The economic crises will be used to change the U.S. from a Constitutional Republic to an imperial presidency.

This is a very sobering article. Everything Obama wants will be passed in a few days by throwing it all into a trillion dollar stimulus plan. There will not even be any debate. I was wondering why Obama was meeting with Al Gore today when so many other things seem so much more important. The last thing we need now is to spend money trying to stop carbon production and developing expensive alternative energy systems but it seems that something much more sinister is going on here.

Obama is going to use the economic crises to pass and fund the whole socialist global agenda in one bite.continue reading

Russia takes steps to begin liquidation of many religions, Christian denominations, and mission groups including World Vision and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

This is the kind of religious freedom you get in Russia under Putin’s fascism. The religions get liquidated if they do not file annual reports on activities and it seems that they still get liquidated if they do file annual reports of activity and the State and the Russian Orthodox church does not like the religious activities. Basically, this means that all religion outside of the Russian Orthodox Church will not be allowed to exist in Russia. Even if this is just a scare tactic as some imply, what makes anyone think this liquidation will not eventually take place under Putin?… continue reading

A Marxist Communist pig with lipstick is still a Marxist Communist pig

Christians need to expose political correctness for what it is instead of acting like it just a harmless reform-minded movement. It is Marxism and it is very regressive not progressive. I do not know why people are afraid to call the Far left in this nation what they are. They are Marxist Communists. They often quote right out of the communist manifesto. They Go to Marxist religious services and want a Big Brother Marxist fascist government that will enforce communistic rules on everyone but themselves.

They are taking over this nation because people are afraid to expose them for what they are.… continue reading

Obama would use executive orders to bring in his agenda even before Congress acts.

It is very likely that Obama would use executive orders to bring in his agenda and very rapidly silence his critics. Why not? The Liberal controlled Congress will not oppose anything he does and by the time the issue would even get to the Supreme Court he will also have the judges stacked in his favor.

America has not seen anything like what will come if Obama is elected. If you want change you will get it. The U.S. will change right into a fascist socialist system quicker than you can imagine.

I can soon see the Liberals snitching on, reporting and intimidating Conservatives for all kinds of politically incorrect offenses.… continue reading

World socialism brought to you by government bailing out people who will not pay their debts.

It should be a joke but sadly it is not. Those who have been paying their mortgages and not piling up debt are suckers. They will continue to pay their bills but the government will pay the bills of everyone who lived beyond their means and the greedy elite pigs that financed them.

Many people in America are now just going to stop paying on their houses, cars, credit cards, student loans etc. until government takes much of their debt off their hands. When that happens we are not talking about a 700 billion dollar bailout we are talking about a government that just keeps taking on trillions of dollars of new personal debt.… continue reading

The Far Left and Obama will bring fascism to America

Joe Farah in the quoted article explains what fascism is.

Fascism does not come from the Right like you were taught by socialists. It comes from the socialist Far Left. Those of you who plan to vote for Obama are actually voting in fascism. You will have a nation where all three branches of the government, media, the educational systems, and corporations will be controlled by Far Left socialist fascists. The checks and balances designed in our Constitution will essentially be nullified by a nation controlled by the Far Left.

When they take control woe to anyone who will dare to oppose this self righteous group of self enlightened control freaks that believe that they know what is best for everyone else.… continue reading

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.
by Don Koenig 2008
The Far Left has already taken over the Democratic Party of the U.S. They also control the educational systems of America and they control the major media and most major multinational corporations. In addition, they control the dependents created by the welfare system.  During the next election they plan to get control of the few remaining areas in this nation that they do not already control. Those areas among others are the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Internet, talk radio and the evangelical religious systems of America.
If they get the Presidency they also get the courts and when the President signs hate speech laws they get control over the evangelical religious systems, the internet and talk radio.
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This may be your last chance to rope-a-dope the IRS and take off that unconstitutional 501-C3 muzzle

The Alliance Defense Fund will defend any pastor and church that on Sept 28th makes a political speech for or against a candidate from their pulpit. The IRS muzzled the church for over fifty years with its 501-C3 statute. Forcing churches to abide by unconstitutional rulings on religious speech with the treat of losing their tax exempt status. Congress made a law prohibiting the free exercise of religion and that is against the First Amendment of the Constitution that says Congress should make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

It is time for Christian churches to get rid of the muzzle.… continue reading

The government is already setting up informant networks that could enforce government tyranny

The government is already setting up informant networks that may enforce government tyranny. It all starts with the best of intentions but that is not the way it ends up. Soon your nation has become like Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s USSR. Where a small percent of informers are paid to keep watch on everyone else. Then the social engineers pass hate speech laws and the informers report people who espouse extremist beliefs like the second coming of Jesus Christ. They will become subversives, and all who quote certain parts of the Bible will become hate speech criminals. It is happening in China and North Korea.… continue reading

British want RFID implantable microchips for prisoners

They are also planning to microchip their military and it will continue to spread to more and more groups. It will not stay in Britain it will soon be everywhere. This is not the Mark of the Beast system yet but it is setting the technical foundation for it. I also found it interesting that these RFID chips already have the capability of uploading information to a satellite uplink.

U.K. to Begin Microchipping Prisoners

the Ministry of Justice is exploring the possibility of injecting prisoners in the back of the arm with a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip that contains information about their name, address and criminal record.

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Beware of French men wearing black robes.

