I spent most of yesterday writing and researching an article and then deleted it because I was not satisfied with my conclusions. I started writing a different post today but then looked at the statistics for the last couple of months on this Blog and wondered why I am wasting my life digging up information and writing new articles that so few people are going to read anyway. In other words, this writer and administrator is getting Blog weary.
I have to read three or more hours of news and articles each day just to keep up with things in the world and church in order to find things to write about for my posts. Each comment sent to my Blog has to be read. About two thirds turn out to be spam or they are written by people that just want to use my Blog for some soapbox. They do not get posted. The remainder I have to analyze and make a determination if it is necessary for me to write a followup comment. Some comments are brief and simple and some are long and almost need to be as complex as the post. I probably now average writing about 10 or 20 comments a day. There are also emails connected to something said in the Blog that also requires reading and perhaps a response. My website and Blog takes almost 80 hours of my time each week and the Blog is probably taking up 80 percent of that time.
If a Blog is growing that can be a powerful incentive to continue. I have done many modifications on this Blog over the last year to make this Blog more readable and easier to find older articles. Yet the stats tell me that it has had little effect in increasing viewers. Last year around this same time of the year I said if the views did not get to 1000 a day by the end of the year that I would have to reconsider the time that I was spending keeping up this Blog. Readership did pick up to about 1000 a day for awhile, but it is now back down to about 800 views a day if I subtract out the visits to the home teaser page.
I also have to realize that about half of these 800 page views are the same people reading or posting follow-up comments. So when I consider all of that, I doubt if there are more than a few hundred people actually reading any post on my Blog each day. When I put a link in an article I am lucky if more than a handful of people even click on the link – yet even read it.
Consider this. The main website gets about 6500 page views a day. That has been increasing slowing since I started this website 12 years ago. The whole Blog still probably generates less than 20 percent of the website page views for the website but the Blog has more than 80 percent of the articles and also takes 80 percent of my time. Something does not add up there. Had I posted just a couple of hundred articles that are now on my Blog to my static website pages I probably would now have over 10,000 page views a day instead of 6500.
Blog readers seem to only care about reading the latest post unless they come via the way of a search engine. Even though I have a teaser page that gives a short excerpt of the last 50 articles, and I have a sidebar that gives the top 66 read articles, and other aids on the Blog, hardly anyone clicks on anything except the latest post. It is the same with the RSS feed. It gives the last 10 posts but people only click on the last one.
The problem with a dynamic Blog is that the articles that you write soon become irrelevant and almost lost in time, but if you put them on a static website under a category people visiting the site seem much more likely to find and read them. I also think Facebook, Twitter and others are making blogging less relevant today.
I also cannot understand why my articles rank high in the Google index under keywords likely to be queried on, but I only get 200 or 300 hundred hits from search engines a day for over 1000 posts? Heck, on my static website I get 200 hits a day just on my “The Coming Economic Collapse Caused by World Debt” article alone. Yet, I have to keep in mind that some of those 200 or 300 people a day might then go to my main website and increase the numbers of page views there, so it is hard to figure the worth of having the Blog within the website. Even so, I do not think the number of people that actually go from my Blog to my static website articles are significant. I probably can count those that do each day on my fingers.
So what to do? I know what I am not going to do. I know I am not just going to now delete the Blog. There are some good articles on it so they would have to be transferred before I would even consider doing that. I guess I could just turn off the comments. That would save me a whole lot of time and it probably would not effect the original views much. However, it would stop your input and my responses. How important is that? People can still reach me by email.
I also seriously think that after 2013 (if not before) all this will be censored in one way or another anyway. Let’s face it, in the name of national security and politically correctness our constitutional rights are being taken away. Its not all being generated by government either. It is the website hosts, the internet service providers, the domain name registrars, the indexes for search engines, and the self appointed politically correct police that will try to get websites shut down that say things that they do not like, or they might even hack it. A static website is more easy to protect than an interactive Blog.
I have not made any decisions yet and I am open for discussion and suggestions on this.
Perhaps the answer is to get my best articles on my static site and then eventually do away with the Blog. However, there is no easy way to do that without redesigning the whole website which means that I would have to buy more modern website development software, do the considerable learning curve and then do all the tedious copying and pasting of all the Blog articles that I want to keep. I would also have to once again search engine optimize each article using metadata (I do think there is a way to transfer the metadata) and do redirects on all kept posts. Of course I also would lose all the comments.
The other much more logical route is to put everything on this whole website on a new Blog and then customize the Blog to be more like a static website, but that takes learning script coding that I really know nothing about, so it would be a big undertaking for me. I also could not spend the time required to do that and continue to take the time to administrate and add new content to this Blog. There simply are not enough hours in the day.
So I just don’t know what I am going to do at this point. I do know that something is going to have to change because this guy is getting Blog weary. I am open to constructive suggestions.
interesting to read this today. Jeremiah (?) complained about the price paid for speaking forth what God told him to say -or- the discomfort of not speaking. Guess you have to think about it, pray about it, make your decision. When the big bad thing we all feel coming down the road toward us does happen (no, I don’t know just what that event is going to be)you won’t have to worry ’bout it any more.
Thanks for the good info so far!!!
My heart sank as I read this article…for me, your the most important website on the internet but I am just one fellow.
I do have a suggestion…
Is it possible to cut back your time (maybe in half) for writing articles, dealing with comments, etc ?
Maybe, instead of posting a new article every four days or so…do ONE weekly post ONLY.
Cut your time, drastically, that you deal with comments…either by letting the comments take care of themselves in more cases or hire a narrator that will take some of the burden..to free up some of your time.
Cutting your time might do a couple of things…
It might make this blog much easier to deal with instead of being such a daunting daily task…and…it might also, give you more time to ponder…which could lead to even more powerful articles.
These are only base suggestions for a more passive approach which I’m sure you’ve already thought of.
I consider the reader / viewer input and your responses invaluable. The “Michael is the restrainer” blog comes to mind, but pretty much every blog has this interactive flow. Frankly, it’s not like a genuine Christian can “vent” anywhere else (I can’t even write a non-positive review on a product that deserves a negative review on Amazon without getting hammered with “trollers”). Yeah, I can easily see how the blog can consumer your life.
