Best links to the Todd Bentley demonic circus act.

I have spoken about this deceiver before so I am not going to add anything except to say check out the many links in this article if you really want to see what the Todd Bentley demonic circus act is all about and see how many gullible people will pay the price of admission. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words so this is worth millions.

Is Todd Bentley a False Prophet? – CWN

Is Todd Bentley a False Prophet? –
Is Lakeland a False Revival?

How gullible can people possibly be to support and/or defend this clown?!

Someone might say: “How can you imply that Todd Bentley is a false prophet?!”

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Giving a ray of comfort to Word Faith teachers

In this article Ken Silva gives his views why Ray Comfort should not speak on the same platform of these Word Faith Wolves. I also read Ray Comfort’s points of view as well as another view. Ray basically says he would preach the gospel anywhere (and Ray it is not just their prosperity message that is heretical). Saying your going to preach the gospel sounds good but often life is not that simple. Preaching the gospel and having your name being used to promote a different gospel could be two different things.

Would Paul go to a Gnostic convention to preach the gospel knowing that they wanted to use his name to promote lying Gnosticism?… continue reading

Obama’s own words tell us why he is not a true Christian

Anyone who reads this will know what Obama is not. By the words coming from his own mouth Obama could not be a Christian. I say let the man speak for himself!

Barack Obama—the Muslim Christian? – CWN

So who, exactly, is Barack Obama? It’s only fair to let the man speak for himself: (Click link above)


And so, my friends and associates, that is the gospel according to Barack Obama. Senator Obama believes you can be a Christian and not believe in the biblical Jesus Christ. He believes you can support homosexuality—including civil marriages and adoptions—and still be a follower of Jesus Christ.

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So called Conservatives and heterosexuals destroyed marriage.

This article was an eye opener on how heterosexuals destroyed marrage. You might not want to hear what Dr Johnston has to say but what can you say when he documents the truth? So we can make a big thing out of homosexual marriage as if that is the chief problem but if we are not seeing the big spiritual problem in the church and in the West toward the covenant of marriage and what God said in the Bible we are never going to get to the root of the marriage problem and all the other garbage that goes along with the destruction of marriage.… continue reading

Obama: Christian or Universalism?

Here is the uncut interview where Obama talks about his faith. Each Christian should read Obama’s own confessions instead of relying on second hand information. From what I read in Obama’s replies in this interview and his other statements Obama is a pluralist that believes in Universalism. These beliefs are in direct conflict with the Christian message of salvation for those who believe in Jesus Christ for redemption from sin and condemnation for those who do not.

Obama Denies Christ in His Own Words (Resources)

Cathleen Falsani, the author of The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People, interviewed Barack Obama about his faith March 27, 2004, a few days after he clinched the Democratic nomination for the U.S.

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Do you really know about Christianity?

If you cannot answer the statements below you probably do not know about true Christianity. In that case this article is talking to you.

A Worthless Witness for Christ

Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and any other religious ‘ism’s’ out there.

Surely, you can defend and proclaim your faith against these demonically inspired religions. Can’t you?

What about the Christian Cults and false teaching?

Ah, this is where it gets interesting.

Do you know why Mormon, Catholic, and Jehovah’s Witness doctrines (to name a few) lead people astray?

Can you explain to others how and why the teachings of today’s prominent ‘prosperity’ and ‘social’ gospel pastors deceive their flocks?

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Anglicans rejecting the nation who brought them the gospel because British Anglicans now have a false gospel.

Well it has come full circle. The African natives that the Anglican’s converted are now rejecting the seat of power of the Anglicans because the Anglicans in Britain now reject the true gospel for a false one.

It is obvious that The Christian Church is more healthy in third world nations then it is in Britain and everyone knows it except for the British who generally could care less about Christianity anyway.

Its time for the Africans to send missionaries to convert the new generation of Brits.