In another post today I indicated pretty much what Hawkins says in this article. We certainly are only one Supreme Court justice away from being like the French. We might not even be that far away because Justice Kennedy can go either way. For me it is a forgone conclusion that the court will turn liberal and legislate from the bench to take away our constitutional rights if Obama appoints the next Justices. When men and women in black robes become socialist engineers our nation will no longer be united.

Only One Justice Away from Being French – HUMAN EVENTS

The more news coverage of the Supreme Court’s “historic” decision upholding the Second Amendment I saw the more depressed I became.

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Colorado and California are a preview of a coming national agenda to censor Christians.

Just wait a couple of years until what they are doing in Colorado and California becomes national laws. Think not? Give Democrats complete control of all branches of government and I assure you national hate speak laws and school and corporate sex indoctrination laws will be passed and enforced.

Just look at the recent vote on the second amendment to the Constitution. Any idiot can read that it forbids the disarming of the people. Yet four of nine Supreme Court Judges did not see it that way. All of them were Liberals and these four always vote against any literal interpretation of our constitution.… continue reading

Colorado’s Criminalization of Christian speech

Yep, right here in the good old USA in once conservative Christian Colorado they have criminalized Christianity. I think it is time to get the tar and feathers ready. Some politicians and special interest groups in the U.S. are simply going to have to be dealt with or it will continue to spread across the land like the plague. If you want to know how serious this is just read the last sentence of this section in the law. If they do not even desire what you said you can be arrested.

Go ahead: Arrest me

Censorship. Book burning. The Criminalization of Christianity.

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Censorship: good or evil?

Censorship has almost always been the rule in the world. Strong leaders and control freaks always end up in control until the next revolution. You can really only have free speech in a moral society because man’s decadent nature and his ideas will eventually pervert society. We have had free speech in the Western world since World War II and it has produced the very decadent permissive society that we see today. Unfortunately censorship it is only as good as the censors. When you get evil censors they censor the wrong people.

What is happening today is that the perverts are beginning to censor the moral people because they do not like to hear the truth about their own evil practices.… continue reading

Canadian Christian pastor fined and censored for speaking against sin.

What is now in Canada will be coming here during the next administration when the Left passes their hate speech laws. Pastors and Christians will be fined, and ministries and websites will be shut down just for taking biblical positions against blatant amorality.

So then it will come down to do we obey ungodly government laws ramrodded into law by the godless perverted far left or do we obey God and continue to teach the truth in love. If Christians obey God instead of man, persecution is coming to America much sooner then you might think and so will the civil backlash from those in America who believe in trying to maintain moral codes in their communities.… continue reading

Fascism has arrived in Canada and has become a world plague.

Father Alphonse de Valk is one of the small minority of religious leaders that is speaking the truth about the fascist takeover in Canada and he is now being persecuted for it. Fascism is socialist state control over everything. It is obvious that Canada is now run by secular godless socialists. But it is also coming to the U.S. from the Left and it has already arrived in much of Europe. Not to mention the Chinese, Islam and Russia fascism. Hitler and Stalin would be so proud of the world today.

Priest warns fascism has arrived in schools

In a column at Catholic Insight, de Valk writes under the headline “Fascism has come to Canada” that the Department of Education in British Columbia plans in September to “introduce the mandatory teaching of SSM [same-sex marriage] from kindergarten to grade 12 in provincial schools.

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Canada and Europe already have tribunals to prosecute Christians speech and it will be coming here soon thanks to you.

People are already being charged with hate crimes in Canada and Europe for just expressing their Christian beliefs and what the Bible says. In the next administration in the U.S. you can be sure they will pass similar hate crimes legislation here. You also can be sure that there will be many pervert groups and Islamic groups on witch hunts to find people to target under the new laws. Then many “Christians” in this nation can be so proud that they did nothing and ignorantly voted for politicians who will nullify the Bill of Rights.

Canada and Europe already have bureaucratic tribunals to prosecute Christian speech and it will soon be coming here thanks to many of you.… continue reading

Some Pentecostals need to quit acting like stupid children and grow up!

Carla at “More Books and Things” put together a nice set of links about Todd Bentley and what is going on in the loony movement in Lakeland Florida.

My opinion is that Bentley is either a con artist, demon possessed or is mentally ill. Take any selection that works for you. This unbelievable bozo even has a angel named Emma? There are no angels named Emma. Angels are always masculine. So believe me Emma is no angel and Bentley is no spokesman for God. This clod is saying that when he got sucked up to heaven God told him we are hindering God from healing us?… continue reading

The Beast will come in through the Left door.

Take heed! The “nice” leftist people that you are electing are planing to take this nation to what we fought against in World War II. They plan to replace our system with a global fascist system of total governance over everyone and everything. History is repeating itself on a world scale and this time there will be no America coming to the rescue. It is Big Brother control disguised as democratic compassionate humanitarianism. They brainwash you to fear the Christian Right while they bring in their fascist godless socialism through the Left. This Beast will not follow the American Constitution it will follow the ways of the Antichrist.… continue reading

California is where stupidly replaced wisdom

You will have to read the article to see how society will change because of allowing same sex couples to marry. If what is pointed out here does not get you to vote for the marriage amendment you are going to get a world that makes no natural sense at all. California will become the land of fruits, nuts and total social insanity.

California: Where compassion replaced wisdom

It is difficult to imagine a single social change greater than redefining marriage from opposite sex to include members of the same sex.

Nothing imaginable – leftward or rightward – would constitute as radical a change in the way society is structured as this redefining of marriage for the first time in history: Not another Prohibition, not government taking over all health care, not changing all public education to private schools, not America leaving the United Nations, not rescinding the income tax and replacing it with a consumption tax.

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