What I would propose is that the frequency of the blogs be less (what ~David said above, so I guess I’m seconding that notion).
I refuse to join in on facebook, myspace, twitter, or what ever social exploitation fad develops. Also, those avenues are so cluttered that an average user’s interaction is practically irrelevant. If there’s only a few hundred participants, frankly you might want to consider that a good thing.
If your blog went away, where could/would I/we go? There may be other destinations out there, but frankly I am at a point where I trust nothing. Until I found ‘prophetic years’. At this point (the looming destruction of the Americas practically in sight), as far as I’m concerned, unfulfilled prophecy is just about all that matters.
I probably check your blog list daily, and yes I’m more or less looking for the new blog to come along. After all, I’ve already read and pondered and contemplated the past blogs, so I don’t really have an interest in going back. I don’t know why you would indefinitely keep them around. Just absorb what things should go in the static section and move on. It’s bad enough I have to keep old tax documents around for 7 years. My inbox is tiny, both home and work. I delete everything. Maybe it’s because I hate clutter. Unless there’s something I have to do in the future, it’s deleted. I live in the moment.
Agreed, the “thought police” will be blocking truth, which is all the more reason to put the pedal to the metal while the asphalt exists.
Ultimately it comes down to this: “Who are you working for?” and when did He say it was going to be easy? It’s not like there will be another 12 years. There might be 4 and that’s highly optimistic if you ask me. If He says stop today, then I would guess He has some other job for you. And if that is the case, I’m pretty sure you already know what the job is. I’m looking to “change jobs”, but that “change” is about two years out. 2013 here we come, whether we want to get there or not isn’t really up to us.
Thanks, but…
cutting the number of posts and comments are obviously going to happen anyway if I do not have the time to write them.
On blogs it used to be the less you posted the lower your blog would rank. I do not know if this is still true anymore. Some used to say that you needed to post everyday on a blog and then I read that twice a week is enough. One thing for sure if you don’t post much regulars are not going to visit much.
Who knows now? On a static site it really does not matter how often you wrote an article. It is the key wording of the articles and the incoming links that count.
The problem with blogs now is that when people from other blogs links to you they are most often using “nofollow” so you get no link juice. Goggle is totally unpredictable in their rankings. Some of the best Bible prophecy sites rank as crap and some crap sites are near the top under that term. Take the Term “Revelation Commentary” for example. My site was always in the top 5 under that term. Then for the last six months just one site gets the first 4 to 6 spots. It is a good site but why should it get all the top spots. That is nuts. Should Drudge get the first 1000 links when you query on news sites just because it has the highest rank?
Hire a narrator? Do you think I am doing a production of “The Pond” here or something? I do not get any money to be hiring people for this free service that actually costs me money already. Tell one of your millionaire friends that thinks he is leaving tomorrow in the rapture to send me that million bucks that he will not be needing and I will hire a whole crew.
Thanks for the support,
Most of the articles written in the last few years are still pertinent. Just Look at the 66 top articles on the sidebar. I can hardly remove any of them and there is no reason to. Having a lot of posts is not the problem. It is through these old articles that new people find my Blog when they do a keyword search on some topic. Each article is keyworded and titled differently to reach people looking for answers.
I know who I am working for but actually it comes down to how much can I do. I am not 22 anymore. I cannot keep working 80 hour weeks and this blog is not my while life. I have a wife, property and I have things to do just to live just like you. I attend a Church fellowship and have friends that should also take time. I need to get out and get some exercise and have some leisure time. There has to be balance and I am now being unbalanced sitting in front of this computer from 8 in the morning to late at night almost 7 days a week.
For whatever it’s worth to you, I really appreciate the effort you put forth to maintain this blog. It’s always worth reading, and it’s gratifying to know that I have at least one other person out there who sees things pretty much the way I do. I know it can be overwhelming to keep up with all the garbage that’s going on in the world, but please know that your work is appreciated. Take a breather if you must, but please don’t walk away.
My name is Robin . . .and I’m a lurker.
Don, I receive your blog via feed, so don’t post comments, but you just can’t know how much I look forward to reading it. I understand your fatigue, but sincerely hope you’ll take into consideration that while there might not be a plethora of comments, there are many more people reading your blog than you might realize. Spend some time with the Lord and see what he wants you to do. Clearly writing is your spiritual gift and yur contributions are great and many. Consider those left behind, when they discover your blog.
You’ll be in my prayers.
Kind Regards
I forgot – love that sense of humor!
Maybe just the “monthly’s” and when something topical strikes you.
I was thinking of writing a book series: “A project about nothing” – I’ve got a lot of fodder from all my “office worker” days. Chuckle.
The meaning of life is to know the majesty and dominion of Jesus. After that, it’s pretty much service and suffering.
Hang in there 🙂
Thanks all,
I won’t be walking away from it, but all input is appreciated.
Shorter posts might help some but somehow most of my articles seem to take on a life of their own.
I don’t want to go back to clipping mostly other peoples stuff. Some bloggers do that but I see little point in it and then too often the link to the article is broken for one reason or another.
I subscribe to your blog via iGoogle, which alerts me each time you post an update. I can’t subscribe via my own blog because I don’t have one.
I really enjoy your blog and your site and love your matter-of-fact way of telling it like it is. I know I’d miss your blogs but you have to do what’s right for you, with prayer of course.
I agree with David that perhaps it would help if you drop your blogging frequency to one blog per week, or when inspiration strikes you. To save yourself the time it takes to review comments you could either set them to automatically be approved (which might just be asking for trouble) or shut them off completely. People will survive reading without giving feedback…we’ve been doing it for all the ages we’ve been reading books.
And if you do decide to revamp your site and don’t want to get into expensive software or server fees, you might consider getting a free wiki at wetpaint.com. I have a number of sites there and love it. It’s easy to use, works great for multiple pages/sections, has a contents section to easily organize categories, allows easy posting of photos, graphics, and even video.
Sadly, I also agree with you that when the Trib.period comes, all these Christian websites out there are going to be removed. So much for all the hope of the site owners that their sites will do a lot of good after we’re gone…I don’t think they’ll be here. After all, doesn’t the Bible say somewhere that during that time the Word of God will be hard to find? I take that to mean that anything Christian – sites, Bibles, etc. – will be destroyed. Sad, but not surprising.
Whatever you decide, I’ll still be checking out your website. If you drop your blogging frequency, my iGoogle will still let me know when you’ve updated and I’ll be happy to check it out, however often or not often it comes.
Hi Don,
I don’t post very often, but I do enjoy reading your articles and the comments they generate from other brothers and sisters in the Lord. As a professional in the field of chemical dependency treatment, specializing with teenagers, I think I have some insight that may be useful for you. I have found over the last 15 years of clinical practice some dramatic changes to both the people I serve, and the field as a whole. I have the realities of “treatment outcomes” that are not very encouraging. For every one teen that gets it, there are 7 who do not. I nearly destroyed myself and my family trying to “save them all”. I was running 3 offices, had 6 therapists and an office manager who “claimed to be a Christian”, and found that no matter how hard I worked, I simply needed to work harder. I understand the feelings of futility about the work that God has called me to do. The feeling of needing to balance work, with family, and trying to find a church that has not sold out to new age crap, has been daunting to say the least.
Where I am now? I have one office, one part time employee, and a great relationship with the Lord. Jesus helped me find the balance that I needed so that I was healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally, which made it possible to serve Him, be a father/husband, and treat my clients as He would have me serve. I guess I am taking the long way saying that the answer is most likely not “either/or”, but rather, what is the healthy balance. While I do not always agree with all that you say, I am always left thinking and searching the scriptures for a deeper understanding after reading your posts. It was very difficult for me to find the balance I needed, but the Lord is faithful, and he helped me get there.
We need people like you that challenge us to see what needs to be seen. There is so much heresy being taught and thrown out on the web, in churches, on tv and radio… We clearly need people like you to share that which needs said. Were you to be led to quit, then that is God’s will, and he will raise up others. But if it is burnout, the answer is balance and making sure that you are taking adequate care of yourself and your family first, and this ministry will be well served.
I do hope this helps. I don’t pretend to have figured it all out. This was just the lesson the the Lord has taught me.
blessings brother,
Rod in Oregon 🙂
Oh, I almost forgot… Have you ever considered having guest bloggers once in ahile. Having some Christians who can write an entry your can screen of course, and then submit as a guest blogger would also give you a bit of a break.
Just a thought,
Rod in Oregon
Slow down. Take a break. Don’t write as often. We’ll get over it.
Hi Rod,
Yeah I considered it, I even had a guest blogger when I first started. It does raise other problems though because the thoughts of others are not mine. So then am I just having others post so that my blog ranks better? It seems like then I am having a blog just to blog and the message in the blog is just secondary.
For that to happen it would have to be someone who pretty much sees things the way I do. Then there is the issue of hurt feelings if I say something needs to be changed in a post. There also is the issue of who approves and administrates and replies to the comments. More posts actually could make more work for me if I have to do the follow-ups. It is something that I tossed around but at this point, I think not.
I just read your post on your own experience and advice. I appreciate it.
Hi Don,
I guess if depends on your perspective. for instance, when I take time off, I have a very trusted colleague who operates as I do that comes in and substitutes for me while I take a needed break. But yeah, it can be challenging to find just that right person. As for posting so that your site ranks better? You don’t really seem like the type that needs that sort of ego boost. To have a guest speaker would be a means of getting a break. Not trying to convince you one way or the other, but rather, just a different perspective.
The work you do is very valuable. Unfortunately, most likely, the people who read your posts are not the ones who “need to be reading it”. So people like myself who pretty much share your belief are blessed by reading your work. But the people who have sold out are not likely to venture to your blog… Thats like me being surprised when people who don’t want to quit using drugs decide to avoid my treatment center… LOL… I hope this comment helps. Sometimes just being reassured that what you do does matter can really help. 🙂 I know this from experience.
🙂 Happy to share.. Glad it helped in some way.
R. Ross,
Thanks but I already have a web host that I pay for. It is just too easy for free sites to take you down if they get a complaint about something you posted or your load is to taxing on them. My host has free templates and webdesign stuff but figuring out how to customize them is the problem, especially when you are on a dial-up connection and it takes hours to download anything. I probably will stick with what I know and that is the WordPress engine. I might see if I can find a template that would do most of what I want without rewriting the script but I need time to even do that.
I agree that the Bible indicates that there will be a drought of the Word in the last days but I can’t put my finger on the passage right now.
What you said is actually why a higher rank is desired. It is not about an ego boost, it is the fact that the articles in a higher ranked blog on a similar search term will be found where low ranked blog articles will be buried. The higher the rank of the Blog the higher the articles in the blog will rank compared to others. So I can’t reach those that need to hear what I say if when they query on something my article is buried on page 19 on Google.
That makes sense. I hope I was clear when I said that you do not come across as someone who is interested in the ego boost. Your very sincere in why you do this. Your passion about sharing the gospel is very evident.
More exercise, time with your wife, fresh air… 🙂 All good things. I pray you will receive the guidance you seek, as well as the balance you could sure use. Even Jesus took time away from his ministry to do self care.
Thanks, I have been sitting here all day so now me and dogs need to go out and take a leak
Hi Don,
I know we don’t always agree on certain issues, but I do look forward to reading your insights on scriptures and current events. I even linked to you as someone who Christians can go to for sound teaching. (this was in July or August I think) I had a similar problem a week ago, where I wrote about an article, then deleted it. I felt like…what’s the point? Prophetically, we keep putting these proverbial red lines out there that if we were to cross them, the end of all things is at hand. Somehow, that red line keeps getting pushed back just a little further, and a little further. I just prayed, and asked God for a little encouragement. Honestly, when the Lord lays something on my heart, it is not burden but a labor of love. My 2 cents would be, write whats on your heart, when it’s on your heart, and let the comments go amongst the readership to debate (if there is a debate). I mean, you’ve already written what you thought, and the people who regularly read and comment can if they so choose too. I mean, if we all agreed, there would be nothing to talk about. Either way, look forward to your thoughts. God bless.
