Americans should learn the real sorry state of the Union

I am sure Obama will spin his own scripted story of the state of the Union at his State of the Union Speech but the state of the Union is not going to be as stated by our lying politicians.

I think Americans should learn the real sorry state of the Union as painful as that news may be. The economy of the Union is not going to recover any time soon, in fact it is going to get much worse. The American economy is really going into an economic black hole. The link gives 20 darn good easy to understand reasons why we are not on the road to recovery.continue reading

Will they move to phase two and throw Obama under the bus?

I have no inside information of any phase two where Obama will be thrown under the bus by “them” but I just have this gut feeling.

I never believed that an obscure Far Left Congressman with no achievements could get to power without the backing of “them” and I am not sure that “they” did not even expect Obama to help bring the nation to the dire straights it is in. After all, Obama is their own creation.

I think they always intended to throw Obama under the bus after he achieved what they expected of him but the Tea Party Movement and the Brown election might have now moved up the date.… continue reading

Demonic nations under judgement

Had what happened in Haiti this week occurred on the same scale in America many people would be saying that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. They would be saying that America was Babylon and it has now fallen. Haiti is not in Bible prophecy and neither is America but throughout history God has only put up with evil nations for so long.

Haiti has been a nation that has sold itself out to Devil worship through Voodoo for two centuries and the consequences have been turning what should be a resort Island into a hell hole with the lowest standard of living on earth.… continue reading

Brannon Howse interviews Gerald Celente about dire 2010 world trends forecast

I have been sitting here listening to Brannon Howse interviewing world trend forecaster Gerald Celente. It was one of the most interesting interviews I have heard in a long time. Celente is not a prophet so what he says will not necessarily take place but I think you would have to be foolish to discount all of what Gerald Celente is saying. The man certainly calls them like he sees them and he does not pull his punches.

Trend researchers study today’s current events that will bring tomorrow’s effects. I see much the same things as Celente coming but I am not as sure of the timing as he is. … continue reading

United States EMP aftermath preparedness discussion

Imagine if you wake up tomorrow morning and the electricity is out and your heat is off. You also have no water or telephone service. You find your neighbor and then he locates an old battery operated shortwave radio that is still working and then you hear this:

An EMP has occurred high over the United States from a nuclear explosion that is believed to have come from a missile from some unidentified ship and the entire electrical grid in America and parts of Canada is down.

Official United States government sources could not say when anyone in the United States would have electricity again.continue reading

Collective Insanity on Planet Earth

The reason the world needs saving is because mankind is clearly insane in his fallen state. Mankind will somehow always make the collective choices that will bring a type of hell on earth. A study of Bible prophecy and world history or the collective actions of our present world leaders makes collective insanity on earth a undeniable fact.

Man without God will make all the wrong choices over and over again.

like a very wise man once said, “there is nothing new under the sun”. If you think that man’s collective insanity is not being played out on earth today it is probably because you are an inmate of the collective insane asylum named planet earth.… continue reading

Blogging to mostly postmodern mindless robots?

When I started blogging two or three years ago it was with the idea of getting more traffic to read articles on my main website The blogging has certainly brought readers to the blog part of my website but I do not think it has increased traffic to the rest of my website much at all. I probably could have increased traffic much more by just writing and posting new articles on my main website and not blogging at all.

Between the blog and the website I probably get about 1000 unique visitors a day or 1500 visits a day, and each visit downloads about 3 written articles from my website.… continue reading

Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events

If you look on my blog side bar you will see by far the post that is being hit on the most frequently is The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy. That fact probably has more to do with keyword rankings in Google then it does with the interests of the readers of this Blog, but even so, the account in Genesis of the Son’s of God taking the daughters of men as wife’s and producing an offspring called the Nephilim seems to be of great interest to a whole lot of people. Perhaps that is because people sense that there is more to the story than what they were taught in Sunday school on this topic.… continue reading

Dubai: excessive debt is but a symptom of excessive world debt everywhere

Vox Day in this article on the dire sign of Dubai implies the default of Dubai World is just the start of the unraveling of tens of trillions of dollars in world debt everywhere. The article contains a pretty compelling graph as it compares excessive debt in the world to the 1930’s and world gross national product.

The problem with excessive world debt is not limited to the United States. That is why those who just think only the dollar is going to crash are short sighted. The whole world banking system is going to fail. Many nations have been spending way beyond their means.… continue reading

The end of all things economic is upon America but there is a solution.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the plain truth is that there is no way that we are going to get out of this economic mess without defaulting on our debt or just inflating away the value of the dollar until it becomes green toilet paper. The end of all things economic will soon be upon America but if you bear with me I do have a solution.

Those who think there is going to be a major recover are just listening to wishful thinkers and liars. It cannot happen. Banks that hold commercial real estate are soon going to have to reveal a bust as big as the housing crash.… continue reading

Present indications are that Jesus will return 2030-2040 AD.

