Are the same errors as in the days of Noah upon us?

Hal Lindsey sees a connection between the corruption of all flesh in the days of Noah and the genetic engineering of species today. So do I. Jesus did not say it would be like in the days of Noah for nothing. God will not allow man to corrupt His creation with chimeras, clones and transhumanism. Read Hal’s article and also see my article on a related subject of Aliens.

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According to Genesis 6:1-6, the “sons of God” intermarried with “the
daughters of men” and produced offspring that Genesis calls “giants” and “mighty
men of renown.” Genesis 6:9 records that Noah was found to be a “just” man and
perfect in his generations,” i.e.,
continue reading

Defining Evangelicalism Down to Secular Humanism

One of the things that really bugs me about the new “Evangelical” left leaders like Rick Warren is that they act like the Church was doing nothing to help people before they arrived on the scene with all their horns and whistles blowing. They insult the millions of missionaries who quietly worked in mission fields and the Holy Spirit who worked through them.

The big difference between the real missionaries and the postmodern version is that the real missionaries gave and give people more than just physical aid for the symptoms of diseases in this world. They gave the people the cure of spiritual life.continue reading

Religion, child abuse, and the fifth seal of Revelation

Do you want to know what Secular Humanism thinks about religion? They equate it with child abuse. The UN rights of the child, treaty signed by every nation in the world except the U.S. and Somalia are now saying similar things. This world treaty basically takes the rights of parents away from them. Is it any wonder then that the Bible says in the last days Children will be against their parents?

The system is already being set up for the State to dictate how you raise your children and if you don’t raise them according to their standards that will not allow fundamental religious indoctrination you will be turned into the State by your own children who will be brainwashed to do so in the State educational system.continue reading

The Transhumanists will lead to the Beast of Revelation

Your going to hear more and more about the Transhuman Movement. There is soon going to be a big push to extend life so that some will believe they will never die. I think the Beast Antichrist will convince people that the kingdom of God is on earth and that by taking the mark they will evolute into a higher life form and live forever in the flesh. This was never God’s design for man. Man must die in the flesh and be born of the Spirit. However, man including most religious people are so tied to their earthly bodies that they will do anything to extend their lives.continue reading

There Is A Conspiracy? Or is it really just a open socialist world agenda?

Actually what globalists are doing is not properly called a conspiracy as claimed in this article by any definition of the word. It is a well known socialist agenda for a Global government. They want world government because being godless themselves, they see world government and world socialism as the only answer for man. If there were no God it indeed would be the best shot that man has to survive but of course it will fail. Capitalism will also fail because it soon becomes driven by the greedy and the predators.

Christians should known that Jesus will come and set up His own global world government of truth and justice and that is the only global government that will work.continue reading