lying in the eyes of those in the coming economic storm

Craig Smith says were heading for massive inflation in a couple of years. I also believe high inflation is inevitable since they will not allow a massive depression and can’t raise taxes or it would cause one. So they will just print all the funny money they need for the massive bail-outs. Then government will put on a lying happy face and tell everyone how our economy is not in a recession and how it is growing at 2 percent a year. Meanwhile, the costs of everything you need to live on will increase twelve percent or more each year for at least the next decade.… continue reading

Beer and wine use among Christians

I know where I stand on this issue. Drinking was in common place in the early church but obviously getting drunk and being a every day drunkard was never acceptable. Martin Luther and John Calvin and the Catholics believed it was a gift of God. It still is considered that by most in Christianity today when used in moderation. Having said that, it is not acceptable to get intoxicated in the worship service but moderate useĀ  of alcohol should be acceptable in feasts and social gatherings.

Abuses by some led certain feminists to push their own views on everyone else through dominionist laws while most of our men were off to war.… continue reading

Let’s celebrate the Apocalypse, says Vatican

Let’s celebrate the Apocalypse, says Vatican – Telegraph: “Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, said: ‘These masterpieces will help visitors to reread the last book of the Holy Scripture. The Apocalypse is not the worrying announcement of a catastrophic end to humanity, but a great proclamation of the failure of the infernal evils and of the mystery of Christ.'”

Jesus indicates that they were celebrating before the flood came and took them all to their deaths and now you are advocating that people do the same thing. Jesus said people would do this just before the judgments (mat 24:38).continue reading

Sexual abuse in society is followed by judgment

He rightly sees that only a very sick society would have all this sexual deviation which rightly should be called perversion. Sexual perversion in society is a barometer of satanic control over a society. This is why when society gets to the point of enabling sexual perversion God’s judgment always follows. God has already raised up the army for his judgment against Western perversion. It is radicalized Islam. I am not suggesting that Islam is of God but only that God uses evil people to correct evil people. If we would turn from our wicked ways we would not have to endure what is coming but unfortunately Western society has given sexual perverts free reign but they should have known that God watches over the innocent.continue reading