Over the last few weeks I have been going through and updating all my 25 world trends articles on my website and it still looks to me that present indications are that Jesus will  return 2030-2040 AD. I know that late date does not please the 2012-2019 second coming of Jesus crowd but they simply are wrong, so that is their problem. To find out why they are wrong you will have to read these 25 articles or read my previous blog on why Jesus is not coming between 2012-2019.

Now some of you need to quit whining about how long that is and do something for the Lord with the little time that you have left, because if you really think about it, there is not much time left to work.… continue reading

Chuck Norris a Champion and Christian American patriot for President

I think people should start promoting Chuck Norris for President of the United States in 2012. Chuck Norris is about the only popular Christian patriot and national figure that is saying all the right things about getting America back on the right track.

Some may say he is not qualified to be President but neither is Obama or Hillary, But I say, who is more qualified than a proven real American champion and political author and commentator that has shown that he understands the critical issues and dangers that face our nation and also offers real solutions to fix them? It certainly will not be a professional politician.… continue reading

Veterans: You took an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION from all enemies!

On this Veterans Day I think it is time for us veterans to remember the oath we took to God and country to defend the CONSTITUTION from all enemies foreign and domestic.

In case anyone forgot here is the oath you took.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

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Make the pastor preach to the choir!

My wife has a good voice and a good ear for music and she wants to join the church choir and of course she should. The problem is that she will not join the choir unless I join as well, even though she knows I cannot sing a lick (unless I am jointly singing “American Pie” at some wedding).

Joining the church choir is difficult for me since I cannot even read music and my voice is different everyday. If I try to look at the notes in the song book I often lose the words as well. Even when I am in the pews they are often already on the third stanza by the time I get the hymnal open to the right page and get my reading glasses on.… continue reading

Economic winter is still coming to America

I hate to be one old Jack Frost here, but I think that people are being misled by economic fair weather friends. Green shoots in the economy in November does not mean that summer is coming.  We had a economic cold spell and it now looks to be moderating into Indian Summer but winter is still coming to America. The great economic winter of the United States has barely even begun.

This article by Ron Paul tells you to be prepared for the worst.  I agree with Paul, a bad economic winter is still coming to America. Ron Paul thinks we have about a year left before what I call the economic winter hits.… continue reading

Islam and the Far Left have fascism and hatred of Jews and Christians in common

Many in Islam and the Far left have fascism and hatred of Jews and Christians in common. You might wonder how that might be, since some of the top leaders of the Far Left are Jews.  Ever heard of Judas? There seems to be a  Judas tribe among the Jews. I think this was foretold in a Bible prophecy about the tribe of Dan.

Gen 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

I am not saying that all self hating Jews are all physical descendants of Dan but I may be saying that Dan represents a segment of Jews that led Israel to reject their own God given heritage as a called out nation.continue reading

Contemplations about church practices in America.

I probably should be writing on something more important today like how fascist communists and hedonism are taking over America but all the astute people that read my blogs are already aware of that.  So instead I want to bring up some recent contemplations about church practices in America. What I say here is meant to be taken as food for thought; it is not meant to insult anyone and you certainly do not have to agree on my thoughts on church practices in America.

Contemplation one – I am told by Good Authority (a medical professional) that one of the number one ways of spreading disease is by shaking hands.… continue reading

Onward de-sissified Christians soldiers marching off to war singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go.

After You read this article you will simply know why I had to post it. I did not want to steal all of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s words here so you will have to read the full article to get the full impact of the new offensive line that he proposes. Too bad my home team, the Buffalo Bills, don’t get it, or most sissified Christians for that matter. Its time for Christians to march on all the left leaning houses in the land singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go!

  • De-sissified Christians should be more like a Fox when it comes to presenting the good news.
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Obama: Rosemary’s Baby?? A scary Halloween story!

Obama: Rosemary’s Baby?? A scary Halloween story? 👿

The other day I was thinking about how it is that many of the young hippies of the counterculture movement of the 1960’s are now in positions of power running and ruining America. Is it any wonder then, why these undisciplined hippies, drug abusers. God hating,  anti-American  people have taken America down this dark immoral road that we see America on today?

For some reason an image popped into my mind of a cabal of old Marxist elite rich liberal people fawning over their Obama child, their very own creation, and I began to think more and more about it.… continue reading

I write something to offend everyone.

When people ask about my website I often warn them that there is something  to offend everyone on my website. I don’t write to try to offend everyone but it turns out that telling people my Christian worldview makes me an equal opportunity offender. If you  read all of my articles something is sure to offend you. However, if we really could all agree on every point we all could just do away with thinking.

Obviously much of what I write offends non Christians so if your one of those, you will not have to look far on my website to be offended.… continue reading