Who and what are the two Beasts of Revelation?

This is one of those posts where I have more questions than answers, so I will be relying on knowledgeable readers of this blog to use their critical thinking skills and their knowledge of the scriptures and their spiritual insights to come up with reasonable answers or even good food for thought.

Mark Levin often says that he has the most intelligent audience in talk radio. Even if that is true, intelligence does not always mean that people have good critical thinking skills. We all know about the educated idiots that obviously have intelligence but continually display that they have no common sense.… continue reading

Reasons to believe why Jesus will return before 2050 AD

In various other articles, I have given my rationale why the coming of Jesus in glory will not occur during this decade but now I will explain why I think that it is almost certain that Jesus will return before 2050 AD.

Let me first say that Paul said the true Church would know the general season of the Lord’s return. He said, that we are not in darkness that this day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). We are told to watch for the Lord’s return and we are also told to fellowship with other Christians even more as we see that day approaching (Heb 10:25).… continue reading

The demonic progressive agenda to turn man into rebellious beasts

The scriptures say that God created man in His own image. Some ancient text scholars say it means that man was created by God to be His image bearers or imagers. I think that is at least partly correct. We can look at other passages and get some light on what this means. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the express image of God (Heb 1:3) and we know that Jesus as God’s image has the capacity to be God over all creation. In like manner, man made in the image of God was given the capacity to rule over the whole earth.… continue reading

Don Koenig’s World Trends Forecast for 2020-2030 AD

I made my world trend projections for the 2010-2020 decade last year. It can be found on the sidebar. Now that we are in the new decade I will go out on a limb and give my world trends projections for the 2020-2030 decade. I am not a prophet. This is offered as just food for thought. You do not need to believe anything you read here. It is extremely unlikely that everything will happen as I say here. I may modify this world trends forecast as we get closer to the start of that decade as things get clearer (if I am still around).… continue reading

The creative technical capabilities of man indicates the end is near

One of the sure signs that the end is near and that we are in the days just before the return of Jesus is man’s creative technical capabilities and increase in knowledge. Man now has the ability to create complex inventions that can be used to help the world or destroy the world.

One example of the more recent creative technical capabilities of man is his complex inventions based on acquired knowledge of nuclear physics. We know that this nuclear technology can be used for either good or evil, but obviously without God’s intervention man would have already destroyed the world during the era when the USSR and America had 10,000 hydrogen bombs pointed at each other.… continue reading

Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events

If you look on my blog side bar you will see by far the post that is being hit on the most frequently is The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy. That fact probably has more to do with keyword rankings in Google then it does with the interests of the readers of this Blog, but even so, the account in Genesis of the Son’s of God taking the daughters of men as wife’s and producing an offspring called the Nephilim seems to be of great interest to a whole lot of people. Perhaps that is because people sense that there is more to the story than what they were taught in Sunday school on this topic.… continue reading

The blinded elite advance towards the “New Age” “New World Order”

I guess we have all heard about the terms “New World Order” and “New Age”. But have you every wondered what the elite of the world really think about when they use these terms? This article will give you some views of where the elite think mankind is heading in the very near future.

As you watch current events and the actions of world leaders unfold in the next two decades just remember that the crises and transitions that the world will be going through is not a human conspiracy because there is no cabal of illuminated men in some back room planning this all out.… continue reading

Man creating life by trial and error

Not only are they working on mixing the genetics of species to create new species they are planning to create new lifeforms altogether. Think about it. Any life could be created by design. How about if someone created a non lethal insect like creatures that flies and stings people until the designer obtains total submission and control over the earth (Rev 9:3-11)?

Do we really want to trust man not to screw up creation through his trial and error experiments and also not think they he will not eventually use his knowledge for weapons of war and control? Man creating life by trial and error is a big mistake.… continue reading

Creating the end of our world.

There is nothing new under the sun. Jesus said what happened prior to the flood of Noah will happen again just prior to His coming. The combining of human and animal genetics will again bring God’s judgment on the whole world and only Jesus’ return will save a remnant. Seeing that humans have already started to corrupt God’s creation by creating chimeras and transhuman monstrosities indicates that time is getting might short.

Thomas Horn — Did Ancient Biotechnology Create “Nephilim?”

The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions” (Gen 6:2, Interlinear Hebrew Bible).

May 3, 2007 — RaidersNewsNetwork.com

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What chimeras and diseases will now come out of Pandora’s box?

This is a significant development. Man has been given the green light to create creatures that are part human and part animal. Now that they have opened Pandora’s box they have no clue what might come out of it. Once the science is developed what monstrances might be created in countries that have little regulation or who might even promote the creation of chimeras? What door are they opening for diseases to jump species from animal to man and possibly create the greatest plagues on earth? I could also argue that this is very similar to what the angels did in the days of Noah when all flesh was corrupted so that God had to bring the flood and start over.
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Nano technology may help link up humans with the Antichrist

I think a direct neural link connection to all Internet data and the Antichrist will be very close to the real mark of the Beast. It looks like man will have that capability by 2030AD

clipped from news.bbc.co.uk
Humans and machines would eventually merge, by means of devices embedded in
people’s bodies to keep them healthy and improve their intelligence, predicted
Mr Kurzweil.”We’ll have intelligent nanobots go into our brains through the capillaries
and interact directly with our biological neurons,” he told BBC News.
The nanobots, he said, would “make us smarter, remember things better and automatically go into full emergent virtual reality environments through the nervous system”.
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Are the same errors as in the days of Noah upon us?

