Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events

If you look on my blog side bar you will see by far the post that is being hit on the most frequently is The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy. That fact probably has more to do with keyword rankings in Google then it does with the interests of the readers of this Blog, but even so, the account in Genesis of the Son’s of God taking the daughters of men as wife’s and producing an offspring called the Nephilim seems to be of great interest to a whole lot of people. Perhaps that is because people sense that there is more to the story than what they were taught in Sunday school on this topic.… continue reading

Fostering the Spiritual Reformation Movement for the Emergent Subversive Church

Top Christian subversive, Richard Foster, leads the Spiritual Reformation Movement and Richard Foster is also held in high esteem in the emergent subversive church movement. So whats the big deal about the Spiritual Reformation Movement and the Emergent Church? Only that spiritual reformation concepts and the contemplative prayer concepts of the Emergent Church Movement are much the same. This, “get in touch with your own spirituality movement” really comes from practices found in Buddhism, Hinduism and and Roman Catholic mysticism. They all descended from the practices of ancient Babylon. It has nothing to do with concepts taught in Christianity and the Bible.… continue reading

Gail Riplinger: Where is thy discernment?

King James only and Gail Riplinger’s “New Age Bible Versions” has more than once been brought up on this Blog and elsewhere. I find it incredible that a woman with degrees in Interior design, with no formal training on the Bible, a woman that cannot even read Hebrew or Greek can set herself up as some authority over the best trained Bible translators in the world. I find it dumbfounding that Christians and even some “discernment ministries” would actually take what she says seriously without even reading what the experts say about her bazaar claims.

I can only surmise that her distortions of the truth appeal to those with a wooden head that somehow became a treasure chest full of conspiracy theories.… continue reading

The 2012 cult: End of the world hysteria and deception from Satan

Here are a couple of good articles for people that are part of, promoting, or want to know more about the rapidly growing 2012 cult that is fueling end of the world hysteria.

2012: Tsunami of Stupidity why the latest apocalyptic cult is a silly scam, by Ron Rosenbaum

The article is good but especially follow the links in the article if you wish to be deprogrammed from the 2012 cult.

My own perspective of this 2012 cult is that it is a sinister deception from Satan. There are just two many spokes on this 2012 wheel for this not to be a deception from Satan.… continue reading

Worldviews in Collision

Christians in surveys often do not even have a Christian Worldview. I think this article is a very good summery of the six main worldviews in the world today. There are worldviews other than just these six but these are the six major worldviews on earth today.

Some people teach and are taught and believe different combinations of these worldviews. For example, Humanism and Marxism are often part of a mix because they have overlapping concepts. True Christianity in contrast is in absolutely collision with all other worldviews.

The six major world wordviews are:

The Christian Worldview
The Islamic Worldview
The secular Humanist Worldview
The Marxist Worldview
The Cosmic Humanist Worldview
The Postmodern Worldview

Although I agree with the statement of the hope and goal of Summit Ministries.… continue reading

Christian wordviews in crises

Brannon Howse believes the Church is losing its youth because the Church no longer teaches biblical Christian worldviews. I have to agree. Parents and churches are avoiding the important issues of our time so children mostly get their worldviews from public schools and the media. The views most people now get are anti-Christian worldviews and that is why we are losing the culture to socialists/humanists. Many parents and churches avoid the issues and do not teach on Christian worldviews because they are totally confused themselves.

Therefore, we are not going to get anywhere in reclaiming a Christian culture in America if all that is taught in churches and our homes is stories about the Bible.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist be a Jew or a Gentile? – A bakers dozen different views.

I ran across this interesting interview by Dr. Reagan.

At a Bible prophecy conference Dr. Reagan interviewed 11 well known people in bible prophecy and asked them if they believed the Antichrist will be a Jew? Along with Dr. Reagan’s own view point on this topic there are twelve viewpoints given in this article. It is always interesting to read the different answers you will get from some of the top Bible prophecy speakers on the same subject. Like I said in a recent comment, I looked at 20 websites and got twenty completely different interpretations for the seven heads on the Beast in Revelation. continue reading

Fallen Angels and Demons are behind Dan Brown’s book and Ron Howard’s occult movie.

Dan Brown, Christopher Hitchens and Ron Howard (of Happy Days are here again) have teamed up once again on their continuing agenda to attack Christianity through presenting demonic half truths and outright lies in their books and movies.

Angels and Demons” is a book and a movie designed to mislead our postmodern generation that is dumbed down on history and on Christianity.

Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels basically said if big lies are told often enough people will come to believe them. Satan was a liar from the beginning and he continues to tell big lies through people who love his lying message.… continue reading

Christian bookstores reflect Christianity in America but what it reflects is the increasing apostasy

I quote below some snippets of what Marsha West had to say about what you will find in protestant Christian bookstores. You really need to read the full article to get the true drift into apostasy. Christian bookstores are a good reflection of Christianity in America today. So obviously we can see by what is selling that Christianity in America is becoming increasingly apostate. Is it any wonder then that our nation is also in great decline both morally and economically?

The Christian bookstores and airwaves are full of deception and the people of this nation cannot discern truth because they have become biblically illiterate.… continue reading

Muslim Antichrist proponents totally miss Islamic moral law

Dr. David Reagan has been receiving attacks on the Internet for his article in Lamplighter that debunked the concept of a Muslim Antichrist. One of the misconceptions of Muslim Antichrist proponents is that Islam is looking for a Mahdi that all Muslims will unite behind. They believe this Mahdi will be the Antichrist and will lead Muslims to fight against Israel and the “Christian” West. Never mind that there really is no Christian West, there is only a pseudo Christian West. There are more true Christians in Communist China than there are in today’s humanistic Europe.

