Common ground betwen Islam and Christianity?

Take a look at the signatories on this letter. Among them are Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Robert Schuller.

God did not call Christians to establish common ground with unbelievers. He told us to preach the good new of salvation through Jesus Christ. It does not matter to these “Christian” leaders that Islam rejects Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind and the Son of God?

I also find it unbelievable that Christians would call Mohammad a prophet. This demonic man got nothing from God but instead he established a religion that would be in direct opposition to God’s people.

I also have news for all of you.continue reading

Collapse of civilization is near

Your not crazy, the collapse of civilization as we know is near. Many of these surplus men will make up the army of the 200 million out of the East in Revelation. There are 163 million surplus men now but there will be many more by 2030. By the time all the end time events play out the Bible says this surplus of men will change to men becoming rarer than gold.

WorldNetDaily: Collapse of civilization is near: “At this risk of sounding like a crazy person, I am driven to say I believe a civilizational collapse is near. Worse, I think it is too late to reverse.

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Muslims Leaders Warn Pope Survival of World at Stake

This is precisely what will take place because of the war on Islamo-Fascism. After that leads the world to the brink the moderates of the world will unite on common ground and fundamental religious groups will be outlawed. Of course at that time it will be hate speech to try to convert anyone to their own belief or to say that Jesus is the only way to God. We already see here that moderate Muslims will have no problem becoming part of the end time harlot religion for sake of world peace. We also see the reason why fundamental Christians will be persecuted just as if they were as dangerous as radical Islamics.continue reading

China is Fascist and the world will be Fascist by 2020

Joe Farah is correct. China is not communistic it is now Fascist. In fact the whole world is become Fascist step by step. Every right the government takes away from its citizens and every new dictated social agenda is one more step toward Fascism. China is now Fascist, Most Islamic countries are now Fascist, The EU is heading toward Fascism, Russia is moving toward Fascism, if not already their. Many Latin America countries are Fascist, The US is moving toward Fascism. The UN polices reflect that they believe in Fascism. Global warming agendas are Fascist.

At the rate the world is going I would say the entire world will be totally Fascist by 2020.continue reading

Is the prophesied destruction of Damascus imminent?

* I think Hal Lindsey is correct in this clip quoted from his article that appeared on WND. Syria will be wiped out in the war on Islamofascism. Then the moderates will ascend to power in the Islamic nations and there will be a period of peace with Israel. Then Iraq and Israel will become the economic hubs of the Middle East. Later Gog (Russia) comes down against Israel that is resting in peace and many Islamic nations join with him but not Iraq. These forces are defeated by God. Iraq then becomes the center point of Babylon the Great of Revelation and the Middle East.continue reading

What is Post-Postmodernism?

Excellent article about the war going on in the end time churches.

What is Post-Postmodernism? – CWN: “Postmodernism is seen, in part, in the ordination of homosexuals in the liberal mainline churches, the embracing of higher criticism and skepticism of the Biblical texts, and the utilization of pop culture advertising techniques in reaching the masses. While the church is waging internal wars about power-point choruses versus hymnbooks, praise bands versus organs, formal attire versus casual, our Postmodern nation is on the verge of losing the ability to maintain its foundational institutions. Wimps can’t govern themselves. God told Jonah that Ninevah was on the verge of being destroyed.

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Jews urging Christians to save Jewish Temple

Wait a minute. You Jews want us Christians to tell your atheist government, that you elected, what to do? You might use a little more effort in getting Jews in your own country to elect leaders who will take care of your holy sites. We are not your baby sitters. If you cannot even keep your own lands because of unbelief and cowardliness by your people you don’t deserve to have the land. Remember God threw you out of the land a couple of times before because of your nation’s unbelief. So change your ways or expect worse things to come upon you.continue reading

What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine

That is why I call the Emergent Church Rosemary’s baby of the seeker friendly movement. The leaders of the Emergent Church grew up in the seeker churches where Bible doctrine was downplayed.

The post-modern emergent movement along with Rome’s leadership fits to a tee the Harlot Woman who rides the Beast of Revelation. They most likely will be brought together in a war against Islam and it will hate fundamental religion of any kind and embrace all beliefs except those who claim to have absolute truth.

What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine – CWN: “The Emerging Church Movement is about evangelizing the consumer.

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Bill Maher’s is going to make a film with his wisdom on Religion

Here comes another film from the wisdom of atheists who attack what they know nothing about. I see nothing about Islam in this article? It would not surprise me that Bill Maher would exclude Islam in his film. These people attack what they do not know and fear what they do know.

Mather, you cannot possibly know about Christianity if you do not believe in the righteousness of God. So you cannot offer anyone any wisdom on this subject. It is rather ridiculous for people to be making films on topics they know nothing about. It is not a comedy it is a tragedy.continue reading

Bishop Wants Everyone to Call God Allah

Where do they grow these buffoons? The Bishop says God does not care what we call Him? We can debate where the name Allah really came from – The language or a demon god — but that is not the main issue anyway. The Quran says that Allah has NO SON. So how does Christians calling God Allah make Christians submissive to Islam’s Allah who has no son, as Islam requires? Christianity clearly says that if you do not have the Son you do not have the Father either. Islam does not have the Son and therefore does not have the Father either.continue reading

Evangelicals tell Bush to support a Palestinian State in the land of Israel

The list of the signatories makes it clear that this letter is from a bunch of replacement theology dominionists. They do not represent those who take the Bible literally. The Bible clearly says the land of Israel was given to descendants of Israel forever. Yet, the letter from them says that the “Palestinians” had a right to the “land of Israel”. They contradict themselves in their own letter! They first call it the “land of Israel” and then say the “land of Israel” also belongs to non Israelites. The solution they endorse is not a solution since Islam is violently opposed to Israel and always will be until Jesus returns.continue reading

Jack Hayford says Iran confrontation is inevitable

A military confrontation is inevitable very soon unless the Iranians overthrow Islamic rule.