Hi Don,
I absolutely cherish your writing and appreciate all the hard work you have put in to your website and continued efforts for your blog. Although I rarely post feedback and comments (usually am too shy…) I thought I’d recommend you perhaps write a once a month blog post, or perhaps a twice a month blog post. Then you would only have to field the comments once or twice a month. —Or, have a paid sign up membership page where you could track membership and not be censored in the future. I am not sure of all the logistics involved, but think simplicity is best.
You and your input on world situations are too valuable to lose!
Vicky Baze
You are right I need to let other commentators to do more of the commentating. Too often nothing is said so I feel I have to do it. Even so, quite often the comment is directed at me so then I feel I do need to respond.
Thanks for your sweet comments and support.
I also get many comments from old posts besides the latest posts, so less posts would only stop part of the comment problem. Most of the comments on the old posts come from worldly people or people with different Christian theology that find the article via search engine, so the comments quite often can be pretty ugly or bring up the same tired old arguments, so most are not posted. One way to fix that would be to close comments after a set period. I am debating doing that, but I hesitate to do so because occasionally someone adds something of worth to the discussions even on very old posts.
I will lose many visitors if they have to pay and sign up, besides I hate it when Christians make people pay for Internet information, it certainly keeps me off the sites that do. I will worry about censorship when it happens, but when it happens, having a private sign up probably will only stop the self appointed Internet police and not the official politically correct police.
Thanks for you input.
What happens when the writer and administrator gets blog weary? Don, you should have went out to the liquor store, got you a bottle of Jack Daniels and some crackers as not to drink on an empty stomach, found some good ole boys, and then wenta boar huntin. Ain’t you got someone out thar you can call Bubba. All kidding aside Don, maybe you need a vacation or sabbatical to recharge the body as writing about the mess this country is in will take a toll on you.
Don, I have never posted on here before. Your blog is something I look forward to every week. Thanks for all your time and research involved. Thanks and God bless
Well….now you’ve gone and made me very very mad…..take your well earned “breather” for a week or so. I’m a pleasant, kind, quiet woman who wouldn’t intentionally hurt a soul; however, you bloody well better get back on that horse, mister, and write !!!! AND “yes” you are correct if you hear me yelling. You’re the one who is our “Watchman”. We trust YOU. We believe YOU. We come here for truth. YOU are our educator of God’s Holy Word. YOU have made us family (including those of us who don’t respond). We all KNOW who the “regulars” are and care for them. YOU’RE NOT DEAD YET……so get typing. LOVE to All…..Maggie
Bubba died last year he was my best dog. He did not go much for the Jack Daniels, he wanted to be clear headed to go after those skunks and copper heads and when I was living up north he loved those porcupines. The dog never learned just like the good ole boys around here clinging to their Bush beer, tobacco wad, guns and fat women.
Yeah, I need to take a few days off now and then and recharge. But then new posters get mad because their comments do not get posted shortly after they send them. They accuse me of censorship and not believing in the first Amendment to the Bill of Rights. However, they need to learn that this Blog is not their nation and they pretty much lost that one anyway. Others send me emails wondering why I have not posted if I have not given them a new article in a few days but perhaps if they go cold turkey they will get over it.
I really am not quitting. I am just mulling over different options. I really know little about nothing so don’t make me your American Idol, and quit yelling your waking up the family.
Jeff, thanks and don’t be a stranger.
I too look forward to your articles. As for the comments, if they are short I might read them. If they are long winded, I skip them. If there were no comments at all, it would be fine with me as I only come here to read what “you” have to tell us.
don I really enjoy your articles. Your site has become one of my favorites and I rarely go more than a couple days before I come back and see what’s new. I understand how hard it is to maintain this site as well as write and comment. I am not a computer expert so I can’t give much more advice than just to limit your posts and replies. What if you just did 1 post a month like you do with your perspectives updates and anything people have to say they can do on that one post? Facebook is another idea but there’s alot of problems with it as well. I agree with the others that you need some well deserved time off.
Don ,
It is Amos 8:11 that says there will be be a famine of God’s Word in the last days. You sound like a weary warrior, take some time off , you don’t owe any of us anything. Seven day work weeks are no good for anyone, we all need some down time. Even Jesus in His humanity took time to get away from the crowds and pray , He needed solitude with The Father. In John Chapter Five
Jesus told the man He healed to take up his mat ( or bed ) and walk. Why did the man need the mat any longer ? I have no idea , but Jesus told him to carry it , maybe this blog is somehow the mat He wants you to carry. Or maybe , like Esther, you are in the kingdom for ” Such A Time As This ” . Those are only speculative statements on my part , only The Holy Spirit can direct your minstry and that is only the business of Him and you. BLESSINGS!!!!!!!! , and get some rest. Don’t try to place everything on your shoulders, God has other soldiers , He really does. All of us need to be praying for you and I personally am grateful for your dedication.
Thanks, I will still be writing more than just the monthly perspectives. Maybe it will be once a week or maybe it will shorter posts or some combination. Using networking sites like Facebook is not going to happen.
Thanks, I think I will now go take a nap before I have to get ready to go to church tonight. There usually is some fellowship at a fast food joint afterwards to talk about relevant issues.
Greetings Don~
I am so new to the Internet, but your site is one of the best. Thank you for all your insight & hard work, it truly shows as a labor of love. Whatever you do needs to be right for you & your family. If you take a break from the blog, that will give me time to read all your articles! 🙂
One thing I try to evaluate is this: If I died today, would I wish I had done ‘fill in the blank’ more or less. You see what I’m saying…so if you take time off you’ll not likely regret it. You’ll be missed, most certainly, but your work continues in the articles you leave on here.
God richly bless you & guide you always. I look forward to meeting you & the others here in heaven when we go home to be with Jesus~
Your posts help me interpret what is going on in the world. They are like a touchstone, they give me a lot to think about as well as put my mind at ease knowing I am not alone with such thoughts. Your posts touch on topics I cannot talk about with fellow workers because most people don’t care or aren’t even aware of where we are headed. That includes many people in my church- so reading your posts and the comments from everyone gives me a sense of community that I lack where I live and work. It gives me hope that there are sane people out there who are watching and waiting and praying. I say sane, because I know you weed out the others.
I agree with everyone, you need to figure out how you can:
1. Take some much needed time off and then
2. Maybe post once a week. I know you are concerned about your rankings because you want to reach more people, but God will lead them to you no matter what your ranking is.
My prayers go with you.
Heather R.
Well Don,
One thing is for certain…
Many people here who have commented after you wrote your latest article have made it abundantly clear that your perspective is very valued.
I think it’s obviously because you are a highly gifted Bible watchman who is blunt and straight across the bow…no fluff or ulterior motive…which I think makes you a rarity indeed.
Hi Don
I may be wrong but it seems to me the writing is not the problem but the vetting of each comment is. Your visitors are able to skip read or even skip comments but you can’t. Its a wonder you still have a head of hair.
You wouldn’t want to restrict good comment, for that adds argument and insight to the situation and allows a certain fellowship for your readers.
Is there some way you can restrict comments to believers only, a stipulated statement of faith such as ‘Christ is Lord’ might curtail the trolls. I don’t know what would stop the apostates.
Just a thought.
Its a good idea but I don’t see how it can be done and they would lie anyway. The worst offenders are Christians that think they have to correct others that do not believe in their own legalism or post toastie theology.
I strongly feel, Don, that events are converging very rapidly, and while I can sympathize with your fatigue, strongly feel this is simply Satan’s attempt to shut you down. When His chosen number have “come in”, we’ll be removed. Satan knows this and will delay that day as long as he can. Please don’t let Satan get the upper hand.
Kind Regards
Hi Don,
I think if you write one article a week, and the monthly perspective commentary that,that would free up some very needed time off for you. That way you would be able to spend more time with your wife, family and friends. As for the comments being turned off or on it really doesn’t make that much difference to me, just because i don’t comment that often but, i do however read your blog everyday and i do enjoy reading what other have to say. I just want you to know that your blog has been a blessing to me in my life. It was a few years ago when the Holy Spirit lead me to your blog, and because of your blog and all of those articles you wrote, that i was able for the first time in my life come to know our Lord Jesus Christ. You are a watchman, and i know God has used you to help others as my self. I don’t know, what i would do without your blog, you have been part of my morning routine for a few years now and i have come to appropriate everything you have to say and write. I am sure God will lead you to do his will whatever that might be.
In Him
I just want to THANK everyone for showing your support for our brother Don. I learn from all of you and appreciate your taking the time to comment here. May we all continue to be a blessing and encouragement to each other in these difficult times.
From the sounds of it, it seems like what you want to achieve is to have more click throughs from the website to your blog, since that’s where your time and effort is going. You’ve kept your website simple and that’s a good thing imo. When I first got onto your website and reading various articles it was a while before I stumbled across your blog. A webpage is like a tv ad. You have a brief time to capture someones attention and draw them in. If you want people to experience your blog comments then maybe that should be the first item at the top of your list on the website. As it is now it’s like the sixth item down the list. My attention span usually doesn’t go that far down. The way I think, the farther down it is the less important it must be. To draw attention it should be in larger type and bolded. That pastel pink has the opposite effect. So I would recommend two large type bolded black categories at the top of the page just under your header like this.
Don’s Current Blog Thoughts (linked)
Don’s Greatest Hit’s
….World Current Events and Bible prophecy –
….The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through the Ages
….Featured Commentaries
….Imminent dangers to the United States
Like everyone else I also appreciate your efforts in producing interesting blog entries week after week. However, keep in mind that even Jesus sought rest from his Earthly ministry from time to time. Hope you find my ideas constructive.
Don – I have you in my RSS feed. I look forward to your articles and perspective on the issues of the day. If your blog is highlighted when I ‘refresh all’ it’s usually the first one I read. Thanks for all your hard work!
I like your blog posts. I recall a web based ministry a few years ago where the facilitators got bogged down with responding to comments. Much of their day was spent monitoring and putting out fires. Drop the comments (as you say, validation can come via email). I recognize that you’ve built a community here – but at great cost. I live in a city of approximately 250,000. Despite the sheer numbers, my wife and I could not find a solid bible based church. We’ve since found a solid group of affiliated small community churches outside the city for much needed Christian fellowship. It was frustrating for a couple of years not having a church home. Solid, Christian, web-based ministries like yours were my saving grace in the interim. I still rely on them heavily. These are community building endeavours in the spiritual sense. Your bi-weekly updates provide an interesting, thought provoking perspective.
Praying the Lord directs your steps and that you have His peace when you make a decision.
Don’t leave us Don! You are so appreciated. Any seismic event likely to take place any day now will probably double or triple your exposure. I will get busy telling the 2 million or so Christians here in DFW about your site. Keep your chin up! Also if there is a financial need, please let us know how to help. Remember that old saying, it gets darkest just before dawn.
Hello Don,
It may be of interest to you that I, and most likely everyone else, first came to your site looking for the sensational prophecy news of the day and to learn more about prophecy in general. I’ve probably read most, if not all, your articles. Perhaps the last thing I discovered on your site were the blogs.
Now, I turn to your older articles from time to time, but look forward to the newest blog the most. Maybe it’s time, if it hasen’t happened already for you to write a new blog only when you have something burning in your belly that you just have to express. This might help eliminate the feeling of the blogs feeling more like a job to you.
Unrelated, I raised an eye when you said that you might have only a year or two before sites like yours will come under attack. I wonder if we’ve really arrived at that point so soon so fast. It’s not the sort of talk that happens at my church very often and not visiting prophecy news as often lately seems startling.
Although you had some fun with Alex Jones in one of your blogs recently, many of your sentiments might allign with his, minus the conspiracy aspect of it. I’d be interested in your thoughts regarding this sometime.
You should be able to restrict the number of words per comment – but I guess you would also have to disallow consecutive comments.
