One of the problems with a blog it that you have to post regularly or you risk losing your audience and your rankings with indexes like Google. However, there are those times that you simply do not have anything you really want to say at least nothing you want to write about in great detail. This is one of those times. Many things are going through my head but probably nothing worth writing on that I have not already written about. Therefore, I am posting without any rhyme or reason and even I do not know what I am going to say today.
I hope all the people in Washington that hate global warming enjoy their snowstorm this weekend. Many of you politicians might move to another country and save us a lot of grief.
Looks like I will soon be buying some acreage in the middle of nowhere. I already have 20 acres in the middle of nowhere but I can see four lights at night. That is four lights too many for me. Another problem here is the house. In the Ozarks there are no building codes and the houses are usually built by handymen without plans and the houses turn out to be kind of weird. Actually some not so handy men build very weird houses around here. I live in a fairly weird house built by one of the above but I would now like to get my own not so weird house built where I can actually sit on the deck and have a view off the deck and not see any trace of humans or hear vehicles on some road. A house with big windows would also be nice so I can look out the window while writing these blogs without any rhyme or reason.
One of the issues I will have building on this remote property is that the nearest power line is 3/8 of a mile to as much as 3/4 of a mile from where I might want to build on the new property. The other problem will be keeping the road passable year around for the same distance. It goes down and up a big hill. It probably would make sense to go off grid rather than pay the cost of bringing in a power line but here in the Ozarks sometimes you do not see the sun for a week. Wind does not seem like an option either because we either get a lot of wind or hardly any wind at all. I thought of fuel cells but the price of that technology is still way to expensive and so it seems out of the question. Any suggestions?
I found out this week that my first dog (Sparky – terror mix) has bone cancer. She has been a great dog and will be missed when we have to put her to sleep but right now she is in no pain and is living on sweet breakfast cereal and cookies since sweets are the only thing she will now eat. She certainly will not be around to see the Rapture coming before 2012. I don’t think my second dog Bubba will make the 2012 deadline either since he is a big dog and he is already over 11. I believe the great prophecy teacher Jack Van Impe said that your pets will go in the rapture so it just has to be true. Right? So there is hope for my other four dogs.
Now a little about the economic recovery that is being hyped. Hahahahahahahahaha. Seriously, they obviously are reading tea leaves and are not reading what I am reading. The other shoe will fall on their stupid heads fairly soon. Wait to you see the number of property defaults coming this fall. How does government come up with the $1.5 trillion that will be necessary this year to pay for their previous government binges and also pay the 2 trillion budget shortfall projected this year? Simple. They just print $2 trillion of the 3.5 trillion.
Think of the implications of governments printing and paying their debts with monopoly money. There are only two reason why foreigners are still holding on to U. S. Treasuries (they are not buying them any more). They know if they suddenly start selling there will be a panic and they will lose their butt before they can get rid of all the dollars they hold. The other reason is that countries like Japan, Britain, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etc. are in worse debt shape then we are. The reason there is a rally in the dollar right now it that some nations are in real danger of going into default this year. That is a recipe for a world depression but who knows if the world power brokers want a depression followed by a world war to bring in a world currency or world hyperinflation and civil upheavals? Honest people disagree on how this will play out. But there is no possible way to ever pay off the debt with dollars valued at anything near what they are worth today.
I read a good article today about how almost all Christians in America are infected with the prosperity gospel. The last thing in the mind of Western Christians is suffering or sacrifice for the sake of the gospel. Western Christianity promises people abundant living in the flesh. Even most of those that tithe in the West hold God accountable to give them riches in the flesh because in their mind there is some kind of spiritual law that gives them worldly riches if they give ten percent.
I heard that Obama’s speech at the national prayer breakfast was so inspirational that everyone probably hopes he will never show up again. You can search for his speech on Google yourself. He never did mention Christ at the prayer breakfast but we already know why that could not happen.
I also read the usual on Iran and what we will or will not do about them. No experts seem to agree. This one writer I read argued that Israel will soon threaten to use nukes to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities in order to force the U.S. to take them out conventionally. Who knows? My guess is that we will do nothing unless someone is attacked.
I also read about global warming and what a farce it is but nothing is new there except the continuing revelations about certain people cherry picking data so it will please the global warming taskmasters.
I read an excellent article written by Dr. Norm Geisler and Dr. Ron Rhodes chiding the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and Hank Hanegraaff for supporting a cult of Christianity called the Local Church (LC) movement (aka. The Lord’s Recovery and Living Stream Ministries) in a court lawsuit against counter-cult ministries. Apparently John Ankerburg and John Weldon labeled the LC movement as a cult in their Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions so the LC movement sued them and Harvest House for over a hundred million bucks. The LC movement lost the lawsuit in the Supreme Court of Texas. This is not the first time that Hanagraaff’s actions and theological positions have been questioned by his peers and other notable Christian theologians.