Anglican Church conservatives move to form power bloc – International Herald Tribune

Anglican conservatives, frustrated by the ongoing stalemate over homosexuality in the Anglican Communion, declared Sunday that they would defy the church’s historic lines of authority and establish a new power bloc within the church that will be led by a council of predominantly African archbishops.

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Shack full of deception

Jan Markell put a nice article together on the “Shack”. Popular Book’s like the Shack with a very twisted Christian theme is how Satan is subtly working in the Church today to redefining Christianity to an all inclusive all ways to God world religion. So you can see why most who call themselves Christians in the U.S. today do not believe that Jesus is the only way to God. And all of God’s people are just saying…Amen!

The Seductive and Subversive “Shack” – CWN

The Seductive and Subversive “Shack”
By Jan Markell

Many have asked me to comment on William P.

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Are you a Christian or just a great pretender?

Cal Thomas has it right. You have denied the faith if you think there are other paths to God besides through Jesus Christ. So are you a Christian or just a great pretender? If you find yourself believing there are many paths to God you really should remove yourself from the Christian faith and quit corrupting our churches. Also, evangelical pastors and leaders need to take heed and teach the gospel often because 60 percent who attend evangelical churches have not heard it or understood it. Not to mention that in the mainline churches it is 83 percent. So is it any wonder that these “Christians” pick politicians who actually oppose the faith.… continue reading

Emerging emergent heretics

This is a good article on the emerging Emergent Movement that sums up things quite accurately. They are a bunch of emergent heretics that the Bible clearly warned us would come in these last days to tickle the ears.

A Christian & Missionary Alliance Preacher Speaks Against Emergent Movement Heresy – CWN

To the Emergent Movement there is no systematic theology. The questioning of the absolute truth of the central doctrines of Christian teaching is sinful. Why you ask? Because it is not that they ask questions in order to gain greater understanding that would be fine. They ask for the purpose of calling into question the need to hold to the sacred teachings of the central doctrines of Christianity.

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Obama distorts biblical views simply because not being a Christian he really does not know them.

I do not think Obama actually knows the distinctions between the Old Testament codes and the New Covenant reality. Any Christian that knows the beliefs of Obama should know that he is not truly a Christian. How could a Black liberation theology social gospel “Christian” understand that the Church is not under the laws of the Old Testament? He just throws the whole Bible together not understanding the distinctions between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant and then he uses straw-man arguments when real Christians have no such concepts as he suggests.

For him to ask which Christianity is true James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s says wonders and is a no brainier?… continue reading

Most people in the U.S. say there are many ways to God, even among Evangelicals!

Did you catch ABC news today? 3/4 of people in the U.S. do not believe their religion is the only way to God.

If I remember right about 56 percent of Muslims also said that – Which explains why many Muslims say they are moderate although there is no such concept taught in the Quran.

I do not recall the percent of the Jews but it was very high. 60 percent were not sure they believed in God at all.

Catholics were at 79 percent – How do the people who claim that Catholicism is the one true Church believe there can be other truths and many ways to God?continue reading

Make the Catholic Mass Latin, few understand the Mass anyway

Why not make the Catholic Mass Latin? Few Catholics understand the Mass anyway. If they make it all Latin everyone can have a religious experience feeling that the Liturgy itself is Sacred and of course that somehow pleases God? Yet, you Catholics want to call your sacred rituals Christianity? What you do is no different then the mystical pagan priests who use magic words and magic rituals to appease the spirits. And some protestants say we should join with Roman Catholicism? Get real!

Latin Mass and the Roman Catholic Church | Newsweek Religion |

As he reminds us in his memoir, “Salt of the Earth,” the young Joseph Ratzinger was deeply influenced, both spiritually and intellectually, by the mid-20th-century movement to reform the Roman Catholic Church’s public worship–a movement that helped pave the way for the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).

