Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues May 2013

As you probably already know Israel bombed targets inside of Syria recently. The word from Assad is that if it happens again He will declare war on Israel. Even so, I think that Assad should have received the message that it will not be in his best interest to allow advanced weapons from Iran to be transferred to Hezbollah through Syria.

I am sure that either Iran conspired with Assad to allow the weapons transfer, or Hezbollah is running its own show in Syria. It could be that Assad and Iran are hoping that if Israel keeps attacking Syria it will get the different factions fighting against Assad to come together to fight against Israel.… continue reading

The Satanic world system is rapidly progressing toward Antichrist

With so many people calling themselves “progressives” these days you would think that the progressives would have made some progress over the years but it looks to me like this Satanic world system is now rapidly progressing toward the Antichrist and its own doom.

The hippie generation of the 1960’s thought they were about to  enter the age of Aquarius where peace would guide the planets and love will steer the stars. The old communist hippies and their progressive offspring are now ruling the world and these godless diehards are still singing the same utopian song. Even so, the reality coming upon the earth will have somewhat different lyrics than that old Fifth Dimension’s song.… continue reading

Analysis of the North Korean threat and America’s weak response

The world has been told by the Obama administration that Obama does not bluff. However, apparently leaders in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere do not believe him. Many leaders think that Obama is bluffing because like Presidents Clinton and Carter he is so wishy-washy predictable. The “progressive” leaders of America always take the politically correct way that is blessed by the globalist progressive appeasers.

Obama bluffed North Korea by sending a few ships and nuclear bombers and having a joint exercise with South Korea as a show of force that we will not put up with their nuclear weapons development program.… continue reading

Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Apr 2013

John Adams indicated that the American system of government is only possible for a moral people. That leaves out fools. Look around at the immorality that the majority of people in this country are now doing, supporting or enabling. America is becoming a nation of the fools, by the fools, and for the fools. This is the latest American reality show. Need I say any more on the state of our Union on April fools day 2013?


If you want an foreign example of a April fool, just look to North Korea. Their new young leader, Kim Jong Un, says that North Korea is at war with South Korea and the United States.… continue reading

Global elite believe world turmoil leads to their utopian end

It seems that in Europe and America everyone is living for today. Many nations are spending their future and many people are spending their retirement accounts. It is like eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Most might not confess to being that fatalistic but that seems to be evident in their choices and lifestyles.

All the national banks are now printing money like there is no tomorrow and if they continue to print excessive money they will ensure that this world economic system will not exist tomorrow. I think the global power elite pulling the strings know where all this will lead.… continue reading

Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Mar 2013

I was going to write about how the only hope for this nation was for wealthy people to pool their resource to start their own TV networks to counter the government controlled mainstream media brainwashing that is going on in America. However, even if there was the motivation, and there is not, there would not be enough time to change hearts and minds to change this nation before it self destructs. We simply do not have the time left to undue all the evil that was done over the last fifty years.

I also have come to the conclusion that mass repentance and conversion is just not going to happen in America.… continue reading

Looking back from the future at an Obamanation that led the world

You say you wanted an Obamanation? You thought he was the answer for all your problems because Obama was black and intended to play Robin Hood? You say he would give you things like an Obamaphone, so you voted for him six times? You say you always vote democrat because they care about the working man and the poor? Okay fine, now you low or no information voters and fellow travelers will live with the obvious consequences of electing a radical Marxist to lead America.

I do not say this lightly. Those that voted for Obama, voted for judgment on this nation.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Dec 2012

Obviously the world did not end on Dec 21, 2012. Once again the prophets of Baal were wrong. Researchers can analyze every pagan prophecy that exists anywhere and they still will not know anything about the timing of future events.

Everything Christians need to know about the future is already written in the Christian Bible. The Lord God does not reveal the future through ancient pagan writings, or through modern men and woman who learned to tap into the occult, or through those that hear the imaginations of their own minds and claim that the message came from Him.

It appears that we will be here for a while longer, so let me wish everyone a Merry Christmas and an interesting New Year that is full of joy in Christ.continue reading

Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, or end of world prophecy won’t occur in 2012

It appears to be a near certainty that NATO will soon get involved in the action in Syria. They will probably get directly involved within a matter of days or a couple of weeks. The United States, France, and Great Britain have aircraft carriers in place and they have thousands of special forces ready to move into Syria to secure the Syrian WMD sites.

Syria was warned about not using WMD but reportedly they have loaded chemical nerve agents into bombs and is now walking on the red line that NATO placed in the sand. NATO is now responding to the deliberate provocation by Assad.… continue reading

America destroyed through apathy and vulnerable electrical grid?

The gravest danger to America is the survival of its electrical grid. If that grid should go down for months or years, America will cease to exist as a nation of any consequence. If the grid failed across America, and we could not get it up again within several months, hundreds of millions of people could die of thirst, starvation, disease, and civil conflict over the few resources that could be scavenged.

