised at how happy the students were, even though they live without the material possessions we have (the students play soccer with a torn soccer ball and use just about anything as equipment for playing other games). The students who became our friends taught us life can be enjoyed in spite of material limitations. We witnessed integrity in the teachers and workers we met at the school and at the local tobacco plantation. They reminded us daily of the sense of community and connection all Cubans feel for one another. Dignity and a wonderful sense of humour shone from the Cuban people in spite of a cruel blockade imposed by the U.S. government.
I’m sorry but I can’t believe you’re saying all of the above. I’m from Europe. My grandparents were farmers, mere peasants. They never benifited from Socialism and their minimum wage crap. They were pretty poor by our standards. And yet ,when I hear my grandfather talking politics, he sounds off like a true free market capitalist. He opposes corporate welfare, gov’t handouts, subsidies, the VAT and other (high) taxes, and our typical European elitism. And so do I.
Materialism has nothing to do with Capitalism in itself. Materialism and greed are moral problems. There’s nothing wrong with creating wealth – it’s wrong, however, if wealth and money becomes an end, an obsesession, a “god” (the mammon) rather than a means to provide for your family and to honor God. That’s beyond Capitalism – it’s got to do with man’s sinfulness.
Free market capitalism is the only economic system that I know off that is pro-individual, efficient and demands that government sticks its nose out of the personal affairs of citizens. Btw, Adam Smith (you’ve at least heard of him, I presume) was a practising Christian. Marx, Castro, Lenin and Stalin were/are anti-Christian and atheists that categorically oppose any sort of religion. Not so with Capitalism.
Christians are called to be seperate. We must keep the peace with non-believers as much as we can, but we are not to partake in their sinful ways and defile our faith with the fallible thinking of men. We’re ambassadors of Christ that belong to God’s heavenly Kingdom, not to the world. While we are in this world, we must above all testify of Christ. You can’t reconcile the Prince of Peace with the Beelzebub.
As for Cuba, go watch The Lost City directed by Andy Garcia, a Cuban American actor, conservative Catholic and Republican. That may give you a different perspective on those filthy Communist butchers like Ché Guevarra that had no dignity and no respect for tradition, personal achievement and private property. Cuba had a democratic republic and was far better off under Batista than under the Communists. In fact, it was one of the most prosperous countries in the region. Surely Batista abused his power but the Communist revolution was forced by Castro upon the people of Cuba.
Oh and, “Thou shalt not steal…. Thou shalt not covet thy… ” and so on. Remember?? Private property is a God-given and basic human right.
I’d like to address a couple things. Too much there and too little time….
As far as a surplus it show of went to the dept or back to the givers. 40% of our gas tax doesn’t go for roads and bridges. It goes for earmarks to invent projects like bike trails and a hippie museum.
Over 340 billion goes each ear for illegal aliens. Around 45,000 American citizens have been killed or murdered by aliens in the last half dozen years. Compare this to the war. Why disn’t these stats on the evening news each night?
Muslim’s do not believe in the the Christ as Lord. They consider Him as just another prophet man.
Mohammad came along after the 1st half dozen A.D. centuries, well after Christ’s time. It was born on rape pillage and burn in the name of a god. This religion was based on one man saying that God talked to him off and on. I heard of no miracles of him performing nor did he suffer and die for all mankind.
Standard Jewish religion did not accept Christ as God’s Son, as known. They believe in the father like ‘true’ Christians do. Keep in mind that the word ‘Christian’ is a very liberally used word. To call oneself Christian but not truly accepting the Christ for what he is and stands for are two different things all together. Sure the Jews had the Christ killed, yet there were many Gentiles hanging around who did nothing. It was the world who rejected him. As it is written, the main plan of God’s though out these last 2000 years of life as we know it is to see the Jews fall before the Christ and call him Lord.
Real Christians and Jews don’t pump little children full of hate, invigilating Muslims to less than pigs. Look at the news facts where ever you can find them. Muslim=Submission,
Jesus Christ=God Saves Messiah. Something to ponder on.
The tie between true Christians and Jews… God tells His people, who know the Lord, to stand up for His original chosen people. This is mainly why there is a huge push to silence true Godly people in America and move away from the Lord’s ways. Europe will make a false peace with Israel someday. I won’t be here at that time to see it but many will.
Palestine wasn’t called Palestine till the British named that area past the turn of the last century.
PLO leader Yasser came from Jorden kicked out after attempting to over throw the boss. There is no evidence of the Palestinians in history. They came from other Arabic states. Nevertheless, the Living God states that once he brings Israel back together (’47-48) it will proper and never be overthrow. No matter what we say or wish for, God will have things done His way. No one can change God’s plan.
There is no sin against God for having to go to war for the right reasons. Unpopular, God sent and backed His original chosen to do battle many times. Some don’t understand that God is loving but just also.
I seen the comments about Cuba. Kennedy left hundreds of Cubans to die and rot in prisons. Then he was tagged for turning back the Soviet hoard. Kennedy also started the lib movement that we see today. I’m curious as to why no one knows what truly happened to cause his death. Again, no true facts.
I have never seen an honest report of Cubans, where they could freely speak without reprisals. I know of the poverty levels. That’s just what socialism brings on, and people in America want this? Cubans have help now. Since we are not drilling off our Florida coast , the Cubans have let the Chinese come in to do it. The oil we have will now be retrieved by the Chinese by off set drilling. If they have a huge oil disaster, we are militarily and financially anemic to do a thing. China controls our economy and have a mighty military that no one can compete with. Never the less, Cuba should have a boost in their economy. I wonder if the people will get any of the spoils. Besides, just living in Cuba, the Word of God, hope for today and eternity, is gone.
Ah! I spotted ‘globalization’ in the mix. This is what God stated will happen close to His return. There are many avenues being attempted to bring this about, including the global warming scam which is full of holes. I believe, as I have brought this up before, you may see this NWO soon. But do be prepared to serve the leader of the NWO and accept that chip in the right hand. I wouldn’t if I were here. It will be a free ticket to the Lake of Fire. It’s our individual choice.
Some countries that support communism, terrorism and Islam, want Obama in. There is a reason for this.
For the sake of factual accuracy, I’d just like to point out that it’s actually not certain whether Adam Smith was a Christian or a Deist. But that doesn’t change anything about the fact that capitalism works and is compatible with individual freedom and faith. Besides, capitalism already existed to varying degrees before Adam Smith.
Mark, you make many excellent points. But I disagree that globalization is necessarily a problem. Globalization is just the by-product of technological developments. I think it’s inevitable. It sure poses some great challenges to the nations but it can also be a great opportunity. Globalism is the real problem. It’s the belief that we must set up some international gov’t body to control world affairs, a new economical order, eliminate national boundaries and establish a common religion and way of thinking. They do so under the disguise of tolerance and for the sake of “human rights” but it goes at the expense of freedom, national identity and our duty to preach the Gospel. I suppose globalization and globalism are intertwinned to some extent but I don’t believe there’s some secret international body of rich men that are setting the world stage for their coming NWO experiment. I believe that this Antichrist “NWO” will come about as the result of a “natural” course of events instead of secret dealings between national leaders and other influential men that are playing tactical games.
I believe most are naive to the end result of this false peace that comes with globalism, that God warns us about, that people are searching for. One day, no matter who wants control of this worldly society, one will emerge and take it all. Anyone in the way will be crushed, excluding the Kings of the East. We know who that will be the world boss for a short period. Most don’t care to place their security in God so they’re looking for security in other ways. I do believe it’s possible that there is some that know of this, who would help, if not already, to bring this on. Surely, not the majority though. That’s why I attempt to state what God has to say is coming. With the lid on truth nowadays, I don’t mind letting the cat out of the bag. I’m not the one who has anything to loose.
El, You are correct on the points you made on the reasons to help bring the NWO on. I like the way that the U.N. says they care but does nothing to help the many poor Africans being constantly butchered year after year. It truly burns my backside to see ‘slaughterhouse 5’ and no one cares. U.N. troops have committed serious crimes themselves and no justice was given. I know that’s a whole didn’t story line but it intertwines with what people can expect in the NWO.
Speaking of the slaughter in Africa, I remember when a guy named Billy that turned his head, not wanting to use the word genocide, watched thousands get butchered. The U.N. fared no better.
Bodies were rolling and bobbing in the waterfalls like I see dead carp here.
If I recall correctly, a wife of presidential candidate has made many humanitarian trips to Africa to help pick up the pieces. Her name is Cindy McCain. We don’t hear much about those dozens of trips. Censored news.
*I happened to find the below news clip from February of this year. I know some believe Obama is just another average lib. The below speaks for itself. Thanks, Mark*
Campaign workers for Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama are under fire for displaying a flag featuring communist hero Che Guevara. But Obama has his own controversial socialist connections. He is, in fact, an associate of a Chicago-based Marxist group with access to millions of labor union dollars and connections to expert political consultants, including a convicted swindler.
Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat. Later, the Chicago DSA newsletter reported that Obama, as a state senator, showed up to eulogize Saul Mendelson, one of the “champions” of “Chicago’s democratic left” and a long-time socialist activist. Obama’s stint as a “community organizer” in Chicago has gotten some attention, but his relationship with the DSA socialists, who groomed and backed him, has been generally ignored.
*The below is of April ’07. his coinsides with what this thread is about. Real news. Real life. It’s all out on the net to find if anyone is interested in the truth. Trust me, if I can find it, anyone can. Once again, this speaks for itself.*
Following up, in April 2007, PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen reported that European socialists held a meeting “in the Democrats HQ in Washington,” met with officials of the party and Democratic members of Congress, and agreed that “PES activist groups” in various U.S. cities would start working together. The photos of the trip show Rasmussen meeting with such figures as Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Bernie Sanders, officials of the Brookings Institution, Howard Dean, and AFL-CIO President John W. Sweeney, a member of the DSA. The Brookings Institution is headed by former Clinton State Department official Strobe Talbott, a proponent of world government who was recently identified in the book Comrade J as having been a pawn of the Russian intelligence service.
I have been gone all day and have had a lot of bad news today so I am not in the mood to hear drivel from the living brainwashed. Let me clarify a couple of points for you since you brought them up. I see you like to spout your drivel here but you never seem to answer the arguments presented to you by others just like a typical clueless liberal.
For your information I called Obama the Black Messiah because people treat him like he was their Messiah. They treat him like he is someone who is going to fix the world by using his magic words of change. He certainly is not going to use the experience he does not have to fix it. It is ridiculous.
Why do I call him a black Messiah? Two reasons besides the one I just mentioned, he claims to be black although he is at least half white and he also believes in Black Liberation Theology because he went to that type of a church for twenty years. Black Liberation Theology believes the Messiah is Black. So connect the above dots and you will get the Black Messiah picture.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews do not believe in the same God if they are true to their faith! Jesus said no man comes to the Father except through Him and the Bible say that Jesus was the only visible image of God. The Bible also says that those who reject the Son also reject the Father. Muslims do not believe that God has a Son and they do not accept Jesus as their Savior so they reject God. Jews rejected Jesus so they reject God. All those who reject Jesus do not have a relationship with Father God. That is Christianity 101. You obviously do not believe it. So if Christians are wrong about how one has a relationship with God why would you then even say that Christians worship God? It is not logical. Either Christianity is true and Jesus is the only way to God or your thinking that all these religions worship the same God is all wrong.
You talk about the terrible job that Bush is doing but your facts are all wrong. Recessions are economic cycles. They do not just happen because a president takes office. The recession that caused most of the increased debt was well on its way before Bush even took office. There also was also a 9/11 attack if you were old enough to remember and that added to the business downturn and later the war spending. Bush policies did not make the recession happen. In fact, the tax cuts he proposed to congress helped to get us out of it. You also cannot seem to get it into your head that congress makes the laws that set economic policy not the president. Congress is liberal and they have been and still are obstructionists to the free enterprise system. So don’t blame Bush when congress keeps giving us more and more economy wrecking socialism.
The evils of Islam are due to the US and Israel’s treatment of the Palastinians?????
What! That is about the most thoughtless statement I ever heard. Learn a little about history before you spout off such nonsense. Islam was evil since it was make up 1500 years ago. The rest of your statement is just as demented and I am not going to waste my time dialoguing with someone who cannot even think for himself and instead just repeats Far Left propaganda like a tape recorder. If anyone else wants to waste their time with Scott be my guest. Scott even thinks Cuba is a great place to live. I bet Scott would love North Korea as well. Scott if you hate what America stands for so much and you want to change it into a socialist obamanation you might move to one of those socialist worker paradises you think so highly of. Come to think of it, if enough people think like you do, you will not have to move at all, you will be in one.
Our nation is in terminal trouble if Scott represents the thinking in this nation.
Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in the same God, there is only one God, the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. You can blame Islam for the worlds troubles if it makes you feel good, shows your ignorance. As far as me believing that Cuba is a great place, I never said that, I just thought that was interesting, we can’t even keep our doors unlocked here and we are losing our sense of family and community and there in Cuba where things are bad and hard, they have a better sense of the things that are most important, interesting, thats all I am saying. Also, God is God, Jesus is Jesus, Muslims believe in the same God as Christians, trust me! and realize the Bible was not written in the times of the so called authors of the books, also, many chapters were left out of the Bible due to the politics of the time. The Quran was sent down to Mohammad from God though his angel Gabriel in order to set mankind straight and give mankind a guidance to follow. I suggest you all read the Quran before you comment on it, Jews, Christians and Muslims do share the same history, A Muslim is one who submits their will to God and Islam means peace and submission to God, the creator of all. Don’t think that so called Muslims like Sadam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden are true Muslims, those who submit their will to God would not take innocent lives. As far as Palastine (name), check the old Testament the region was called Philistine and was occupied by people who believed in the one true God, the creator of all (Muslims) before Jesus and before Mohammad and before the Jews were lead to the region by Moses. In the Quran it says that the Christians and Jews are brothers and sisters in Faith to the Muslims. True Islam is a beautiful religion as is true christiananity and true Judism. God did not put us here to judge one another, he and he only will take to heaven at a time he has determined those who he wishes based on deeds. Life is a test and as believers our individual relationships with God is all that matters. Islam is not the enemy, the enemy is fear, greed and insecurity within us all. Prayer and being active towards positive things is the answer. Two more things: first, Don, I was gone for the day after my last post thats why I did not repsond, spending time with my family, second: I still can’t let your comment about Black Messiah slide, there is no reason to reference Obamas color at all, do you get it? Peace to you all and Bless….
Don, and speaking of closed minded and brainwashed, I would say that describes you to tee… You are very condesending and judgmental for being a Man of Christ???
I don’t blame Islam for the world’s troubles. The world’s troubles come from sin and our fallen nature. Islam is just one of many symptoms of that.
I know the U.S. has crime problems especially in the big cities and much of that is due to drugs and moral decadence but that does not mean that Obama’s socialism is going to bring any cure to the sin problem.
Your ignorant of how the Bible came about so there is no reason to trust what you are saying about the Bible. I know better. I explained why we do not worship the same God but you do not believe what God said about Himself in the Bible. Your just not going to get it because apparently you have been fed lies and have been brainwashed. Either you are a Muslim or you have been brainwashed by them. The Apostle Paul said if an angel comes down and gives any other gospel than the one you received let him be accursed. There was no angel giving another message to set Christianity straight as you believe. It may have been a devil who lied and called himself Gabriel . It may also have been Muhammad’s own delusions because it is clear that Islam presents a different message that conflicts with the teachings of Christianity and Judaism. God does not contradict what He had already said through His prophets using an angel.
The Quran is a double minded book it say Jews and Christians are brothers in one place and to be hated and killed in another. That is why Muslims of good will can pick and choice nice verses while those who believe all the teachings believe that the Quran tells them to kill or enslave those who they think will not submit to Islam. They would also have your head for not taking the Quran text as it actually reads instead of the way you want it to read. Muhammad was taught by Christian missionaries and his early teachings have a much more loving tone then his latter teachings after he was rejected and became bitter. Thus you have this double minded book. It is almost like too different people wrote the teaching in the Quran and that is almost true because the poor man went insane.
It does not matter what the word Islam means it is what the religion of Islam teaches that is important. It teaches lies and deception and it fosters those who believe they are doing God’s will to kill others. It is a lie from the pit of hell and it was created by the Devil to oppose Christianity and Judaism.
The Philistines were the enemy of ancient Israel and they only occupied a very small part of the area in the Gaza strip of today. If these were actually the people in the land before Israel , then you should be aware that God told Israel to destroy everyone dwelling in that land because they were so wicked. Had the Jews obeyed God the people you claim lived there would not exist today. So I guess if your history is correct and the Philistines occupied the land before Israel then Philistines should thank Israel for being disobedient to God.
One of the evils of Muslims is they make up their own world history and ignore the truth. I guess if all you are taught is lies you can have no other truth but believing lies does not make the lies the truth. One day very soon two real prophets from God will come in Jerusalem and tell the whole world the truth for 3 1/2 years. I hope Muslims of good will will then hear the truth and receive the only Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.
To get back on topic, why not reference Obamas skin color? Obama and his supporters in the media do it all the time in order to play up to those who would support a minority. Obama is not even black he is tan some blacks would call him a Zebra. The Liberal media likes to call him the first black candidate so why cannot I also mention his skin color? Much of his support is due to his skin color. If Obama had inherited his mothers skin color he would not have been a black community organizer, he would not have been elected from a black community and he would not have the support he does from the power brokers that put him in the national lime black light. This man is not running on his own achievements his initial support is all about his skin color. Granted that his own speaking skills and stance against the war won him additional support in the primaries but he never would have been in that position had he inherited white skin. I also explained why I called him the Black Messiah in my last comment. I guess you do not get it.
The bottom line is now you have the right to believe what you want in this nation as do I. That will not be true in the Obamanation when he signs the hate speech laws that will muzzle the teachings of Christianity, Islam and Judaism that speak against immorality. You have the right to defend your family with guns in this nation, in the Obamanation you will not, you will have to wait for the state police to show up after you are dead. In our nation you have the right to try to work and succeed and have wealth. In the Obamanation if you succeed you will have your wealth redistributed as the government sees fit, so why will people even try? In our nation the parents bring up their children, In the Obamanation the state will tell you how to bring up your children. Must I go on? The difference between the American Republic that our forefathers created and the socialist Obamanation is black and white and I am not talking about skin color.
Oh, really? Well, that’s odd. Last time *I* checked, true Islam had executed two Iranian “apostates” who had turned their backs on Islam and become Christians.
If anyone is ignorant about Islam, it’s you. Islam = Qur’an + Hadith + Sharia. It’s that simple. You really think those Liberal “Qur’an-only” Muslim movements or liberal Sufi Mystics represent true Islam and the doctrines that the vast majority (both Shia and Sunni) of Muslims adhere to and hear in the mosques each Friday afternoon? Get your facts straight!
But you obviously don’t “have the balls”, as you would put it, to look beyond politically correct, “nice”-sounding, universalistic baloney from people like Obama and, yes, President George W. Bush.
Check out ww.JihadWatch.org, http://www.OpenDoors.org, Answering-Islam .org and GatesOfVienna dot Blogspot.com for a different perspective.
Didn’t see your last reply, Don. You posted it before I had finished writing my own reply, apparently.
Scot said »
Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in the same God, there is only one God, the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.
As I stated before, Muslims don’t believe in the Christ as the Son of God. He is not a Living God , does no miracles, is not the ‘only’ way to eternal life, does not sit at the right hand of the Father, ect. He was just a good man.
In some areas of the world and if could be, all, for the sake of Islam, I would be hung or beheaded for accepting the Christ. Much of the butchering in Africa is done for this sake.
The huge problem is Christ says He is the ‘only’ pathway to the Kingdom of God. Most on this planet do not want to hear that. Christ says He has man enemies of all sorts. Look at the different religions and types of governments that despise Him. Just food for thought.
DonNo Gravatar said »
One of the evils of Muslims is they make up their own world history and ignore the truth. I guess if all you are taught is lies you can have no other truth but believing lies does not make the lies the truth. One day very soon two real prophets from God will come in Jerusalem and tell the whole world the truth for 3 1/2 years. I hope Muslims of good will will then hear the truth and receive the only Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.
Actually, I believe you are mostly correct in this statement.
After I accepted the Lord, the ‘last days’ really interested me, and still do. After listening to many, and all of us may differ a bit, I believe the following will occur. This will be ‘quickish’.
Christ comes in that twinkling of an eye speed to pick up His true Christians.
The Holy Spirit will be withdrawn.
The Armageddon war will begin with Russia and 6 Arabic states against Israel, U.S. and Britain.
Elijah and Enoch will appear with the powers of God. (Presently in their original bodies.) They will turn the missiles whence the came.
The Arabic armies are destroyed as well as 5/6th of Russia, as they are driven well to the north, what’s left.
The world leader will arise and take control of most the world, excluding the Kings of the East, China and company.
144,000 Jews will be anointed by the Holy Spirit to go preach the Gospel to only those who have not heard the salvation terms of Christ. They will eventually be hunted down and slaughtered along with those who now believe and do not take the chip.
The 1st 3 1/2 years are good for the most part, excluding what pesty stuff E&E will do.
In mid term, E&E will be murdered and all of the planet will see their bodies lay in the street for 3days. During this time, people will party and give gifts to each other, like Christmas! When these bodies are drawn up and disappear, people will tremble. The earth will quake.
Along this time, the NWO leader gets popped in the head. Three days later, he arises with Lucifer himself inside. Since the Hol Spirit has been withdrawn, with no ‘common sense’, people will then see their Messiah, phone of course.
Now comes the 21 wraths of God, one being so traumatic that heaven will fall silent for 1/2 hour after witnessing it.
Satin will make a false peace with Israel. He will send a great army from Europe down to wipe out the Jews. China and company will have started their trek westward to do battle. They do not follow the Beast.
When the Kings of the East and the Ten Horns come close to meeting, the Alien knows that his army cannot compete against this great army. He then uses his evil sways and makes a pact.
When these armies converge on Israel, all inhabitants flee to Petra. While crowded in the big rock and all seems lost, the Jews look up and see the King of Kings riding down with all His saints. Slaughter will be a kind word to describe the this battle. It is stated, that when these armies stop and turn these weapons towards the heavens to fight the Son of God, the Father Himself will look down and laugh.
Christ perches Himself on His throne in Jerusalem, and rules the world with an iron rod, and there shall be peace.
We all aren’t perfect in exacts or agree on all the above. I personally would say it’s pretty close. If anyone thinks I’m way off, “Study to show thyself, approved unto God, a workman not being ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. Other words, check it all out and prove me wrong.
*do select members speak in tongues at your parish- disregard my poorly phrased previous comment
I removed your poorly phrased comment for you. I take it that you are asking Mark? But I do not know what it has to do with this post topic or the end time events comments or Islam comments that were brought up. Lets not also get into a tongues debate……please.
This is getting ridiculous, first off, Don, u are right I am a Muslim and have practiced the faith for over 15 years. I was born in America, raised as a Christian and had many many questions that were not answered until I found Islam. I have been going to the Mosque for 15 years and have never heard anything about Jihad, other than when Muslims are attacked, we talk about faith and being good people and dedicating ourselves to the Lord and conducting ourselves with honor. Concerning Jihad, it is their duty to respond and defend themselves. Most extreme Muslims or so called Muslims. because they are not right in the head have highjacked the religion, but to all of you, don’t think for one moment that Christians throughout history did not cut off heads or kill people for not believing in their faith. In fact, I will go so far as saying that Christians are the ones who created Terrorism. And as far as what Muslims believe about Jesus, we believe that Jesus does sit at the right hand side of God and on judgment day he will return and lead believers to heaven, we do believe that Jesus was born to the virgin Mary and that he was killed by the Jews, Jesus (Peace be upon him) was a great Prophet of God, like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, amongst others. Its the Bible that was not correct and is not the word of God, its the word of man, I know my history of the Bible, check it out, ur the ones who are brainwashed… Just do the research. The old Testament which is basically the Torah is the documented history that is also shared in the Quran. Bottom line, all of them are books that share the same history. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a Prophet of God and you should respect him, even if you are not a Muslim, he was a good man and his teachings were peaceful, like all religions, mankind has highjacked them and made any bad exist that surrounds them. Muslim, Christian, Jew, sorry but God loves us all and is proud of any of us who seek him and do good deeds and do as instructed. Lets talk commandments as given to Moses, one of them is that man should not give unto him any graven image, the image of Jesus and the cross are idols and images, no? Another big one is that you should put no God before me? Do you worship Jesus or God who reigns high above all in heaven? I ask that God gives me the strength to follow the teachings of all the Prophets, but I do not worship any living man as this is a sin. God is God, the creator of all, most gracious, most merciful, oft forgiving, most forebearing. In any case, enough of this. As you said Don, back to the topic, our nation and the world are in trouble, we all need to work together and do our part to be sure we can survive. Obama or McCain are not the answers but I disagree that McCain is better than Obama in this election, don;t fear a socialist society, it won’t happen, but we need a major change in the administration and it starts at the top. Right now our country is being run by the Corp world whether you see it or not, they are the Dictators you all fear, the special interest groups that McCain is in bed with. If he is elected they will continue to dictate the direction of our country and we, the middle class, hard working Americans will continue to be hurt by their greed. With Obama, I believe we have a chance, but its not up to him, its up to us… There are extreme people in every walk of life that do not value life but I do and want the best for my children and I fear for their future. Peace be upon all of you, this communication is interesting for sure. I respect all of your opinions but I have to say that many comments, like you think of mine are very self serving as some of the comments show me that you even question yourselves and are livin in fear of things you should not fear… Bless
One last thing Don! I forgot to mention that I hope all is well with you and yours, you mentioned that you had a real bad day yesterday and my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours, ope all is o.k.. In the heat of conversation I forgot to mention that. Peace
If that’s for me, nope. I have been to many churches visiting that spoke in tongues. I’ve been to many different brands of churches to understand and know what is taught there. I haven’t found any that did speak in tongues the way Paul instructed, for starters. I look at it like this, if it isn’t done specifically as instructed, run from it. I spoke to one individual who once heard a tongues speaker, who was actually speaking Chinese, that this individual understood. This man stated that the speaker was stating most veil things. The man who stated this was a Godly individual.
