We are one major crises away from martial law and the end of the Bill of Rights.

John Whitehead in this article makes it clear that the groundwork has already been laid for martial law. It should be rather obvious that our government has used each crises and disaster as a means to gain more federal control. The local Police forces are now arms of the Department of Homeland Security and the swat teams are all trained to be its 21st century storm troupers.

The Department of Homeland Security now runs the police forces of this nation and is under total controlled of the President. One word from the President and all police forces in the nation will be nationalized and follow Homeland’s commands.… continue reading

Is Mexico next in America’s ongoing series of judgments?

As if the United States does not have enough problems we almost certainly will find ourselves fighting and picking up most of the costs of another war. This one will be very close to home. This war will be against the drug cartels of Mexico or even Mexico itself if the nation becomes controlled by drug lords (supplementary information on this war) – More information on U.S. involvement.

The drug cartels in Mexico already have a military force that rivals the Mexican army. Mexico is now becoming a narco-state and if that happens it will become the greatest threat to U.S.… continue reading

The Christian conservative counterrevolution to take back America from the radicals must start today

The article by Dave Daubenmire is full of truth and Christian people need to start paying attention. We have had a coup in America  and socialist communists are now in almost total control.

For decades the apathetic people of the United States allowed the educational system to become dominated by evolutionists, atheists, feminists, perverts and socialists. In other words, all who are in rebellion against the God of the Bible, and those who see the United States as the enemy of their idealist humanist global world order. The one thing that unites the Far Left and Islam is  hate against America

While most in America were sleeping over the decades they became well organized and promoted their own.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist come to power after an EMP over Europe and the United States?

I almost fully agree with Hal Lindsey on this EMP issue. A couple of years ago I wrote that an EMP attack is the number one imminent danger to the United States. This danger has been reported to Congress by their own hand picked committee of experts. They reported to Congress that an EMP would send our nation back to the dark ages for months or even years. The link to that report is in my article. Guess what? Against the committee’s advice not one thing as yet been done to harden our electric and electronic infrastructure.

By the way, it is not just Iran that is a threat.… continue reading

Stupid Americans have put their future in the hands of liberal elitists who intend to destroy our way of life

These are a few of the things the liberals and democrats have brought up just in just the last few days to “IMPROVE” our country.

Obama promises immigration reform (The American people made it clear that they were against amnesty. Who will pay for it? The liberals want it because a larger Latino population will get them more votes.

Obama signs Presidential Determination allowing Palestinians loyal to Hamas to resettle in the United States (Hamas is a terrorist organization so we are now going to resettle terrorists here)

Senator Boxer to ramrod The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which opponents say could destroy American sovereignty by imposing international rulings on American law, could reach the Senate within 60 days.… continue reading

Chuck Baldwin claims that Christians use Bible prophecy as an excuse to be lazy.

Boy do I have mixed feeling about this article by Chuck Baldwin because it is just chock full of truth spun with some of his usual crap. Please read the full article and not just what I clipped so you can follow what I am about to say about Baldwin’s views.

First, I do not like his title although there may be some in truth in it. However, my definition of a lazy Christians is not Chuck Baldwin’s definition. To me lazy Christians are those will will not read the word, take the time to fellowship with God, or with other Christians and do little if any work for Christ on earth.… continue reading

Netherlands court says Geert Wilders should be prosecuted for inciting hate.

I think the Quran would be more accurately described as a satanically inspired book rather than a fascist book although Muslim nations are fascist. Anyway, so much for free speech in the Netherlands. I think the best thing for Mr Wilders is that they dare to prosecute him and give people a hero and national leader to vent there frustrations against Muslims.  Geert Wilders will then build a huge following of people who are fed up with Muslims subverting their nation and their way of life and then a European fascist backlash will begin against Muslims. What will make this backlash even more likely is the inevitable future terrorist attacks against the West.… continue reading

Day one and already the obama-nation begins

On day one of his presidency the White house announces their demented agenda for destruction of the family, the moral foundation of our nation, the end of free religious expression, the devastation of our military, and supporting a culture of disease and early death.

They certainly are not wasting any time pushing their godless agenda to turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah. I simply do not understand how some Christians actually think that the God of the Bible will work good through the evils of an Obama administration.

Obama Administration Has Hate Crime Agenda on Website Within Hours of President Obama Taking Oath

# Expand Hate Crimes Statutes:

# Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

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America just changed from a constitutional republic to a national personality cult.

I think this article identifies the dangers of the Obama administration as good as any I have read. The nation has traded its soul for the audacity to hope in a national savior figure that speaks great things but never accomplish anything worthy of that trust. In other words, most in this nation have now traded in our Republic for a national personality cult. Historically when this happens what inevitably follows for that nation is tyranny.

You all also need to read this, it was announced on the Oprah show that the light of the new age is here (Obama). Caution it is enough to make a sane person barf.… continue reading

Liberal progressive black and Latino abortion programs

If anyone ought to know about this genocide it should be the blacks that are the victims but the silence from the “Christian” black community is deafening and most of the preachers and almost all the politicians take the “liberal” “progressive” side.

However “liberal” really means liberally killing your unborn kids and “progressive” means progressing back to enslavement to a life of dependency on your government overseers. Nevertheless, apparently 96 percent of blacks would rather have a half black man as President then to vote for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Benedict Arnold’s of blacks say give us enslavement and give us death and blacks just say yes at the polls.… continue reading

Will a U.S. Constitutional Convention be called soon?

