A unified conspiracy theory fit for Halloween

Halloween is a good day for demonic conspiracy stories so I will present a unified conspiracy theory for your reading that explains most other conspiracy theories. This conspiracy itself may or may not have been conspired on a Halloween night in 1960. Finding real proof of the existence of this unified conspiracy theory will probably prove impossible because I cannot even find proof for well known conspiracy theories that will be interwoven within this unified conspiracy theory. In other words, if real proof of popular conspiracy theories cannot be documented don’t expect me to come up with any solid evidence for my unified conspiracy theory either.… continue reading

Afro-Americans that refuse racism show whites their own integrity

As a youth growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s in a blue collar neighborhood on the east side of Buffalo N.Y., that was turning increasingly Afro-American, I know first hand what racism is. I grew up in racism and it was abundantly coming from both sides.

Blacks were not a big problem in the high school that I went to. My big difficultly with blacks in those days was not in school it was walking to and from school. I walked three miles through a black section of Buffalo to get to school and to get home. In my first and second year it was not a problem because I could walk with my two older brothers who happened to have the two biggest guys in the whole school as friends that also walked with us through the black section.… continue reading

One Second After, explains why America is not in Bible prophecy?

If you want to know why the United States is not in Bible prophecy an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon exploding high above the United States is probably the most likely reason and not the Rapture of Christians like some wishful thinkers like to believe. I have been writing about the U.S. vulnerability to an EMP for over five years. It all started with this Imminent Danger article. You can find my additional articles on EMPs under “Categories”, on the blog side bar.

The reason for this new post on the EMP danger is not to say the same things that I have said in other articles.… continue reading

The Pastor Has No Clothes – an in-brief perspective

I recently read “The Pastor Has No Clothes”, by Jon Zens. I have to say right off that “The Pastor Has No Clothes” seems to me to be deliberately padded to add more pages so that it would be more acceptable as a book. It contains a few old and new essays by Zens that articulates pretty much the same story from slightly different angles and it also includes Zens response to excerpts in Eugene Peterson’s “The Pastor: A Memoir“, and a few other appendixes. The book is only 161 pages so the book is brief and literally could be your in-brief reading some morning.… continue reading

The time for procrastination is over if you are planning relocation

Back in 2005 I relocated to Arizona and bought a house there because my wife was planning on starting a cash based Osteopathic practice in the area. Housing was way overpriced but if you wanted to live in Arizona you had no choice but to pay the price. I purchased a two year old house for $207,000 that the original owner had paid only $150,000 for just two years earlier. By 2006 I knew that my wife’s plans were not going to work out so I knew it was time to scale down and get out of Arizona before the economic crash that I knew was coming hit.… continue reading

Communists intend to create a domestic crisis in America in 2012.

If you are an American Libertarian or supporter of the Tea Party or even just a frustrated American of some other political spectrum don’t be deceived by the radical movement that is about to rear its ugly head against capitalism starting tomorrow on September 17th, in New York City and several other cities. The people pushing these mob action “days of rage” are some of the most radical Communists and America haters and Jew haters on this planet.

There will be leaders of unions involved and race baiters and radical environmentalists and anyone else that thinks they can use covetousness, hate, class war, and mobs actions to their own advantage.… continue reading

Free futurist premillennal Revelation commentary by Don Koenig

The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through the Ages” by Don Koenig has been one of the most viewed free Revelation commentaries on the Internet. The first revision of this ebook Revelation commentary has now been completed. The link above will take you to the on-line index of the book. Don first wrote the original Revelation commentary in 2004. This Revelation commentary takes a futurist premillennial modified dispensational view of the events within Revelation. Don Koenig believes the events described in Revelation often through illustrations are literal events and that they should not be spiritualized to the mystical.

(enough pandering to indexing robots, already!!)… continue reading

The spirit of darkness blinds Americans from seeing the true Light

I hope you do realize that just changing the President in this country is not going to change the direction of this country for the better in any significant way. Political leaders of democratic republics pretty much reflects the inclination of the people that they represent. The latest presidents that we elected in America are just the symptom of the spiritual darkness that is engulfing most of the nation.

There has been increasing spiritual darkness in America for quite some time; this darkness can also be called the spirit of antichrist. I am not saying that the majority in this country now embrace the spirit of antichrist but this spirit of darkness is definitely taking over our land.… continue reading

Deception is epidemic in America.

Have you noticed that deception has become an epidemic in America? Deception is the rule of the day and most people buy into the deception because they can no longer discern truth from lies or they actually want to believer liars. For example the rhetoric that most whites are racists but blacks are not while black gangs beat white people in many cities in this nation. Or the lie that everyone wealthy got their money at the expense of others.

Deception is so ingrained into our American society today that I hardly know where to begin to even talk about it.… continue reading

Unemployment in developed nations solved by a shorter work week

Do you realize that almost all countries in the world now have high unemployment? If one country finds a solution to unemployment in their nation it most likely will be at the expense of higher unemployment in other nations. China’s great industrial expansion in the last two decades should make that fact abundantly clear.