Hal Lindsey sees a connection between the corruption of all flesh in the days of Noah and the genetic engineering of species today. So do I. Jesus did not say it would be like in the days of Noah for nothing. God will not allow man to corrupt His creation with chimeras, clones and transhumanism. Read Hal’s article and also see my article on a related subject of Aliens.

clipped from worldnetdaily.com
According to Genesis 6:1-6, the “sons of God” intermarried with “the
daughters of men” and produced offspring that Genesis calls “giants” and “mighty
men of renown.” Genesis 6:9 records that Noah was found to be a “just” man and
perfect in his generations,” i.e.,
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Is the Singularity and the Rapture the same event?

I have made the conjecture that the mark of the Beast may have something to do with making man not quite human and that people will take the mark as some great evolutionary step forward for mankind. God says that those who take the mark can no longer be saved. This could be because the Kinsman Redeemer came only to save the Adamic race. If people become transhuman they will no longer qualify.

I do not hear about many buying into the theory that the singularity and the Rapture are the same events. Nevertheless, the article makes some good points and it is thought provoking.… continue reading

Commercial brain computer systems are coming

The reason I posted this is because I claim the mark of the Beast chip allows a neural link connection to the Internet. The technology to do that obviously is not that far away.

» Commercial brain computer systems are coming Emerging Technology Trends ZDNet.com: “All over the world, systems that directly connect silicon circuits to brains are under development, and some are nearly ready for commercial applications, according to a new report from the World Technology Evaluation Center and announced by a news release of the University of Southern California (USC). Some of the conclusions of this report about brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are quite surprising.

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The future is here right now, if you can read the signs

I keep saying that the Mark of the Beast includes a direct neural link to everything any everyone on the Internet. By that time, it will include just about all public information that exists in the world.

The future is here right now, if you can read the signs – Business – Business: “IT’S the year 2040 and Ray Hammond is getting advice from his software assistant Maria. Located in an implant just behind his left ear, Maria has a direct connection with Mr Hammond’s brain. Linked with Google and other search engines, Maria is able to filter, search and speak softly to Mr Hammond, as quietly and as transparently as if she were his own thoughts.”

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Computers will make humans think a million times faster

Microprocessor brain implants? About that time the Beast will show up.

FOXNews.com – Scientists Fear Day Computers Become Smarter Than Humans – Technology News News On Technology:
“The Singularity Summit: AI and the Future of Humanity” brought together hundreds of Silicon Valley techies and scientists to imagine a future of self-programming computers and brain implants that would allow humans to think at speeds nearing today’s microprocessors.

With advances in biotechnology and information technology, they say, there’s no scientific reason that human thinking couldn’t be pushed to speeds up to a million times faster.

Kurzweil, director of the Singularity Institute, is so confident in his predictions of the singularity that he has even set a date: 2029.

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Brain chip reads man’s thoughts

The computer chip and science progresses toward the Mark of the Beast where all who take the Mark will be networked into the Beast.

BBC NEWS Health Brain chip reads man’s thoughts: “A paralysed man in the US has become the first person to benefit from a brain chip that reads his mind. Matthew Nagle, 25, was left paralysed from the neck down and confined to a wheelchair after a knife attack in 2001. The pioneering surgery at New England Sinai Hospital, Massachusetts, last summer means he can now control everyday objects by thought alone. The brain chip reads his mind and sends the thoughts to a computer to decipher.A

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Killing with the beasts of the earth, the BEAST and Chimeras

I came to that same speculation myself and have talked about it on this Blog. The Beast of Revelation may be a Chimera with super human powers selected from the DNA of animals or angels. I have even took it one step further. Is taking the mark of the Beast also taking his genetic makeup to become changed into an advance race of superior physical beings — some man-made type of an evolutionary leap forward? Therefore, whoever takes it can no longer be saved because he is no longer a member of the Adamic race that Jesus died for?

God destroyed all air breathing flesh in the days of Noah because angels came down and created a human hybrid called the Nephillim.continue reading

Chimera embryos have right to life?

Chimera’s should not be created in the first place. You have government approving human-animal hybrid embryos and you now have some in the Catholic church saying that they should be born. If people allow chimeras to be created and take what the church is saying seriously it will be exactly like it was in the days of Noah and you ought to know what God did next. Jesus also said that it would be like it was in the days of Noah just before He comes back.

Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops Uk News News Telegraph: “Human-animal hybrid embryos conceived in the laboratory – so-called “chimeras” – should be regarded as human and their mothers should be allowed to give birth to them, the Roman Catholic Church said yesterday.

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The beast is a chimera?

This happened before in the days of Noah. God destroyed all flesh because the angels corrupted the genetics of man and animals. Perhaps the Beast of Revelation and Daniel is a chimera and that is why God calls him a beast. He might be genetically engineered by man or angels and that is why he has some unique powers. The technology to create chimeras already exists so he could have already been created or he could soon be created in a test tube. This could be the reason why he has no regard for woman. He has no mother. If that is true, taking the mark of the Beast might involve taking something that will change one’s genetics to that of the Beast.continue reading