I frankly do not know why Christians believe Muslim eschatology as if the lies of Islam can give Christians prophetic truth? … continue reading

Is Mexico next in America’s ongoing series of judgments?

As if the United States does not have enough problems we almost certainly will find ourselves fighting and picking up most of the costs of another war. This one will be very close to home. This war will be against the drug cartels of Mexico or even Mexico itself if the nation becomes controlled by drug lords (supplementary information on this war) – More information on U.S. involvement.

The drug cartels in Mexico already have a military force that rivals the Mexican army. Mexico is now becoming a narco-state and if that happens it will become the greatest threat to U.S.… continue reading

Mary apparitions may be the deception that unifies world religions into becoming the Harlot of Revelation

The excerpts of the article I quoted are from an article on “The Coming One World Religion, by Jim Simmons. I think in his article he has done an excellent job of communicating the Hallmarks of the false religious system called the Great Harlot in Revelation.

He like Roger Oakland and myself and some others believe that Mary apparitions will be a major unifier of the world religions. We know the apparitions and the messages will not be from Mary because the messages contradict what God says in the Bible. I believe the apparition is the same Queen of Heaven demonic being that God condemned in the Old Testament.… continue reading

The blinded elite advance towards the “New Age” “New World Order”

I guess we have all heard about the terms “New World Order” and “New Age”. But have you every wondered what the elite of the world really think about when they use these terms? This article will give you some views of where the elite think mankind is heading in the very near future.

As you watch current events and the actions of world leaders unfold in the next two decades just remember that the crises and transitions that the world will be going through is not a human conspiracy because there is no cabal of illuminated men in some back room planning this all out.… continue reading

The ministry of the two witnesses is the most understated 1260 days in Bible prophecy

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World
By Don Koenig

The ministry of the two witnesses from God in Revelation chapter 11 will last for 1260 days. This event is the most understated event of Bible prophecy. The witnesses, the two prophets from heaven will shake the world to its core and the whole world will rejoice when they are killed because they tormented those who dwell on the earth.

I think we totally underestimate the impact that these two prophets will have on the world.

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Christian parents need to get control of public schools or get their children out of them

Our public schools played a large role in producing the postmodern amoral generation we have in America today. There is little doubt that the public schools will now accelerate their attempts to make all children subjects of the radical Far Left social engineering Marxists that run our education systems. Now they have government supporting them and see that as a mandate for even more radical agendas to shape the minds of children as young as preschoolers. They will be taught to be openly anti-Christian, anti-moral, pro sex perversion and taught to undermine parental authority through state backed intimidation.

People who leave their children in public schools will see their own children turn against them and the Christian values that they hold.… continue reading

Three demonically inspired worldviews merge to oppose the Christian worldview

Brannon House gives a very good explanation of how three different demonically inspired worldviews have merged to create what he calls “One-World Spirituality”. After you read this article you will have a much better understanding of where Oprah, Obama, Al Gore,Tolle are leading the world via the lies from Media, Educational systems, Radical Environmentalism, Emergent Church, WCC, CFR, UN etc.

Over half of America now is under the influence of this new worldview and that includes most of those who call themselves Christians. All of the three worldviews are incompatible with Christianity and when combined they are not only hostile toward Bible believers they also have the power to carry out hostility and persecution on those who oppose them.… continue reading

Obama, Oprah, and Tolle’s narcissism will bring the world New Age enlightenment?

This article sure hits the nail on the head. It makes the connection between Obama, Oprah and Tolle. This trinity of malignant narcissist’s think that they will actually change the world from what it is, to a “world as it should be”.

Imagine having Obama in the White house and having Oparah and Tolle as his advisers. Obama will control what you are told from the political, Oprah will greatly influence TV addicts, and Tolle will be the false prophet of a New Age pluralist religion that tells the world to hail this elitist pluralist puppet speaking great things.

We already see that most of the world is putting their future hope in the Obamanation who has done absolutely nothing to warrant such a position or the world’s admiration.… continue reading

The hippie counterculture movement and their offspring all hail the Obamanation

I always said wait until the counterculture hippies grew up and they got into positions of power. Well that day has arrived and they have taken control of the education system, political system, national media, and the religious systems of America. They also produced postmodern brainwashed children who now believe themselves to be the norm. So unless real Christians and real conservatives win this cultural war it is the end of this nation. When the far left hippies and their offspring gain total control they will embrace a totally pagan fascist world system. Woe to any who oppose them.

Had anyone said that America would decline this rapidly fifty years ago people would have thought you were smoking dope.… continue reading

Parallels between The Shack God and A.A.’s higher power.

“The Shack”, by William P. Young is still a hugely popular and very deceptive book that is likely to become a movie. Those that believe there is a Christian message or theme in this book are totally deceived and must not believe biblical doctrine themselves at all. The book presents another God, another Christ, and another path to salvation. “The Shack” really promotes “New Age” all paths Universalism much like A.A. which itself was founded by a man who got messages from the occult. The book is blasphemous toward God presuming to speak for God while actually promoting a “Queen of Heaven” type God that does not exist.… continue reading

The Church needs a biblical thinking conference to counter postmodern doctrines of demons

The article I link to in this post says a lot and not just about contemplative prayer. It explains the demonic deceptions that are going on in many churches today in the name of being relevant to our postmodern society. I doubt that there are many large evangelical churches that are not to some extent being negatively influenced by this by either the pastor, some assistant pastor or one or more lay leaders. Certain influential national leaders are mixing various amounts of poison wrapped in Christian speak and Christian sounding programs and many are buying into their deadly deceptions because they never hear any biblical counter argument.… continue reading