Joe Farah in the quoted article explains what fascism is.
Fascism does not come from the Right like you were taught by socialists. It comes from the socialist Far Left. Those of you who plan to vote for Obama are actually voting in fascism. You will have a nation where all three branches of the government, media, the educational systems, and corporations will be controlled by Far Left socialist fascists. The checks and balances designed in our Constitution will essentially be nullified by a nation controlled by the Far Left.
When they take control woe to anyone who will dare to oppose this self righteous group of self enlightened control freaks that believe that they know what is best for everyone else. They will have no problem robbing from the productive to empower their own government underclass paid army of brown shirts and informers. All national problems will be blamed on scapegoats like Republican administrations, Conservatives, Biblical Christians and Jews. Woe to anyone who will dare to oppose big government taking control of every aspect of our lives. They will use the Left controlled media and educational system to brainwash the people to make them think anyone who opposes their programs are a threat to the survival of the world.
Government under leftist fascism will nationalize or control through regulations whatever gives them more power and control. They will do it through rapidly passing laws without debate. What happened in Missouri and other places in this election campaign will pale before what will happen when they actually have total control. Intimidation will prevail from schools to factories to churches and will be enforced by their army of thought police.
Obama does not talk about a civilian force more powerful then the military for nothing. This is right out of the socialist fascist playbook. We saw it in Germany under Hitler, in the USSR under Stalin, in China under Mao, and now the brown shirts are re-emerging as a force under Putin. Fascism is still alive and well in China, North Korea, Iran, in Islamic controlled nations and it is now emerging in parts of South America and Africa. Even the EU is attempting a back door path to elitist run fascism. The plans of the UN for a world government is also basically fascism.
So where will all this lead? As the world economic situation deteriorates and nations destabilize it will lead to fascist regional governments and a fascist world government that will be given power to dictate to all nation states. Fascism did not die in the 1940’s it just disguised itself and now its supporters calls themselves liberals or progressives or environmentalists attempting to save the world. Then then call national constitutionalists fascists as part of a disinformation campaign or because many of them are complete ignorant of the fact that it is they that are promoting fascism. But make no mistake, if you allow a complete Far Left takeover of the American government by voting for Obama’s socialism and for more government and more government control with bail-outs and takeovers and government partnerships with corporations you will be voting for socialistic fascism.
What is fascism?
It is a thoroughly socialist ideology that feeds on class warfare and sustains itself on authoritarianism or even totalitarianism, central economic planning, subsidies of favored “private” businesses and something we’re seeing more and more of in the United States today – so-called “public-private partnerships.”
One thing very important to understand – fascism is not a right-wing ideology; it is a left-wing ideology. It always has been and always will be. It is about statism, not individualism.
Throughout history, it has often been characterized as a “third way” between capitalism and communism. Now who have you heard use that term in contemporary company? It is a popular euphemism for fascism employed today by the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama.
The big bailout of the mortgage industry is an excellent illustration of a fascist economic concept. It’s about utilitarianism, not principal – pragmatism, not morality.
Another characteristic of fascism is intimidation, coercion, bullying tactics and a self-righteousness that leads its followers to believe the rules simply don’t apply to them. The end justifies the means. People working on behalf of the cause are to be excused from accountability for any excesses. In fact, they would find it hard to believe they could ever commit excesses.
We got a whiff of this kind of fascism in Missouri last week when Obama partisans in various law-enforcement capacities pledged publicly to use their official police powers to go after anyone they believed to be unfairly portraying their candidate in political advertising.
In other words, they decided to throw the First Amendment out the window.
It was and is an amazing story, really. Take it from someone who tracks amazing stories for a living. This one took my breath away. I implore you to watch the local television news report that first brought this story to my attention.
This, my friends, is the way fascism works. This is the way it creeps into our lives. Acceptance of this kind of police-state tactic leaves us but an election or crisis away from descent into the netherworld of political barbarism. The brown shirts are at the door, once again.
I have a liberal friend (who insists that he’s “middle-of-the-road”) who simply cannot see this happening and constantly says that the right are imposing fascism on America. I really think this is an honest belief for him; he is (otherwise) a very intelligent and competent individual.
He also considers himself a Christian, though his christ bears very little resemblance to the Jesus of the Bible.
I believe you’re correct in your assumptions. And I welcome it. Long live Fascism! Oswald Mosley was right UNTIL his idiotic minions brought race into the agenda…. In America, we mustn’t bring race in… But if one study the benefits of Fascism, it is the only way for America.
If you look at direction the world is heading most of the world agrees with you.
The Obama “Change” doctrine uttered widly in the election campaign seems to have come from Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf, chapter 12, paragraph 2 & 3
Conservatism’s reliance on the wisdom transmitted to us from tradition, its belief in the superiority of Judeo-Christian family values, the virtues of chivalry, individual liberty, private education, respect for private ownership, and representative government are the antithesis of that abominable corporatist, collectivistic and ultranationalist ideology named Fascism, which is nothing less than a man-made and man-worshpiping religion that is every bit as despicable as Marxism.
*is* the antithesis, rather..
You are missing a rather large truth– it’s not about far left or far right in America. First off, by definition, fascism is far right, and therefore anything that truly brings about fascism cannot be considered leftist. Communism, socialism (not Nationalist Socialist), and Marxism are the exact opposite of Fascism, because many are regarded as transitional stages to eventual power of the people’s anarchy and etc. (read the Communist Manifesto by Marx, or any of Trotsky’s works). Fascism unites the people under the pretext of power and prejudice, whereas TRUE leftism seeks to unite the people against the government… CONSTANTLY (“The proletarian revolution must live on again and again”- Trostky). The idea of government control in TRUE leftism (note, historical examples of “communism” do not necessary match up with pure leftist ideals, thus are skewed) is all for the benefit of the people overall, and taking away the importance of money and personal gain for the moral revolution of “communal” gains. The idea then goes that those who do not put forth ample effort are not longer acceptable in the community. Fascism destroys to gain power, whereas far leftism leaves it to the people to destroy what destroys– leading to eventual liberation and personal autonomy. Fascism is bred by hierarchy. And that is why America cannot be called “Far Left” or “Leftist” or please, even worse, “socialist” when it only bares similarities to National Socialism (Nazism) because of its reliance on hierarchy– which is a far right concept, which is what we have. When fascism is instilled in America, it will not be a product of “leftism”, but of America’s foundations as a far right entity propagating itself as “republic”. Products of fascism have been attributed to many of our presidents, such as our lovely Patriot Act and other laws which strip us of our civil liberties to retaliate against our government… in other words– smash true leftism. This was created by the former administration, and little has been done to change it in this one– so bringing back to my original point. Obama and the Far Left won’t bring fascism to America, because true far leftism doesn’t exist, and it cannot create fascism– and believing it can is a form of revisionism which is too existential for a simplistic debate. Obama may continue the tides of fascism in America, but don’t associate it with far left, because the system that the American populace is fed into now is as far away from true leftism as possible.
The fascists themselves say they are leftists, liberals, progressives but it is obvious that they are fascists. You might even be technically right on your definitions but the definitions do not fit the reality of those who call themselves the “Left” in the world today. I see Fascism coming from both those who say they are on the Left and on the Right but almost always they are on the Left. Bush was not right wing in spite of the rhetoric. It seems in our present world that all paths lead to Fascism but the majority of the nations that clearly have gone or are going fascist claim to be leftist socialist nations, and that is the present day reality.
Fantastic article. Going to require some time to absorb this story.