Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Marijuana Not a Drug

Its not a either or situation. I want a politician that does not use illegal drugs and that makes good decisions. A politician who makes bad personal decisions and breaks the laws of the country will not make good decisions for others while in public office. Schwarzenegger has proved that with the bills he recently signed. Why should you care that someone is in office who abuses drugs? Because he or she will not have normal reasoning abilities. For example, the politician might say Marijuana is not a drug but the laws of the state He governs says it is a drug and prosecutes people who use and traffic it.continue reading

Should Christianity, politics mix? Sure, but not the way dominionists think

This article is not at all honest about Dominion Theology. Any deceptive person can pick just the good apples and place it on top of a basket of rotten apples and sell the whole basket to someone as if it were all good. It was not too long ago that the Catholic Church did exactly that. They had Christian Dominion theology in practice. Remember the Inquisitions that followed?

Who is going to define what the values and practices of Christianity are in your modern new Christian world? The Pope, Baptists, UCC, Mormons, Masons, Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan, the Christian Patriot Movement, Robert Schuller, Oprah’s Secret, Jimmy Carter, Benny Hinn, George Bush, Rodney Howard Brown, Ron Paul, John and Paul White, Ted Haggard, the KKK?continue reading

The Horror! The Horror! The fascists are here!

You also hear the same rhetoric coming from some on the Right. I have been hearing this stuff since the days of Richard Nixon. I suppose if we elect Ron Paul some will find that he is is really a plant of the Moose Lodge or the Alien Reptilians. Frankly there are a lot of people out there who are on drugs or else need to be on drugs or an increased dose.

Fascism might come one day but it will only come when the American people want it to come. When Americans are willing to give up all their freedoms for security it will evolve into fascism.continue reading

Gog Putin wants Sex for the motherland and the Fascist Nashi’s

Everyone but the liberal West which has its head in the sand about many world threats can see that Russia is going Fascist big time and Putin is the one pushing it. Yet we continue to kiss up to him like he was our friend. If we think we had problems with Russia during the cold war just wait another decade. What a wonderful world it will be.

Putin has become as popular in Russia as Hitler was in Germany and he has much the same ideology and personality. He is now in the process of killing and marginalizing his opposition and he is now making land and power grabs for control of the earth’s energy resources.continue reading