If that is possible, combined with the word limit, a ‘one comment a day’ restriction might stop the ‘legalism or post toastie theology’.
You probably have thought of these things so don’t bother replying, just throwing thoughts at you.
Thanks for your suggestions. I will think about what you said but my directories are in the order they are in for a reason. The original content on this website was on Bible prophecy in relation to the world that we live in and the domain name reflects that. So the first link to 25 articles on that topic makes sense being listed first. Also this directory gets more hits from search engines and more downloads than my blog.
The Revelation Commentary is the most important work that I have wrote. It took me a year to write it. For that reason I think it warrants the number two spot.
The Featured Commentaries articles are probably the most important single articles on my website. I think they are more important for people to read than articles on my blog and most of those articles get more downloads a month than any article on the blog.
If you notice I have a feed below my blog link that gives a short sample of the last ten blog posts. Maybe your not seeing that because maybe you do not have Javascript enabled on your browser? I do not see how anyone could miss the blog from the home page. Anyway, if I make the blog the top most link the feed of the last ten posts would push all the other directories too far down. Keep in mind that most people do not get to my site through the home page anyway they find a specific article in Google.
Also keep in mind that the home page is also key-worded for certain terms like “Christian Commentary” just saying “Don’s greatest hits” or “Don’s current Blog thoughts” is not going to be anyone’s Google search. The link to the blog is already in slightly larger type and in bold and the reason for color in the sub-headers is consistency.
Thanks for telling me that. In emails a few others have told me this website was instrumental in their salvation and many others have said that my articles helped them in their Christian understanding.
I do not need the comments but I think some in the community do. So I am not inclined to drop the comments at this point. As you imply many people have no other fellowship. Even those that attend churches do not always find fellowship and then there are those that for emotional or physical reasons cannot go to a church based fellowship.
I pretty much agree that I need to post on a needs basis rather than thinking I need to post a certain amount of posts a week or a month.
As for any commonality here to what Alex Jones says, Obviously nobody would read a site that had no truth on it. A lot of truth can be found on his site. Nobody would even go to these sites if the main stream media would report the truth but in some areas they are worse liars than these sites. So they exist but who really controls them??
The theme of these sites teach people to be paranoid, distrust all government and they scapegoat people and it causes some people to hate. I wounder how many conspiracy people have ever even looked up the background of Alex Jones? They might be surprised. He just might be a plant dressed in libertarian clothing that conveniently helps statist control freaks in this nation to identify those that they think might be a danger to their world order. If you want to be put on a list, one way that might happen is to interact with these sites.
There are even conspiracy theories on Alex Jones.
A Christian that deals with these sites better be well grounded in the Bible and also be aware that deception comes from places they might least expect. The bottom line is, are these sites teaching a gospel of salvation or a gospel of self reliance against the forces of evil? Another good indicator of who is behind what they push is what do they say about Israel and the Jews.
I read your posts regularly, but do not ever read the comments.
hi Don another reader here I don’t comment but I love reading
your blog, I can understand your tired and somewhat burn out
but you sure have a lot of valueable insight and we sure want
to hear insight on whats going on from your very insightful
christian prospective, maybe cut down to 1 a week? I’ve found
a lot of answers to things I’ve wondered about and agree with
you on just about everything, you’ve been a real blessing,thank
you for all the good articals.
HI Becky, Thanks for your support
Don, no need to respond.
Please forgive me for my earlier post which was my “manipulative attempt” to get you to “snap out of it !!!” If you ask me (which you didn’t)——my vote would go with those who suggest that you write when you are led by our guiding Holy Spirit. He knows you best and He knows what you can handle. He knows what we, your readers, need to hear.
Your God given discernment is highly valued.
Don, as a Pastor I can really relate to the way you feel. Sometimes it’s like preaching to the choir. But, it is at times like this that we need to realize our battle is not against flesh and blood, but the power of darkness. I too struggle with folks that do not know or don’t even seem to care about what the Word of God has to say. But at the same same time, I have to realize that God is waiting for one more person to come into His kingdom and maybe, just maybe, it will be because of what you or I have to say. God BLESS!!! IHS PASTOR PAUL.
I visit your site at least once a day. I appreciate all of the hard work that you do and your “matter of fact” style of writing. I hope you will continue on bringing forth the truth told in a “in your face” manner.
Abba, we ask that You would give Don strength and guidance. Thank You for what You do through him and the positive effects it has on all our lives, and we will see all that You have done through this blog, this site, at the Bema!
In the mean time, please give Your weary warrior some rest and renew his strength as You have for each of us at our low times. Please show him if there is a way to streamline his work.
Please lift Don up from the drudgery and disappointments that surround him; please give him a glimpse of the way You glorify Yourself and further Your kingdom through what You do through him; please let him have a look at some of the tapestry from the beautiful side!!!
Please help us all rest knowing that we *do* run a race, and it is not against each other, but against ourselves. Resting in *confidence* that You who began a good work in us will complete it in Christ Jesus! This “rest” is *active*, but not like striving…it’s like good healthy exercise, good, healthy living…wholeness…holiness…In this race, each of these things You do through us is also a Means to the End of making us more Christlike – You are *amazing* in that way! Each of us become “overcomers” as we cooperate with Your Spirit…
We love You Lord, and we lift up our hearts to worship: Father, Jesus and Spirit, be glorified in our lives!!!
Hi Don:
It is evident how important you and this blog/site are to the body of Christ. We love and pray for your and your family. The Lord WILL show you the way. I know it would be a great dissapointment to me not to read your posts, as you “shoot straight from the hip” and “keep it real” making the reading an enjoyment as well as a challenge. And your humor(take “Post Toasties” for example)make us all smile. Thank you for all you do and don’t forget that your sacrifice and service is not in vain. You will be richly rewarded. God bless you and yours always. Amen!
God Bless your work. I suspect the decipiles felt lonely many times also, just as the true Christians today. I sometimes think that the entire world has gone stark raving mad with all that is going on in every corner of our earth. I do truly love to read your work, I may not comment all that much, but I do come here to remind myself that Christians are hard at work with whatever gift they have received from HIM. Don if you turn nust one lost soul to Jesus, you have fulfilled your gift. Thanks for being there for me. Al
Take a vacation Don!
