Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Apr 2013

John Adams indicated that the American system of government is only possible for a moral people. That leaves out fools. Look around at the immorality that the majority of people in this country are now doing, supporting or enabling. America is becoming a nation of the fools, by the fools, and for the fools. This is the latest American reality show. Need I say any more on the state of our Union on April fools day 2013?


If you want an foreign example of a April fool, just look to North Korea. Their new young leader, Kim Jong Un, says that North Korea is at war with South Korea and the United States.… continue reading

Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

American Christians sometimes talk in banalities and often the names and phrases that they use do not always give people a correct thought-for-thought translation. Seekers coming into our American seeker-friendly Christian churches might like to know some insider information. The following is a short insider guide to help people understand some of the verbiage of modern Protestant Christendom.

Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

Word or expression – – – – –The Insider thought-for-thought translation

Amen? (by the preacher) — I want everyone that I am preaching at to say amen

Amen (by someone in the pews) — I want the preacher and everyone else in the church building to know that I agree

Amen (by the choir) — Words of a song

Amen by a Christian acquaintance — Right on!… continue reading

Christians and Constitutional Conservatives already lost America

I think there is a fundamental error in thinking among Constitutional Conservative Christians in America. Some Conservatives and Bible believing Christians in America think that they can just elect someone and make America back into the basically Christian Constitutional Republic that it once was. Nothing could be further from the truth. A nation gets the leader that God determines that they need or deserve. Constitutional Conservatives and Bible believing Christians have already lost the American Republic. There will have to be nothing short of a moral revolution to get it back and I can prove why.

The American Public School system has become little more than a humanist communist government indoctrination system.… continue reading

America’s Feminized Postmodern Corporations Called Churches.

Real men in America that actually contend for the faith have become a rare commodity in the feminized government corporations that are now called our churches. Our individualist forefathers are now rolling in their graves wondering why men have allowed government and women to feminize America and the American Church.

The churches in America are now generally state licensed corporations. Churches have a corporate board that feels it must obey the laws of the State. Sit in any congregational business meeting and you will see that church business is conducted according to state corporate law rather than any biblical model.

Hitler’s Germany instituted such a system on Christian churches and 95 percent of the pastors went along with the State on everything, often teaching a Romans 13 interpretation that Christians must obey government.… continue reading

Reverend in the body of Christ or disgraced by worldly and religious Harlotry?

I have a couple of dictionary definitions for the word “Reverend”

“A member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church”

A title of respect for a clergyman”

So I ask you, should certain people be called spiritual leaders of Christians or be respected by Christians after they continually and willfully disgrace themselves through obvious worldly and religious Harlotry? Should Christians call these religious harlots “Reverend” just because they got through some religious training program?

Somehow the title “Reverend” just does not fit many that are using it today.

Jesus did not like titles for good reason (Mt 23 7:12), leaders in the Church are to be servants.… continue reading

Observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Here are some observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Dave Daubenmire ran for Congress in Ohio always loudly proclaiming the cross of Christ during his campaign. Here are the results of the vote for him and his observations and conclusions.

I lost my race for Congress last night. It played out pretty much the way I envisioned it would. I had warned the Tea Party movement that they better pick a horse in the primary or they would wind up with a choice between two Bob Dole clones in November.

That is exactly what they got.

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There is no Union, Jack!

Many still talk about America being united but where is the union, Jack? We are still called The United States of America, nevertheless where is the Union Jack? I simply am not seeing much unity in America. This nation under Obama has become more divided than any time since the Civil War.

  • Some American politicians are on the far left and some are on the far right, but the majority are controlled by special interest money brokers.
  • In American Christianity we have the social reformers and the great commissioners, but the majority are the latter day Laodiceans.
  • In American economics we have the Keynesian school and the Austrian school, but the majority is in the “what’s in it for me” school.
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Onward de-sissified Christians soldiers marching off to war singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go.

After You read this article you will simply know why I had to post it. I did not want to steal all of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s words here so you will have to read the full article to get the full impact of the new offensive line that he proposes. Too bad my home team, the Buffalo Bills, don’t get it, or most sissified Christians for that matter. Its time for Christians to march on all the left leaning houses in the land singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go!

  • De-sissified Christians should be more like a Fox when it comes to presenting the good news.
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The Christian conservative counterrevolution to take back America from the radicals must start today

The article by Dave Daubenmire is full of truth and Christian people need to start paying attention. We have had a coup in America  and socialist communists are now in almost total control.

For decades the apathetic people of the United States allowed the educational system to become dominated by evolutionists, atheists, feminists, perverts and socialists. In other words, all who are in rebellion against the God of the Bible, and those who see the United States as the enemy of their idealist humanist global world order. The one thing that unites the Far Left and Islam is  hate against America

While most in America were sleeping over the decades they became well organized and promoted their own.… continue reading

Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Many “black Christians” have chosen their Obamanation. I read that 97 percent of blacks voted for this abortionist.

We voted for him because the world is full of poor children who need food, they say! While the wolf enacts executive orders to kill off their next generation.

I have news for these “black Christians”. There is no skin color in the Body of Christ. Choose this day whom you will serve. Will you serve God or people with a tan that display the spirit of anti-Christ in their policies? Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Dave Daubenmire — More Black Than Christian

The history of black Americans is one of deep abiding faith and perseverance through generations of oppression.

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America is on the wrong track because the lights are out.

