There will be no democracy in our future

There will be no democracy in our future. People always demand a king. God wanted ancient Israel to have a representational republic with the leaders following Him through the words of His prophets but the people said give us a King. Nothing has changed. All the nations will demand their king and reap the consequences. The vast majority of the population of the world today is not ruled by a republic or a democracy and those people who think they are in a democracy are usually living under a great illusion. The whole world will soon choose a king the book of Revelation calls him the Beast.… continue reading

Evangelical leaders say Christians will praise the good points of Islam one week a year!

The National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical Alliance don’t speak for me or any church that I will attend. I don’t know why we Bible believers need anyone to represent us anyway they always get off track sooner or later. If any Pastor starts preaching the good points of Islam from the pulpit or tells me that Muslims worship the same God. I will walk out of that church and never return. Islam teaches that Allah has no son and their Jesus did not died on a cross at all and did not die for the sins of mankind.… continue reading

Christianity progressing to enable postmodern inquisitions.

Peter Jones has it right in this article. Pseudo Christianity will again be going to war again against those true Christians who actually believe the Bible. When the youth of those going to the churches of today grow up (many of them already have) will those four percent that still believe the Bible actually be tolerated by Christianity? Of course not. Pseudo Christianity has persecuted the Church before in history and it will do it again. Christianity is now progressing to enable the coming postmodern inquisitions.

The persecution at the fifth seal of Revelation comes from the religious Harlot not the Antichrist because at this point he has not even arrived on the scene.… continue reading

China’s missing women reveal the end of the age.

There is going to be a documentary on HBO on Monday July 16th about China’s holocaust.

Let me just offer some thoughts while that critical world issue is on my mind. You can also find this and similar information on my website. (World trends section)

I have been saying that the male female imbalance in China, India and other Far East countries will make up much of the 200 million man army mentioned by Revelation that is prepared for a hour, day, a month, and a year to destroy one third of men on the earth. That army is this one and it will peak in about 25 years.… continue reading

When the bell tolls for you don’t be found on Tolle’s New Earth

Due to overwhelming interest on my Oprah and Tolle Blog post I am posting another opinion of Tolle’s “A New Earth” book, by Debra Rae.
The teaser quotes that I am putting below is just a small sample of what is in the articles. I cannot do justice to Debra Rae’s article here you have to read the full articles.

I just want to make it clear to everyone that Tolle’s teaching in ” A New Earth” is totally contrary to the fundamental truths of Christianity and Christian Orthodoxy. It is Old Age and New Age paganism originated with the lie of the Serpent and man’s rebellion.… continue reading

Christians yoking up with swine will bring in the kingdom?

what we have are Evangelicals who really think that the Church will be influencing government to help bring in the social actions of a Christian kingdom on earth. What they do not understand is that you do not get into the pigpen if you want to yoke up with those that will pull on clean fertile ground. They also do not understand that there will be no Christian taking of the earth before the return of the King. What they will end up with is amoral secular socialism using them until the godless decide they want to get the religious monkey off their back.… continue reading

British want RFID implantable microchips for prisoners

They are also planning to microchip their military and it will continue to spread to more and more groups. It will not stay in Britain it will soon be everywhere. This is not the Mark of the Beast system yet but it is setting the technical foundation for it. I also found it interesting that these RFID chips already have the capability of uploading information to a satellite uplink.

U.K. to Begin Microchipping Prisoners

the Ministry of Justice is exploring the possibility of injecting prisoners in the back of the arm with a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip that contains information about their name, address and criminal record.

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Rick Warren says a disguised message of repentance is the core of his message but where is forgiveness for sin?

Rick Warren says a disguised message of repentance is the core of his message .This article is a very interesting and new perspective by Cris Rosebrough on Rick Warren’s purpose driven message. It explains why all you hear from Warren is a works message of steps of “how to”. There is never any message of forgiveness of sin coming from Warren. Therefore, what Rick Warren preaches is only half true and it is only true for those who already heard the gospel of forgiveness for sin. You also see this carried out in Warren’s outreaches. They are all about how we can make our life or our world better if we do what God says but it offers little suggestion on how that is even possible for the unforgiven unbeliever.… continue reading

Will George Bush also convert to Catholicism?

I do not doubt that Bush will convert to Catholicism. There is not a whole lot of difference between Episcopalian Theology and Catholic Theology anyway. Bush by his previous statements also makes it quite clear that he really thinks that all religions worship the same God. So, Bush really does not have understanding of the biblical statement that says that no one comes to the Father accept through Jesus.

I think Bible believing Christians need to realize that George Bush and most of those around him really have religion not biblical Christianity. George Bush believes in globalism and a pluralist world religion just like Tony Blair.… continue reading

Astute Bible prophecy teacher and author Joel Rosenberg (interview)

Here is one great interview with Joel Rosenberg who gives his very astute view of end time events. His latest book is “Dead Heat” – Transcripts

ROSENBERG: Well I think eventually Rome will be the center of the E.U. How is that going to happen? I don`t know. There is a lot I don`t know. The point is the Bible laid out some details it doesn`t give us all the details.

BECK: Is it true that we — we haven`t bombed parts of Iraq because of, not only the historic significance, but the biblical significance of — of Babylon?

ROSENBERG: Babylon itself, Babylon is a province, it`s also a city, but there is no one living in current Babylon, it`s being reconstructed.

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Locusts came on the earth and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power.

