The New Age plan to kill Christians and Jews for the sake of the world community.

Make no mistake about it Oprah and Tolle are setting the foundation for the coming persecution of true believers in Jesus Christ and Jehovah. Their satanic religion promotes the removing of all those who will not become part of the One universal consciousness. They will intend to kill us for the sake of their satanically inspired community and think they will be doing us and the world community a favor by doing so.

This teaching is not new. It has always been the teaching of New Age for many decades. Tolle and Oprah have just used their influence to popularize it under a new cover.… continue reading

Pope blesses the ground they died on

Your blessing is many years too late your unholiness. Not that your blessing would have changed anything. Do you now believe you have a time machine in your magic wand? Also, since you claim to be the Vicar of Christ you ought to know that God is not going to bring peace to this violent world as long as the wicked in this world insist on being wicked. No peace will come to this world until the Prince of Peace establishes it by removing the violent and the wicked out of it. So are you pleading with God for His judgments on earth to begin?… continue reading

America is being set up for deception on every front and on both coasts

There is no question by what the Pope said that the Pope wants a global government. He wants the UN to rule the world, of course with his religious guidance. The globalists largely create the international problems and then they deceive you to believe that they are the solution to them.

Once we have binding international rules like the Pope wants you will have a fascist world that will be ready for the one who takes the place of Christ on earth (Antichrist). It won’t be this 81 year old Pope but I would not rule out the next as being the Antichrist or his false prophet.… continue reading

Oprah and her New Age mystics arise for end time deception

I think that Oprah started believing her own press when some people made her out to be a goddess. Now she is promoting every New Age Guru that fits within her own belief that she has some divine connection.

I guess it would now be more than appropriate to call Oprah a Cult leader since she is brainwashing gullible people and teaching pagan beliefs from her media pulpits.

In my opinion Oprah is now the most dangerous woman on the planet and she would be a shoe in for Antichrist if she was not a woman. Maybe she will change sexes.… continue reading

We are not the prodigal nation and belief in the Rapture is not the problem

Dave Daubenmire obviously too often listens to people who do not know what they are talking about.

I emailed Dave the last time he made this ridiculous assertion that the Church is sitting around doing nothing waiting for the Rapture. Obviously what I said to him did not sink in so now I will say it publicly since he makes his ridiculous assertion publicly.

Most of the Church could care less about the Rapture and it certainly is not obsessed with end-time prophecy. As I told Dave before, almost nobody is teaching it anymore. The few churches that are, are probably the churches that are actually doing something spiritual in this nation.… continue reading

Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

One thing in common with the New Age/New spirituality message from people like Deepak Chopra is that Christ is a consciousness that spiritual people can also asertain. They make Jesus just one of many that have reached or will reach Christ consciousness. They make Jesus just a teacher with Christ consciousness rather than God’s only Christ and Savior for mankind’s sins.

Your going to hear more and more about Christ consciousness in the future. It is a core teaching of the New Age/New Spirituality movement and this thinking is emerging in the emergent Church movement as well. It is popular among “Christian” universalists and pantheists who have a many ways to God belief.… continue reading

Global Living Rosary hatched out of hell.

The Catholics taking part in this Global Living Rosary are practicing what is forbidden in the Bible. The Bible says that there is one in heaven that makes intercession between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Show me any scripture that says we are to pray to Mary or that Mary makes intercession for anyone. I will show you many Old Testament scriptures that says the Queen of Heaven (often carrying a child) was in existence before Mary and it was a demon. Those who prayed and offered to her were condemned by God.

These also think that their many rote prayers to someone other then Jesus works up power.… continue reading

Those seeking the divine within themselves will find demons

The Bible says that doctrines of demons would be taught and believed in the last days. This worldwide paradigm shift to pagan thought just proves that we have arrived. Woe to the people that are teaching others this satanic deception.

There is nothing divine in self unless you got it from the Jesus that died on the cross and rose from the dead and is sitting on the right hand of God.

Paul Proctor — Oprah and The Gospel of Me

If you break it all down, the New Age is, at its core, just spiritual narcissism – cloaked in charity, compassion and unity.

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Seeds of deception conference

Your kids will be publicly introduced to Eastern religious paganism and the Dalai Lama at the “Seeds of Compassion Conference” by direct participation of your public schools. Now why does it not surprise me that heretics Desmond Tutu, Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt will be speakers at this conference.

They will even have a Yoga secession for children ages 6-10. How nice!

After reading what is going in the Emergent Movement and New/Age does any astute Christian still think they a Universal one world religion is not well underway?

Emergent Leaders and School Children follow “his holiness” the Dalai Lama to Seattle Commencing this Friday (April 11, 2008) the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the world’s Tibetan Buddhists begins a five day conference in Seattle.… continue reading

Emerging toward a cosmic consciousness with the Devil

Astute biblical Christians knew that these emerging birds would come to merge with the universal, pantheistic, pagan flock of vultures that claims it will soar up to a higher plain of cosmic consciousness.

“New age” leaders have fed the gullible this line for several decades. The difference now is that the leaders have changed their name to “New Spirituality” and they are now in the church teaching very dumbed down, biblically illiterate church members their doctrines of demons.

It seems that Western emerging “Christianity” needs the hope of a evolutionary mystical experience to replace their “Old Spirituality” that is now on life support.… continue reading

Oprah promotes Eckhart Tolle and doctrines of demons

Oprah believes there are many more paths to God other than Christianity. Eckhart Tolle who is promoted by Oprah thinks the current awaking will bring us into the universal consciousness, “A New Earth” where your collective identity will be “I Am” (the name of God).

Oprah is being watched by Christians like she has truth and Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” is big among “Christians”. Eckhart Tolle says unless you have this shift in consciousness and stop resisting this collective consciousness you will not enter the New Earth which is a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (that leaves out all Bible believing Christians).… continue reading

The postmodern movement moves to the past to relearn traditions of men and old doctrines of demons

I think much of the postmodern movement are made up of those who are just too damn lazy to study the Bible. It is so much easier for them to learn to contemplate their navel until “divine” revelation pops into their head. The leaders of this movement are quite different and deceptive, they know exactly where they are taking this group. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Paul warned us about. If they do not qualify I would like to know who does?

If you notice it is not just happening in Christianity the old pagan practices spouted by media stars are also coming back to the future to the world in brand new wrappers.… continue reading

Obama and Oprah receive the O’s and ah’s of earth’s idol worshipers.

It would not surprise me if Obama gives Oprah a Cabinet level position. In fact I think is is most likely. She helped make Obama the Idol he is. Oprah has money and fame now all she needs is high governmental powers to further her neo-pagan new spirituality agenda. It will be the perfect intolerant government for all that oppose their self deceived elitist Leftist, socialist, universalistic, self-righteous, neo-fascist administration.

Some think of Oprah as a god on earth and I am sure in her own “self enlightened” mind that she believes she has plenty of divine attributes.

Obviously there are some of us who think that millions are being deceived by these secret agents of Satan.… continue reading

Neale Donald Walsch conversations with the Devil promote witchcraft

When people are in rebellion against God’s truth they always end up embracing the lie of the Devil to man from the beginning. That man can become like God. Neale Donald Walsch is quoted, pushed, and followed by some who claim to be Christians. His “Conversations with God” is nothing more than conversations with his own demonic spirits. if you do not know about Walsch, Wicca and Witchcraft it is time you found out because it is now everywhere and even taught in some apostate churches.

Why so many Americans are embracing witchcraft

By golly, I think I’m beginning to understand why millions of people
love Neale Donald Walsch and his god!

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Can Evangelical Christians practice Wicca and support what God calls abominations?

Lets be clear about one thing. Evangelical Christians are not taking part in Wicca. People who call themselves Evangelical Christians are getting involved in Wicca. Just because people go to a so called evangelical denomination does not make them a Christian.

I read another article today that talked about how Evangelicals were supporting Democratic political figures like Obama and Hillary. Many that call themselves Evangelicals have moved to the Far Left because absolute truths of the Bible mean nothing to them. They are just following what they learn from worldly media. This just shows that many in the Evangelical churches never learned or never believed the truths in the Bible in the first place.… continue reading

The Obamainable Messiah

The Messiah came two thousand years ago and the only second coming will be the same Christ in the same body that left. The Bible indicates their will be many false Messiah’s in these last days and they we should not follow them. There will one day soon come a world hero with a hundred times the charisma of Obama. It should be obvious how easily the postmodern world will get sucked into the hysteria. The world has a history of making men god’s with very tragic consequences. Notice that the new age pagan false prophets fully expect someone more than human to help the world to evolute to an evolutionary higher plain.… continue reading

Can a pagan practice like Yoga be “Christianized?

If you think that Yoga is just an exercise you need to read this article. It is a shame that Christian Churches are offering classes in this Eastern pagan occult practice.

clipped from
Is yoga just a way of
reducing stress or is there more to it than that? I mean, everyone’s doing it so
it has to be a good thing…right? The short answer is that there’s more to yoga
than meets the eye. So bear with me as I explain the reasons practicing yoga
“stretches traditional Christian boundaries” and why Christians should avoid
yoga and seek other alternatives.
continue reading

Pope says Protestants are not in the Body of Christ

I hope you ecumenically minded Protestants realized what this Pope just spelled out. He said that Protestant clergy are not ordained and they are therefore not priests in the one true Church. He also said that the means of salvation are not found in those churches. Thus, no matter how you want to spin it the Pope just said that all Protestant Christians are not saved unless they return to the apostolic authority of the Catholic Church.

Some of you that thought you could fellowship with this church as fellow Christians should now see that you have been deceived. In Catholicism there is only one true church, it is their church.continue reading