In the article that you can find below Dr. Geisler and Dr. Ron Rhodes rightly question Hank Hanegraaff and CRI for defending the LC movement in a civilian court and for Hanegraff’s position that the LC movement is orthodox when as they point out in the article the LC theology is not within Christian Orthodoxy. Seems the LC movement has a very unorthodox view of the Trinity and thinks all denominations are apostate but Hank Hanegraaff was supporting the movement in court calling the LC movement solidly orthodox. You will find the rather long article written by Dr. Geisler and Dr. Rhodes that explains the aberrant doctrines of the LC movement and CRI’s inconsistent positions on the LC movement on Dr. Geislers website under “articles”. It is the first article on his list at the time of this writing. (Sorry, his website does not allow direct linking to articles)
Well there you have it. I think I have completed my Blog mission for today even if it was written without rhyme or reason.
Global Warming is so Nuts. Sure, I believe the Polar Ice Caps Are Probably Melting Somewhat + Different or Bizarre Weather Patterns & Cycles, & the DIVERSE Weather is No Doubt a God Made Self-Sustaining Earth Self Cleansing Itself, to Dissipate the SMOGGY POLLUTION + Other Man Made Disasters, Valdees, etc…….BUT………..Like a Video I watched that Said Before Noah & the FLOOD, There was 6.5Billion People on Earth & If You Put those People Arms Length Apart, They Would Fit Into the Mark Made by a Ballpoint Pen when the Pen Dotted ‘1’ Dot on a Globe the Size of a MEDICINE BALL! I think the Earth can Handle the Global Warming from that Bunch when You Consider the Relationship of That Dot on a Globe that Size + Use the Same Relationship on Our Real Planet, the Dot Being New Jersey?
Haarp + the Weather Man, Haiti; Makes Sense to Me!
That was My Entry for the most uncomfortable, Run-on sentences for Today, It Gets Worse!
And to Make a Movie On It + Collect all that Denaro; 8 million or 18 million Dollars. It’s Like Politics, Lobbyists, Big Oil, WAR, But Better! Global Warming? Global POLLUTION!
Power? My Dream is a Listeroid 1800rpm, WVO(Vegetable Oil-Option Diesel)12HP Turning a 7.5K, 10K, !2K STC Alternator with a Battery Bank of Some Sort for Lights + Satellite + Computer.
But, in Northern MN, where We are, 3/4 the Way Up in a Resort Area, There’s 6mos Tourists + 6mos of Nobody! When the 2-Kids were Still at Home We Decided to Be On the Tar for the School Bus, With Power, Cable, TV, Internet.
The Locals are More than the Best + Up Here There’s Plenty of “Joint Community Firepower” to Hold Off Outsiders that Might Want to Sneak in From the North, + that Would be “FOREIGNERS.”
Some Good Neighbors that Bring Security for Us is a NICE Trade-Off to Way Out There in No Mans Land, Though That was Always My Other Dream. Our 5acres Borders About 2,4,600 acres of Woods, Timber Wolves, Cougars, Deer + Bears + Pristine Lakes, depending on Which Way You Wanna Go. In the Winter I “MIGHT” Hear a Car at Night, Maybe + Summer, the Change is O.K., Nice Variety!
I walk My Dog, Lab/Alaskan Husky Cross, on a Coupla Different Paths Around the 5-acres, of Woods! That’s When I Listen to My NIV Bible, My GTF, Grace Thru Faith MP3, Missler, Les Feldick + Pray to My Heavenly Father, Thanking Him for Saving My Butt, Turning My Life Around, Cleaning Up My Filthy Mouth(Still Got Some Work on That I Guess), Praying for God’s Will, This Website + All the Sites I Dig on Every Day All on Prophecy + Just Who God Is + Just What He Wants + Where Do I Fit In + Lookin Up For My Remption Drawing Nigh + Really Excited About Meeting My Maker, Though Life is Good + there’s a Lot Of Souls that Have to Hear the Gospel Where I’m Not Quite Actively Motivated the Way “I ” would Like to Be or Think I Should Be.
For Me It’s Surrender; I Give Up. I Can’t Do It On My Own, I Know That! This Could Sound Twisted to Some or All but I Feel Moved That I’m Figured into God’s Final Days Plan Somehow + He Says If Ypu Pursue Or Strive for It God Will Reveal It to You,. “I DO BELIEVE THAT; I GOTTA!”
