The world invasion of the satanic change agents

If you are an astute Christian who knows what is going on you should have heard about the talk about change, rethinking and a coming paradigm shift. This dialog is coming from all that hold positions of power and global influence. It now even is the major subject in postmodern and Liberal church movements. The plan to move from individual thinking and belief in absolutes to a more global consensus group think way about everything. They think doing this will bring world Unity to help establish a unified global world agenda.

This brainwashing movement is going to do away with the absolutes truths of Christian and all absolute moral believes.… continue reading

Rick Warren is an example we should follow?

I have not heard the clip the below statement links to since I do not have the bandwidth for videos. I have no doubt that what is said is true. Rick Warren has been consistent in not sharing the gospel to unbelievers and has indicated in many ways that he thinks God is pleased with everyone and all they need is to find their purpose.

Seems to me Rick Warren claims to have Orthodox Christian beliefs to Christians but talks a Universal social gospel to everyone else. By the way, this is not the first time that Warren has had insults for Conservative Christians.Icontinue reading

Rick Warren from Nation Cathedrel says that Evangelicals should unite with dead mainline churches

Rick Warren is the top guru in the most accepted movement in the evangelical churches – The purpose driven movement. Rick Warren never ceases to amaze me by what comes out of his mouth and where he will go to speak. In this case, Rick Warren speaks from a well known apostate Church but he does not give the gospel of Jesus Christ to them he tells these apostates that Evangelicals should unite with mainline churches without regard to their apostate doctrines.

Ever since I read the Purpose Driven Life and started following what Rick Warren has been preaching I have become increasingly concerned about this man.… continue reading

Why Obama’s Muslim background Matters

Those are fair points to bring up because they will be brought up. If Obama claims to practice Christianity he will be on the radials Islam hit list. If he embraces Islam he will sell out on Israel and could not take decisive action in the war on Islamic extremism anywhere in the world.

In Actuality I think Obama is either an atheist or believes in Universalism. He himself says that he is Universalistic, meaning that he would think that all paths ultimately led to God. However, I believe by his moral positions that he is totally secular and only uses religion for his own end.… continue reading

What does Obama believe about Religion?

Obama had Muslim training and Catholic training but Obama has rejected true Christianity for a social gospel and Universalism. He occasionally attends an Inner city United Church of Christ but the connection he has there is social activism. The pastor of that church teaches black activism and racism.

You did not hear about his Muslim background much but now that Hillary is getting her clock cleaned you can be sure that the negative bombshells will drop from out of the clear blue sky.

I think Obama is wrong on every single issue. All he has is his smile. He could not even get a Top Secret clearance in any government position with his cocaine and drug past.… continue reading

Pastor Joel Osteen speaks out on Mormonism

Here is a clear reason why you do not put novices in charge of mega churches just because their daddy was a big time preacher. Joel Osteen knows nothing about Mormonism or even Christianity and he even admits it below. Yet, he tells the world that he thinks Mormon’s are Christians because they say they believe in Christ. Never mind that their Christ is not the Savior we know in the Bible. It is like taking two milk bottles labeled Jesus and thinking because they are labeled the same that they both contain milk. Yet one milk bottle is filled with sweet milk that leads to life and the other contains a deadly poison that leads to death.… continue reading

Common ground betwen Islam and Christianity?

Take a look at the signatories on this letter. Among them are Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Robert Schuller.

God did not call Christians to establish common ground with unbelievers. He told us to preach the good new of salvation through Jesus Christ. It does not matter to these “Christian” leaders that Islam rejects Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind and the Son of God?

I also find it unbelievable that Christians would call Mohammad a prophet. This demonic man got nothing from God but instead he established a religion that would be in direct opposition to God’s people.

I also have news for all of you.continue reading

Some Christian wolves in sheep’s clothing embrace Scientology

Some just cannot get enough to itch their ears from these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Anyone who believes Scientology cannot be a Christian, they are incompatible. Here is some of what Scientology believes.

Some Christian pastors embrace Scientology – “Scientologists do not worship God, much less Jesus Christ. The church has seen plenty of controversy and critics consider it a cult. So why are observant Christians embracing some of its teachings? Two pastors who spoke recently with CNN explained that when it comes to religion, they still preach the core beliefs of Christianity. But when it comes to practicing what they preach in a modern world, borrowing from Scientology helps.

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Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement

Those with true Christian faith have a hard time compromising with the lies of liars and that speaks wonders for those who do.

Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement – CWN: “As W. Graham Scroggie said, “Light and darkness, right and wrong, good and evil, truth and error are incompatibles . . . when they compromise it is the light, the right, the good, and the truth that are damaged.”

The biggest danger to the evangelical Church is not false religion or atheism, but compromise; it has always been a tool of the enemy. When compromise occurs, we can have church growth but no depth; numbers, but no character; enormous buildings, but small hearts.

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Bishop Wants Everyone to Call God Allah

Where do they grow these buffoons? The Bishop says God does not care what we call Him? We can debate where the name Allah really came from – The language or a demon god — but that is not the main issue anyway. The Quran says that Allah has NO SON. So how does Christians calling God Allah make Christians submissive to Islam’s Allah who has no son, as Islam requires? Christianity clearly says that if you do not have the Son you do not have the Father either. Islam does not have the Son and therefore does not have the Father either.continue reading

Truth replaced by pluralism

Berit brilliantly exposes the interfaith movement for what it really is. It is apostasy from the only true gospel and its way of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. It is replaced by an all inclusive world religion where everyone worships the God that man invents with his own mind.

Pentecost was not a legend it was a reality. Pentecost did not reverse the error of Babel because Babel is rising again in the world today among unbelievers in movements like the interfaith agenda. Pentecost is for believers who enter into the body of Christ and the new covenant. Those that were indwelt by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost had to turn from worshiping false gods and believe that Jesus was the only way to God.continue reading