Many calling themselves Christian join a Revelation Harlot

Most people who claim to be Christians in this postmodern generation say they follow Christ. However, their world views and beliefs display that the Christ that they claim to believe in, is not the Jesus Christ that the Bible defines. These pseudo Christians have worldly humanistic world views. They do not have a biblical Christian worldview. They are usually found on the wrong side of most moral and biblical positions.

Christianity is just a religion that they were brought up in or talked into. They follow teachings of religious men, but do not follow the teachings of God. They do not even know what God said, because they show little interest in learning the Bible at all.… continue reading

A few recent interesting emails answered by Don Koenig

I am studying the feast period between Pentecost, Trumpets and Atonement.  Specifically,  I am presently focusing on the day counts and prophetic implications between Trumpets and Atonement.   
Messiah Yeshua fulfilled the Spring feasts to the day.  It seems that the day count ended with Pentecost and that the period between Pentecost and Atonement may be days of years as in the case of Daniel’s 70th week. 
There are 10 days between Trumpets and Atonement.  Most expect that Daniel’s 70th week will occur prophetically during these 10 days/years.  Mainstream biblical scholars (pre-trib/millenialists) say that Daniel’s week happens here.   
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2Th 2:3 and other teachings of Paul indicate pretrib Rapture

Those crusading against the pretribulation Rapture really need to get a life because their arguments do not have a biblical leg to stand on. Every week I get emails or comments from some crusader wanting to inform me that the Bible does not teach a pretrib Rapture. They tell me that my pretrib Rapture teaching will send people to hell, so I need to repent of my teaching or I will be going to hell myself.

They make the unfounded claim that those teaching a pretrib Rapture are leading Christian people to hell because they think that many Christians that were expecting to be taken in the pretrib Rapture will then lose their faith when they find themselves under persecution in the tribulation.… continue reading

Where is that great revival in America?

If you believed some of the Christian revival hype that was going around this year, you might have been lead to believe that by Thanksgiving our nation would be in sack cloth and ashes humbling themselves and praying and repenting so God would heal our land. That is what some Christian media hucksters tried to sell you, but reality turned out quite differently. It seems that the camp-outs for Black Friday that will be ushering in the commercialism of Christmas will supersede any post Thanksgiving national repentance.

There have been Christian rallies this year that were advertised as the kick off for this American revival but they brought little response.… continue reading

Blood moon of Joel and Revelation not about eclipses of 2014 2015

The various end time speculations of 2012 never panned out, so it really should not surprise anyone that a replacement theory would now arise in order to sell new hype to people looking for a tribulation that fits their impatient unrealistic schedule. I am talking about the new hype that the blood moons of 2014 and 2015 could fulfill the blood moon talked about by Joel, and Revelation.

Pastor Mark Biltz of Tacoma Washington first came up with the theory and now Pastor John Hagee is running with the ball with his new book, “Four Blood Moons: Something Is About To Change”.… continue reading

Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel of 1217 tips Jack Van Impe on 2017 tribulation

I recently watched two of the latest Jack Van Impe’s TV programs. I probably had not watched his program in almost a decade for a number of reasons. Van Impe fell out of favor with me when he started quoting mystics and pagans to support his end time speculations about how soon the Lord would return. Of course, Jack would always say that he is not setting dates, but then he would go ahead and set an outermost date for the fulfillment of the Rapture. Over the years, Jack Van Impe has proven that he can be wrong on his date speculations.… continue reading

Fabian Push For Global Governance Means The Day Of The Lord Is Near

If Christian think that Jesus is going to return in the next two decades, and many of us do, then it should not surprise us that nations will now align and the world will become like the prophets in the Bible foretold about the end days.  In fact, Jesus told us that we are not of darkness that day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). If we are to be aware when the Day of the Lord is near, there must be things that are uniquely observable to us Christians before the Day of the Lord arrives.… continue reading

Reasons to believe why Jesus will return before 2050 AD

In various other articles, I have given my rationale why the coming of Jesus in glory will not occur during this decade but now I will explain why I think that it is almost certain that Jesus will return before 2050 AD.

Let me first say that Paul said the true Church would know the general season of the Lord’s return. He said, that we are not in darkness that this day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). We are told to watch for the Lord’s return and we are also told to fellowship with other Christians even more as we see that day approaching (Heb 10:25).… continue reading

Apollyon is not Rising in 2012. You are being Hornswoggled.

Some in Christian media have been doing interviews with Thomas Horn so I decided to read a couple of his books. I recently read “Apollyon rising 2012” and I will soon read his latest book “Petrus Romanus”, which God willing, I will comment on sometime in the future. The title “Apollyon Rising 2012”, implies that Apollyon of Revelation 9:11 will be rising in 2012 but If you believe that you probably already have been hornswoggled.

First let me say that there are quite a few errors and shoehorning of scripture as well as some hornswoggling in Tom Horn’s book. Dr. Cathy Burns points out many of the problems in her critique of Tom’s Horn’s Apollyon Rising: 2012.… continue reading

The prophetic end of the age is likely to occur around 2030 AD.

