America is on life support – flying flag upside down now seems approprate

Memorial day is a day of remembrance for those fallen in battle in the service of this nation. It is also a good time to give a national warning to those that think freedom is free. The American nation that our forefathers died for already is on life support and if we do not fight to keep our liberty and freedom we will lose it.

Perhaps the time has come for patriotic Americans to fly their flags upside down because the nation is in great distress. If nothing is done to turn America around we will be judged by God. Soon we could no longer be a great or a free nation.… continue reading

Christian leaders need lesson from Jonah and Nineveh about America

There is no political solution to America’s problem because it is a sin problem. Americans are choosing evil. A nation would not go down the path that America is going down if moral people were in control. In a democratic republic evil leaders can only rule if the majority of voters want them in office. There is evil taking place all over this land because the majority of people in America are either partaking in those evils, tolerating those evils, accommodating those evils, or they are doing nothing about those evils that prevail.

Some have said that the only way to turn America around is to convert unbelievers to Christianity.… continue reading

The demonic progressive agenda to turn man into rebellious beasts

The scriptures say that God created man in His own image. Some ancient text scholars say it means that man was created by God to be His image bearers or imagers. I think that is at least partly correct. We can look at other passages and get some light on what this means. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the express image of God (Heb 1:3) and we know that Jesus as God’s image has the capacity to be God over all creation. In like manner, man made in the image of God was given the capacity to rule over the whole earth.… continue reading

Are these tornadoes God’s judgment on America or a test of faith?

After the recent tornadoes in Alabama and Missouri I know some people are wondering if they are judgments of God on America. The answer is no. If they were  judgments of God He would have removed His people out-of-the-way. I know that I will certainly hear the Christian TV repeaters claiming that the tornadoes happened because of Obama’s stance on Israel. After every natural disaster they look for some tit-for-tat relation to Israel. Of course, they mainly apply the tit-for-tat judgments to this country and never to nations that are Israel’s real enemies. It is silly presumption. If God wanted to judge America I doubt if He would destroy two of the most moral cities in our nation as some example of His judgment.… continue reading

The straw that broke the camels back might be blowing in the wind

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan with about ten thousand people dead, hundreds of billions of dollars in damage and a possible nuclear meltdown was all over the news last weekend but I did not hear one peep about it in church. Nothing was said in Sunday school. Nothing was heard in any prayers said that I heard. Nothing came from the pulpit and nothing even was said in casual conversations. I guess us American Christians can be very inward looking and I also point a finger at myself because I never brought up Japan at church either. In contrast, when something much less deadly like 9/11 or Katrina happened in our own country it was on the lips of everyone in every church in the nation.… continue reading

Camping with Rapture loons in 2011

Harold Camping is teaching thousands of the loons that follow him that the Rapture will happen on May 21, 2011. Camping also teaches that the end of the world will occur just four months later on October 21st 2011.

I think all these birdbrains are in for a rude awaking on May 22, 2011 when they find themselves still here after they burned all their bridges on earth in the days of their acting like April fools.

Some of these loons will then probably think that they did not make the Rapture and think that they will reap God’s judgments until they find out that Harold Camping is also still here recalculating what he now claims cannot be wrong.… continue reading

Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading

The Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel and Armageddon are different wars.

One reason why I write new articles is so that I do not have to keep repeating myself when the inevitable questions or criticisms on my Bible prophecy views come up over and over again in comments on this blog or in emails to me. I do wish people would use the search box on the homepage of my website or this blog to find out if I already have written about a topic before they ask questions on Bible prophecy, but they usually do not. (The search box on the website homepage also covers the articles on this blog). Even so, if I already wrote an article on the subject I often just give them a link rather than recreate the wheel.… continue reading

The great chastisement of America will bring revival in this decade

During a moving message on judgment coming to America, my pastor described a revival in one small local church where 53 people accepted the Lord and were baptized in a local river in one week. That revival took place over 60 years ago when certain people prayed and believed God for a move of His Spirit on their community.

My pastor also expressed his own fervent desire to see a revival like that happen in our church before he dies. After the service I told him I believe that he will see it. But, as I said to him, I do not think it will happen until God shakes America to its core.… continue reading

Common misapplications of selected scriptures

Selected scriptures are often commonly parroted by well meaning and also some not so well meaning Christians in America that are simply misapplications of God’s word. I will point out a few here but if you are a serious student of the scriptures others may come to your mind so feel free to share them here. I hope if nothing else this post will get people to look at the full context of a passage in the light of all of God’s word so they will not use selected misapplications as spiritual applications for today. Here are five examples of commonly used misapplications of selected scripture passages.… continue reading

1930’s socialists reincarnated to play in the 2010’s world war games.