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Rick Warren is still speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Rev Ken Silva is a former Catholic as I was. The means of Salvation in Roman Catholicism is twisted to say the least and the Protestant Reformation was the end result of their many heresies. So the question becomes how can Rick Warren embrace the Protestant Reformation and Roman Catholicism at the same time? Many saints gave up their lives to proclaim the true gospel but now Warren thinks we should get over creeds and have a reformation with Catholics on deeds?

Rick Warren is an expert at doublespeak, all in the discernment ministries are well aware of that. People need to hold him accountable for what he says and people like Ken Silva, Bob DeWaay, Roger Oakland and others do that.… continue reading

Keep walking in the wolves footprints and see where that leads you!

Jan Markell makes it clear that Todd Bentley is a wolf even if she does not want to demonize Bentley I think it is a bit too late. He is demonized and if that steps on your latter rain theology, good.

Two decades ago I said that the Charismatics and Pentecostals will continue to split into two major camps. One camp will become biblically grounded and do all things in order, for example, the Calvary Chapels. The other group will continue to move away from sound doctrine into questionable mysterious experiences. I was correct. The leadership moved even beyond what anyone could foresee.… continue reading

Canadian church women dispensing a social gospel of Unity based on humanistic socialism

On mission trips my wife has met Canadian ministers and some of their congregation. It seem they are always female and always into a perverted denial of biblical truths and a social gospel. Makes me wonder if there are any men in the church in Canada? They love to claim that they are carrying out the commission of loving their neighbor but how can you do that if you are only going to give your neighbor some fleshly support while you allow their souls to perish? They have no biblical discernment because they do not believe the truths in scripture.

There is no love in lies, There is no love in teaching spiritual falsehoods.continue reading

Finding Brian Mclaren’s way to the mother of all harlots

Here is the take from the Lighthouse on Brian Mclaren’s newest book “Finding Our Way Again”. Brian Mclaren is obviously a blind soul who could not even find his way with his seeing eye dog. What Mclaren teaches is not Christianity and I wish that Bible colleges and book stores would quit peddling his pagan delusions as something the Church needs to learn about. We do not need to know these things any more then we need to know what was in the books that the early Church burned.

There is a common thread in all these emerging teachers. These are nothing but wolves dressed in old gnostic wolves sheep’s clothing.… continue reading

The Todd Bentley Freak show at Lakeland Florida Circus

I know I say you have to read this too often, but you really do have to read this article.

What a circus is going on in the name of Christ in Lakeland Florida! The latest ring leader of this circus is Todd Bentley but they apparently have had enough freak show hucksters and visitors for these phony and satanic “healing”, laughing and lunacy side shows to keep this circus act going for over a decade. In my last post on this topic I said some Pentecostal’s need to grow up. Now I will say if they are taking part or promoting this demonic activity they are in danger of hellfire.continue reading

Some Pentecostals need to quit acting like stupid children and grow up!

Carla at “More Books and Things” put together a nice set of links about Todd Bentley and what is going on in the loony movement in Lakeland Florida.

My opinion is that Bentley is either a con artist, demon possessed or is mentally ill. Take any selection that works for you. This unbelievable bozo even has a angel named Emma? There are no angels named Emma. Angels are always masculine. So believe me Emma is no angel and Bentley is no spokesman for God. This clod is saying that when he got sucked up to heaven God told him we are hindering God from healing us?… continue reading

The Richard Foster of the Emergent Church Leaders

Rev. Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries has written a really good article about Richard Foster and how he is connected with the Emergent Church movement and the Contemplative/Centering Prayer that is now being taught to future pastors in many seminars and Bible colleges. Below are a few excerpts from this article but read the entire article there is much good information here. But while your at it don’t stop at this article on Richard Foster. Apprising Ministries has many well documented articles on the emergent/emerging church heresies which are leading institutional “Christianity” into latter day apostasy. It is this emerging harlot woman that will ride the Beast Antichrist into power in these last days.… continue reading