God Bless You Don,
Well, that’s a lot of ‘nothing’ there! I’ll respond with rhyme and reason (but maybe not much of it!) I feel like that myself a lot these days…..there is so much going on and things are culminating so fast – it’s like watching my water boil before I put in the pasta – I can see the small bubbles but it seems to take forever for the “boiling” to burst forth. Watching this world today is just like that. I am, though, waiting (patiently and expectantly) for the LORD to come. You wrote: “I hope all the people in Washington that hate global warming enjoy their snowstorm this weekend. Many of you politicians might move to another country and save us a lot of grief.” All I can say – is that we should be so lucky!!!
The best you might be able to do in hard winter times is have food stocked and wood chopped! Like the “olden” days (as my daughter would say).
I look around at the church in America (and I am fortunate enough to be attending a great bible believing, gospel preaching, faithful church) and I wonder…..when the rapture happens, and for all the ‘professing’ Christians we supposedly have in the USA, will anyone in America really even know? Someone once said that after the rapture church will still be on Sunday as if nothing happened. That’s not far off the mark actually. You’re right , the prosperity gospel has infected a lot of people – even those who don’t ‘prescribe’ to that theology think along those lines when they think that God won’t allow them to go without a job or financial security. I receive updates on the persecuted church throughout the world… helps keep me grounded, realizing that the faith of so many people is being seriously tried and they are enduring though unimaginable hardships (to an American). I had a person ask me why Americans were so arrogant. Instead of being taken aback, I answered truthfully that since they weren’t born here and haven’t lived like us they wouldn’t understand. I explained that what they saw as arrogance we see as confidence and security. That is how I see it and I recognize it even in myself. And it isn’t sustainable (just look at our national debt – they’re going to have to start making up new numbers soon! Who would have though that a gillion kazillion bazillion megabucks would actually be a real figure?????!!!)……I tell my kids all the time to be grateful for being here but to not expect, if the LORD tarries longer still, that their adult lives will be anything like ours. We talk often of the ‘old days’ in America and how things are throughout the world – that our lifestyle is actually an aberration globally. And that no matter what may be, to hold fast to their faith.
Not surprised by Hank Hanegraaf at all, since I don’t consider him to be sound theologically anyway. Sad that he is what replaced The Bible Answer Man (Dr. Martin)! I believe we are going to see some ‘big Christian names’ go completely off their global rocker within a few years……there are so many inroads to apostasy one can barely keep up. I heard a Bible teacher I used to listen to a lot say recently – that Hitler was a Christian. Wait a minute, Hitler was a Catholic. World of difference. But I noticed that this teacher now believes that Islam is the beast and has subsequently been updating a lot of his teachings along those lines and dropping the “Catholic” stuff and replacing it with Christianity, like he did in the above statement. I think this is a grave error and just further murks up the waters. I know many people are now saying that the RCC was right in all their crusades against Islam (as if that’s all the RCC was against) and that Christians should join together with the RCC officially to combat this once again. He hasn’t officially come out as embracing Catholics as Christians like many others have, but he is definitely blurring the lines for that eventuality. It is sad because Catholics need the gospel too. And as a Christian, I certainly don’t want to be lumped in with the activities these past centuries of the RCC! Quite frankly, the RCC and Islam have more in common with each other than any Christian.
Iran, Iran, Iran. What in the world is up with that pip-squeak over there anyway? It is certainly laughable (and planned…..) that he would have such power and that world leaders would pay him any heed. The middle east has power because that’s what the globalists want. You must have an antagonist, eh! We have more oil than they do but we cower supposedly in front of anti-American capitalists posing as environmentalists, yet we wax boldly in front of Ahmajinedad? Makes no sense. If we can’t stand up to those on our own soil who want our way of life destroyed, how can we honestly pretend to stand up to twerps like him? It’s all a play – it’s scripted. But I think the global writers of this grand play are perturbed by the ad lib of American (tea party) patriots of late….. I’m out of…
If you are thinking of building a new house, please consider checking out “Davis Caves” from Armington Illinois (?) It could be an interesting concept to build one in the side of a hill. Just a thought.
Nice to hear others thoughts on these things.
Dave, Caves kind of ruin my view and made me go batty.
I guess a earth berm is pretty good if you want to be energy efficient but I personally don’t like living in a hole and they have terrible resale value.
I really want open architecture with passive solar features and lots of views, light and decks. The property I have a contract on has outstanding views but I will either have to pay for power lines for about 3500 feet, make my own electric or cut down 10 or 20 acres and build on the front side of the property. Even then, on that side of the property the views will not be nearly as good as the back side and l will still have to pay for a quarter mile of electric line. The reason why the back side is better is that the property backs to a river basin and has gorges on three sides. There is a 20 acre knoll on the backside almost sounded by steep drop offs and seasonal creeks. It is almost like a natural moat around a castle. Its a very unique spot but there is no easy electric and the access to the backside of the property is only from one direction and that will be over a half of mile of drive that will have to be maintained..