This might be something to keep in mind. There are now weaponizing bugs. It almost sounds like this could have something to do with the fulfillment of Rev 9:10. More likely the Revelation event is all super national but if weaponized hybrid bugs are developed by man there is a remote possibility that what comes out of the smoke may have been first developed by man.

Unleashing the Bugs of War – TIME

The Agency’s Microsystems Technology Office is hard at work on HI-MEMS (Hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical System), raising real insects filled with electronic circuitry, which could be guided using GPS technology to specific targets via electrical impulses sent to their muscles.

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Brian Mclaren tells young creekers to lessen focus on eternity

I do not know why Willow Creek would allow this heretic to speak at their church. I take that back I think I do known why.

I challenge anyone who reads the Bible as written to tell me that this man has not redefined the scriptures to take away absolutes truths and replace them with stupid rationalizations. Tell me that he is not corrupting Christian youth with his heretical teaching. It is time that Christians quit making apogees for this very destructive heretic. His teachings are doing great harm to Christianity especially to the youth of the church.

So why is it that Christians in your church are mislead from his books and there is no warning about this wolf in sheep’s clothing and others emergent leaders like him coming from your pastor?… continue reading

Parsley and McCain prove that Fascism can also come from the religious right

What do Ron Parsley and John McCain have in common? They both see grave danger in Islam to the world. Obviously for Ron Parsley the number one criteria for being a conservative is to be against Islam.

We have here a religious leader and a political leader that would be more than willing to lead a military fight against Islam all over the world. Sure, that might be what it ultimately comes down to anyway, but do you really want the U.S. to actually promote this war? Need I explain the impact that a world war would have on our civil liberties and standards of living?… continue reading

The intolerant U.N. principles of tolerance will come to the U.S.

So according to this those who believe in the rapture and take the book of Revelation literally are extremists. Yep, I qualify.

So do the Christians in China that teach the second coming of Jesus. These are the Christians the Chinese Communists are persecuting. What is happening in China and proposed in the UN is a foretaste of what will happen when we are agree to these Global treaties.

If you want to know what is going to happen in the U.S. under all three socialists that are running for president just read the article below. Under the UN principles of tolerance that we will agree to abide by under any one of these people, preaching the truths of Christianity will be hate speech and it will be against the law.… continue reading

The postmodern movement moves to the past to relearn traditions of men and old doctrines of demons

I think much of the postmodern movement are made up of those who are just too damn lazy to study the Bible. It is so much easier for them to learn to contemplate their navel until “divine” revelation pops into their head. The leaders of this movement are quite different and deceptive, they know exactly where they are taking this group. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Paul warned us about. If they do not qualify I would like to know who does?

If you notice it is not just happening in Christianity the old pagan practices spouted by media stars are also coming back to the future to the world in brand new wrappers.… continue reading

Recent teachings on prayer and experiencing God misleads Christians

Here is a good commentary by Bob DeWaay on popular teachings that are now leading many Christians astray by equating images and thoughts formed in their own mind with answers from God or Experiencing God. Mysticism has a history of leading Christians astray and it will be no different with these who replace God’s word with extra-biblical techniques and experiences.

Critical Issues Commentary: Unbiblical Teachings on Prayer and Experiencing God

To a Christian, praying to God is privilege, a blessing, and a Biblically defined responsibility. We are called to pray. But a genre of literature exists that I call “prayer secrets.”

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A Religious UN in Rome is proposed.

Powerful figures have proposed a body that will speak with a united voice for world religion. I don’t thing that this should surprise Bible prophecy students or the fact that it will be set up in Rome. Revelation says the Harlot woman rides the Beast and the Harlot woman sets up in a city that could only be Rome.

Prophecy News Watch – Biblical Prophecy in the News

The leader of the Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, today proposed the creation of an ‘Organization of Religions Nations’ Rome-based, and said that the idea’ liked ‘by both the secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, and Pope Benedict XVI.Veltroni

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Small Asteroids Pose Bigger Threat Than Thought

There is a known Asteroid with a threat to the earth that probably has 15 times the diameter of the one that hit Tunguska and hundreds of times more mass. The timing of this asteroid is starting to look more like something out of Revelation. There will be a near miss in 2029 and perhaps a direct hit seven years later in 2036. At the least it might give Bible prophecy students food for thought. – Small Asteroids Pose Bigger Threat Than Thought – Science News Science & Technology Technology News: “The infamous Tunguska explosion, which mysteriously leveled an area of Siberian forest nearly the size of Tokyo a century ago, might have been caused by an impacting asteroid far smaller than previously thought”

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Collapse of civilization is near

Your not crazy, the collapse of civilization as we know is near. Many of these surplus men will make up the army of the 200 million out of the East in Revelation. There are 163 million surplus men now but there will be many more by 2030. By the time all the end time events play out the Bible says this surplus of men will change to men becoming rarer than gold.

WorldNetDaily: Collapse of civilization is near: “At this risk of sounding like a crazy person, I am driven to say I believe a civilizational collapse is near. Worse, I think it is too late to reverse.

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Let’s celebrate the Apocalypse, says Vatican

Let’s celebrate the Apocalypse, says Vatican – Telegraph: “Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, said: ‘These masterpieces will help visitors to reread the last book of the Holy Scripture. The Apocalypse is not the worrying announcement of a catastrophic end to humanity, but a great proclamation of the failure of the infernal evils and of the mystery of Christ.'”

Jesus indicates that they were celebrating before the flood came and took them all to their deaths and now you are advocating that people do the same thing. Jesus said people would do this just before the judgments (mat 24:38).continue reading