America is on the wrong track heading for a train wreck sure enough because the lights are out at the switch yard and America is traveling the wrong way on a one way track. The train wreck now seems inevitable unless someone turns on the lights so America sees the signs and quickly reverses direction.

If the light from God’s people are hidden under a bushel they cannot cast out the darkness. Some pastors and leaders in Christianity are the bushels hiding the light. The only way for lights to shine is to get out from under the bushels.

Dave Daubenmire — Turn on the Lights

So, where do we go from here?

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America’s get two-minute warning its goose is about to be cooked

Coach Dave Daubenmire gives the nation the appropriate two minute warning in this article and Dave claims to be an optimist. I am more a realist, and like Dave I also think America’s goose is about to be cooked because of America’s amorality and materialistic excesses. Also because we are sitting ducks for terrorists.

I do not think most of those you seen in store on the news on Black Friday spending money like drunken sailors have any intention of paying off what they charged. They are simply looting with credit cards that they will never pay off before the unlawful looting really starts.… continue reading

Black sheep vote for Obama’s plantation.

Dave Daubenmire sees the hypocrisy of the vast majority of Christian blacks voting for a black candidate just because he is part black. Had he inherited his mother’s skin color I doubt if he would be holding any office, yet running for President.

The real point is why would any Christian vote on basis of skin color? That is racism. Christians should be voting for those who will advance the cause of Jesus Christ in this nation and voting for a leader that will allow Christians to live in this land in peace. They should not be voting for someone who will continue to make them slaves of government and their own black overseers.… continue reading

Dead Christians walking to a rude awaking for America

Dave is correct about the vast majority of Christianity in America and the West. We have become like our mother Israel who became a Harlot and God cast her out of the land. We made corrupt world leaders our saviors, we took the God who sustains us out of the equation, and played the harlot with the world and trust in our material riches.

Christianity in America is on her death bed. What happened to our Mother Harlot Israel will now happen to the apostate church. Nevertheless, even in the Harlot that we now call Christianity God has a faithful remnant that have not bowed their knee to the neo-paganism Baal of our time.… continue reading

Would Jesus yell at sissies or would He endure them like the Church?

You will have to read the full article to get the full flavor of what the Coach is saying here. I guess besides saying that Jesus did raise his voice on occasion he is also saying the Church has become sissified. If men in the Church want to act like women I hope that they at least take some lessons from Sarah Palin. 😛

People are always talking about what Jesus would or would not do, as if they really had a clue what the Creator of the universe would do in our worldly situation. I got so fed up with hearing people say “what would Jesus do” when that was the number one trite saying going around that I wrote my own article about it.… continue reading

Coach Dave Daubenmire chides Rick Warren for using the wrong playbook

I was waiting for someone to go on the biblical offensive and get it right about the political forum at Saddleback led be pastor Rick Warren. Coach Dave Daubenmire single handed takes out the whole defensive line of Rick Warren in this article. The Coach really defines in this article the whole problem with this superstar and his whole team.

All I heard from most Evangelical leaders was how great this political forum was but few mentioned that “America’s Pastor” is not even using the Christian playbook, he is using the playbook of the losing team. What gospel was heard from “America’s Pastor”?… continue reading

This may be your last chance to rope-a-dope the IRS and take off that unconstitutional 501-C3 muzzle

The Alliance Defense Fund will defend any pastor and church that on Sept 28th makes a political speech for or against a candidate from their pulpit. The IRS muzzled the church for over fifty years with its 501-C3 statute. Forcing churches to abide by unconstitutional rulings on religious speech with the treat of losing their tax exempt status. Congress made a law prohibiting the free exercise of religion and that is against the First Amendment of the Constitution that says Congress should make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

It is time for Christian churches to get rid of the muzzle.… continue reading

Our leading thumb suckers.

Well, this article is Dave Daubenmire at his best. Believe me I hear similar things from the people who email me. Pastors in many churches don’t lead people to Christ anymore they just follow popular Guru’s and teach their congregations new ways to have a more sensitive and girlie Church service. Did Peter and Paul do that or did they boldly tell the world the salvation message at every opportunity even though it cost them their lives? Did Peter, Paul and John speak correction and instruction to the Church at every opportunity or did they just tap dance around the issues like many popular pastors of today?… continue reading

Sheep will have no direction without Shepherds

I have often heard pastors tell the sheep in the pews that they need to get busy because God works through them as well. That is true, but sheep do not lead they follow. Perhaps your people are not doing anything but warming the pews because you have not provided them a spiritual battle plan. How many are even giving their onward Christian soldiers a weekly briefing on issues of our day like those found in the quote of Dave Daubenmire below?

I think we have all heard enough of your canned applications for living a Christian life. Now we need leaders who know how to take the high ground and be steadfast against the amorality and heresies of our day that are perverting our nation and our churches.

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We are not the prodigal nation and belief in the Rapture is not the problem

Dave Daubenmire obviously too often listens to people who do not know what they are talking about.

I emailed Dave the last time he made this ridiculous assertion that the Church is sitting around doing nothing waiting for the Rapture. Obviously what I said to him did not sink in so now I will say it publicly since he makes his ridiculous assertion publicly.

Most of the Church could care less about the Rapture and it certainly is not obsessed with end-time prophecy. As I told Dave before, almost nobody is teaching it anymore. The few churches that are, are probably the churches that are actually doing something spiritual in this nation.… continue reading