Everyone need to get away from work every once in a while to recharge the batteries. To me a week off every three months is about right. You come back refreshed and with a better perspective on your “job”.
Don ,
It is a blessing to me to see the support you receiving from others who read this blog. Proves you’re not alone and my prayers will include you. Take a vacation , go somewhere with you wife and do something fun.
It certainly is a blessing to me as well.
As I watch the world come apart at the seams many are in search of answers and meanings. I pray that the Lord give you the strength to continue. There are few sources of truth in these last days.
I enjoy your blog very good work that you write.
Let me add more, I check your blog daily. Also enjoy the comments I myself dont comment much but i do read the comments. Keep up the good work cause if you dont who will?
I very seldom post anything because of big brother, you are right, it will get dangerous, we the people are the enemy of the state, not Islam, communist, narco- mobs or any of the real enemies of America.
I appreciate your articles; dig down in to read older ones, and often follow links out or at least look into something you have mentioned for further study.
then I get this from my very fundy brother-” heah brother of mine, do you realize just how sinful Israel was and why God had to put a stop to it? And how that pertains to today;s world?”
I get told off. Human sacrifice, corrupt judges, was a minority thing.( Go back and READ the
OT. I was appalled. )Israel was perfect.
um if they were there would have been no need for the prophets, or Jesus.I guess the implication is the Church inherited Israel’s holiness and is untouchable. If you read Revelations never mind the newspaper headlines which often mention if a victim or perpetrator is Christian, you will know better. our light as the Body of Christ is dim…and getting weaker.
in other words, many Christians want to believe they are going to heaven so nothing else matters. they even shun Christians from other churches. WHILE seeking political power and insisting all others live as they do.Shudder.
my point- boy I am long winded- is that fresh perspective, a true prophet ( as in speaking God’s wisdom to the people) is sorely needed.
the few you reach today many affect others. Truly if you cannot continue with the blog, put is someplace safe….so the information is out there.I trust our hacker friends will keep the internet open no matter what the US government does.
My mission seems to be feeding people. Twice now I have joined volunteer projects and been, in effect, chased off. after months of work. it’s just weird. but I am waiting for the HOW now. not rushing into anything new,
If nothing else, this blog could become a list? a group? which puts us more in contact with each other. Networking matters.
So yes, we should all be in prayer for you, as well as ourselves, for whatever God sees as best uses of our talents in the years to come.
AS a writer of articles( unless you have gardens or dogs you wouldn;t care about that. I would love a regular readership in the hundreds!), I will say- you do need to take a break. Come back to it fresh. do something you love. remember the world is not totally bleak. don;t just try to roll it back to once a week, not now, take a real break and reconsider.
Love ya…. praying God upholds you as you seek your new balance in life!
I’m not very tech savvy so I don’t have any suggestions as to what to do about your blog but I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading everything that you write. You are a breath of fresh air and I will be praying for you for clarity and guidance as to what to do.
God bless you and yours, Don, and thank you.
Don, I wanted to thank you for your website. I have been visiting for a couple of years now. Your insight and articles have been very helpful in my spiritual growth. May The Lord continue to guide you my friend. Onward christian soldier!
I have never posted here, but I have faithfully read the articles and comments on this blog for several years now. It’s been very refreshing to read well thought out articles that are straight forward and not sugar coated….much needed in this hour in which we now live. I have over time come to love and pray for all the regular posters on here. Just as Brett mentioned in his prayer…I too pray that God will let you have a peek at the beauty of the work He is doing through you. I think there are many of us out here who are growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus due in part to the hard work you’ve been doing here Don. You have certainly helped me to stay more focused on the big picture. Sometimes I think I have the attention span of a bird dog pup, who scampers off to indulge in chasing butterflys. The world is full of distractions. The Lord has certainly used your blog to get my focus back on track and I’ve been very greatful for that. I pray the Lord will give you the wisdom to know what it is you need to do to make the managing of this blog more easily accomplished. May God richly bless you.
Thanks Linda
I am a first time reader and I have to say, your research into these issues are well done. Only you can decide if the effort you are putting into the site is worth the returns, but I you are doing this for a ministry, consider what God wants you to do and leave the “stats” to Him. Your type of voice is necessary in our world today, perhaps now more than ever. I agree the time will come when all of this will be censored. The government already wants control over the internet. I encourage you to press on till the time comes that you cannot.
Don’t feel you have to take the time to respond, I’ll keep looking anyways.- Luke
Hey Don, you know I had to throw my 2 cents in. Chill baby, sit back a bit and don’t worry about a thing. I’m surprised you went this long before the wall hit you (or you hit the wall). Once a week, or even once every TWO weeks is cool. The regulars here know you and your sincerity, and the newbies can study and catch up. You have been honest, forthright, and sincere in your format as long as I have been around, and I have no doubt you will stay that way whether you post 1 time every 2 weeks or 10 times a day ( if thats what the Lord would want). Although, Robert Rivera DID suggest a way to decompress a bit, even though my more Orthodox bretheren might disagree. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that the Lord would have allowed us to discover “Kentucky or Tennessee windage” if He did;nt mean to allow us to partake short of it within reason. Just sayin’!
Not to get too far off topic and let this horse die… On the subject of “crack pots”…
Don, you probably are bombarded with “crack pots”… I have to chuckle and cringe…
I made the mistake of purchasing a Canon DSLR. What a disaster. So, I wrote a negative review…
Well, it’s amazing how much “hate” it has generated. The on-line bullying is at a thug level. Pure hate.
I really tick them off because on Amazon I figured out how to “erase all that nonsense” — I just delete the review and re-post. Those crack pots that are full of hate are just livid.
Eventually, I’ll get tired of it and just delete the review for good and let the hate mongers win.
It’s a camera… get over it… get a life please you trollers…
I am convinced that out-of-work and idle youth without jobs will be a serious problem once all their electronic toys stop working.
Don, just echoing what others have said – your blog is a wonderful resource and looks like it has touched many people. And you pull no punches!