There are many parallels to the 1930’s today. History does repeat itself. It seems the socialists of the 1930’s have been reincarnated to play in the upcoming 2010’s world war games.

In the 1930’s the world was heading into a decade of deep depression. All indicators are that in the 2010’s the world will see the same economic fate. In the 1930’s socialism was the big rising ideology. There were some differences between the various socialisms of the 1930’s but they all had many similarities as well, such as government having control over everyone and the redistributing wealth. There was the Hitler’s style, the Lenin/Stalin’s style, Mussolini’s Fascist style, Mao’s style and even FDR’s New Deal style.… continue reading

2010 hurricane season predicts stormy U.S. ties with Israel!

There are certain people in the Bible prophecy field that blame every single natural disaster in the United States on some negative action of the United States toward Israel. Thus, if their tit-for-tat physics is valid using reverse logic the scientific prediction of a very active 2010 Hurricane Season predicts that the United States will have very stormy ties with Israel from June through November.

People on the coast better prepare by telling the Obama administration to give Israel the red carpet treatment this summer or they will get tarred and feathered with wind blown gulf oil and pigeon feathers.

Believe me, I would not expect smooth sailing on the coast this summer even if we gave Israel the Middle East.… continue reading

World agitators in motion signal the next world wash cycle

Anyone else getting the feeling that any remaining sanity on earth is rapidly evaporating because of anthropic global warming? I am not talking about the global warming delusion produced by Al Gore. I am talking about the global warming reality that is produced by the hot heads and air heads of the world.

It seems mankind is like a garment that must go through a cleansing cycle about every 80 years. After the world goes through a wash cycle it becomes as clean as it can get. It then progressively gets dirtier again and in about 80 years God has to throw it back into the washing machine to get rid of the accumulated filth.… continue reading

Observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Here are some observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Dave Daubenmire ran for Congress in Ohio always loudly proclaiming the cross of Christ during his campaign. Here are the results of the vote for him and his observations and conclusions.

I lost my race for Congress last night. It played out pretty much the way I envisioned it would. I had warned the Tea Party movement that they better pick a horse in the primary or they would wind up with a choice between two Bob Dole clones in November.

That is exactly what they got.

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There is no Union, Jack!

Many still talk about America being united but where is the union, Jack? We are still called The United States of America, nevertheless where is the Union Jack? I simply am not seeing much unity in America. This nation under Obama has become more divided than any time since the Civil War.

  • Some American politicians are on the far left and some are on the far right, but the majority are controlled by special interest money brokers.
  • In American Christianity we have the social reformers and the great commissioners, but the majority are the latter day Laodiceans.
  • In American economics we have the Keynesian school and the Austrian school, but the majority is in the “what’s in it for me” school.
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Finding Noah’s Ark proves Bible prophecy but scoffers remain willingly ignorant

The claim that Noah’s Ark was found is being picked up by some of the major news outlets today. The article was on both Fox News and Drudge. I suppose the liberal news will either not cover it or they will make a big deal about the tiny doubt that still remains that this is really Noah’s Ark. I am sure the biblical concept of a ship near the top of a mountain as a result of a flood will make their eyes roll if they are ever told to report it.

I do not know if this will turn out to be the real deal or not.… continue reading

America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

I guess Americans are not quite as dumb about the economy as they are about politics or the majority would never have voted Marxists and Fabian socialists into office. Almost 80 percent of Americans believe the economy might collapse and believe that politicians in Washington do not have a clue how to fix this problem. They of course are 100 percent correct. The economy will collapse and I think the fall is coming sooner than anyone wants to believe. America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente still says the second phase of the collapse will take place this year.continue reading

The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

Demonic nations under judgement

Had what happened in Haiti this week occurred on the same scale in America many people would be saying that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. They would be saying that America was Babylon and it has now fallen. Haiti is not in Bible prophecy and neither is America but throughout history God has only put up with evil nations for so long.

Haiti has been a nation that has sold itself out to Devil worship through Voodoo for two centuries and the consequences have been turning what should be a resort Island into a hell hole with the lowest standard of living on earth.… continue reading

United States EMP aftermath preparedness discussion

Imagine if you wake up tomorrow morning and the electricity is out and your heat is off. You also have no water or telephone service. You find your neighbor and then he locates an old battery operated shortwave radio that is still working and then you hear this:

An EMP has occurred high over the United States from a nuclear explosion that is believed to have come from a missile from some unidentified ship and the entire electrical grid in America and parts of Canada is down.

Official United States government sources could not say when anyone in the United States would have electricity again.continue reading