I personally think we have about 20 years left before we complete the prophetic end of the age and enter the millennial reign of Jesus. If that is true, I think many things must happen in the next twenty years, so be very careful about what you buy into. If my timing is correct, and Jesus comes for the faithful Church prior to the tribulation, then at most there is ten to fifteen years left to work before the Rapture. If we are that close to the second coming, then the stage for some of the end time prophetic events should already be observable in the world.… continue reading

Dr. James McGrath: Christians should not expect literal second coming

Dr. James F. McGrath of Butler University teaches courses on New Testament Language and Literature. However, anyone attending his courses really ought to investigate the heretical views that they will be taught at Butler University by professor McGrath.

Dr. James F. McGrath made this statement in bold on his own Exploring Our Matrex Blog:

It does not make sense for Christians to continue to expect a literal “second coming” of Jesus.

I also read online from his very own words that Dr. McGrath claims to be a reformed Christian in the same sense as a Reformed Jew. Reformed Jews are reformed for a reason.… continue reading

Ezekiel 37 describing literal resurrection and return of Israel?

I wrote a draft on Ezekiel 37 not too long ago but I deleted it thinking that what I wrote was just too far out of the box to be accepted. However, true to my loose cannon nature, I will try to sink some boats after all, even if that means I may sink my own. What I write is certainly not infallible doctrine so I just may have Ezekiel 37 wrong.

I do not think the usual interpretation of Ezekiel 37 given by most premillennial Bible prophecy teachers adds up. I have read some Bible prophecy teachers that make an effort to make Ezekiel 34 thru Ezekiel 39 sequential or say the prophecies of chapters 34-37 are being fulfilled or have been fulfilled with the return of the Jews to Israel today.… continue reading

Biblical week indicates the kingdom on earth established 2030-2035

If you do a quick Google study on the Internet on the year that Jesus was crucified you will see that there are those claiming all sorts of proof why they know the correct year of the crucifixion. You can find some very good arguments why their date is correct but the problem is that their dates span every year from 30 AD to 35 AD. They might all have good arguments but they certainly can’t all be correct.

If you only read the arguments on one website you might be convinced that this is the year that Jesus was crucified but after you read many of these top sites that talk about the date of the Lord’s crucifixion you probably should come to the conclusion that a conclusive date for the crucifixion is elusive.… continue reading

Camping with Rapture loons in 2011

Harold Camping is teaching thousands of the loons that follow him that the Rapture will happen on May 21, 2011. Camping also teaches that the end of the world will occur just four months later on October 21st 2011.

I think all these birdbrains are in for a rude awaking on May 22, 2011 when they find themselves still here after they burned all their bridges on earth in the days of their acting like April fools.

Some of these loons will then probably think that they did not make the Rapture and think that they will reap God’s judgments until they find out that Harold Camping is also still here recalculating what he now claims cannot be wrong.… continue reading

The creative technical capabilities of man indicates the end is near

One of the sure signs that the end is near and that we are in the days just before the return of Jesus is man’s creative technical capabilities and increase in knowledge. Man now has the ability to create complex inventions that can be used to help the world or destroy the world.

One example of the more recent creative technical capabilities of man is his complex inventions based on acquired knowledge of nuclear physics. We know that this nuclear technology can be used for either good or evil, but obviously without God’s intervention man would have already destroyed the world during the era when the USSR and America had 10,000 hydrogen bombs pointed at each other.… continue reading

Learn the parable of the fig tree.

We have had quite a bit of discussion in the comments section about the fig tree of Matthew chapter 24 and Mark chapter 13 because of certain teachers interpretations put on it that imply all end time events will be fulfilled by 2018 (a normal lifespan from Israel being back in the Land). It therefore probably should be something I should discuss in more depth since I do not agree that Jesus was saying that all will be fulfilled by 2018.

The Parable Jesus told us to learn is almost certainly referring to His cursing of the fig tree which also represented a curse on Israel.… continue reading

The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

When Jesus comes will there be faith on the earth? Yes, no and then yes!

Jesus asked this question, “when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8).

Here is the full parable.

1   And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
2  Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
3  And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
4  And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;
5  Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

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Meanings of parables and Bible prophecy are only for the astute elect.

Some wonder why Bible prophecy is so cryptic? The answer is that understanding of  both parables and Bible prophecy are only for the astute elect. Jesus taught in parables at His first coming so that those wise in their own understanding would not understand the things of God. The Scribes and the Pharisees did know the scriptures but they lacked understanding and could not properly discern the scriptures they knew. They would not see that Jesus was clearly taught in the scriptures because in their own self righteous religious understanding, the Messiah would enable them and not correct them.

It was also obvious from what we have been told in scripture that even the disciples of Jesus did not understand many of the parables.… continue reading

Dangerous theology grows on fig trees!

Certain Bible prophecy teachers are saying certain things that can only be labeled as dangerous theology.

The dangerous theology I am talking about comes from subjective interpretations of the Parable of the Fig Tree mentioned in three gospels. The problem is that they teach their conjecture as truth and that is what makes it dangerous theology. When they say the Rapture has to occur before the end of next year based on their own subjective interpretation of the Parable of the Fig Tree they are teaching dangerous theology.

I am speaking of  those that say the Rapture has to occur by next year because of their conjecture that the Parable of the Fig Tree has to be talking about Israel’s rebirth in1948 and their conjecture that a generation or a lifespan is seventy years.… continue reading