Electrical grid down could kill most in America within the decade

I have addressed this issue several times over the years but apparently Americans are still not getting the message about the grave danger of an extended electrical grid down situation. If this should occur, most Americans probably will not survive this decade. (See the related posts at the bottom for previous articles.)

This is not some danger that I am pulling out of thin air. It is no conspiracy theory. This is a grave danger to our nation that is established in scientific fact. All the experts that have looked into the grid down possibility have warned our leaders of the dire consequences.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jan 2014

We have arrived into the year 2014 and it will prove to be the year that Americans either halted the slide into tyranny and godless socialism, or it will be the year that the progressively insane statist socialists gained full effective control over Americans and muzzled those people who still believe in Christian morals and family values.

Battle lines are already forming. A federal judge in Utah and another federal judge in Oklahoma ruled that the laws that banned homosexual marriage in these sovereign states are unconstitutional. Two-thirds of the voters in Utah voted against allowing homosexuals to marry and three-fourths of the voters in Oklahoma did the same.… continue reading

Want to predict the top news stories of 2014 in advance?

What do you think will be the top news stories of 2014? If you give what you believe will be the top 5, 10, or 25 news stories of 2014, they will be posted as long as what you say is civil, legal, and what you say passes a basic sanity test. If you are going to use the Bible as a reference, but what you say shows that you never read it, don’t expect me to post it. That also goes for just quoting false prophets and loons like Ed Dames that appear on the Coast-to-Coast radio program and elsewhere.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Sep 2013

Just about everything in the news since late August is about the Obama administration plan to carry out an air attack on the Assad government forces in Syria for his alleged use of chemical weapons. Unless there is a terrorist attack on America, the Syrian affair will dominate the news for the entire month whether the U.S. attack is actually carried out or not.

The overwhelming majority of the American people do not want any U.S. attack on Syria. Most Americans are fed up with us intervening in Muslim nations and think we should stay out of the Syrian civil war.… continue reading

The postmodern media plague of unreliable sources and information

Have you noticed that a lot of information obtained from main stream media, alternative media, religious media, intelligence, and the Internet cannot be depended upon? How are people suppose to sort out the truth if they can’t find reliable sources for information? In this postmodern media plague where truth is what certain factions want it to be, we get half-truths, disinformation and outright lies. The media “facts” given to us today turn out to be fabrications tomorrow. Whatever the headlines of great interest are this week will not even be mentioned next week if it does not advance the government or media agenda.… continue reading

The Satanic world system is rapidly progressing toward Antichrist

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.

The hippie generation of the 1960’s thought they were about to  enter the age of Aquarius where peace would guide the planets and love will steer the stars. The old communist hippies and their progressive offspring are now ruling the world and these godless diehards are still singing the same utopian song. Even so, the reality coming upon the earth will have somewhat different lyrics than that old Fifth Dimension’s song.… continue reading

Analysis of the North Korean threat and America’s weak response

The world has been told by the Obama administration that Obama does not bluff. However, apparently leaders in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere do not believe him. Many leaders think that Obama is bluffing because like Presidents Clinton and Carter he is so wishy-washy predictable. The “progressive” leaders of America always take the politically correct way that is blessed by the globalist progressive appeasers.

Obama bluffed North Korea by sending a few ships and nuclear bombers and having a joint exercise with South Korea as a show of force that we will not put up with their nuclear weapons development program.… continue reading

Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Apr 2013

John Adams indicated that the American system of government is only possible for a moral people. That leaves out fools. Look around at the immorality that the majority of people in this country are now doing, supporting or enabling. America is becoming a nation of the fools, by the fools, and for the fools. This is the latest American reality show. Need I say any more on the state of our Union on April fools day 2013?


If you want an foreign example of a April fool, just look to North Korea. Their new young leader, Kim Jong Un, says that North Korea is at war with South Korea and the United States.… continue reading

Global elite believe world turmoil leads to their utopian end

It seems that in Europe and America everyone is living for today. Many nations are spending their future and many people are spending their retirement accounts. It is like eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Most might not confess to being that fatalistic but that seems to be evident in their choices and lifestyles.

All the national banks are now printing money like there is no tomorrow and if they continue to print excessive money they will ensure that this world economic system will not exist tomorrow. I think the global power elite pulling the strings know where all this will lead.… continue reading

Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Mar 2013

I was going to write about how the only hope for this nation was for wealthy people to pool their resource to start their own TV networks to counter the government controlled mainstream media brainwashing that is going on in America. However, even if there was the motivation, and there is not, there would not be enough time to change hearts and minds to change this nation before it self destructs. We simply do not have the time left to undue all the evil that was done over the last fifty years.

