The “new age” of pagan enlightenment

There is nothing new under the sun. When man thinks he is moving toward new enlightenment he really starts moving back to the same old pre-Christian paganism. We see that happening today in post-Christian society that is starting to look like the pagan barbarism of the past. We are on our way to the “New Age” of pagan enlightenment which really will bring the world into satanic bondage.

Good thinking!

the secular way station

The most recent European outrages seen in the media are just the beginning. Whether it is British schoolchildren being forced to pray to Allah by their teacher, government judges declaring the valid jurisdiction of Talmudic and Shariah law, or the simple breakdown of peaceful, rational society, it is clear that post-Christian society is far more likely to resemble pagan pre-Christian society than it is to develop into the godless vision of an equalitarian, sexually androgynous workers’ paradise so often sold to the masses by secular prophets of one form or another.

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Colorado and California are a preview of a coming national agenda to censor Christians.

Just wait a couple of years until what they are doing in Colorado and California becomes national laws. Think not? Give Democrats complete control of all branches of government and I assure you national hate speak laws and school and corporate sex indoctrination laws will be passed and enforced.

Just look at the recent vote on the second amendment to the Constitution. Any idiot can read that it forbids the disarming of the people. Yet four of nine Supreme Court Judges did not see it that way. All of them were Liberals and these four always vote against any literal interpretation of our constitution.… continue reading

Obama and idols?

I of course do not know if Obama actually has faith in idols or if he actually carries them around but just the fact that a “Christian” would accept an idol tells me that he could not be a believer. Why would foreigners even believe this? Obviously they do not believe that Obama is a Christian either. At least not in the sense that Jesus is the only way to God. Lets be clear about one thing Obama clearly said that he thinks there are other paths to God besides Christianity. That should tell any real Christian that Obama is just a great pretender.… continue reading

Realistic imminent dangers to the United States within the next 15 years

I wrote these articles on imminent dangers to the United States a couple of years ago and they are on my website but I think in light of the world and national situation and the fact that many that read this blog have not read my main website it may be appropriate to post a review to these imminent danger to the United States on this blog. The greatest danger to America is in the next 15 years.

Imminent Danger for the United States of America Superpower

Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) – Imminent danger to the US # 1

Massive oil and gas disruptions – Imminent Danger to the U.S.continue reading

Keep walking in the wolves footprints and see where that leads you!

Jan Markell makes it clear that Todd Bentley is a wolf even if she does not want to demonize Bentley I think it is a bit too late. He is demonized and if that steps on your latter rain theology, good.

Two decades ago I said that the Charismatics and Pentecostals will continue to split into two major camps. One camp will become biblically grounded and do all things in order, for example, the Calvary Chapels. The other group will continue to move away from sound doctrine into questionable mysterious experiences. I was correct. The leadership moved even beyond what anyone could foresee.… continue reading

Lakeland’s latest outpouring of demonic Bentley dung

This is a pretty good analysis of Todd Bentley with some good links to youtube so you can get to see the WWF act for yourself. Frankly, any Christian that believes that what is coming from Todd Bentley and LakeLand is from God might just skip the whole act and just check themselves into their local mental ward. That includes you pastors and media who promote this satanic blasphemy. From Brownsville to Toronto to Kansas City to Lackland all the false prophets that have opened up Christianity to ridicule and make a mockery of God with their blasphemy should be stoned.… continue reading

Censorship: good or evil?

Censorship has almost always been the rule in the world. Strong leaders and control freaks always end up in control until the next revolution. You can really only have free speech in a moral society because man’s decadent nature and his ideas will eventually pervert society. We have had free speech in the Western world since World War II and it has produced the very decadent permissive society that we see today. Unfortunately censorship it is only as good as the censors. When you get evil censors they censor the wrong people.

What is happening today is that the perverts are beginning to censor the moral people because they do not like to hear the truth about their own evil practices.… continue reading and their conspiracy loons.

One of the reasons why I no longer link to is the many hateful conspiracy loons who write articles on that forum. There are some good posts on that website so I check it but I wish writers with Christian discernment would post elsewhere.

I cannot believe that intelligent people would actually believe that our own government was behind 9/11. These people see all government linking to a great unprovable international conspiracy to bring in some imaginary new world order that is already set in stone in back rooms of think tanks. They have been on this nonsense for many decades but they continually find a new audience.… continue reading

“Christians” and “men” in the U.S. cowered by sodomites!

Its really is all about forcing the whole world to legitimize their own perversions. What is really crazy is that two percent of the world’s population are telling the other 98 percent to give up any morality they have and they are getting away with it. Next, the drug addicts will tell the rest of us they we need to allow them to openly parade their practices in public and push their lifestyles to our children in schools. Same difference!

Men that are allowing perversion to become normal practice in society truly need their own manhood check. Why are they cowered by perverted sex sissies and why are they allowing their children to be morally raped by sodomites in government, schools and media?continue reading

The radical views of Barack Obama and the stupidity of the American electorate

I think this article and many other articles that I have read makes it abundantly clear that Obama is a racist and a Marxist. You do not join with a racist church for 20 years if you do not agree with its core teachings, or marry a wife that agrees with its core teachings, or make friends and mentors out of those who agree with its core teachings.

Even on resigning from the church due to political pressure all Obama could say was good words about the pastor who invited the speaker that forced him to resign (and was also one of Obama’s mentors).… continue reading

Some Pentecostals need to quit acting like stupid children and grow up!