Don, I also want to thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog and especially your commentary on revelation. I have read almost every topic in your blogs as well as all the “world current events”, “featured commentaries” etc. and pretty much everything available on your website. I have learned so much form your revelation commentary. Also what it has done is made me dig deeper and deeper into God’s word. Thank you for your inspiration.
Thanks for your report George
I want to add to pile of thanks for your being the type of Christian who is definately laboring in the harvest fields. Your Revelation commentary site is definately among the top 10 on the web regardless of how Google is ranking you currently.
I too have experienced burnout in the past. At that time I turned to the Bible and saw the story of Moses – how his father in law said he had to delegate. Great suggestion – but who to delegate to? In your case you have no partner or heir apparant. So, I have to come down on the side of getting someone like that to share the burden or plan on cutting back on the blog.
The sites currently ranking above you as “revelation commentary” on Google are mostly static sites – simply listing their “book” or “understanding” as their site. Since you also have such a commentary – I believe you would still be a powerful witness for the Lord by allowing those past words to bring your message.
Planning on cutting back on this blog would then allow you to enjoy life more in these relatively few days we have left to ourselves on this earth. Possibly after a time of rest and relaxation you could come back with a more focused blog. For example, pick the few topics you feel are most vital to understanding our future and only comment on those.
However you do it – do remember that although there are NOT thousands of us reading your messages every day – those who do very much appreciate your ministry…
Thanks Fount,
But, I do not have a clue what you are saying on the “Revelation Commentary” term?? My Revelation Commentary is also on a static site. This Blog is just a sub directory of http://www.thepropheticyears.com. I am not getting what you said at all about listing their “book” or “understanding”.
I do not doubt that the top site under “revelation commentary” deserves to be on the top of the Google index but I do not see why Google now gives them the first 4 to 6 spots in the Google index by listing some of their chapters as if they were different websites.
If someone had a site named “Mass murderers” I would not expect each chapter in this book on mass murderers to rank above other websites on mass murderers. This started about 6 months ago and Google’s ranking separate chapters of one site above other sites on Revelation is not helping people find different Revelation commentaries.
My Blog is also already very focused already. It is on world and church trends and Bible prophecy.
I was quoting you when you spoke of “revelation commentary”. My point was that ALL they have on most of the other revelation commentary sites is a book or an understanding (about how to interpret revelation) – they are NOT also providing a very valuable blog like you do.
So your blog is extra and above what they are doing and they are still listed higher than you. Based on what little I do know about Google’s search algorithm – their breaking their chapters into being measured as separate web rankings is probably an SEO game being played by your competitor (not Google). Of course, no one really knows exactly how Google works – so I share your chagrin about how they work and the results they sometimes show.
Your blog certainly is very focused already – but world trends, church trends and Bible prophecy are really big topics. I was saying you could consider a tighter focus. Like what exactly is to happen next (Ezekiel 38 war) and limit your commenting to that as opposed to including the general state of the world and our economy,etc. It’s certainly all up to you – I was just suggesting ways to lengthen your blogger lifespan.
Thanks for the clarification.
True. The top Revelation sites focus just on Revelation and that along with good content is why they rank as high as they do on that term.
I know it is a SEO effort by that website, but I would think that Google would be smart enough to figure it out and realize that it is ranking the same site 4 to 6 times on one keyword term query. At this point I guess not…or they do not care.
I would hate to get tunnel vision 😯 about just how Ezekiel 38 will play out or anything else for that matter. I think endless conjecture on fine points that are speculative at best is a waste of time and it gets boring mighty fast for the reader. Reading the forums that talk about the rapture all day would drive me nuts. Even the emails I get and the articles I read from the “prophecy experts” about what they speculate is about to happen next in the Middle East gets old fast. It might be more exciting if they were ever right.
I think I prefer to keep this blog on the broad topic of world and church trends and Bible prophecy.
Thanks for your articles. I enjoy reading them. All hobbies can turn out to feel like “work” at times. It can be discouraging but since little truth remains we need the few, such as yourself, out there to keep people informed. So thank you
Don your writing is very forward thinking and I read it every time you have a new post.Keep up the good work.Thanks again
Don.. WOW .. What a lot of comments.. I Suppose that tells you how valuable you are. I agree with the others.. Your thoughts are valid and valuable.. I don’t agree with everything, but I am challenged by some things you say. Publishing once a week.. Or less often is a reasonable compromise, and no one would or could be legitimately upset by you taking time to yourself. I was also thinking perhaps you put a maximum number of comments .. Maybe 20.. After that it’s closed. in addition close the comments if the article is more than x weeks old. Another alternative is to find someone you trust – perhaps someone who is a regular commenter and give them admin rights to help monitor the comments.. Why should you have to do all the work? Even if you just let them remove the spam, and other obvious self serving posts that would surely drop your work load? lastly.. Put some information about timeframes.. (comments will be moderated and published with 24 hrs or something like that).. When I comment on other sites I find it quite normal not to see my comment appear for a while (if at all).
God bless your work and I hoe you see a way to continue.
I enjoy reading the blog/article.
I took a breather from May to October but have been back on board with your blog and am VERY thankful for your efforts. I share your views with only my closest of Christians friends, as I believe your view is just rare enough that half of it may be true! I especially look forward to your trend/forecast/predictions. Finally, I have read some older articles recently and have been amazed at how much you’ve gotten right, when what you were writing was merely matter-of-fact / it-follow-that sort of content.
For the Glory.
Keep at it. You are doing this for the edification of the saints.
I just discovered your site a few days ago and have spent several hours absorbing as much of it as I can. I feel as though you have just pulled me from the tsunami of accepted thought that prevails in the world today. I have been a Christian for many years and completely believe the Bible, but have never totally understood the events of the end times. You have made a lot of it very clear to me. Believing that all Christian websites will be deleted, I would like to purchase at least 3 copies of your Revelation Commentary to safely hide for those I love who will be left behind.
Thanks Rose,
I have nothing for sale here. If you want three copies of my Revelation Commentary all you need to do is download it and print it out.