Don said “I guess a earth berm is pretty good if you want to be energy efficient but I personally don’t like living in a hole and they have terrible resale value.”
With 2012 coming and you are worried about re-sale value. lol
I do not know what to think about ole hank hanergraff? I hear him from time to time on the radio and he seems to be ok, and then other times I would just rather listen to my Jonny Cash CD.
If the end of the world comes in 2012 I will be ahead of the pack since I should already be living there.
Hank has a staff so they obviously tell hims some things for his program but I am not impressed by his own scholarship. His book against premillennial theology really says it all.
Now Johnny Cash is always good listening and was a Christian that did not pretend to know it all or have it all together.
I miss the bar on the right that listed all the articles that had recent comments on them. Then I could read the comments that people recently posted on instead of opening up every article to see if it has new posts. Also it would bring up older articles to the front that I had not seen before. It might even get more people posting and give you more ideas to write about. Anyway I enjoy most of your articles.
Thanks Justin, I was not aware that widget disappeared. Every time there is a major upgrade to wordpress I do not know what will change. I have put the last ten comments back in the sidebar.
If you would, just spend several minutes on their website and take a look; I think you will be surprised, in the good way.
I will check it out when I get time but I do not think I will become a cave man.
By the way, there are caves on the property but I do not know how many there are or how easy the caves are to access or how far they go back. Walking the steep parts is pretty tough going.
Dave, I looked at the Dave cave site.The idea is intriguing. I will check into it some more.
Hi Don
Your thoughts about home away from from the sights and sounds of “civilization” remind me somehow of our real home in the Heavenlies. Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us {John 14:1-3}, and we speculate on the “mansions in Heaven” and I think to our Father, “You know my heart, that a big place, a mansion is not for me, we don’t know what You have prepared for each of us but if it is a big place, then please let it be for me a beautiful wooded park with places for people to enjoy what You have done, and for me just a small cottage, maybe an “open” affair where I could invite people in to relax and composes & play music and talk and cook, maybe a small workbench where I can build guitars, make clothes, or do other crafts. A place were Jesus and others and I can sit for quite talks and rejoicing and learning and planning to do Your will…BUT not a big place with lots of ornaments because that’s just not me.”
Anyway Don, it seems most everything these days, winsome or evil, makes me more homesick for our Lord; He is our real treasure and everything/anything else is just that much more…
I’ve been reading “Dying Testimonies Of Saved And Unsaved” by Solomon B. Shaw, and this has been both wonderful and sad. In some ways, it’s like reading “Foxes Book of Martyrs” I am so ready to leave my body with, its sin-nature, unusual issues, and this fallen world. (Abba, please help be to be effective in prayer and in my life here so that You can bring others to Yourself through me; please make me Christlike as You have promised, and glorify Yourself in all of us!)
Don, we are *so close* to eternity, right on the very edge. Whether Jesus comes for us very, very soon or if it is decades away to the rapture, each of us is very close to eternity. Just a few decades for most adults, and literally moments away for some, even children, because we don’t know when our fatal appointment with Him will be. One thing that *so impressed* me among the testimonies of the unsaved (mentioned above) is that many of them put-off their decision for Christ and spent their last minutes recognizing this, and *knowing* that Jesus is the way, the *only* way, and yet not being able to accept the pardon! “I am lost!” they would say and they would caution others to decide while they were able to choose – it was so much like the rich man wanting Lazarus to come back to warn his brothers. {Luke 16:19-31}. I know there are many who read this blog that don’t know Christ – I urge you with tears to give Jesus serious consideration and then choose Him while it is still possible for you – read those testimonies to better understand what I mean:
The unsaved have a fate; the Lord’s have a destiny: a Happy (Never) Ending to our stories. And it’s not because we are somehow better than others; it’s because He is better than all and grants forgiveness to any who would submit themselves to Him and ask.
Thanks Don!
In His Love & Rejoicing
Hmm…so this is Don free forming it huh ?
Pretty good.
I didn’t know that the Ozarks didn’t have building codes, interesting…a great place for creativity then.
For off the electrical grid living…I look at AZ as a great place for that…where I live, it’s always sunny, and we get lots of wind. I don’t have any ideas for off the gird living up there where your at with inconsistent sun & wind though.
I do pray that, if it be the Lords will, to be reunited with my beloved dogs from now and the past. Isaiah 11:6 gives me hope, though, I believe it is talking about the 1000 year reign with our Lord…
11:6 “ The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
The leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
And a little child shall lead them.