I also have come to the conclusion that mass repentance and conversion is just not going to happen in America.… continue reading

Looking back from the future at an Obamanation that led the world

You say you wanted an Obamanation? You thought he was the answer for all your problems because Obama was black and intended to play Robin Hood? You say he would give you things like an Obamaphone, so you voted for him six times? You say you always vote democrat because they care about the working man and the poor? Okay fine, now you low or no information voters and fellow travelers will live with the obvious consequences of electing a radical Marxist to lead America.

I do not say this lightly. Those that voted for Obama, voted for judgment on this nation.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Feb 2013

The primary Windows XP computer system that I have used for almost 10 years crashed last week and would not boot into Windows. I tried everything to no avail, so I eventually reformatted the disk. I reloaded windows XP and tried to download service pack 2 and 3 from Microsoft but that is one experience that failed that I would not like to try to duplicate any time soon.

I finally came to the conclusion that it was not worth all the effort to get that computer on-line again since I had already moved quite a bit of what I needed to my new laptop computer.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Dec 2012

Obviously the world did not end on Dec 21, 2012. Once again the prophets of Baal were wrong. Researchers can analyze every pagan prophecy that exists anywhere and they still will not know anything about the timing of future events.

Everything Christians need to know about the future is already written in the Christian Bible. The Lord God does not reveal the future through ancient pagan writings, or through modern men and woman who learned to tap into the occult, or through those that hear the imaginations of their own minds and claim that the message came from Him.

It appears that we will be here for a while longer, so let me wish everyone a Merry Christmas and an interesting New Year that is full of joy in Christ.continue reading

America destroyed through apathy and vulnerable electrical grid?

The gravest danger to America is the survival of its electrical grid. If that grid should go down for months or years, America will cease to exist as a nation of any consequence. If the grid failed across America, and we could not get it up again within several months, hundreds of millions of people could die of thirst, starvation, disease, and civil conflict over the few resources that could be scavenged.

The foremost experts on EMP’s say it could take 4 to 10 years to restore the grid after two small nuclear explosions fifty miles above the East and West coasts of the United States or even one well placed nuke about 200 miles above the center of the nation.… continue reading

Modern infrastructure without security is the top threat to America

As I have expressed many times on this Blog, I think the end times spoken about in Bible prophecy are still about twenty years in the future. Nevertheless, don’t be under the false delusion that troubles in America are anyway near that far off. This very year could be the end of your world as you have known it. In any case, the survival of America as a world power will not likely extend into the next decade. The economic situation is a major problem that people rightly should also focus on but America’s dependence on its modern infrastructure is probably what will do us in first.… continue reading

Those optimistic about America’s future are not living in reality.

America is a nation with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to keep individuals free from government tyranny. However, it is obvious that most Americans have now given up these rights for the shackles of socialism and the facade of false security. The politicians that Americans elect still give lip service to our Constitution but their actions show that their heart is far from it.

Tyrannical control freaks are not supposed to be ruling Americans under our system of government but nevertheless it is very apparent they already are.

One successful terrorist attack brought America to its knees when Americans allowed this attack to open the door to a police state.… continue reading

The Iranian Syrian North Korean 2013 EMP Conspiracy

It seems to me that Americans are missing the obvious. Iran, Syria and North Korea are planning a surprise attack on Israel and the West and that attack will include nuclear Electromagnet Pulse (EMP) weapons. I think they will put off this attack as long as possible in order to get more weapons in place but I think the plan will be operational no later than sometime in 2013.

Anytime after 2013 the implementation of their conspired plan to destroy Israel and the West will be based on their threat assessment and we know that with North Korea that it does not take much of a threat for them to go ballistic (pun intended).… continue reading

I think an analysis of present political realities is in order.

If you are aware of present political realities of today, the news headlines of tomorrow may not come as a complete surprise.

Obama is going to withdraw from Afghanistan but it will take until 2014 to do it. Meanwhile, nothing has changed for the better in that area. In fact, things are growing worse because the war just created more radicals in Pakistan and Afghanistan that hate Americans. So there is no reason to think that these areas will not become terrorist training grounds in the future.

Bashar al-Assad of Syria has killed well over a thousand people in Syria and he is creating quite a humanitarian crises by destroying the towns of people that do not support him and their very livelihoods.… continue reading

America can have riots and civil war or a temporary benevolent dictator.

It is clear to me that this country is now hopelessly divided and there will be no solution if we do not find a very strong leader that can shock Americans into reality by telling them the unvarnished truth about where the nation is heading and making it clear that the only alternative to his own radical proposals will be social breakdown with riots and even a civil war. We need someone with the communication skills and likability of Ronald Regan and Glenn Beck and the independent resources of someone like Ross Perot. Maybe It could be someone with outstanding social networking skills that can bypass the lame-stream media that will certainly gather their liberal forces against him.… continue reading

Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading