ISIS: Obama’s dithering is letting a good crisis go to waste

The United States has a big opportunity to kill the terrorists that identify as ISIS. These terrorists have made it abundantly clear that they will kill Americans and anyone else in the world that does not accept their version of Islamic rule. Obama’s dithering on dealing with ISIS is just letting a good crisis go to waste.

When the cockroaches expose themselves, and are assembling in one small area, is the best time to let the professional exterminators come in and do the job that they were trained to do.

I do not know why our politicians on both side of the aisle say that we should not put boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria.… continue reading

Don Koenig’s World and Church Trends Perspectives Aug 2014

It seems that the mainstream press wants to make the news rather than report the news. They have dropped coverage of most crises in the world in order to make race in America the number one issue this month. And no wonder, the radical Left includes the leadership of much of mainstream media. They are doing all they can to divide America by race and class.

This is all part of the Communist plan to bring social upheavals that will destroy the Middle-Class and force more government changes toward statist Communism. In case you did not get it yet, the far Left in America is either Communist or is a very close socialist cousin.… continue reading

World and Church Trends Perspectives July 2014

The main event in world news this month has been the rocket attacks on Israel and Israel’s military response on the terrorists that are firing the rockets from Gaza. Unless there is some new major unforeseen offense by the terrorists, I think the response by Israel will be limited. Israel’s main mission probably is to find and destroy the rockets and the tunnels. I do not think Israel will launch the type of military campaign that would be necessary to take down Hamas.

Iran supplies the terrorists in Gaza with weapons and it is Iran that told the terrorists to reject the Egyptian brokered cease-fire and to continue to fire rockets at Israel.… continue reading

World and Church Trends Perspectives Jun 2014

The unforeseen election loss of Eric Cantor is one of the biggest political upsets in American history. The Republican Majority Leader was dethroned by a conservative unknown named David Brat. Cantor outspent Brat $40 to $1. He was still expected to win his primary by a landslide just days before the Republican primary election but Cantor lost by a landslide. David beat Goliath.

Apparently, people in Virginia were heavily influenced by the headline news of the dumping of thousands of children from Central America on our southern borders and Cantor’s insistence that amnesty and immigration reforms had to be pushed through the House this summer.… continue reading

Will America avoid the coming foreign wars or coming civil war?

If America gets involved in a major war in the Middle East or in Asia, the usual rallying around the flag might make it possible for America to avoid a civil war unless the war becomes unpopular or the draft is restarted. If a foreign war and the rallying around the flag does not happen, the future for America could be even more bleak than a foreign war because race baiters and socialistic radicals are fueling divisions in America that very well could lead to civil warfare.

The increasingly lawless unconstitutional government of the Obama administration with its Big Brother and anti traditional America agenda, socialist wealth redistribution programs, and anti Christian social activism could bring about civil warfare before the next presidential election.… continue reading

Want to predict the top news stories of 2014 in advance?

What do you think will be the top news stories of 2014? If you give what you believe will be the top 5, 10, or 25 news stories of 2014, they will be posted as long as what you say is civil, legal, and what you say passes a basic sanity test. If you are going to use the Bible as a reference, but what you say shows that you never read it, don’t expect me to post it. That also goes for just quoting false prophets and loons like Ed Dames that appear on the Coast-to-Coast radio program and elsewhere.… continue reading

Choosing sides in Nations indoctrinated by Islam a religion of hate

With the rise of violence that we see taking place in most Muslim Middle East nations, conditions on earth are obviously taking a  radical turn for the worst. These military and mob actions in the Middle East are not going away anytime soon, and there really is nothing America can do about them but get out-of-the-way. What America does have to do, is to stop the Islamists from ever getting nuclear weapons because it is pretty obvious that they would use them if they had them.

All sides are blaming America for the bloodshed and there is even some degree of truth to that claim because we should have kept out of the affairs of Islamic nations as much as is possible.… continue reading

Fabian Push For Global Governance Means The Day Of The Lord Is Near

If Christian think that Jesus is going to return in the next two decades, and many of us do, then it should not surprise us that nations will now align and the world will become like the prophets in the Bible foretold about the end days.  In fact, Jesus told us that we are not of darkness that day should come upon us like a thief (1 Th 5:4). If we are to be aware when the Day of the Lord is near, there must be things that are uniquely observable to us Christians before the Day of the Lord arrives.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jun 2013

Americans elected a first class deceiver for President and now we reap the consequences. None of what is being revealed about what is going on in this administration surprises or shocks me. I really do not want to even address the issues because there are too many of them and I know that nothing much is going to be done about most of them anyway. The House show will go on but they are dealing with racketeering pros and they will never get to the top.

The evil people behind Obama and the people that he appoints will continue to ignore our Constitution.… continue reading

Those optimistic about America’s future are not living in reality.