LA evangelical leader: Iran confrontation ‘inevitable’ Jerusalem Post
A military confrontation with Iran over its nuclear weapons program appears increasingly inevitable, a senior American evangelical leader said on Tuesday.
“The horrible terror of the almost wild-eyed behavior of [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad is enough to cause any thinking person to ask: Is there another way than some military intervention?” Pastor Jack W. Hayford, president of the International Church of Foursquare Gospel, told The Jerusalem Post in an interview.

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The Emergent Manifesto for a new age religion

I think it is fairly clear from scripture that true Bible believing Christians will one day become the targets of other religious people who have played the harlot with “new age” pagan mysticism and an all ways lead to God mentality. Frankly, they will be glad to get rid of us if we do depart in the rapture. If we do not, or if some are left behind they will certainly want to eliminate us from the earth thinking they are doing God a favor.

Revelation is clear that persecution will come when the fifth seal is opened and it is also clear that all the blood of the saints of the earth is found within the woman who rides the Beast of Revelation 17.continue reading

War Crimes by Jamie Glazov

“War Crimes” is a book that explains the treason that comes from the Left. The Left can only gain power when this nation loses.

My view is that the Left power brokers will do anything including treason to gain that power. Their allegiance is not to the United States, it is to a socialist world order run by those who believe they are the enlightened rightful rulers of this world. They are a self rightious delusional people who see themselves as God’s gift to save the world.

FrontPage :: War Crimes by Jamie Glazov: “Patterson: The bottom line is the Left in this country only wins when America loses.

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Moderate Muslims have the same end as the radicals or they are not Muslims

Moderate Muslims are those who talk the talk but won’t walk the walk of Islam. They are something like liberal “Christians”. Don’t expect moderate Muslims to take a stand against Muslims who use violence. They cannot oppose them, they have no scriptural foundation to stand on. They might not believe in violence as the means to the end or they might not want to do any violence themselves but they do believe in the same end and they are not going to take a stand against those working toward that end.

They often fear what the radicals might bring on their own heads but that is not the same as opposing their actions.continue reading

The coming civil war in Europe

Spensor makes a lot of sense. The far Left and Islam both want a just society brought about by force. This self righteous evil is what they have in common. He is also correct that there will be civil war in Europe. Europeans will only allow Islam to go so far and then their will be a backlash. A “Christian” savior figure will arise who will round the Muslim’s up like they did the Jews and they will conquer the Middle East. Oil will be a major factor. This savior figure will probably be the biblical Antichrist. I can see this scenario all happening within the next two decades


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Father Jonathan speaks for Pope?

I greatly respect Father Jonathan but can’t the Pope make these things clear himself? I wish you were the head of the Catholic Church, Father, then maybe we would get somewhere, but you are not. We read what this Pope said. If he did not mean what the press communicated on his writings he should be the one to clarify it. Anyone can use their own beliefs and spin to try to tell us that the Pope is not excluding non Catholics from the Body of Christ but I want to hear that said from the head man himself.

You say the Pope does not believe all non Catholics will all go to hell but that is not the issue.continue reading

Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK

The Western leaders do not understand what is coming but one day soon the people will. The fact that nobody Muslim will break with Muslim leaders nullifies the naive idea that saner Muslims will prevail and integrate with Western societies. They will not until the radicals are forcefully nullified.

WorldNetDaily: Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK: “‘Not one said, ‘You’re not speaking for me’ or ‘Not in my name.’ They stood there and watched and applauded,’ he told WND.

Like the UK, Humphries said, the U.S. has three major vulnerabilities to patient, fundamentalist Muslims who believe their purpose for living in the West is to help fulfill Islamic prophecies: The loss of border control, the inability to say no and lack of assimilation.

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The Muslim Global War against Christianity

If you wish to know where and how Islam is actively waring against Christianity today all over the world read the article. Yet, our leaders act as if Islam is a religion of peace and think that kowtowing to them and denying that this war of civilizations is going on will appease this nasty beast. They, like many people in the West are just whistling in the dark past the graveyards of millions hoping the beast will not come to their home. It will the beast will follow them home and devour them.

American Thinker: Islam’s Global War against Christianity “The global war on Christianity by Islam is so massive in size and scope that it is virtually impossible to describe without trivializing it.

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Sexual abuse in society is followed by judgment

He rightly sees that only a very sick society would have all this sexual deviation which rightly should be called perversion. Sexual perversion in society is a barometer of satanic control over a society. This is why when society gets to the point of enabling sexual perversion God’s judgment always follows. God has already raised up the army for his judgment against Western perversion. It is radicalized Islam. I am not suggesting that Islam is of God but only that God uses evil people to correct evil people. If we would turn from our wicked ways we would not have to endure what is coming but unfortunately Western society has given sexual perverts free reign but they should have known that God watches over the innocent.continue reading