I am happy to say this Don, and then I will let this go. Believe it or not, I am most solemn when it comes to the Lord. I’ve never waved my hands, had an inkling to speak in a different tongue or hop around. When I go to church, I am quiet and listen to the ‘meat’ of the Word. I am just ‘content and peaceful’ with God, is the best way to put it. These words of His stands out to me, “Be still and know that I am God”.
Please keep in mind, in no way do I ever pretend to be a know it all, perfect at anything or above any.
Fair enough? And as Forrest would say, “That’s all I have to say about that”. Thanks.
I found the below. Something to study. Check it yourself for accuracy. If God was the same to all, then all religions would be falling before the Christ and asking forgiveness. As I stated before, Jews and Gentiles, like you and I, watched Christ die. No Gentile jumped in front of the Lord to save him. Anyway, now God requires us to accept His Son to get into Heaven. “Under no other name is so great a salvation”. Those are God’s words, not mine. True, ‘imitation’ Christians butcher people for nothing. As I’ve already stated, ‘Christian’ is a liberal word. As I have written before, if taxes are raised, it will be on the working class. Corps will pass down the costs. Rich people have high dollar lawyers to hide their money. Some can move their money out of country. Why do the high dollar Hollywood elite support socialibism? They have ways to keep their bucks. Me, the middle man, will pay. No socialism possible? I posted a snippet of proof earlier in this thread. There’s plenty more proof out on the net that shows there’s a play to move that way. It’s just up to oneself what they want to read and understand. Most close their eyes and turn away from facts, clinging to what they wish. Many people today are out speaking of dangers and the need to turn back to the Lord. It will not change God’s plans if the do or don’t, as far as the end times are concerned. Everyone laughed at Noah and ignored Lot. Trust me, it’s good to be a know’n where you’re go’n. Thanks, Mark
Although Muslims proclaim they have a Koran that dates to the time of Muhammad, the Reality is different.
Two ancient copies of Koran that are in existence are the Samarqand MSS is in Tashkent, and the MSS housed in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul. What many Muslim’s do not know, is that because these two manuscripts were written in a script style called “Kufic”, practicing Muslim scholars generally date these manuscripts no earlier than 200 years after Muhammad died. Had these two manuscripts been compiled any earlier, they would have been written in either the Ma’il or Mashq script style. John Gilchrist, in his book, “Jam’ Al-Qur’an” came to this same conclusion. (John Gilchrist, Jam’ Al-Qur’an, Jesus to the Muslims, 1989)
Now we do have one ancient copy of the Koran written in the Ma’il style of script, that is housed in the British Museum in London (Lings & Safadi 1976:17,20; Gilchrist 1989:16,144). But scholar Martin Lings, who was not only a practicing Muslim, but also a former curator for the manuscripts of the British Museum, dates this manuscript at 790 AD, making it the earliest. On the other hand Yasir Qadhi notes one Islamic Masters/PhD scholar who believes the Samarqand MSS is the ‘most likely candidate for the original’.
It is unknown, even by Muslims, that authorities will not release photographs of the ancient Topkapi manuscript in Istanbul and so there are no known studies on it. This is why the Muslim apologist, M. Saifullah had to state “Concerning the Topkapi manuscript we are not aware of studies done it.” (Who’s Afraid Of Textual Criticism?, M. S. M. Saifullah, ‘Abd ar-Rahman Squires & Muhammad Ghoniem) What is in this manuscript that Muslims are afraid to let the world see? After all in Qur’an 2:111 it says “Produce your proof if you are truthful.”
Even the earliest fragmentary manuscripts of the Koran are all dated no earlier than 100 years after Muhammad died.
Add to this the fact that there is no archeological evidence dated at the time when Muhammad was alive, by way of artifact, manuscript or inscription has ever been found were Muhammad is actually referred to as “a prophet”.
If you don’t believe me, listen to faithful Muslim, Ahmad Von Denffer, in his book, Ulum al Quran, in a chapter called, Old Manuscripts Of The Qur’an, “Most of the early original Qur’an manuscripts, complete or in sizable fragments, that are still available to us now, are not earlier than the second century after the Hijra. [or 800 AD] The earliest copy, which was exhibited in the British Museum during the 1976 World of Islam Festival, dated from the late second century.’ However, there are also a number of odd fragments of Qur’anic papyri available, which date from the first century.” (Grohmann, A.: Die Entstehung des Koran und die altesten Koran- Handschriften’, in: Bustan, 1961, pp. 33-8)
First of all I want to thank you for your concern about my own personal life. I know much of what you think is misguided but your heart seems in the right place.
Not all Muslims are radicals especially those in the U.S. it just depends on who they have been influenced by. As you ought to know most of the violence problems are coming out of the teachings of certain sects.
You said you were a Christian who became a Muslim. I would argue that you were never a true Christian at all. You may have been a cultural Christian but you never fully understood the Christian faith or you would not be saying some of the things that you are saying.
Christians did not do the things you claimed just as you can claim that true Muslims are not terrorists. A large segment of the world calls themselves Christians or identify with Christian denominations but very few actually are true Christians or they would not be doing the things that many did and are still doing.
I know what Islam believes about Jesus but what Islam believes contradicts what Jesus said about Himself and what His followers were led to believe by Him. Rather then get in a long discussion here I wrote a couple of articles that should if nothing else clarify what Christians actually believe and why it is not compatible with the teachings of Islam.
Now if you actually read those articles you would know that true Christians believe that Christianity is a relationship with the Creator and we believe that Jesus is the Creator God and not just a prophet. We also believe that one is saved by belief in what Jesus did to pay for the sins of the world. Salvation comes by His righteousness it does not come through one’s own good efforts. This is 180 degrees from the teaching of Islam which says that God cannot be known and that Jesus was a prophet and a good man and that salvation comes from obedience to the teaching of your religion.
Actually Islam does not teach that Jesus was killed. If I am correct it teaches that God took him alive but I am not saying all Muslims believe the same. They certainly do not believe they He died on the cross for the sins of the world.
Islam uses some of the Torah but they distorted much of want they wanted to distort to make it compatible with the beliefs of Islam.
I also want to add to the last post by Mark that some of the earliest manuscripts found of the Quran have known major conflicts with each other but Islam cannot face that fact..
You say we will never become a socialist society but I can show you many examples of how we have already become one. The only question is how fast this big government and corporation socialism becomes total dependency followed by tyranny. But hay, McCain is a global socialist himself. The future is not going to be pretty no matter who gets elected. I just do not want one party that is controlled by the Far Left controlling all of the branches of government and also the major media. When that happens the checks and balances set up by our forefathers to keep us from tyranny are gone. The last time this happened was under FDR and we almost completely lost it.
The Bible was written by God it has 66 books written by 40 different authors over thousands of years and all of it is about Jesus Christ from creation until the eternal kingdom if you truly understand it. No forty men over two thousand years could have written or put together such a document without major conflicts. If you ever studied Christian apologetics the proof of this is enormous, it is beyond all doubt for those with an open mind. But I obviously cannot get into it here, there are good websites that do.
The reason the commandment said not to worship idols is because there is only one visible image of God to be worshiped and that image is Jesus Christ. Christians should not worship the cross they should worship the one who died on the cross for their sins.
Jesus is God so we are not putting God before God. Yes, He also became a man in order to save mankind from their sins but He was still God. When He was killed as a man being also God death could not hold Him and He arose to a new spiritual creation. Now the only way into that new spiritual creation is through Him. He was and is the Creator of everything visible and invisible.
Jesus is not now a living man in the sense that you would be worshiping a human man of flesh. He rose from the dead into a perfected man made in the Image of God. He is now described in the first chapter of the book of Revelation.
I agree that the world is in trouble and that we need to work together to do what we can but we live in a fallen world and the prophets already told us the end from the beginning so we know what is coming. Mankind cannot save the world he will end up destroying all flesh unless Jesus comes and saves a remnant so the earth will be repopulated. He will.
You need to check out your political and corporation facts. The facts are that the major corporations are mostly controlled by Democrats and that the world power brokers are almost all socialists. Why do you think all the major corporations are going with the homosexual agenda. They are godless socialists. In reality the two party system is pretty much all a facade. They give us a choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum ever four years. This government has been controlled by the socialist elite for quite some time but they bring in their socialism by increment to keep the people deaf and dumb. Once in a while an outsider gets in like Regan but most of the time those elected tote the socialist elitist line as much as they can without alerting their base.
Part of the disinformation campaign is that the Democrats are for the little guy. No. The leaders are for the elite and they give handouts to the subjects in exchange for their votes. It really is the party of enslavement more than the Republicans. They recently did a survey on which party had the most rich. The Democrats had the most by a large margin. The Republicans have been the party of the heartland of America that still believes in God and Country. At least this is what they run on and that is why you have Sarah Palin on the ticket. Not that they would actually give us such a person as a choice for President. I have to say this much for McCain he might have unknowingly opened the door for real change because if McCain gets elected God can change things in one heartbeat.
Don, we will agree to disagree on Politics and Religion and the Bible.
There we go again! See-no-evil, hear-no-evil. Now how’s the one with “balls”? Some people just want to hear what they want to hear and what feels right and “nice” to them. Why did you even come here? People waste their time writing loads of stuff and then you just drop us the nth lame agree-to-disagree line.
But hey, since I got not much else to do right now, I figured why not waste a few more minutes of my time too!
I don’t expect an answer. I also stopped caring about answers. I just hope it may lead *some* other people to think things over and to actually bother to look up things for themselves. Unfortunately they don’t teach kids to think for themselves anymore. Thinking is a verb. It’s something you *actively* do. So anyway, here I go.
You have freedom of press, religion and speech in the U.S. and yet you deliberately choose to ignore the facts about your religion and its fifteen centuries of conflict. You claim to be a Muslim and yet you reject even the Sunnah and Sharia laws that both Sunni and Shia belong to. Where did you get your disinformation? Do you know anything about Islamic theology at all. Jeez, that handful of liberal Muslims don’t make any difference to me. You might even be excommunicated or labeled an apostate under sharia in most of those countries that hold on to true Islam (or something that more closely resembles it, at least).
Sure, not every Muslim is for Al Qaeda and not every Muslim is waging the “lesser Jihad”. But when asked about America or the Christians or the Jews, why is it we keep on hearing the same old stories over and over again from the average Muslim – even the most Liberal ones?
And stop spewing that PBUH crap, PLEASE…? It take offense at it and I believe so do my former Muslim brothers and sistes that are being persecuted in the name of your Qur’an. Yeah yeah, Jesus, nice man, good principles, blah blah blah, and Peace Be Upon Him… But lay ambush upon His true disciples!
Christians invented terrorism, haha. You got to be kidding me. Was it not that revered Kurdish pseudo-saint called Saladin who was the vizier of Egypt at some point, who considere Jihad to be a Muslims ‘s duty? Indeed, he sought to create more unity among the Muslims and the leaders of his time (too many of them corrupted by politics, women and drinking wine) by calling upon all Muslims to perform their duty of reconquering the Holy city of J’lem upon the CHristian infidels? Just legitimate self-defense, right? Who says the Muslims had any more right to J’Lem in the first place. You can justify Muslim holy war upon “infidels” and claim it was in their own defense to deny that true Islam want to subject the world to “allah” (who may be a reference to God but cannot *be* God or he would not have given us the Qur’an).
Is that to say the “Christian” chuch is without sin, violence, corruption? No. But have you ever heard of the Reformation? Luther, Zwingli, John Calvin? They dealt with the evils and moral corruption the Roman Catholic Church had engaged in. But feel free not to read about it.
Don’t worry though, we support people’s right to choose to take the agree-to-disagree-road. Or in other words, to be wilfully ignorant and stupid. Despite the mass of information out there thanks to freedom of speech.