I was not aware of this. This is a critical issue of national importance we are only two states away from a Constitutional Convention and Ohio will vote on it as soon as today. If a Constitutional Convention were called today under the present political climate it is very likely that our constitution would be changed to be much like that of the EU and reflect humanist pluralist socialist globalist agendas. Everything including our bill of rights would certainly be up for grabs at the convention and we would not emerge as the same nation. This convention alone could see some States not abide by the new U.S.… continue reading

The economic crises will be used to change the U.S. from a Constitutional Republic to an imperial presidency.

This is a very sobering article. Everything Obama wants will be passed in a few days by throwing it all into a trillion dollar stimulus plan. There will not even be any debate. I was wondering why Obama was meeting with Al Gore today when so many other things seem so much more important. The last thing we need now is to spend money trying to stop carbon production and developing expensive alternative energy systems but it seems that something much more sinister is going on here.

Obama is going to use the economic crises to pass and fund the whole socialist global agenda in one bite.continue reading

Treasonous people in government are funding America into the second revolution

The full article that I quoted excerpts from will explain the treason that is going on in Washington to fund the demise of America. The Federal Reserve which is not even part of the U.S. government is being allowed to lend the future of our nation away. Within a year we will have a $15 trillion dollar national debt with another $45 trillion coming due in unfunded liabilities within the next few decades. That $45 trillion is to pay for unfunded medicare and social security “insurance” retirement. Yet, how can the government even start to fund these unfunded liabilities when in a few years it will not even be able to pay the trillion dollars or more interest payment on our national debt?… continue reading

There is a time for war and a time for peace. Islamic fascists have brought us to a time for war.

It is time that the world woke up and realized that most in Islam insist that the world convert to Islam so we become as much the miserable slaves to their theocratic fascist religion as they are. Many in Islam want us dead and most Muslims in one way or another support those who want us dead. Even if the world converted to Islam today that would not stop the violence because then the Islamic fascists would be fighting each other over various theological differences.

A world religion led by those who breed hate cannot become a religion of peace. Those in the world that are now appeasing Islam for peace will become their future victims at a time when they are even more powerful a force in the world then they are today.… continue reading

The subversion of the West by Socialist Marxists

This article gives some key points in the book “Shadow World: Resurgent Russia, The Global New Left, and Radical Islam“. The book and this article points out in much detail the Marxist Leftist agenda that is successfully subverting the West. You will not understand what is going on in the United States and the world today without understanding these issues. The author concludes that once these global socialist elements achieve significant positions of power within the United States, they will proceed with their plans to destroy Western civilization.

I have news. They have already taken over our educational system and the mainstream media and through lies of thousands of leftist groups they have just convinced enough people in the United States to vote in a socialist national government.… continue reading

Every crises will be used by globalists to bring the world under socialist fascist control and tyranny

This astute article by Dr. David M. Berman starts with a little recent world history in Germany and then make a parallel to the present economic crises in the United States and the election of a man who speaks great things but offers little but platitudes. Dr. Berman believes there is a parallel here to Germany that should be obvious. However, this time it will lead to global governance and the tyranny of world fascism.

Of course to me it is obvious that this is where we are heading. Even if the U.S. somehow had a radical change back to constitutional government (highly unlikely), the facts are that the rest of the world is already too far gone.… continue reading

Gerald Celente the world trend forecaster says America is in for a great depression and riots by 2012.

I guess I am not the only one who sees a great depression and an American revolution on the horizon. If world trend forecaster Gerald Celente has this one right and I have no reason to believe that he does not have it right, it all goes downhill from here.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!

The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions – all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.

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Christian parents need to get control of public schools or get their children out of them

Our public schools played a large role in producing the postmodern amoral generation we have in America today. There is little doubt that the public schools will now accelerate their attempts to make all children subjects of the radical Far Left social engineering Marxists that run our education systems. Now they have government supporting them and see that as a mandate for even more radical agendas to shape the minds of children as young as preschoolers. They will be taught to be openly anti-Christian, anti-moral, pro sex perversion and taught to undermine parental authority through state backed intimidation.

People who leave their children in public schools will see their own children turn against them and the Christian values that they hold.… continue reading

Russia takes steps to begin liquidation of many religions, Christian denominations, and mission groups including World Vision and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

This is the kind of religious freedom you get in Russia under Putin’s fascism. The religions get liquidated if they do not file annual reports on activities and it seems that they still get liquidated if they do file annual reports of activity and the State and the Russian Orthodox church does not like the religious activities. Basically, this means that all religion outside of the Russian Orthodox Church will not be allowed to exist in Russia. Even if this is just a scare tactic as some imply, what makes anyone think this liquidation will not eventually take place under Putin?… continue reading

A Christian Conservative Heartland Party needs to be created in America.

I agree with what Chuck Baldwin is saying. The Conservative movement is dead and trying to raise it from the dead in the Republican party will just raise a dead man walking. The Republicans did nothing but make a mockery of Christian Conservatives over the years. What Conservatives need is a new “Heartland Party” that is solidly conservative and the time to build that Heartland Party is now.

If we waste our time with the tested and the failed Republican establishment we are fools. If you put your hope in a woman in Alaska like she can ever get elected in this nation through the Republican establishment without embracing their agenda you are wrong.… continue reading