The Bible, global warming and the dominionists

I think Evangelicals are caught up into this global warming hype because they believe in Dominion Theology. They actually think that they are in the Kingdom on earth and that they have the mandate to manage from God to make it a paradise. They unite with the world on this cause even if it takes going to the lowest common denominator to find unity with them. To do this they discount absolute truth and evil.

This is why we are now seeing leading Evangelicals standing on platforms with and spouting the same drivel as pagans, the rich and famous, elite atheistic globalists and world religious figures.continue reading

Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund!

Don’t you think a deliberate fraud on the world should be a criminal offense? They are making students watch this stuff like it was fact in many schools. This was the major catalyst for the global warming hysteria that will now cost the world trillions if not stopped. They even gave an Emmy and a Nobel Peace Prize to this fraud. Where are the lawyers and the FCC? If he did what BBC reported he should be prosecuted. – Junk Science: Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund! – Opinion
Perhaps worse than the film’s errors is their origin.

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The Nobel Committee wins my Demented Delusional or Dumb award

I have the honor of awarding the Demented Delusional or Dumb award to the Nobel Committee for there long record of awarding their Nobel Peace Price to the world’s deranged.

They just announced that their latest peace prize will go to Al Gore who is a slick con artist making many millions for himself peddling his junk science message across the globe.

Al Gore’s chicken little apocalyptic con will now give the governments of the world the excuse they need to con people on earth out of many trillions of dollars making the poor poorer and those facilitating the con richer.
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Cooking the Books on Global Warming

So what we are finding out is that the warming recorded was because many of the cold-weather stations were shut down and the stations in the most reliable stations in the world located in the United States are often situated in places where they will skew the data in favor of Global warming theories.

Every new report that comes out proves that global warming is a fraud, a hoax, stupidity and a lot of hot air. Yet plans to tax CO2 which never could cause significant global warming will go on and on like the energizer bunny. Open a can of carbonated soda in your green house this winter and observe how much warmer it will get in your green house.continue reading

The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died

The problem is that the proof is being ignored. The politicians now see this as a means to an end to raise taxes and to establish global governance. 2007 might be the year the Global Warming Hoax was exposed but what is going to stop the treaties that will still take place and cost us trillions of dollars for no reason?

Unless each person gets off their duff and tells their Representatives in government and corporations that they will be looking for jobs if they support carbon regulations and taxes it will all continue. Their agenda has little to do with Global warming it is about global control and big money.continue reading

The Return of the Old Gods — A Challenge to Green Evangelicals

This is a great article. It gets into much deeper issues then just the Global warming controversy. I hope you will read it.

American Thinker: The Return of the Old Gods: A Challenge to Green Evangelicals

So what we have witnessed in the Global Warming debate is a perfect storm of anti-Christian philosophies parading as science. Materialists, Socialists, and Left-leaning types found common cause with neo-pagans and anti-Christian spirituality to advocate a New World Order dressed as a movement to save the planet. A friendly media has nurtured and supported it, and it has advanced through a string of sacraments; separating trash, installing low wattage light bulbs, driving hybrid vehicles, etc.

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Sizzling study concludes: Global warming is a farce’

This article makes some excellent points that global warming hysterics are not telling people. 97 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not from human activity. Human activity cannot double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even if the carbon dioxide did somehow double, the effects on climate would be so minimal that nobody would notice.

They want the world to spend trillions of dollars to reduce human carbon but even if every human left the planet forever it would only have the effect of reducing carbon in the atmosphere by less than three percent. These idiots of environmental junk science really want global management and control and they hijacked the media to attract the usual knee jerkers and convince politicians and foundations to support only science that will support what the global warming gurus wish published.continue reading

Has Global Warming Hysteria ‘Jumped the Shark’

That is why some environmentalists see the only solution to the problem is to get rid of about 4 or 5 billion people. When you mix environmentalists with “new age” religion you get many with this mindset. Why? Because they have no faith in the Creator to provide for the people He created.

American Thinker: Al Gore’s Live Earth: Has Global Warming Hysteria ‘Jumped the Shark’: “And environmentalists have rejected solutions to the problems they say global warming will worsen. Indeed, as I show in my book Eco-Freaks: Environmentalism Is Hazardous to Your Health, environmentalists have created their own public health crises with many of their ‘solutions.’

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