I am a radical Fundamentalist

I also am also one of those Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, Bible thumpers or whatever people call true Christians these days. The Far Left need not apply to be members of our exclusive Body without a spiritual rebirth.

I am a radical Fundamentalist: “I am a radical Fundamentalist by Donald Hank So was Mom. So was Dad. As far as I recall, our whole family, except for 2 unchurched uncles, were radical fundamentalists who professed a naïve belief in the whole Word of God. And here’s the bizarre part: Not one of us misfits has been observed to strap a belt of explosives to ourselves and blow ourselves up in a crowded bus terminal.

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D. James Kennedy dies at 76

One of the great voices of the faith has gone to be with the Lord. Thank the Lord for the life of Dr. D. James Kennedy with his unwavering integrity and powerful Christian message for the world.

Falwell, Kennedy, soon Graham
Where are the replacements??

WorldNetDaily: D. James Kennedy dies at 76: “”D. James Kennedy, author, theologian, biblical scholar, pastor of the 10,000-member ‘Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church’ in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and founder of the highly influential Coral Ridge Ministries, died early this morning in his sleep.”

Janet Folger, WND columunist and president of Faith2Action, who served with Kennedy for five years as the national drector of the Center for Reclaiming America, called him “an inspiration, a mentor and an example of unwavering integrity.”

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Willowcreek has Jimmy Carter at Annual Leadership Summit. Next year, Antichrist?

Jan Markell understands what other Church leaders that attend Bill Hybels events continually miss. The Church is not about learning worldly success. It is not about inviting world leaders to teach us worldly philosophies of men. It is especially not about inviting world leaders who prove that they do not believe fundamental moral concepts found in the Bible. These leaders might call themselves Christians but when they continually are on the side and promote those living in immoral lifestyles the Bible says to remove them from the Church. We are not to fellowship with them. Yet Hybels often invites famous people to teach Christian leaders who oppose what any true Christian knows is right and moral.continue reading

Moderate Muslims have the same end as the radicals or they are not Muslims

Moderate Muslims are those who talk the talk but won’t walk the walk of Islam. They are something like liberal “Christians”. Don’t expect moderate Muslims to take a stand against Muslims who use violence. They cannot oppose them, they have no scriptural foundation to stand on. They might not believe in violence as the means to the end or they might not want to do any violence themselves but they do believe in the same end and they are not going to take a stand against those working toward that end.

They often fear what the radicals might bring on their own heads but that is not the same as opposing their actions.continue reading

Father Jonathan speaks for Pope?

I greatly respect Father Jonathan but can’t the Pope make these things clear himself? I wish you were the head of the Catholic Church, Father, then maybe we would get somewhere, but you are not. We read what this Pope said. If he did not mean what the press communicated on his writings he should be the one to clarify it. Anyone can use their own beliefs and spin to try to tell us that the Pope is not excluding non Catholics from the Body of Christ but I want to hear that said from the head man himself.

You say the Pope does not believe all non Catholics will all go to hell but that is not the issue.continue reading

One-third of Americans abuse alcohol and almost all abuse something

Alcohol abuse is a huge problem in the US but there are problems with this report as well.

When binge drinking is label as having 3 or 4 drinks and that is defined as “problem drinking” then some are really creating drinking problems where it does not exist.

Asking people if they ever abused alcohol anytime in their life under predetermined criteria and then saying one third of Americans are alcohol abusers is like labeling one third of people violent because once in their life they were involved in a fight. Or if someone ever stole anything in their life labeling them as a thief forever.
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