Carla at “More Books and Things” put together a nice set of links about Todd Bentley and what is going on in the loony movement in Lakeland Florida.

My opinion is that Bentley is either a con artist, demon possessed or is mentally ill. Take any selection that works for you. This unbelievable bozo even has a angel named Emma? There are no angels named Emma. Angels are always masculine. So believe me Emma is no angel and Bentley is no spokesman for God. This clod is saying that when he got sucked up to heaven God told him we are hindering God from healing us?… continue reading

The right God is the only God that can be God

The only God we need to concern ourselves with is the one who made it possible for us to fellowship with Him through His own doing. Any God that would allow someone to fellowship with Him because of their own doing would have to trade places. On the other hand, if you cannot even have a personal relationship with your God what good is He? No Oprah, you do not qualify.

How do you know you have the right God?” – CWN

Here’s the promise of the gospel. Upon my repentance and faith in Jesus, my guilt will disappear. All of it.

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California is where stupidly replaced wisdom

You will have to read the article to see how society will change because of allowing same sex couples to marry. If what is pointed out here does not get you to vote for the marriage amendment you are going to get a world that makes no natural sense at all. California will become the land of fruits, nuts and total social insanity.

California: Where compassion replaced wisdom

It is difficult to imagine a single social change greater than redefining marriage from opposite sex to include members of the same sex.

Nothing imaginable – leftward or rightward – would constitute as radical a change in the way society is structured as this redefining of marriage for the first time in history: Not another Prohibition, not government taking over all health care, not changing all public education to private schools, not America leaving the United Nations, not rescinding the income tax and replacing it with a consumption tax.

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The rise of atheistic propaganda is another prelude to a great deception

The atheists are in vogue again. Just like there were in the past when atheism and evil philosophies rose in the world. We must be heading toward a new demonic deception and these delusional God haters are helping to set the stage. This is a good article that puts their stupid arguments in the proper trash bin.

What Triggered Such a Sudden Onslaught of Hard-Core, Mean-Spirited Atheistic Propaganda? – CWN

The evidence clearly shows that many of our institutions of higher leaning are cesspools of atheism and hotbeds of radicalism, including sexual radicalism. It’s as though we’re reliving the pre-French and pre-Bolshevik revolutionary eras.

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Spiritual treason is evident but treason can also be in the eye of the beholder.

I agree with what Steve Camp says in this article but have two statements and one observation on what he said. I observe you made a comment on Christian bloggers making revenue by putting advertising on their blogs as if this is wrong. Then I observe that you posted your article on a website that has many advertisements on both sides of your article?

My statement is that many bloggers and websites ministries that present Christian material are working full time at it and I think they have a right to try to make some income to support themselves and their families.… continue reading

The FLDS yearning for.. government kidnapping

Vox Day speaks up on the kidnapping of the children at the YFZ ranch in Texas. I think what he says makes some good points that I have not brought up in my prior posts on this raid.

Kidnapped by government

How you raise your children is between you and God alone. It is not a matter for the state or anyone else; it never has been. As this mass kidnapping of FLDS children and incredible violation of due process will almost surely demonstrate over time, government is a ruthless and power-maddened institution that is the very last one capable of serving the interests of the children.

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Demographics makes it clear that the harvest of the earth draws near

At the rate the birth rate is falling the young adult population of the earth will peak in two decades. When the young mature crop in the field is at its peak is when the harvest will come. This is another sure sign that we are living very near the time when the angels will be told to harvest the wheat of the earth.

‘Demographic Winter’ Exposes the Century’s Overlooked Crisis – HUMAN EVENTS

“Demographic Winter” — a dramatic new documentary — is the first to explore the most overlooked crisis of our times: the rapid, worldwide decline in birth rates.Philip

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Jim Wallis: Delusions from the Left

Jim Wallis has delusions of grandeur as he sees himself leading a “Great Awaking” of us blind evangelicals into his pathways to a socialist secular utopia.

Yeah sure Jim, are you taking your medicine?

FrontPage Magazine

Sojourners chief Jim Wallis is leading a new “Great Awakening” in America, according to his new book by the same name.America’s first Great Awakening was in the mid-18th century, when revivalist preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield preached a Christian revival that won thousands of converts. Later great awakenings in the19th century likewise strove to win lost souls for Heaven.

As the Religious Left’s modern “prophet,” Wallis is interested not so much in Heaven but in expanding the welfare state, restricting the free market, reducing American influence around the world, and apologizing for the Islamist tyrants and Marxist dictators who are ostensibly victims of American imperial overreach.

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See if you can get “Expelled”

There is a true movie out by Ben Stein called “Expelled” that every Christian needs to support and see. It does not even matter if you already believe in intelligent design. We need to support movies that proclaim truth and allow for the free exchange of ideas in our educational institutions. Christians also need to become fully aware of just how far the public educational system has moved toward a closed minded bully system run by secular humanist control freaks rooted in Darwinian Fascism.

Only a fool says there is no God

Ben Stein starts out talking about the fact that the United States was built on freedom.

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Christians Consider Drinking Beer Acceptable According to Poll

It is nice to hear that the majority still have some common sense.

The person or persons who said that they do not know anyone that drinks only one beer obviously is hanging around with the wrong people. I suppose he would say the same thing about those who have a glass of wine with dinner? I have news, the vast majority of wine drinkers have one or two glasses of wine and then stop. It is the same with most beer drinkers. The comment that beer and wine does not taste good is a totally ridiculous statement to those who like these food products.continue reading