America is a nation with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to keep individuals free from government tyranny. However, it is obvious that most Americans have now given up these rights for the shackles of socialism and the facade of false security. The politicians that Americans elect still give lip service to our Constitution but their actions show that their heart is far from it.

Tyrannical control freaks are not supposed to be ruling Americans under our system of government but nevertheless it is very apparent they already are.

One successful terrorist attack brought America to its knees when Americans allowed this attack to open the door to a police state.… continue reading

High oil and gas prices exist because of speculation and government!

Right now we obviously have a stability problem in the Middle East that drives speculators to bet that oil prices will go higher. The speculators create a spike or bubble and that is why gas is now $4 a gallon. If we can get the Middle East to settle down (fat chance) and get our government to start developing our own huge oil reserves, oil could soon fall to $50 a barrel. That would mean that in most states gas would be under $2 a gallon.

I know about the Hubbert peak oil theory. It is not entirely wrong but it is based on conventional oil and he had no way of knowing the advances that would come in the technology.… continue reading

Any operational Bushehr nuclear reactor is destroyed with Babylon.

It has been announced that Russia is going to fuel up the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran on Aug 21st, 2010. That has also fueled speculation by some that Israel or even the U.S. will attack the reactor within the next eight days because after it goes operational nobody would dare attack this reactor because radiation would be spread over a large area of the Middle East. Attacking it after it has become operational for a while would even be worse, because it would spread the Plutonium that is generated in the fuel rods and wherever this Plutonium dust might spread would become radioactive and uninhabitable for human life for many thousands of  years.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, July 2010

I decided to start a monthly series on my perspectives on world and church issues. Some will have some bearing on end time Bible prophecy.

For those who do not know me and found this post through a search engine. I have had a website called The Prophetic Years for over ten years. For the last three years the site also hosts a Blog named World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy. This blog is where these monthly perspectives are posted along with other posts of interest usually related to the Blog title. I will create a special category on the sidebar for these perspectives so you can find them all in one place.… continue reading

Babylon the Great is about to rise.

This article probably has plenty of Bible prophecy significance. Iraq is trying to set up a group of nations like the EU in the Middle East. Many who study Bible prophecy have been saying that Iraq will rise again as a great world center of prosperity in the last days and fulfill the prophecies of Babylon and Babylon the Great. This most likely is the first major step in building the foundation for that entity.

Also notice that other regions on earth are doing the same thing as this EU pilot project prototype. All generally are following the Club of Rome’s plan for ten regional governments under a central world government.… continue reading

Iraq has the largest oil reserves in the world and will fulfill the prophecies on Babylon

With this information it becomes much more credible that Iraq (Babylon) will rise to become very wealthy in these last days. By the way, Iraq has real plans to make the city of Babylon into a world cultural center and theme park. So don’t be surprised when Iraq becomes the economic powerhouse in the Middle East like the Bible indicates. Also if Iraq starts major development of these oil fields their increased output will take care of any world shortages. I think in two decades or so Iraq/Babylon will realistically be able to fulfill Bible prophecy about Babylon.

Iraq could have largest oil reserves in the world – Times Online

Iraq dramatically increased the official size of its oil reserves yesterday after new data suggested that they could exceed Saudi Arabia’s and be the largest in the world.

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Astute Bible prophecy teacher and author Joel Rosenberg (interview)

Here is one great interview with Joel Rosenberg who gives his very astute view of end time events. His latest book is “Dead Heat” – Transcripts

ROSENBERG: Well I think eventually Rome will be the center of the E.U. How is that going to happen? I don`t know. There is a lot I don`t know. The point is the Bible laid out some details it doesn`t give us all the details.

BECK: Is it true that we — we haven`t bombed parts of Iraq because of, not only the historic significance, but the biblical significance of — of Babylon?

ROSENBERG: Babylon itself, Babylon is a province, it`s also a city, but there is no one living in current Babylon, it`s being reconstructed.

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The United Nation Returns to Iraq

The UN will take over nation building in Iraq. It will be the world headquarters of the Beast world government of the Antichrist. Twenty years down the line most Christians will understand the implications of a modern world class city being built at Babylon, if they are still here.

The United Nation Returns to Iraq – HUMAN EVENTS: “Four years after an explosives-packed suicide cement truck blew up and destroyed the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to expand its operation in Iraq. ”

“Iraq’s Al Azzaman Website quoted a senior U.N. spokesman as saying: “The U.N.

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Iraq may have world’s second largest oil reserves

Iraq’s oil Reserves will prove to be even more then what is said. Iraq will have the capabilities to fill the world’s oil gap for at least 10 or 20 years if they get stability over there. In that amount of time the oil wealth could propel Babylon to become the newest world class city just in time for the Antichrist figure around 2030 AD. Ten million barrels per day would work out to over $25,000 a year for each family in Iraq every year after all costs of production. If someone were selling that point to the Iraq people it just might give them the incentives to find peace.continue reading