Industrialization of once largely agricultural societies like China and India have put out of business many manufacturing jobs in many nations in a very short period because with abundant cheap labor they can undersell them. The industrial workforce on our planet has almost double in a few decades and that is the reason for the high unemployment in the world.… continue reading

After salvation, relations become the important thing for Christians

I have been very frustrated with the ritual system that Christians call church. That was going to be the primary focus of this post today. Writing about this had been in the back of my mind since last weekend but thanks to my pastor’s sermon Sunday night I saw that I needed to keep things in proper perspective.

The most important thing in life after salvation is not getting everything in our churches done the way we think is correct, it is our relationships with others, especially with our eternal brethren in the Body of Christ.

My dissatisfaction had largely been because I think our evangelical churches have moved so far from the Biblical model that I was starting to wonder why I was still attending.… continue reading

American Christians should expect troubles in this world

It is very naive and shortsighted to think that you will escape the type of troubles that have been common to all that lived in the history of the world just because your a Christian living in America. Americans tend to think that the future in America will continue much the same as they have experienced it over their short lives. They tend to think that no great troubles will impact their own generation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing new under the sun, events on earth run in cycles. There is a time for everything. Americans just went through a time of relative peace and prosperity at home and now, very likely, we will go through a time of war, civil strife and economic hard times.… continue reading

Raising the debt ceiling won’t stop the coming economic collapse!

Since raising the debt ceiling is all over the news let’s cut through all the bull and look at the reality of America’s debt. Raising the debt ceiling won’t in anyway stop the coming economic collapse, in fact it makes it more likely. The debt ceiling really has no reason to even exist since whatever government spends is decided by Congress anyway. The debt ceiling is just a political football that the two parties use against each other every so often to try to force the agenda of the ruling party.

The debt ceiling is not the problem, our present national debt and our future national debt is the problem.… continue reading

The demonic progressive agenda to turn man into rebellious beasts

The scriptures say that God created man in His own image. Some ancient text scholars say it means that man was created by God to be His image bearers or imagers. I think that is at least partly correct. We can look at other passages and get some light on what this means. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the express image of God (Heb 1:3) and we know that Jesus as God’s image has the capacity to be God over all creation. In like manner, man made in the image of God was given the capacity to rule over the whole earth.… continue reading

The Iranian Syrian North Korean 2013 EMP Conspiracy

It seems to me that Americans are missing the obvious. Iran, Syria and North Korea are planning a surprise attack on Israel and the West and that attack will include nuclear Electromagnet Pulse (EMP) weapons. I think they will put off this attack as long as possible in order to get more weapons in place but I think the plan will be operational no later than sometime in 2013.

Anytime after 2013 the implementation of their conspired plan to destroy Israel and the West will be based on their threat assessment and we know that with North Korea that it does not take much of a threat for them to go ballistic (pun intended).… continue reading

Americans need to get out of pending war zones while there is time

Are Americans fed up yet? If not, I think many Americans will soon have had it with our government and our dependent class. I think it might be wise for some of you to get out of pending American war zones while there is still time left for you to do that.

Why should anyone think that a President given to America to bring judgment on America would now not bring judgment on America? The only question left in my mind, is will America learn its lesson and restore conservative constitutional sanity to this nation or will Obama get Americans permission to finish the job of cutting their own throats?… continue reading

I think an analysis of present political realities is in order.

If you are aware of present political realities of today, the news headlines of tomorrow may not come as a complete surprise.

Obama is going to withdraw from Afghanistan but it will take until 2014 to do it. Meanwhile, nothing has changed for the better in that area. In fact, things are growing worse because the war just created more radicals in Pakistan and Afghanistan that hate Americans. So there is no reason to think that these areas will not become terrorist training grounds in the future.

Bashar al-Assad of Syria has killed well over a thousand people in Syria and he is creating quite a humanitarian crises by destroying the towns of people that do not support him and their very livelihoods.… continue reading

Just some more bumps in the road for Obama and America

Obama seems to think that every negative report is just a bump in the road on the path to his next hole. He may think he is on course but for Obama life is his recreation, it is all a golf course. The reality of it all is that Obama and this nation are going to hit bumps in the road or the remainder of his term and they are going to make for a very bumpy ride. If he even gets around the “bumps” and gets to the next hole he had better learn to master his sand wedge or the hazards on this real course of leadership will make him look like a rank amateur.… continue reading

Are these tornadoes God’s judgment on America or a test of faith?

After the recent tornadoes in Alabama and Missouri I know some people are wondering if they are judgments of God on America. The answer is no. If they were  judgments of God He would have removed His people out-of-the-way. I know that I will certainly hear the Christian TV repeaters claiming that the tornadoes happened because of Obama’s stance on Israel. After every natural disaster they look for some tit-for-tat relation to Israel. Of course, they mainly apply the tit-for-tat judgments to this country and never to nations that are Israel’s real enemies. It is silly presumption. If God wanted to judge America I doubt if He would destroy two of the most moral cities in our nation as some example of His judgment.… continue reading

Sunday church services are boring and probably not very biblical

I find Sunday services in most churches to be the most boring events on earth. I mainly go to them because of peer pressure and a place to find fellowship. There I said it, and I know that statement could get me in trouble. But realistically I do not think anyone locally really reads my blog posts anyway although a few say that they read them. If they do, nothing I have said recently has been worth a response from them. It reminds me of an old friend who calls a couple of time a year and tells me that she loves my website but I know she has not even looked at the website in many years or she would know that my website now has this blog.… continue reading