Often people ask how many Americans will be taken when the Rapture occurs. If this Christian wordview survey is any indication of true believers in America it is not as many as most think.
“A biblical worldview, as defined by the Barna study, is believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is completely accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.”
So what does this survey really tell us? It indicates that only one in 200 young people believe in the essentials of the faith. Less than one in ten adults believe in the essentials. Less than one out of five that claim to be born again Christians believe in the essentials of the faith. Even one half of the “born again Christians” think they can earn their way into heaven.
What can we deduct from this? The main thing I can deduct is that most who claim to be “Christians” are Christians in name only, they are not really Christians at all. The survey also makes it clear that America and Christians have totally lost the next generation thanks to public school and media indoctrination and parents and churches not teaching their children in the way they should go.
I also find it ironic that most Americans consider themselves to be Christian and say they know the contents of the Bible but the survey claims that less than one out of ten Americans demonstrate such knowledge through their actions. I would go even further and say most of those who claim they know the Bible are liars. They do not know the Bible. Anyone who knows the Bible and attends church Bible studies knows that most who consider themselves Christians haven’t a clue about the contents of the Bible. But most “Christians” do not even attend Bible studies and in more and more churches any meaningful teaching is not taught from the pulpits either. Christianity in general is biblically illiterate and that is why they do not have a Christian worldview. Therefore, not understanding the fundamental truths of Christian belief they also cannot be true Christians.
Survey: Less Than 1 Percent of Young Adults Hold Biblical Worldview| Christianpost.com
Less than one percent of the youngest adult generation in America has a biblical worldview, found a new study examining the changes in worldview among Christians and the overall U.S. population.
The Mosaic generation, those between the ages of 18 and 23, “rarely” have a biblical worldview as defined by The Barna Group. The research data found that less than one-half of one percent of Mosaics have a biblical worldview.
A biblical worldview, as defined by the Barna study, is believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is completely accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.
The research shows that only nine percent of all American adults have a biblical worldview, which although significantly higher than that of the Mosaic generation is still a small proportion of the total population.
Among “born again Christians,” the study found that they are twice as likely as the average adult to have a biblical worldview. However, that still amounted to no more than about one out of five (19 percent) born again Christians, a small minority, the study pointed out.
Here is some articles I found that u might like to read.
Survey: 65% of mainline clergy support either same-sex marriage or civil unions: http://www.christianpost.com/church/General/2009/03/survey-offers-in-depth-look-at-mainline-protestant-clergy-09/pageall.html
Barna: 34% of US adults say moral truth is absolute, just 46% of born again adults agree. http://www.barna.org/barna-update/article/21-transformation/252-barna-survey-examines-changes-in-worldview-among-christians-over-the-past-13-years
This is sad.
This is absolutely shocking!
It just goes to show that the non-stop 24/7 media bombardment on TV, radio, Internet, magaiznes, newspapers and schools is working.
At the same time, these results probably indicate the Churches aren’t doing their job.
They appear to be so wrapped up in preaching “God is your genie” messages and tolerance, diversity and a warm fuzzy Savior. It seems a lot of Churches are busy trying to be more like the world in a hope to fit in. Hence the change in viewpoints on many hot button issues.
Also, many Churches it appears are going deep into the positive thinking, bluejeans, coffeebar set up. That just seems phony to me. The world respects someone who’s true to themselves a heck of a lot more than a phony.
The Church has got to get back to basics. Teach the basics, soul-winning and reverence for God.
That kind of Church has power that’s respectable. No one respects just another brand of positive thinking which a lot of Christian Churches nowadays preach.
We need to focus on the basics.
Personally, I do not find it shocking at all. I spent most of my life surrounded by “Christians” without getting to know Christ at all through them. Today, THANK GOD, I am saved, and realize the wages of sin is death, and that noone is saved except through the son. Noone wants to talk about SIN today, though. The really do want a genie god, and a smorgasbord religion. I pray that I do a better job in all my relations and dealings of representing the One who saved me.