Sorry, I meant corrupted by drinking TOO much wine. I like wine myself, being a good Christian infidel.
Scot said »
Don, we will agree to disagree on Politics and Religion and the Bible.
No kidding. Of course you will have to disagree; Otherwise you would convert to Christianity and abandon your support for the Obamanation.
Converting to Christianity has nothing to do with supporting Obama, many Christians support him, as well as Jews and non believers. The answer is not 4 to 8 more years of the same Corp. dictatorship, you think the Conservative party is not about big Govt. but it controls everything now, check out the Lobbyists on McCains side, those are the interests that will run our country if McCain is elected, just as gthey have under Bush. Obamas campaign is fully funded by supporters that are not Corperations, its people like us donating whatever they can. It will be a close election as they all have been but I have voted Republican is every election siince I was 18 and have been extremely disappointed with every administration which has basically been the Bush’s. I did not like Bob Dole but voted for him anyway, never liked Clinton but I assume you think he is a socialist too? If so, ask yourself, were times better during his 8 years than they have been during the past 8 years? I know many say that it was because of Reaganomics prior, but Clinton inherited a debt as well and during his admin. we had a surplus, I know most of this way because of the internet and online companies etc. etc… that Clinton had nothing to do with but were times bad in our country? I had better insurance, more security, a great high paying job and people seemed happier all over the nation. And the world did not hate us. Again, I am from Arizona, I know all about McCain and there is a lot of shadyness to him and I just don;t trust his agenda and ideas, Obama has a lot of baggage too but maybe the housing market would not be where it is at if there were more regulations, these things go in cycles, and whats great about America is every 4 to 8 years we can change our leadership. In an earlier post you said that the Democrats were in charge of congress, this has only been for the past 2 years and Bush is veto’ing everything, his first 6 years, the Republicans were in control of congress, remember Bush said there was a mandate? Oh well, I wish you all the best, I don;t think any of us is going to change each others mind. My vote will go to Obama not the lying McCain/Pailn ticket backed by huge Corperations who just want to make more money at the expense of Americans and the environment. May God bless the world. Peace
There should never be anything as a tax ‘surplus’. It should be used to pay off a debt or given back to the people.
Obama is the one who is raking in big bucks from special interest groups. We need to check facts, the honest truth before ‘assuming’ it is just one sided. Assuming is what we wish to believe at times, then we will shut out all other facts. I see this to be the case. Want what you wish and ignore the real world. By the way, Babs is having a high dollar get together for Obama. Best get that big buck ticket before they’re sold out!
Always remember what God said to Lazarus while he was in hell, asking to tell his brothers not to go there… “My words are sufficient”. That one on one with God one day will be exactly that, one on one, no lawyers, no crowd to back you, no media backing, no hung jury, no jury period.
When one goes and tells the words of the Living God to another and that individual scoffs at it, the Lord tells the giver of the Word to to dust off his feet and walk away.
Look at the people supporting Obama who call themselves Christian but they also will tell you that they themselves support abortion and homosexuality. That should tell you that most of them our counterfeit Christians. Those who convert to true Christianity are not likely to support Obama if they know the facts. You seem to think that all who say they are Christians are actually Christians, but that is laughable. Don’t mix up being born into a Christian denominational to being born into the Body of Christ. Only those born of the Holy Spirit and are in Christ and are true Christians.
You are also repeating yourself on politics. Corporations are controlled for the most part by liberals. Got that, L I B E R A L elite like most of those on the CFR roster who run the corporations and our government and our media! The proof is in their agendas that they force on the people who work for them. You have the social brainwashing agendas, the homosexual agendas, the climate fascism, etc.. If you are under the delusion that Obama is not controlled by special interest groups your going to have a rude awaking if he is elected. Obama was always controlled by others even in his local political days in Chicago.
You do not like the liberals the Republicans put up in the past so you plan on voting for someone worse than any of them? Great thinking!
Yes, Clinton was riding on the economic policies of Regan. Besides, at that time the Congress that actually controls spending had a Republican majority so you can thank the Republicans for the economic climate under Clinton. You simply cannot get it in your head that Presidents do not have much power without congressional support. All they can do is veto bills that they do not like but if they do so Congress now just attaches the bill to something critical so that they have to bite the bullet and sign the bill. That is why Regan wanted a line item veto. As I said, right now in congress we have hate speach legislation attached to vital military spending. This is a totally insane way to run a country!
No matter who gets elected It will be Congress that makes the laws. You say things were better then today under Clinton which is true but I have more news for you. Things were much better fifty years ago long before the Clinton administration. In those days it only took one worker to support a family and the government did not have the huge debt burden. Taxes were much lower because there was little socialism and little war spending and little debt.
I warned about the coming economic crises that is now breaking on us more than eight years ago in the following article. It did not happen because of Bush it has been brewing for decades.
Clinton was president when I wrote it. I assure you the U.S. would be in a worse mess if John Kerry or Al Gore were in office. The wheels were set in motion for an economic collapse long before George Bush took office. You seem to think as soon as you put someone in office all the mistakes make for the last one hundred years are suddenly rectified. That is nuts. All they can do now is keep putting their fingers in dikes until the whole dike collapses. That may be happening now. We will see. If not, it will happen soon no matter which man takes office.
Obama wants to bring change by doing more of the same old big government socialism that brought us to where we are today, that also is nuts. The only way this nation will change is to take it back to small Constitutional based federal government like our founders intended. That is what true conservatives stand for.
One of the problems with a big federal government nanny state is the cost. That is why Europeans pay over 50 percent taxes. Someone has to pay for these programs. Hell, we did not even have income tax or social security tax a hundred years ago. People wanted these socialistic programs and they wanted the wars but they did not want to pay for them so they handed most of the bills down to their kids.
This is the generation in which the bills come due. Bush did not do this by himself almost every adult in the nation did. Even our homes are owned by lenders and we cannot make the payment because we wanted more house then we could afford. We also have are credit cards are maxed out because we want more than we can afford. That is the fault of everyone who is spending more than they earn.
Bush did not make the world hate us and you also have a short memory. A good part of the world hated us during the Second World War era.The world hated us during the Vietnam era. A good part of the world hated us during the Cold War era. Hating America is just a world past time. You think that everyone is going to love us because Obama is president? Get real! Chances are that we will be in a world war within the first term of the next president no matter who gets elected. Anyone who thinks they can talk with madmen to solve the world’s problems are mad themselves.
I lived in Arizona for almost two decades so I know about John McCain but you only have two real choices in this election. At least with McCain sanity might be a heart beat away but with Obama you have no idea what the totally Far Left controlled government will bring upon us. Probably Fascism.
Until Americans get back to fiscal and moral discipline and dealing with their debt it does not matter who is President we are not going to fix the coming economic problems (you have seen noting yet, read my article). At least McCain is running on a platform that says he will reduce government. Of course Congress won’t let him unless the makeup of the Congress is also radically changed. Obama is running on bigger government and more socialist spending and he has Congress in his pocket. That can only make the economic situation worse. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
To be perfectly honest 90 percent of Congress is bought and paid for and until we replace these professional politicians with real American patriots the problems will only get worse.
The Republicans had the majority in congress two years ago but they did not actually control it. Unless you have 60 votes out of the hundred in the Senate your bills can be stopped. Thank God that Bush has vetoed some of the bills that congress wanted to pass during the last two years or things would be worse. We certainly would have hate speech laws if it were not for Bush and you may not be reading this blog. You also fail to realize that many Republicans do not vote with the President because they also are liberals. So a majority does not mean a conservative president gets his policies passed. Not that Bush is really a true conservative anyway.
Yet, I am telling you it does not matter. The fix is in. No matter who gets elected we are heading for world socialism controlled by the Far Left elite unless world war radically changes things. I also am telling you that the Far Left will hijack our government and our nation if Obama gets elected because they will control all branches of government and the Media.
So if you want to live under total government control go ahead and vote for your Obamanation. No matter who you vote for the future is not bright but this post was to warn those with unrealistic hopes in Obama. I was not telling you that McCain is the answer for America but I know Obama is not.
So, whats the point of this blog? Who is best, we only have two choices unfortunately? I think we all agree that either candidate is the best and we agree that Congress controls a lot but they are a bunch of yahoos too. So whats the answer? And as far as liberal leaning people, we all don’t believe in abortion or homosexuality. And the right has many questionable tendancies too. Either extreme, left or right, as we discussed concerning religion, is unhealthy The topic of this blog is anti Obama so that means you are going to vote for McCain but you don’t even state why? You just bash the left and Obama, I don’t get what you are trying to accomplish with this discussion other than complaining about Obama and not committing to take a stand for the other candidate. We know it is a sign of the times, God is in control, what will happen, will happen, we just need ot be sure our souls are right with God. Thanks for the conversation over the past week.
Good question!
The real point is not to allow an Obamanation. Do not let the Far Left get total control of this nation and control all of our branches of our government or we will reap dire consequences. I just posted what will likely happen on my other blog.
The only reason I would vote for McCain is to stop this Far Left takeover. It still might happen with McCain but at least now Sarah Palin is in the wings and she is only one heartbeat away and we both know that God controls heartbeats. Before McCain put her on the ticket I saw little hope at all of stopping the Far Left. The post was to educate those who are putting their hope in a empty Messiah like figure and not seeing the Far Left reality. My solution if the Far Left gains totally control is pretty close to supporting state secession if it comes to pass that we are getting the Far Left programs I mentioned shoved down our throats..
Thanks for your input and you are welcomed.
The Profit system is detrimental to the overral(inclusive) development of humanity…. Take a look in one africa, the porvety(artifial since we exist in an epoc characterised by abandance), the conflicts(manifestations of class antagonisms), 4 some of us development is arrestest by facts like porvety nd ignorance(both by products of capitalism)… much love nd freedom be upon the world…
Where are the national models to prove what you tried to say? Not everyone lives in a oil rich states that gives out free handouts to appease the men so they can sit idle in tea shops all day discussing the price of tea in China. Some people actually have to work for profit unless they are government welfare dependents. If the shoe fits wear it.
we communist will be sure to remember you name when the revolution happens, communism is for the betterment of the people you idiot.
Tell that to those enslaved by its elitists. My named is spelled DON KOENIG and when you reds dare to come into the heartland of America to get me even bringing your code pink army will do you no good.
I am 29. I know real history. Most people my age and younger are dumb. They are called the dumb generation.
They believe they are entitled to something, which they are. That is to pursue their own happiness. I will revolt along with a militia here in East Tennessee. Freedom will survive. Losers will be deported. The sad reality is some illegals are more loyal to our nation then its own citizens. Liberty will survive. Must people here including Democrats hate commies. They just don’t see the lies on their tv. I do.
You have a brother in Arms here. Most Military men and women will not fire on their home land. Commies must and will die. WW2 was won but they infected their non-sense into our society. I and many others have plenty of ammo and guns. The lessons of Lincoln’s real war never ended here. Tyrants will die. The commies army will see riots like never before. My freedom will not be taken. I swear to the death. Death before Dishonor. Sic semper tyrannis.
Freedom will last.
“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it”.
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not”.
God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty…. And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. Thomas Jefferson
Communism is for the betterment of lazy Tyrants and the worthless supporters of it, Homboy D:
Wonder why China is turning Capitalist?
Because the people of china are slaves.
I will never give up my freedom or sale my gun to the government. Fact of lIve…..no matter how much they offer.
Firearms are the “Keystone” of Freedom.
Our Founding Fathers had it right. I live in a Republic.
Majority rules, not minority mobs. Freedom and Order will be restored.
I’m glad that I found your site here… I was beginning to wonder what was happening to people that they were not seeing the truth about Obama… The facts about his voting in the senate, his associations,with terrorists, and people who speak out against America and whites, his huge financial contributions from corporations involved with the wall street break down, even his wifes own words about it being the first time in her adult life she was proud to be American… then there are his books too… Thank God there are people out there,like I’ve seen in your site, that are seeing the TRUTH about Barrack Hussein Obama..
Thanks Cheryl
I just posted a new post on where Obama will lead the nation.
God is giving, God is love. God is honoring thy neighbor.
My earnings last year alone upper 8 digits.. no one will it in the pocket book more than me,
and still I say BARACK THE VOTE… OR DIE..
First of all Mccain Great Man but to old. Sarah Palin far under qualified for office
Wake up, if you love god, you should love your brothers & sisters who sit home all day,
maybe they never had the chance to attend the best schools.. Maybe they never had proper
role models in there life.. that is what creates criminal minds, why not save them.
its in this countries best interest as well as yours.
God wants justice on the earth.
Many of these people sit home all day because Uncle Sam pays them to sit home all day by robbing from those who work. That is injustice, for the scriptures says if a man will not work he should not eat.