The foremost experts on EMP’s say it could take 4 to 10 years to restore the grid after two small nuclear explosions fifty miles above the East and West coasts of the United States or even one well placed nuke about 200 miles above the center of the nation.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Oct 2012

So far the big October surprise has been Obama’s first debate performance. Romney now has half of chance of winning this thing unless Obama has other October surprises coming that gets people’s mind off of his lackluster debate performance.

So why the poor performance by Obama? It can’t be because he was not thoroughly coached by his people for this debate, we know that he was. That allows about two possibilities.

He either does not have the intellectual capability to debate the real issues or he has a medical problem. I think it is not the first possibility because he was able to debate people before, so it probably is the second.… continue reading

Utopian humanist socialist globalism and issues in Bible prophecy

This article might kick some sacred cows of conservative Christian Americans and the Bible prophecy “experts” that many follow, so you have been warned. This article is also very long (over 5000 words), so if you have no attention span and cannot critically think like most in this sound bite generation, then this article was not written for you. On the positive side, that would also eliminates 99 percent of the people who would be critical of this article and all people hired to read  blogs by government spy agencies. 😎

This article has six sections that I call points and it also has a brief summery.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Sept 2012

Shortly before or after this article appears, comments should be opened again after having been closed for about six months. If you want any realistic hope of getting your comment posted you will need to read and abide by the new commenting policy (top bar). There may be some bugs since I can’t find out if all my plug-in software is working as advertised until comments are turned on.

If you are an old regular, take note of two very important changes. All comments will be monitored before posting that means there will be a delay in any comment getting posted.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Aug 2012

This has been the hottest driest summer around here in modern history. In the Missouri Ozarks where I live, it has been in the 90’s or 100’s most days since early June. We have had a grand total of 5 inches of rain since April 1st. In a normal year we would get about four times that amount. We have not had enough rain at one time at my place for the rain to even get down to the roots of trees. Many trees are already losing their leaves and going dormant. Water tables are dropping drastically, wells and ponds are drying up and there is no pasture.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jun 2012

The next summer of recovery is upon us and the only thing certain is that there will be no economic recovery this summer just like there was no recovery in the previous summers under the Obama administration. The latest official unemployment figures have just gone up again and the number of first time seekers of unemployment benefits are also climbing again.

The average American family has lost 39 percent of their net worth in just the last three years. That 39 percent figure does not include inflation so the real loss of net worth since 2008 is nearing 50 percent. This loss of wealth hit the middle-class the hardest, the upper-class did not experience any fall in net worth at all.… continue reading

Modern infrastructure without security is the top threat to America

As I have expressed many times on this Blog, I think the end times spoken about in Bible prophecy are still about twenty years in the future. Nevertheless, don’t be under the false delusion that troubles in America are anyway near that far off. This very year could be the end of your world as you have known it. In any case, the survival of America as a world power will not likely extend into the next decade. The economic situation is a major problem that people rightly should also focus on but America’s dependence on its modern infrastructure is probably what will do us in first.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Mar 2012

The death of outspoken conservative Andrew Breitbart last week was quite a shock especially since he was telling everyone that something would be unveiled on March 1st about Obama that would be the beginning of the end for Obama. Breitbart collapsed and died while walking home from a bar shortly after midnight on the morning of March 1st.

Andrew Breitbart was only 43 but thus far police are saying that he died of natural causes. An autopsy has been performed but they say they are still waiting for the toxicology report before the finding will be released. Some alternative media sites are wondering about the reason for the long delay in the toxicology report.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Feb 2012

The Republican Party establishment continues to be predictable in the 2012 presidential nomination. Every time a conservative pops up the Republican Party establishment shows up to play Whac-A-Mole. Rick Santorum was the last conservative that popped up the hole. He is also the last conservative left in the game that has not been whacked, so you can be sure the Republican establishment will now focus their big hammers on him.

Mitt Romney is the only acceptable candidate for the Republican establishment because the establishment is as center left as he is. Does it even matter anyway who Republicans make their candidate?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jan 2012

Our government had better start dealing with the threats against this country or we are going to wake up to an EMP one day soon. Iran is frantically building missile bases in Venezuela with the thought of having intermediate range nuclear tipped missiles that could easily reach the United States. Anyone who thinks we can allow Iran to gets nukes because they are no threat to America is out of touch with reality.

We do not even know that Iran does not have nukes already and even if they don’t, they could have nukes anytime they want. The time to deal with Iran was years ago and the time to deal with that tin horn dictator in Venezuela is now.… continue reading

Those optimistic about America’s future are not living in reality.

America is a nation with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to keep individuals free from government tyranny. However, it is obvious that most Americans have now given up these rights for the shackles of socialism and the facade of false security. The politicians that Americans elect still give lip service to our Constitution but their actions show that their heart is far from it.

Tyrannical control freaks are not supposed to be ruling Americans under our system of government but nevertheless it is very apparent they already are.

One successful terrorist attack brought America to its knees when Americans allowed this attack to open the door to a police state.… continue reading