Contrary to popular opinion Truth is not relative…
But to think it is serves the flesh so much better.
correction: The Son
i guess i shouldn’t be surprised but this is all happening in my lifetime(i am 54)–and everything i was tought as a child about God and sin and moral absolutes seems to be falling by the wayside from within the very institution that should guard the Truth–the churches are afraid to preach against sin—how tragic!—instead they have support groups
Very well said betty ! It is sad to see Christianity watered down. But it’s all been predicted by God in the Bible. It’s amazing how quickly it has happened ! I was saved in 1987 and I noticed the churches changing around that time. They rarely if ever preach against sin and very few even have altar calls or give chance for the Holy Ghost to work conviction.
This was shocking to me also. After reading this article, I asked God, why is this happening, how can this be, and what can I do about it. He showed me that each of the questions asked in the worldview survey are questions of faith. He referred me to the scripture, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. It would be interesting to retake the survey and ask how many “born again Christians” are reading and studying the bible for themselves. He helped me to recall that I had not heard Romans 10:8-20 actually preached in a church. I did not read this scripture until I read it for myself in my mid 30’s while attending bible college. I am sure there are some very good churches out there, however, collectively, I believe the body of Christ, is not “getting the job done”. We were commanded to make disciples of all nations, not entertain the masses. I am therefore being led to publish a discipleship program to help encourage people of christian essentials and also to get them started on reading and discerning the bible for themselves, with practical applications to apply them to their daily life. Please pray that these writings are successful and can make an impact on this terrible problem.
For sample readings go to: soulsharborministries.com go to ministries tab and discipleship program. We are also looking for volunteers that would be willing to lead local churches in beginning their own discipleship programs. Souls Harbor Ministries will be happy to assist them.
Thanks for your input Rev Griffith but I have to disagree with your statement that “collectively the body of Christ is not getting the job done”. I think collectively the body of Christ is getting the job done. It is not that the body of Christ is not getting the job done it is that many who claim they are Christians are not really in the body of Christ or they have become like the slothful servant and their ministry and the reward they could of had will be given to others. The will of God must be carried out on earth through His spiritual Body on earth but only vessels that do not quench the Spirit can be used. May God be with you in your work to equip the saints.
Hi Don, sadly you are correct and the Bible itself declares it. Original law was unwritten and no on was confused. The law the changed into “positive law” a form of humanism in which each community established its laws based on group acceptance or what they considered positive. The usa was not founded on Christianity and they clearly stated it.
I am under great persecution and stripped of all civil rights in Oneida County NY. I upload evidence for my own safety and to help save my children. Those who did this rooted in a “church” and they do evil with no remorse. When you speak up truth “as Jesus did” they scold you and preach on ” God’s love” yet they have no clue how blind they are.
” I’ll pray for you” = excuse not to do the work. Jesus did not pray for people he allowed God to work through him
” Don’t judge me”= It was Jesus that spoke up and against. They pervert for themselves
” Leave it in Gods hands”= I believe the word says he gave us the earth to manage.
” If it’s Gods will, it will happen”= Um, he wanted Satan to rebel and steal his 1/3rd of the angels?
” God must have wanted it to happen” no, Christians do not allow him to work through them as Jesus allowed him.
I could go on and on..I have not found one to help in 3 years and I am amidst of organized crime who believes they are christian yet form false corporations and commit securities fraud and hide and encourage very serious crime. They believe God “understands” and they scold you for speaking….come see for yourself facebook.com/songchaser
An interesting study…Jezebel and the rebuke for tolerating her in Revelation. We also have to keep in mind that there is a female riding the beast in Revelation. This is also very important. I’m sue you’ll see the relevance. Simple searches show the current problem.
This search of my blog produces some good results on the harlot rising.
It hits out of nowhere, and ruthlessly, without remorse.Very skilled on gaining control of churches..Truth is what she fears and rejects.Titus 3 and Timothy 2 speak of it clearly. Thanks for the link,I will certainly check it out.
I have been studying law for a couple years now and have seen exactly how compromise corrupts so much. thanks for the link..nice work you have here…David Victor
Shocking indeed, this is can be the major factors to the emerging of trendy churches, that dont feed Christians spiritually but seek to please different groups, only to waste time there and finally serve hell.
I wonder who disrupted the original bible message and where these false doctrines about Christianity came from. They have lured many souls to the wider path; there is a way that seems good to the eyes but its destiny is hell. We better be watchful and pray without ceasing.