Seeds of deception conference

Your kids will be publicly introduced to Eastern religious paganism and the Dalai Lama at the “Seeds of Compassion Conference” by direct participation of your public schools. Now why does it not surprise me that heretics Desmond Tutu, Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt will be speakers at this conference.

They will even have a Yoga secession for children ages 6-10. How nice!

After reading what is going in the Emergent Movement and New/Age does any astute Christian still think they a Universal one world religion is not well underway?

Emergent Leaders and School Children follow “his holiness” the Dalai Lama to Seattle Commencing this Friday (April 11, 2008) the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the world’s Tibetan Buddhists begins a five day conference in Seattle.… continue reading

Rick Warren and the Saddleback Cult?

I also have been warning about Rick Warren. Christian pastors do not continually let the enemies of the cross use their platform to deceive. I have observed Warren saying one thing to Christians to appear orthodox and then leading the church and the world astray by promoting heretics and universalism. My question to members of Saddleback is why do you put up with it? Have you all become disciples of Rick Warren rather than disciples of Jesus Christ? Is your Church now just a social platform for deceiving people into a wide gate all inclusive type of Christianity? I say either censor Rick Warren, leave the church or expect to be labeled as cult members by true Christians.… continue reading

Emerging toward a cosmic consciousness with the Devil

Astute biblical Christians knew that these emerging birds would come to merge with the universal, pantheistic, pagan flock of vultures that claims it will soar up to a higher plain of cosmic consciousness.

“New age” leaders have fed the gullible this line for several decades. The difference now is that the leaders have changed their name to “New Spirituality” and they are now in the church teaching very dumbed down, biblically illiterate church members their doctrines of demons.

It seems that Western emerging “Christianity” needs the hope of a evolutionary mystical experience to replace their “Old Spirituality” that is now on life support.… continue reading

Oprah promotes Eckhart Tolle and doctrines of demons

Oprah believes there are many more paths to God other than Christianity. Eckhart Tolle who is promoted by Oprah thinks the current awaking will bring us into the universal consciousness, “A New Earth” where your collective identity will be “I Am” (the name of God).

Oprah is being watched by Christians like she has truth and Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” is big among “Christians”. Eckhart Tolle says unless you have this shift in consciousness and stop resisting this collective consciousness you will not enter the New Earth which is a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (that leaves out all Bible believing Christians).… continue reading

Oprah has rejected true Christianity for the satanic counterfeit

Lets not also forget “The Secret” and many other pagan books and ideas that Oprah supports besides just what Warren Smith mentions here.

It is no coincidence that Oprah is supporting Obama who has the same spirit of universalism. They both really worship the god of this world. Oprah believes that all ways lead to God or that we are all part of God apart from accepting Jesus the creator of the universe, the only possible savior.

The world is experiencing an invasion of doctrines of demons and it is coming through media, political leaders, and “Christian” religious leaders. This apostasy from the true faith to doctrines of demons was predicted for the end times.… continue reading

Interspiritual international New Spirituality Blackbirds of a feather flock together

The world is definitively emerging toward a universal religion. But, If they do not use the Door they will never enter in to fellowship with God, no matter how spiritually unified these New Spirituality black birds become.

Doug Pagitt, Rob Bell to Join Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, UN at Interspiritual Event – CWN

in one of the boldest moves yet in their promotion of New Spirituality, Doug Pagitt and Rob Bell are joining the Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, and a whole line-up of New Spirituality proponents for the Seeds of Compassion Interspiritual Event in Seattle on April 15 to nurture “spirituality” in youth.

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If the Bell is warped it will not ring true.

Ken Silva asks some fair questions in this article about the message you are hearing from Ron bell and others.


Below here at Apprising Ministries you will see beyond a shadow of a doubt that emerging church pastor Rob Bell agrees with New Age priestess Marianne Williamson concerning the nature of man. The question that needs to be asked is: What kind of a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ could agree with the lie from the pit of Hell you’ll see within? But it is this kind of lunacy in the Lord that we are getting leaders in the Emergent Church like the Elvis of Emergent Rob Bell.

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“The Shack” is “The Message” outhouse.

“The Shack” is not about a basketball player it is a book that twists the Gospel. If you are buying into the message of this book thought up in an outhouse you are buying into damnable heresy. The endorsement on the cover of this heretical book is from Eugene Peterson, author of “The Message”. “This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ did for his. It’s that good!” Eugene Peterson, author of The Message (Front cover endorsement)

I for one am fed up with those who quote “The Message” as if it were the Bible.continue reading

Neale Donald Walsch conversations with the Devil promote witchcraft

When people are in rebellion against God’s truth they always end up embracing the lie of the Devil to man from the beginning. That man can become like God. Neale Donald Walsch is quoted, pushed, and followed by some who claim to be Christians. His “Conversations with God” is nothing more than conversations with his own demonic spirits. if you do not know about Walsch, Wicca and Witchcraft it is time you found out because it is now everywhere and even taught in some apostate churches.

Why so many Americans are embracing witchcraft

By golly, I think I’m beginning to understand why millions of people
love Neale Donald Walsch and his god!

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Can Evangelical Christians practice Wicca and support what God calls abominations?

Lets be clear about one thing. Evangelical Christians are not taking part in Wicca. People who call themselves Evangelical Christians are getting involved in Wicca. Just because people go to a so called evangelical denomination does not make them a Christian.