You never mentioned the qualifications for Obama to be president. How about giving us a few of the great contributions Obama has made to this nation in the past that now makes him qualified to be President?
Socialism has already bankrupted this country and under Obama your going to move toward Far Left Fascism. Go ahead and drink the Far Left Kool-Aid and your earnings will be in six digits or nothing at all. Did you earn your eight digit income under a capitalist free enterprise system or a government controlled socialist system?
Loving your brothers and sisters should come from your own heart it should not come from forced government decrees. That only breeds hatred and revolution. Big brother socialist fascism with forced wealth distribution and slavery to the decrees of the elite is the problem not the solution.
Christian Conservatives freely give far more to charities than Liberals and that is just a documented fact.
If I hear any more Barack the vote…or DIE.. statements it will be the last statement you ever make on this blog. It is typical of the intolerant Left who spew threats, intimidation and threaten violence if people chose not to vote for the Obamanation.
I am 58 years old, I have 2 daughters who are now 32 and 35… I became a divorced /single parent when my daughters were in grade school… I never turned to the government for help…I WORKED… I had only a high school diploma, so didn’t get the great jobs, but I got jobs and we learned how to make things work out… It got pretty tough at times, and I thought about applying for the government assistance programs… My mother was living in a HUD house and getting food stamps and kept telling me I should apply, but I never did because I saw first hand what it had done to my mother, and my sister too… They were intimidated by, and afraid of upsetting those systems, they had to be inspected yearly and if their oven wasn’t cleaned just right they would lose their assistance…I hated to see them live like that, and I was unwilling to give that kind of power of me over to anyone… My daughters and I made it without assistance from the govenment… My daughters worked real hard in school and were able to go on to college because they worked so hard in school, and today they know anything is possible if they are willing to work hard for it… They have gotten some good healthy self esteem, as a result of having to work for what they want…
Great read – very well thought out, educated and informed.
Thanks for posting.
“Sarah Palin far under qualified for office” Bullshit
Obama I mean Barry Soetoro has no experience. Well he does if you want to talk about leading losers to sign up dead people, illegal’s and felons to vote and steal elections. His past friendships and his idea of 57 states. Well there’s his flip flop on religion. Then there is his birth certificate problem.
Obama got served…
Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083
It’s been over 30 days and Obama is trying to get the case thrown out.
Why not just give them a birth certificate from Hawaii…Oh ya Hawaii does not have a real one.
Fraud…………………………………………………….He will be defeated and I hope it’s the October Surprise.
Obama is a commie terrorist who is inept to be running for office.
The courts know the following………………..
Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083
Should Sen. Obama truly have been born in Kenya, Berg writes, the laws on the books at the time of his birth hold that U.S. citizenship may only pass to a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent and non-citizen parent if the former was at least 19 years of age. Sen. Obama’s mother was only 18 at the time. Therefore, because U.S. citizenship could not legally be passed on to him, Obama could not be registered as a “natural born” citizen and would therefore be ineligible to seek the presidency pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution.
Moreover, even if Sen. Obama could have somehow been deemed “natural born,” that citizenship was lost in or around 1967 when he and his mother took up residency in Indonesia, where Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen. Berg also states that he possesses copies of Sen. Obama’s registration to Fransiskus Assisi School In Jakarta, Indonesia which clearly show that he was registered under the name “Barry Soetoro” and his citizenship listed as Indonesian.
The Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg says, is a forgery. In the suit, the attorney states that the birth certificate on record is a forgery, has been identified as such by three independent document forensic experts, and actually belonged to Maya Kasandra Soetoro, Sen. Obama’s half-sister.
Yes………………. McCain was born in Panama on a U.S. Military Base (thus being U.S. Soil). Both Parents were older than 19 and were U.S. citizens.
Judge says McCain is a ‘natural born citizen’
Associated Press
September 18, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit seeking to remove John McCain from the California ballot because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone.
U.S. District Judge William Alsup ruled late Tuesday that the law at the time of McCain’s birth automatically granted citizenship to offspring of U.S. citizens.
McCain’s parents were both citizens when McCain was born Aug. 29, 1936, in the Panama Canal Zone, a U.S. territory where his father was stationed with the U.S. Navy.
Alsup said Congress passed a law the following year specifically to “remove any doubt as to persons in Sen. McCain’s circumstances in the Canal Zone,” thus “retroactively rendering Sen. McCain a natural born citizen, if he was not one already.”
The Constitution requires that only “natural born” citizens hold the presidency, a term on which the Founding Fathers did not elaborate.
The judge also said the plaintiff, Markham Robinson, chairman of the American Independent Party, had no standing to file the lawsuit because he is not a candidate for president.
McCain said last February that the issue was put to rest 44 years ago when Republican Barry Goldwater sought the presidency. Goldwater was born in Arizona when it was a territory.
Now since retarded liberals want diversity and equality lets scrutinize Obama’s clear and present fraud and deceit and audacity of bull shit.
Commies are my mortal enemies. Obama will be defeated and media will stop socially controlling the masses with the lies they broadcast.
Stockpiling since the last marxist ruled in 1865. Government ran schools spread propaganda that does not go along with historical documents. I have a good black friend and he has told me things like …..
The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978
In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners
So, court records proof blacks in the south had more rights and prosperity then those in the north.
Slavery was and still is a evil thing but we never hear about the 1 million whites in slavery in Northern Africa from the 1500 to the 1780. That’s before 1608 slavery in America.
One of our Presidents bought a white man back from Africa for 35 millions dollars.
So I want my reparations. I am sick of being villainized in text books over lies. I am sick of all the bullshit marxist and socialist play.
The civil war was fought over the immoral Morrill Tariff which is a 47% tax and initiated what is today perhaps one of the most criminal organizations in the U.S., the IRS.
I will never vote for a marxist like Obama…………….I would vote for any man or woman regardless of color if they did not spew dumb ideology out of their diseased minds.
Freedom will survive.
Why are there 800 FEMA prison camps in America and why has the Posse Comitatus Act been disbanded? Why is the border wide open?
I don’t trust Obama nor do I McCain but I will trust my ——–.
I will vote McCain simply because he is not an open Communist but I suspect they are in both parties and I will protect the idea of the Founding Documents and freedom.
America is a Republic not a Democracy.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands…..”
“Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Constitution: Article IV … “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,….”
I see it as Democrats are Unconstitutional…………….
And it all happened under another banking crisis in the 1933.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt White House suddenly demanded that all copies of this book “Training Manual 2000-25” published by the Department of War be destroyed. It clearly laid out that America is a Republic and why it is a bad thing to be a Democracy.
You wonder what lies they are going to tell our children! That they are Free.
McCarthy was right!
He produced a piece of paper that he claimed contained a list of known Communists working for the State Department. McCarthy is usually quoted to have said: “I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department.”[20]
There is some dispute about whether or not McCarthy actually gave the number of people on the list as being “205” or “57.
I bet there is a few thousand now! Not to mention the followers of them. Which is in the millions.
I love the political discourse and I love intelligent discussion, but I think the projections of what will happen if Obama wins are way too dire. I would be interested to see, if Obama gets elected, you will admit on your blog that you were wrong, when we don’t have
Mass taxation and give away programs that takes from those that produce and gives to those who do nothing,
Gun control laws that will put everyone under the control of government and criminals
Hate speech laws that will not even allow Christians to proselytize
Brainwashing of your children in all schools
Thought police
A Nanny State that will control every aspect of your life and your children’s lives
Huge carbon taxes to fund the world government
If Obama stays on course it will bring civil insurrections and the break up of the Union.
My guess is when we don’t see the union collapse and a tyrannical government take its place, you will say it is due to the conservatives in congress saving our very existence. It seems to go that way often. When things were good under Clinton, conservatives said “well, it’s just left over from Bush Sr.” then when things went bad under “W”, conservatives said, “It’s just left over from Clinton”. Then when things continued to go bad, it was “due to the liberal senate and house”. I’m not buying it. I will be happy to go along with your doom and gloom prophecies if you agree to say “well, I was wrong” when they don’t come to pass.
As for a national depression, that may be unavoidable at this point. Let me guess. If McCain wins and we have a depression, it’s congress’s fault. If Obama wins and we have a Depression, its his fault. If Obama wins and we avoid depression…left over from the Bush years?
More abortion – actually, you are probably right about this one.
Thank you for this blog, I just came across this and am renewed with hope that there is in fact intelligent life out there. I am attempting to further “arm” myself with knowledge against those too ignorant or lazy to attempt any research on their own. For those on the blog whose immediate reaction is I am gathering only negative info – stand down as you are incorrect. I take pride in in being able to listen to both sides of the issues, I work with an enormous amount of Democrats, who unfortunately cannot provide a solid reason (even by their own accord) as to why they want Obama in the White House. I for one could care less about his color, however his judgement in his friends and so-called acquaintances needs to be researched and answered not by those folks with their “opinions” but by Obama himself. I want to hear it from his lips not from the media or the spin doctors. Let him answer questions directly from every day Republicans who will ask and demand the hard questions be answered.
I spent the morning going to work with a neighbor who is a Democrat. I asked about the association with Ayers, he gave an answer, stating that was many years ago and it was the time the country was in. I gave him that one and then stated “guess who I had to dinner the other night – Timothy McVie” the look on his face was priceless – his response was “OH!” I then asked would you question my judgement and would you distance yourself from me, he stated “yea probably”. That is all we are asking for – is someone to take into consideration Obama has ties to not just one or two questionable people but many and as each day comes there are more. Isn’t this a concern to anyone? Don’t placate me by stating their not running his campaign, their not part of his cabinet or whatever lame excuse you can recite. This goes to his character and his judgement, a man with such poor judgement in his companionship is not to be entrusted with the most precious of gems “Our Freedom” “Our Future” “Our Children’s Future” I can only hope intelligence and reason will win.
No, I was not a McCain supporter to begin with, there are positions he has I don’t agree with, but as an American I can express those freedoms; under his presidency I will continue to be able to express those freedoms, under Obama’s I may lose this freedom and I am not willing to take the chance, hope for the best and say oops “my bad”. And for arguments sake let’s be honest, if Obama is elected; the first year or two he and his left-wing liberal pals in Congress will cry it’s all Bush’s fault, because this is what politicians do, not just Republicans but Democrats as well. So I ask those folks, are you willing to “own up” and admit you are wrong when your taxes increase and they will, when your children are herded thru schools like cattle with little or no education and they will, or better yet when you are told how to act, think, speak and with Obama as president – you will.
Don’t get it wrong McCain is not the answer to everything, he may not have all the answers, he may make incorrect choices and with a Democratic congress who knows what challenges he faces. The one thing I do know for 100% certainty, John McCain will not associate with, reason with or side with folks home grown or foreign who would harm our families, our friends and even our neighbors who are Democrats.
I also would think my suggestions would be too dire if Obama did not also have the House, The Senate , Major media, and soon the Supreme Court. They will be passing, upholding and promoting the Far Left agenda. The fact of the matter is that Obama will have total control of this nation like no other President since FDR.
It is not like all this will be found out the day he gets elected so I do not know why you make that suggestion. He will have at least eight years to change things since in his first term the Far Left will set up laws to control all media to their and by the end of eight they will probably change term limits. So you may have a long wait for me to admit I am wrong about where Obama and the Far Left will bring this nation.
You do not know what I will say if tyranny does not come to pass because of Obama being elected so why even make such a suggestion like you do? Once Obama becomes president you will not hear me speaking negative about him if he acts with honor. I will give him a clean slate. I am warning people now because we have an election and I think he will be a huge mistake for this country and I believe this country need to be told. However, after he is elected President of the U.S. by the people of the United States he deserves to be treated with the respect of the leader of this nation unless he Himself disgraces the office.
I am a patriot but as a Christian patriot I do reserve the right to speak on issues that anyone might take that conflict with Christian beliefs or threaten Christians or threaten the Constitution of the U.S. that I sworn to uphold.
There always have been business cycles so I may not blame the person in office at the time of the downturn at all. The cycles swing both ways and the change from a boom to a bust or but to boom actually starts years before it hits main street. What your seeing today is quite a different animal. This is not a normal business cycle. It was caused by a combination of government socialist programs and greedy predator capitalism across many decades. Once the world went to a monetary system of paper backed by nothing it was inevitable that trust would be abused and it is not just happening in the U.S.
I think McCain’s economic policies are as bad as Obama, Maybe worse. But the difference is that he will not get much of what he wants passed by a democrat controlled congress. While Obama will get everything passed.
This article is not about John McCain the republicans should have never picked a Liberal to lead their party at all. I am telling you that when Obama signs the hate speech laws, and changes media laws and stacks the Supreme Court with Liberals that they will interpret the Constitution as a living document that they can change at will. They will muzzle free speech speech and free election in America and this is what will bring the Heartland backlash that I suggest.
Many of the same things could very well happen under McCain but under Obama they are almost certain unless he changes course and moves toward the center while in office. That is why I said, “If he stays on his course”, in the article. Obviously if he moves toward the middle some of these things will not happen but then he will piss off the radicals that put him in power and he will be in grave danger.
Sure it is possible that these things will not happen but why would anyone want to bet their country on it? Meanwhile, since Heartland American is not being represented in either of these candidates in this election. We need to start a grass roots movement right now to get a constitutional abiding populist candidate in power by 2012. If we have to do that through a third party the time to start is now. We may not even have the freedom to do that by 2012, if Media and election laws are increasingly controlled by the Far Left. This happened in other socialist countries. If that turns out to be the case here in 2012 or 2016 then I suggest that a secessionist movement and a break up of the Union is certain.
Thanks Sick and Tired. I thought you make excellent points. I have asked people to tell me a few things that Obama did in the past that distinguishes himself to be worthy to be elected as President Of the United States. I am still waiting for an answer.
They are voting for their Candy Man.
Who can take the sunlight, sprinkle it with dew
Cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
He mixes it with love, makes the world taste good
Who can take the rainbow, wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
He mixes it with love, makes the world taste good
The Candy Man makes everything he makes
Satisfying and delicious
Talking about your childhood for the wishes
You can even eat the dishes
But delicious.
Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
He mixes it with love, makes the world taste good
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
The Candy Man, the Candy Man can
He mixes it with love, makes the world taste good
Very good blog site. I’ve read through everything. Sorry if I seem to be interjecting. I only want to add a bit.
Obama acts as a true politician; not a statesman. We have very few if any statesmen left. That is a key difference to what we see in a man running for President now versus a couple centuries ago. The two are different.
With respect to Obama’s Kool-aid: I’ve found its real cheap to buy and easy to mix to your already perfectly fine water. Problem is, once you drink it, its hard to get out all the artificial sweeteners and their effects on the pancreas and other hormone producing organs; its hard to find balance again till it runs its course. Carbohydrate is not carbohydrate. Sugar is not sugar. Modified corn starch and high fructose corn syrup are not the same as sugar and are not metabolized the same; hence the outcome is different and unnatural.
Obama is not just another man running for President. He has a very hazy, vague, questionable history. The lefties are trying to pull a quick one on us. There are “underground” deals and hand shakes. Just pay attention to how things happen with governmental decisions, dishonest deals, a lack of accountability and conscience with decision-making that is more self-serving than anything else. There is no way true representatives would make so many of the decisions that currently are being made daily if not weekly. It reads like a novel. It is crazy to actually see this happening and seeing that half of us are already drinking the Kool-aid, and others are debating it. I want change. I strongly disagree with most of Bush’s policies/decisions. That does not mean I want change enough that I look for anyone or anything that is different from the present. It means I need to find the right change. Obama is not the right change.
I own a small business. If Obama becomes president I will be taxed much more. If that occurs, I will lay people off to drop my bottom line to make up the difference. I will have to do a cost-benefit study to find my new maximum output point. I will still come home with less in my pocket, less employees, and more people in the free soup line.
Obama appears to be a very good man…on the surface. But if you have any discernment at all, you can see there is a show of smoke and mirrors occurring… a facade if I may say so. I still find myself wanting to believe at times because he is highly charismatic. I’ve never seen this before. I though Clinton was something else; I feel Obama exceeds Clinton’s charisma. People are falling over him as a messiah. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing… you will know them by their fruits… there will be false prophets.
We are in the Last Days. Deception is at an all-time high. Be very careful making decisions as important as President. Pray for ALL important decisions to be made; especially with a man running for president that appears to be one thing but more than likely is something else; and hides it most exceptionally well.
When I was 19 I chose a path. I chose to pay a price up front in my life and paid it for 9 years by going to school for nearly a decade more of schooling after high school. It was hell. I decided to get married and have my children while in school; it was difficult but worth it for me. The other path I could have chosen would have been to pay the price throughout my lifetime by consistently making a lower wage or salary. Both paths have positives and negatives. Neither is better or worse than the other; we choose to travel on these paths. We need both paths for our society to work properly. Even if we had a tough life- you still chose and always had the freedom to choose, no matter what you say, if life was hard tough, you could still have overcome as many of us do. It is your choice to look beyond certain circumstances to the future and choose what success means to you, what ambition means to you, and to define each of these and other important variables in life. Neither is right or wrong. You have to find what is right for you. Its even completely okay to stop half way through one path, and try to get on the other path; perfectly fine and legit, many do it all the time. What is not right for you to do is to choose one path, decide half way through you do not like it, decide you do not want to take the other path either, you then decide you would rather someone else just give you what you want without you having to work for it, etc. That is the country Obama sees. Everyone is equal. Equality for everyone. Equality for the hard worker and the leech, the winner and the loser, the man of values and the man of unethical and irresponsible habits. No, these should never be equal. If it were so then why are we on Earth? Is it not to better ourselves, prove ourselves to return to Him someday? It is not to be lazy, living a bastardly life wasting all our time and talents. That does not seem fair to the person doing their best living God’s laws and making the most of themselves. Obama is not a Christian. He may profess to be, but look at the preacher. You will know them by their fruits…Obama is not what he professes to be. There are too many questions; look at his past, his previous and current associations, and read between the lines of what he doesn’t say. He actually says very little if you pay attention. The devil is in the details, and his details are in what goes unsaid. Figure it out America, he and his cohorts are trying to bring a Great Nation to its knees, not as our Heavenly Father would do, but in an unholy way. It is always better to humble ourselves instead of needing to be humbled.
Thanks Big D,
You made some good points and I agree with all of them.
Why should a person who drops out of high school pay no taxes while someone who sacrifices up to ten years of their life to go to College and get advanced degrees, often coming out of school with over $100,000 debt pay additional taxes to supplement the person who took the easy path in life? The same can be said about those who go on to learn some blue collar apprenticeship program or go in military service to advance themselves and also those who take great financial risk and work exceeding long hours trying to get a small business going. Why should they pay for those who never made any effort in life or personal sacrifice? Many people contribute nothing to our government their whole lives. They not only do not pay any taxes they take tax money and burden those who try to make something of themselves. We should encourage this? Obama and the socialists will. I am all for a hand-up but hand-outs should only be temporary or you create laziness and dependency.
I have never thought of Obama as a false prophet but Big D is correct. Obama is saying things in the name of the Lord that are not true. He is using certain passages of the Bible without understanding to make God say things that conflicts with the rest of God’s clear instructions. That does make Obama a false prophet and he is what the Lord warned about. Not all false prophets are clergy some are politicians.
That is exactly what I came to realize as I saw clips of Farrakan on the news the other day saying Obama was the black messiah. Oh boy. I can see this is headed for a disaster.
So many look at Obama like he can solve all our problems, restore justice to all. Other than that being impossible, he will do quite the opposite with his socialistic views and ties to very questionable associations.
Even if the media was incorrect on talking about all the poor associations he has, there are so many of them you have to start thinking “Hey, maybe there is something to this”. How can you not when he has so many questionable friends/views/stances.
I say he falls under the false prophet category. He talks like a savior when you watch the news. He’s a politician to the extreme, he is beguiling everyone and so many of us don’t see it. How can that be? And the rest of us? We need the media to show both sides. Unfortunately other than foxnews, I think all other networks are pulling for him and show a very opinionated and biased reporting. I think we are close to having the Constitution hang by a thread.
Obamanation is already taking hold. If Obama is elected there will be more doom and gloom. He says less taxes – ya right cuz’ there won’t be any jobs. Business’ will go under and the main stream media is supporting Obama and not giving both sides to the people. McCain needs to come out fighting hard and let the people know about Obama – Ayers, Acorn, Tony Rezco, whatever else is hiding.
But will he? He is still a “maverick”, but has become much more tame in the last few years. He has lost some bite and it may be too late to regain it; I hope not though. Oh how I pray this last presidential debate will let out some of Obama’s secrets. Can’t McCain’s advisors see this is what he should have been doing the entire time? McCain’s advisors are poor political strategists with the new era of politics; they are still in the 20th century. Things have definately changed, I don’t know who his advisors are, I haven’t looked into it, but they are not hitting the important points home, they are not causing doubt for Obama voters; that is their job.
Yeah but you will be able to collect 39 or even 52 weeks unemployment before you go to the soup lines. 🙄
Also politicians never do what they say. By the time Obama’s taxs cut gets through Congress only those families who now do not pay any taxes will benefit. The Left love their negative income taxes where they tax you so they can give away your hard earned money to those who vote for them. They will just blame Bush and the republicans for why they cannot do what they promised in the campaign.
If I were McCain I would run massive TV ads asking the nation why Obama will not release a valid birth certificate. I also would make it clear to the people of America that Obama in not a mainstream American, he is a radical socalist. I would not even waste my air time on economics because McCain cannot win on that anymore. The only way to defeat Obama is to expose him for what he really is. He is a radical Far Left socialist who worked for radical socialists associated with radical socialists and went to church with radical socialists.
You are so right about Obama’s birth certificate……Kenyan by birth. Definitely not a US citizen!!! Makes me want to throw up—that so many people are so easily swayed.
Why does being ‘godless’ make you a bad person? I’m a Christian, but I wouldn’t force my beliefs on anyone. Just because you believe in Jesus and the Resurrection, that doesn’t automatically make you a good person.
There are no good persons walking in the flesh on earth the Bible is clear on that point. So what is your point? Are you saying we should support and vote for those who oppose God’s teaching because they do not appear bad to some? And who might that good person be? The one that has known associations with criminal radicals and religious hate groups?
I have friends that are “godless” or atheists. Penny, I agree that being godless is a choice we are all free to make. I don’t force my views on them, my atheist friends and I agree to disagree and do our best to steer around the topic. I also agree that because you believe in Christian teachings you are not automatically a good person. Some of the best people I know or look up to do not follow Christian teachings as closely as I do, and yet I sometimes feel they are better people inside than me.
What I am trying to say is, a person can be an exceptional person and believe in Buddha. There are good people in every faith, I firmly believe this. The question about Obama for me is, does he answer to a higher being, and if so, what?
I am not 100% positive on his Chrisitian beliefs due to his affiliations, his church, his background, etc. I don’t think a leader of a country need be Christian, but a leader should answer to a higher law or personage or belief to keep the leader’s actions in somewhat of a check and balance, a moral code, etc.
I also believe the leader of OUR country does need to be Christian. Our country was founded on principles and at its core is God and Christianity, and religious freedom. God help found this country, He was involved. How else did the Founders do such a good job creating a document that was well ahead of its time and has yet to be put into second place by another model. Our Constitution is the best one to be created. Our Country is a Promised Land. The day we forsake God, we lose our future and our Blessing from Him. That, I believe, has already happened as a whole. Unless we turn it around we have relinquished our hold as the Greatest Nation forever. Sure we can say we are the greatest, but our politics, our judicial system, our laws are broken. Our country still allows anyone to succeed, but we are looking to the future with our federal planning, an example is education. Our youth are not as prepared as they should be versus other countries. A country with poor education will not continue to be a world power forever, atleast not a country with so few citizens as ours compared to China.
I’m starting to ramble.
i just stumble on your blog tonite.This is wonderful to see some other who share all the same feelings I feel about Obama. I am so taken aback that so many people in this country cannot see thru this man. I am african american and I talk to people that are afr. amer. that think this man is the be all end all. They say ; Its gonna be great. I tell them this man is IN my opinion is out to ruin america. Just his affliations alone told me this. Why cant they see what we see???
I watched the debate tonight , I’m so tired of hearing about how Bush and the republicans are the reason our debt is so high…Obama is always saying in the last eight years, Bush blah blah blah… Doesn’t anybody remember all that happened in the last 8 years? 9/11, over 3000. killed, their were funerals and families to help pay for, then there was the homeland security to protect us from that ever happening again, that cost billions, then there was Katrina, wind storms, floods, more hurricanes, sunami…devastation, loss of lives and homes… I’d sure like to know what Obama would have done if he were president when all those things hit us…. There may have been a surplus when Bush took office, but a lot of things hit us that anyone with a heart would have given more than they could to help… And our Government did just that..Bush could not spend 1 dime without the OK of the house and the congress, and everyone of us wouldn’t have wanted them to do anything less than they did to help those that were so devastated by the disasters that hit us in the last 8 years…So when you hear Obama say the Bush Administation put us in dept over the past 8 years, you think about 9/11, and Katrina, and the fires and floods, and the other hurricanes… And then you search your heart and ask yourself what you honestly think Obama would have done if he were president then… I think Obama is not what he’d like you to think he is… I went to his web site to read about his campain promises and see what he was saying about himself …1st page came up and said to join and put your email in… I put my e-mail in thinking I could then get into his web site, WRONG, the next page wanted donations, that’s when I closed it, since then I’ve received numerous e-mails about after the debate get togethers in your area, etc etc… I truly beleive that the polls are off too, probably Accorn hiring people to vote in the polls too… Obama is not truthful, you can see it in his eyes…
Right on, Cheryl!