I read another article today that talked about how Evangelicals were supporting Democratic political figures like Obama and Hillary. Many that call themselves Evangelicals have moved to the Far Left because absolute truths of the Bible mean nothing to them. They are just following what they learn from worldly media. This just shows that many in the Evangelical churches never learned or never believed the truths in the Bible in the first place.… continue reading

The Obamainable Messiah

The Messiah came two thousand years ago and the only second coming will be the same Christ in the same body that left. The Bible indicates their will be many false Messiah’s in these last days and they we should not follow them. There will one day soon come a world hero with a hundred times the charisma of Obama. It should be obvious how easily the postmodern world will get sucked into the hysteria. The world has a history of making men god’s with very tragic consequences. Notice that the new age pagan false prophets fully expect someone more than human to help the world to evolute to an evolutionary higher plain.… continue reading

The world invasion of the satanic change agents

If you are an astute Christian who knows what is going on you should have heard about the talk about change, rethinking and a coming paradigm shift. This dialog is coming from all that hold positions of power and global influence. It now even is the major subject in postmodern and Liberal church movements. The plan to move from individual thinking and belief in absolutes to a more global consensus group think way about everything. They think doing this will bring world Unity to help establish a unified global world agenda.

This brainwashing movement is going to do away with the absolutes truths of Christian and all absolute moral believes.… continue reading

Rick Warren from Nation Cathedrel says that Evangelicals should unite with dead mainline churches

Rick Warren is the top guru in the most accepted movement in the evangelical churches – The purpose driven movement. Rick Warren never ceases to amaze me by what comes out of his mouth and where he will go to speak. In this case, Rick Warren speaks from a well known apostate Church but he does not give the gospel of Jesus Christ to them he tells these apostates that Evangelicals should unite with mainline churches without regard to their apostate doctrines.

Ever since I read the Purpose Driven Life and started following what Rick Warren has been preaching I have become increasingly concerned about this man.… continue reading

“Christian” politicians who use Christianity to their advantage

Like so many Liberals they claim a relationship with Jesus but do not do what He says. If a person cannot discern abominations like Abortion and homosexual practices and understand what harm these abominations bring to society it is because He or She has no biblical understanding.Those who have no understanding of what God said in the scriptures are either immature Christians or liars using Christianity for their advantage. No one in any of those categories should be leaders in the Church or leaders of a Nation that fears God.

Obama might say the right words when he stands before naive Christians but his stands are contrary to what He claims to believe.… continue reading

Can a pagan practice like Yoga be “Christianized?

If you think that Yoga is just an exercise you need to read this article. It is a shame that Christian Churches are offering classes in this Eastern pagan occult practice.

clipped from
Is yoga just a way of
reducing stress or is there more to it than that? I mean, everyone’s doing it so
it has to be a good thing…right? The short answer is that there’s more to yoga
than meets the eye. So bear with me as I explain the reasons practicing yoga
“stretches traditional Christian boundaries” and why Christians should avoid
yoga and seek other alternatives.
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Pagan/Christian hybrid emerging Pentecostal churches

I have noticed in my own experience that Pentecostals too often cross the line. Here is a story of one Pentecostal pastor that crossed the line and took his whole church with him. Come to think if it, I also noticed that many Pentecostals worship their pastor and will follow him anywhere no matter how unbiblical he becomes. Thus, unless there is some way of weeding out these wolves in sheep’s clothing many sheeple will soon be drinking the kool-aid.

I am not picking on Pentecostals. There are just as many godly Pentecostals as their are godly non Pentecostal believers. However, the display of mystical gifts often attracts unstable people.… continue reading

What is Robert Schuller rethinking?

Rethink to me sounds a little to much like what the Emergent Church movement is doing although with this line up it would appear to be more of a all ways to utopia on earth through a religious dominionist agenda.

I do not know why Christian leaders would appear on Robert Schuller’s platform anyway since he is an admitted universalist and his teaching is obviously heretical. We will have to wait and see what they all say, I am sure what that say will give us much more to write about. I am not liking where many of today’s “Christian leaders” are taking the church.continue reading

The Kabbalah: Mocking the Name of God

Kabbalah a counterfiet Jewish old age, New Age Satanic cult that makes oneself God.

The Kabbalah: Mocking the Name of God – CWN
Last night I found a book I had purchased about a year ago for research on the current enthusiasm for the Kabbalah and read about a counterfeit “repentance” that, naturally, has nothing to do with the blood of Jesus. The pop Kabbalah offers a counterfeit for everything.

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The Emergent Manifesto for a new age religion

I think it is fairly clear from scripture that true Bible believing Christians will one day become the targets of other religious people who have played the harlot with “new age” pagan mysticism and an all ways lead to God mentality. Frankly, they will be glad to get rid of us if we do depart in the rapture. If we do not, or if some are left behind they will certainly want to eliminate us from the earth thinking they are doing God a favor.

Revelation is clear that persecution will come when the fifth seal is opened and it is also clear that all the blood of the saints of the earth is found within the woman who rides the Beast of Revelation 17.continue reading

Pope wants the Mass in Latin

Every time I get stupid enough to think that the Pope seems to be moving in a more orthodox Christian direction he regress to doctrines that leads me to think he knows nothing about true Christianity. What will bringing back Latin mumble jumbo in the Mass do other than satisfy feelings of nostalgia for those who grew up on this mindless ritual?

The Catholic Mass was put into the common language so that people could understand what the priest was doing and saying. Now this Pope wants to make it all mystical again. The correct position to take if he ever wants to start on a path to unite Christianity would be to do away with the Mass altogether since the Mass is not supported by scripture.continue reading