Don, Since you want to talk about “World History” lets be honest here..And lets go ALLL the Way Back….Is it TRUE OR FALSE AMERICA WAS BUILT ON SLAVE LABOR……True…Who were the people doing that Slave Labor….Blacks,Africans, or whatever you feel comfortable calling us…Why do people think OBAMA IS A Messiah, hmmm maybe he made it over all the hurdles, and still has a smile on his face and the intellect God gave him….And he can help right the wrongs…See America is The Greatest, BUT OUR History is steeped in soo Much injustice and wrongdoing the “Karma” for America is in in a bad state…..So Manifestations of that Bad Karma are beginning to show…FOR ALL THE NON BELIEVERS…OUR HISTORY OF Disenfranchisment,slavery,and wars has Real Spiritual Consequences….We Need to Right the wrongs or it will never be right…..So, Obama offers A “new spirit” for America,where The Constitution can now be taken literally….Maybe were are all Equal….Everybody deserves a chance so People that have Been IN the Upper Echelons for SOOO Long dont be afraid of some New kids on the block….America is Changing,Out with the Old…..In with the New…..And contrary to conservative popular belief the World will not End…But it will get better…Because Now more people feel Included(young people,black people, everybody..Maybe we can be the “United States” ..If you dont want us included then be Honest with yourself and Say That!! Children will not be brainwashed in school,no more than they are already….But with Barack Obama leading our Nation you can no longer avoid the inconvient truths…And the new Generations will know the truth, and can no longer ignore……
The Truth, first let me say something to the person I just deleted after your post or anyone else who makes such posts. If your arguments consist of calling people names instead of addressing the issues your only going to get yourself deleted or banned from this blog. Even if you have Dr. in your email title.
Having said that, “The Truth” made some some comments that need addressing.
The answer to your question is FALSE. America was not built on slave labor a small part of America was built with the help of slave labor hundreds of years ago. People in many nations had slaves. You can go back to the time of the Pharaoh’s if you want or Roman Empire but no one is going to say that these world empires were built on slave labor. The slaves were servants of the already wealthy. You have the cart before the horse. By the way, many blacks had slaves in Africa and it was mostly blacks that rounded up the African natives to sell them to multi-racial slave buyers .
Blacks like you really need to get over your victim mentality your ancestors are not the only people on earth that were treated with injustice on this earth. We have not had legal slavery in this nation in 150 years. Most of the people who came to this nation were being oppressed somewhere in the world and that is why they came here. So celibate the freedom we all now have before you put yourself back under slavery to the state.
You talk about “our history” as if our history of injustice is worse than the rest of the world. Look at the history of Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and our history of human rights will stack up with any of them.
Most Americans do not believe in Karma we were founded on Christian concepts not Eastern religious fantasy. America is having problems today because America is denying the God who made her great and has gone off into debauchery and drug use. The solution is not to elect a party that will further strip the name of God from our nation and enable more immorality.
It was not Obama who brought this nation to a place where a black man could get elected President. This nation came to a place where it could elect a black man. Again you have the cart before the horse. Obama had nothing to do with it. The only spirit Obama offers American is the same old tried and failed big government big brother socialism spirit. I would hardly call that a solution. Who is going to pay for it? Socialism cannot work in nations where people are free and it will certainly not work in a nation that has 60 trillion dollars of entitlement debt coming due.
Obama will bring the nation to where Jimmy Carter brought her forty years ago but only this time it will be much worse. One big difference is that Obama may convince enough gullible people that they are better off in a great depression or under run away inflation because he can still see CHANGE coming. So you might even be gullible enough to give him another four years so you can be certain that your living standards will match those living in Mexico.
I am not saying that Obama does not give blacks hope and that is good if he can really motivate blacks to make something out of themselves instead of many of them becoming generational dependents and slaves of the government. However if he actually does try to wean people off the government many blacks might turn against him as a half black Uncle Tom. I hope he does have the guts to stand up to the Jessy Jackson’s and the Al Shapton’s race baiters but Obama has no history of that. I hope he will grow in office.
Blacks are certainly a large segment of the United States but we should not vote for a President just because he is black or Hispanic or white that is racism. Unfortunately many blacks think like you and if Obama does not get elected they will want to believe he was not elected because of his race but the truth is that if Obama does not get elected it will be because people realized that Obama is a socialist. Or they will realize that he has no experience and no accomplishments that even makes him qualified to lead this nation in what is going to be a very difficult time. Had anyone nominated a black conservative I would vote for him and so would almost all other Christian conservatives. This is not about skin color with the overwhelming majority of Americans and there are just as many black racists as their are white ones in this nation. Obama belonged to a church full of them for twenty years.
Thank you for setting the record straight! Excellent points….one and all! Obama wants to increase our taxes…..how can we possibly afford more than what we are already paying? Answer is….we won’t be able to… and our country will end up being more like a Third World Country.
Sarah Palin is nearly as far right as you could possibly be and she is a complete imbecile. You would hand your nation over to her, but you wouldn’t hand it to Obama because you are afraid of him being too socialist. You are ridiculous. It is people like you spewing you’re nonsense that misleads the less educated people of our nation. Stop using your fear tactics because you don’t believe in the separation of church and state. Maybe Obama isn’t the best there is but he’s better than the alternative.
Don makes many verifiable points, points filled with truth. Kelsey, that is a non-issue. Do you mean to say it is better to vote for an inexperienced potential president rather than an inexperienced potential VICE president??? How is your logic rational? You are spewing the same verbal vomit that almost every news source does. it makes zero sense. Completely irrational.
I understand you want a VICE with experience, but it goes both ways and an experienced prez trumps an experienced vice anyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
For me, none of it is skin color. My grandmother came over from Cuba in 1950, married an american born of latin immigrants. I have grown up around my wonderful culture and I cherish it. I feel pride when I think of my heritage and I relate more to that side of my family. That being said, I do not have a “minority complex”. I am choosing to vote against Obama, not because of his skin, but due to too many question marks about him, his associates, and his views on important issues. I concur with Don that the majority of votes against him will be due to that, not skin color. Yes some will vote against due to his color, but boy, how is that different from what many blacks think about white people. It goes both ways. Its a sad truth, luckily most of us do not think that way.
About injustices to ancestors, how does that factor into today? It doesn’t for you, me, or anyone. Were you alive then? How can I help what happenned before I arrived here? That is the exact mentality Jesse and Al and liberal democrats want you to have, that way you do not break away mentally and go upward in your search for knowledge, ambition, and independence, both financially and otherwise; you just continue to depend on the government and thus government will grow and welfare will grow. Also, affirmative action does not help anymore. It hurts. I have seen that as a hispanic minority. Let the best get the job, not meet the criteria and make sure you have two blacks, one hispanic, and one of something else present so you can say you hire with equal opportunity.
Look at the vast majority of successful blacks. They do not have a mentality of being owed something from their ancestors and the wrongs done to them. Look at the famous brain surgeon, Ben Carson. Horrible childhood if you look at opportunities he was given as a child, or where he grew up. Give me a break…anyone can make it. You just need to want it, keep overcoming, not give up, etc. Its hard for all of us normal people. You can overcome but you can’t if you keep blaming others for your failures.
I have black friends that do not think this way. Many blacks do unfortunately, but I believe much of it is their leaders such as Jesse and Al who really want to keep them down and make them dependent on the government, not help. It’s extremely sad. It’s sickening. I don’t know why someone would want to keep someone down, but they do, I feel, to guarantee their status and “job”.
Atleast those are my two cents
Good points Big D
Like Big D said Sarah Palin is not running for President. By the way, she is not far right she is slightly right of center. People like Ron Paul are far right. You insult the people of Alaska and Heartland America by calling her a imbecile. On the other hand, you have Joe Biden who claims to have an IQ of 146 and thinks he knows everything but cannot say anything without telling a lie, not to even mention his proven terrible judgment.
McCain who is actually the one running for President is left of center and is too socialist but Obama is not too socialist, HE IS A SOCIALIST. This man has the most far left record in the Senate and Joe Biden has the third most far left record in the Senate. They do not reflect the views of most of America. They are now just saying what they think people want to hear in order to get elected. If you really want to know what they believe look at their past voting record instead of believing campaign lies.
I am still waiting for a list of distinguished accomplishments that would qualify Obama for President. Associating with Far Left political and religious radicals and voting present are hardly qualifications.
Also stop telling me what to do Kelsey. Who made you my boss? It is Obama and the media this is misleading the less educated people of this nation. It is time they heard the truth before they vote in this Obamanation. Also stop telling me what I believe about separation of church and state. You do not have a clue what I believe on this issue. That is part of the problem with Liberals they cannot stick to the issue they just repeat tired lines from others like brainwashed robots and their augments attack the messenger instead of disputing the message.
Now if you want to make an intelligent argument for Obama give us that list of distinguished qualifications so we should elect this man to be the most powerful man in the world? I do not agree with McCain on many things but nobody but a imbecile can say he does not have exceptional qualifications.
What in the world are we coming to?
The Washington Post endorses Obama with the pathetic judgement the liberals are following. This is ridiculous, the Posts statement for this endorsement “The choice is made easy in part by Mr. McCain’s disappointing campaign, above all his irresponsible selection of a running mate who is not ready to be president. It is made easy in larger part, though, because of our admiration for Mr. Obama and the impressive qualities he has shown during this long race. Yes, we have reservations and concerns, almost inevitably, given Mr. Obama’s relatively brief experience in national politics. But we also have enormous hopes”. Sickening just sickening!
The Post is willingly stating the foundational reason for their choice is “hope” not experience, not character, not even knowing whether this man is really an American born citizen! just hope. Well I’ve got news for those liberals – you better hope like crazy you can survive the mess he will put us in, you better hope to God above that we are not attacked, you better hope that when you’re children are not passed over for college enrollment given to an illegal immigrant, for when the time comes you better hope if you nuts elect him President, he is only a 4 term Pres. and we can then elect someone who can hopefully fix was he, Pelosi and Reid screws up.
The Posts statement speaks to unbelievable hypocrisy this Obama campaign has flourished on as well as to the regurgitated argument that Kelsey spews. Obama has absolutely ZERO qualifications to be a Senator let alone a President. The man sits in the background and stands up to no one, he doesn’t take position on any vital point other than that of taking my hard earned monies to give it to someone who has not. I’m sorry, yes there are folks that have it very tough out, my fiancee is one of them. But he worked hard every day and every night to ensure he moved up and out of poverty. So for those that claim they are held down, you are only limited by your own fences. This is America the land of opportunity! That is why so many peoples from many countries have flocked here, including my grandparents, who worked very very hard from nothing to raise a wonderful family.
I find it quite ironic that this man claims he will bring this country together and he will right all the wrongs, his candidacy has done nothing more than to drive a wedge further between people of different beliefs and race. It’s a sad sad day we are potentially headed for, if elected I for one will never call this man my President and for those that take umbrage to that “get over it”! Obama himself during a debate with Senator McCain, made a statement “it was you’re President” indicating he himself dismissed that President Bush is the President of the United States of America. Therefore until Obama changes it, I am still entitled to free speech and free thought.
In closing Don, I am still waiting on my neighbor to provide just 5 pieces of evidence that this man is qualified to be the leader of our free country, my guess is I will never see it.
Maybe you should of just asked for one piece of evidence. Wait a minute… that might be hard also.
So I am curious….. am I the only one who finds it ironic that there remains an unanswered lawsuit on Obama’s birth and conveniently he heads towards Hawaii?
I am not saying his grandmother is not ill, I pray for her well-being.
I just have a hard time believing that with all the scandal and controversy surrounding is eligibility to become President this is too coincidental that he is headed there. No one releases information on how long the grandmother has been ill or what her illness is but he runs in the last days of a close election to the state where he needs to produce a birth certificate from?
Just curious…. is he going to return conveniently with a document that he has not yet been able to provide? Is he then going to answer the lawsuit? Because to date he has willingly not answered and from my reading this defaults to acceptance that the lawsuit is correct.
There was a good article on this on WND today.
Could it be that Obama really is going back to Hawaii to get everyone on the same page and cover his tracks?
It wouldn’t be the first time, he backtracks. Thanks for the link Don, I will take a look.
Another thought, if he is such a great family man who shows the love to his grandmother, why aren’t the wife and kids there, if this may be the last time to see her, wouldn’t you want your children to be able to see grandma? I don’t buy for one minute that he gives a hoot and from Michelle’s background I would have to say it would appear that this would be the furthest thing from her mind to do. What shame…
I for one can say with all certainty, my daughter and my nephews would fly in from out of state and oversees if there was any notion their grandparents were gravely ill.
Here I’ve copied an email I received from a conservative friend of mine. Here it is:
We just received this from a close friend – Please read and forward to family and friends!
Obama is a plant and the UN is behind it along with Islamic nations, and commies. The American people are like a bunch of sheep. I am 30 and for the first time I am ashamed of the American people for hating themselves and being blind to the real reality which is not what’s on the TV. Its not that Obama is black, I would vote for any black person who did not spew that commie talk. I hate commies and like our fathers in ww1, and ww2 we will have glory.
But I will always love my land, my constitution and my firearms.
I have news for anyone out there…..when the shit hits the fan you will see the spirit of the 1776 patriots burn across the land. REAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS and I aint talking about some Arabs in Afghanistan. Where talking the SONS OF LIBERTY type. Many people have acted and pretended to be liberal but it makes us sick. We know our real history and we don’t buy into that fake revised history thought in commie controlled schools.
Fortune and Glory be with all when hell breaks out.
Personally, I’m considering leaving this country if Obama becomes president. I don’t want my country to become a Socialistic Society..
If he does get elected (God bless the HELL out of America if this happens) then people will be kicking themselves for voting for this a–hole.
Wouldn’t anti-socialism be Nazism?
Look it up.
Any ism with an ego attached is a disaster, bottom-line.
Nazi’s are the National Socialist Party so how could they be anti-socialist?
Well that shows us those Marxist pigs (with or without lipstick) actually won the Cold War after all. By depicting their opponents as being on the Right per definition and hence being “anti-social”. And yet nothing could be further from the truth about Fascism, and especially Naziism. But why bother? Some people will never learn!
y’all are retarded. You’re making conclusions when NOTHING has happened yet. Obama may be the worst thing for our country, and he also may be the best thing. All you can do is vote and wait four years to see the outcome.
Also, he doesn’t claim elitism. YOU give him that title. In my opinion, I think this is just what america needs… to ween itself off of the greed and money hunger, capitalism. The tree is too top heavy. Lets prune off the tip and help new growth at the bottom.
It is a little late for the chickens once you put the fox in the hen house. I am not saying that some people should not be in jail but free market capitalists did not cause this crises. It was liberal legislation and gambling addicts whose lifestyles and morals prove that are from the Left. If Wall Street brokers, Bankers and New York City were actually run by Conservatives I might be more inclined to agree that all this came from the Right but in reality it came from the liberal Left and now like ignoramuses the government is just leaving the “progressive” criminals in place.
THANK YOU DON! You placed the origin of the problem at its source. Why most media outlets continue to negate this terrible fact to help the political party that began this mess is beyond me.
Ryan, read more before you post something of that nature. Dude, you’re wrong. As many say now, you are drinking the Kool-Aid. Step back, re-evaluate, self-educate. You’ll find the source if you just spend a little time looking. There is lots of crap out there blaming both sides. But the longer you search, the more you begin to see what is fact and what is fiction.
Unfortunately, most of Americans now are past wanting to take time to learn. Most are of the herd mentality and just follow the leader… right off the cliff to their death. It has happenned in history, is happening now, and will happen in the future. We never learn. How stupid must we be as a whole to just follow whatever or whoever. I just don’t understand how some people just seem to be missing something in their makeup, they seem to just be content not knowing, not searching, and not caring. It is time for that to end. We need leaders. Leaders for our Fed Gov, state governments, counties, churches, and homes. We need true leaders to rise up, stop playing their video games, etc. We need fathers to be dads. We need responsibility and accountability. If you father a child, then stand up, suck it up, set aside your personal gratification, and help raise that child. Enough is enough. Our immorality must not get any worse. Our amoral view of politics and life in general must also end; there is something as ethics and morals and they will never go away or change, they are eternal.
I live in California and it is amazing what is going on here with Prop 8. Anyways that is another issue all together.
Sorry again to ramble guys. I just feel so strongly about the state of our Union and the path we have been going down.
Someone posted on here earlier they were considering moving if Obama is elected. I have a friend who has told me the same thing…but if McCain is elected. He is a liberal democrat. You know, the way I feel, I have thought about what to do if our Country really goes down hill, I’ve decided that is the perfect place for me to be. I think most of us on here would do the same. Why? Because we would step up. That is when leaders are needed. That is when righteous and good people are needed to help others in need, because there will be many in need. That is when our Country will depend on us and need us to survive and improve. Just as the Founding Fathers probably did not all want to be in the situation they found themselves in, they felt something deep inside them calling them. It was a duty, a calling, and they put their personal desires aside to make the country better for those after them, including their children. I tend to feel the same with respect to our current problems.
in an interview with george stephanopoulos obama was asked what was his religion and he replied muslim but about 30 seconds later he said christian .Was this a Freudian slip or just another lie . interview took place about two weeks ago.
WOW……you wrote this WAY back when! And guess what…….you are absolutely right! GOD HELP US!
Doesn’t anyone find it odd that the people supporting obama have that same look on thier faces as the germans that followed hitler to his rise? The pied piper is the anti-christ and they will follow him directly to thier own demise. God help us if this filth gets to be president.
I do not think that he is the Anti-Christ but he is anti-Christ in the final analysis.
Have you been paying attention the last EIGHT YEARS you dipshit????
Don, you obviously have way too much free time. You should volunteer or help those in need. Seriously. You better get used to saying “President Obama” really soon.
I have been paying attention for fifty years you typical anonymous name calling Liberal. I Don’t know what the last eight years has to do with Obama? He is not going to fix a systematic problem that has been going on for fifty years. He is only going to make it worse and bring about the great depression quicker. I am still waiting for a list of accomplishments that makes Obama qualified to lead our nation? Maybe it is those over one-hundred present votes that he made? Does saying change make change? Obama could not make change for a dollar. If I asked for change he would probably give me 57 cents.
I have no free time. Liberals are in dire need and that is why I spend time trying to help you think. Maybe I will say President Obama and maybe I won’t, but if I do it will be the beginning of the end of America. I probably will not be saying it very long.
I never thought I would live to see this happening to America…..but here it is. Election day and it looks like B.O. will get into office. I am absolutely terrified of what is coming on this nation if he does.
He has so many hidden agendas it’s impossible to predict just how horrible it’s going to be. I do believe that we are headed into a depression far FAR worse than anything this world has ever seen and that anarchy is going to rise exponentially.
I am holding out hope for John and Sarah and know that anything is possible with God’s help.
To all those who understand what’s really at stake with this election…..and to those who support the right…….it’s been a pleasure being a part of the stand with you against what sadly, must come upon this earth. Remember that victory will come in the end……
I will be praying very hard today. Don and Judy, thank you for everything. It is wonderful to know that there are sane people still in America. Where to go? What to do? God help us all.
I love all the hardcore Obama fanboys on this blog. So quick to accuse the president for ruining the economy. Was it not Clinton that made it easier for everyone to own a home? (Then causing the largest foreclosure rate ever!) Oh yeah…I also forgot. All of our House and Senate members are republicans….oh wait they aren’t.
Get off the bandwagon, saying McCain is the same as Bush is stupid. Do research…..even Hitler gave great speeches….wow.
Daisy…….the ONLY place to go is to the Rock….the high tower……the Alpha and the Omega!!! Look up for your redemption draws nigh!! God is with us and knows our needs. We know He is with us and we must trust Him like never before. We are all being called to go up higher in our walk with Him and it will be alright.
God be with you,
I thank God there are people like you who can see down the road a bit and who can accurately predict what is to come. I will be coming to your blog often. Thanks very much.
Thanks Judy, and I look forwarded to your input.
you are dumb.
that is all.
and i dont understand how you can base our government on your faith.
religion is just simply comfort to those who cant handle the fact that some of the hardest questions in life are unknown.
Anyone see a trend here? Liberals simply cannot give a rational argument. They have to attack the person they disagree with.
After almost a year I am still waiting for anyone to give me a list of distinguished accomplishments that makes Obama qualified to lead this nation and I stand by what I said on this post. Obama might surprise me and not do one or two of things that I listed on this post but I am sure the democrats will find some dandy substitutes.
What you cannot understand sir, is your own personal problem, why make unfounded assumptions?
I love these types of fear-mongering rants; they really show the true character of the author. For the past 8 years I’ve heard people question the patriotism of the opposing party because they have different political views than the party in power. I am by no means an Obama supporter. I proudly voted for Senator McCain this morning, but this type of political ranting makes me feel better about an Obama administration.
I have no concerns with the country moving to a socialist party because I have a different view of Obama. I look at him as the classic politician that says anything to get elected. Even with a congressional majority, I don’t believe that they will pass the policies that were discussed in the election.
Quite frankly if Obama followed through with his promises to steal from the rich and give to the poor, that would mean that the government is actually responsive to the electorate. Politics are so messed up these days because candidates are no longer vote on issues that are relevant to their electorate, but rather the donors they’ve gotten in bed with to get elected.
The only hope for true change in America needs to begin with reform in our political campaigning system. I fully support a system of publically funded elections because the actual costs of the election don’t even come close to the political favors that result.
In my honest opinion, Obama doesn’t support the tax reform changes he has promised any more than the Republican Party cares about homosexual marriage. Both parties have used these issues to energize their base, but when have they really done anything to bring about change?
Sure there are steps forward and back, but no steps are taken to create real change. Last time I checked, no constitutional amendments have been passed to overturn Roe v. Wade. These are just hot buttons the parties use to “energize their base.”
I am devastated by what I am seeing on the T.V. I cannot believe that there are so many lemmings out there who by all account are mindless drones following the pied piper to doomsday. I am so upset that not only is this the results that are posted but I am a Pennsylvanian who am frankly disgusted by potential of a Murtha win. This man is a disgrace, he is evil and yet his constituents that he called racists are still giving him a victory, simply shocking!
Don and to those folks who truly understand the magnitude of what an Obama presidency means – I thank you for your blog and for posts at the very least it has given me comfort to know there remain some rational folks out there who share in my fear of what is to come. I hope and pray to God that we are wrong to a degree I pray that he is unable to enact most of his vision.
I for one will NEVER call him my President!
You know I hear today one of the lemmings actually state that she no longer has to worry about paying for gas, paying for groceries, paying for her home, she actually thinks that this man is going to help he pay for everything! The lazy people are now given a free pass to excuse themselves from contributing to society and for those that were at least trying, this has now given them reason to sit back and enjoy the free ride on y hard earned income. I am physically sick to my stomach over this. And we now have to look forward to whatever attacks are to come from terrorist cells (and they will come). I hope and pray my family and
friends are safe – God Bless America and to all those who defend her because we are going to need it!
Sick & Tired —
Are the empty promises that Obama made to the poor any worse than the empty promises the Bush administration made to the religious??? I really disliked PRESIDENT Bush, but quite frankly I still give him the respect he deserved as president. I wish that McCain had won too, but honestly you’ll “never call him (Obama) president??” Now that is ignorant.
The people have spoken and they clearly indicate that they want an Obama-Nation and that is what they will have and what America deserves. I do not wish to take away from the joy of blacks in this nation seeing a black man elected as president elect. I hope that they can retain their joy through his time in office. This is a historic occasion to celibate on that end. It should now be clear to them that most Americans are not racists.
Since the people of this nation have spoken there is no reason anymore for further comments on this post. The people have answered the question that they want an Obama-nation. Therefore, I am going to close this post to further comments.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to contribute their thoughts and even though this post will now be closed to comments I want you to know that I have many more posts on Obama on my two blogs in which you can still make comments. You can find them by going to “home” on the top of each blog and then typing in Obama in the search box that is also near the top of the blogs or by just clicking on the Obama tag at the bottom of the post or in my other blog selecting the Obama category from the sidebar.
However, be aware that even on those other posts I will not be saying negative comments about President elect Obama but I will report on what is fitting and what Bible believing conservative people need to be aware of in his administration. I believe God gives a nation the leader they deserve and I am not going to question what we deserve. I believe we must support our elected representatives until they clearly prove unworthy of that trust. We also are told in the Bible to pray for those ruling over us, partly for our own sake.
Since I said mark my words in this post. If any of what I said in my original statement comes true in the years ahead I will come back to this post and indicate that in red on the original post.
My hope for America is that I am wrong about Obama and the policies and division that I said he will bring to this nation on this post. I pray that Obama will grow in office and turn out to be one of our great presidents. I think you will find that I will support this president as long as he abides by the U.S. Constitution. I hope no one will incite division on speculation of what Obama “might” do or on secular social administrative differences. Please work within the system as long as the system is working.
God bless America!