Homeschooling becoming outlawed.

I have said that when people start taking kids out of public schools in California that they will start outlawing home schooling like they do in Germany. The court basically said that parents or even Christian homeschooling programs are not state approved programs. The court has declared that home schooling does not promote social interaction outside the family, it does not allow state social nanny police to determine if the child is brought up properly and they say that home schooling will be emotionally damaging. In other words parent home teaching will be outlawed by these socialist Nazis.

When the next administration takes over you can be sure that this will be the law nationwide.… continue reading

Global socialism will lead to fascism and the Beast Antichrist

This is a really great article on socialism and fascism it should help you to understand it better, why it will fail and why it always end up in dictatorship. Then he begs the question, if the world is going socialist what will the global dictatorship it will evolve into look like? The answer of course is the Beast.

The world is already going socialist in many ways. If the US elects a socialist leader like Obama or Clinton the world will be well into the start of the global socialist cycle that he implies. If that is true the Beast Antichrist global dictator is not far behind.… continue reading

Seven reasons not to vote for the Obama Messiah

Obama has become the black Messiah for a whole generation. I will give you seven reasons you why you should not make this man your idol or vote for him.

First, he is just a man. Obama has no special powers unless they are demonic.

Second, get to know what he really plans to do. If you knew instead of just getting caught up in this mass hysteria you would know that he is a globalist socialist. He will make the US subservient to the UN and transfer US wealth to other nations.

Third, many of Obama’s moral positions are in direct opposition to the absolute truths of the Bible.… continue reading

The war on those that actually believe that Jesus will return

More and more stories are coming out from mainstream Christians teaching that those who actually take Bible prophecy literally are dangerous people.Bishop Hanson is not unique these day. Jimmy Carter just implied the same thing at his Baptist conference. George Bush implied it years ago. Preterist’s imply it in their books. Methodists and most Presbyterians imply it in the positions they take in the Middle East. One can go on and on.

Those that teach the millennial return of Jesus Christ are receiving more and more persecution in the world. It is not even allowed in China. Now mainstream denominations will ostracize those who actually believe that Jesus will return in our time.… continue reading

Man caused global warming determined to be scientifically wrong

The article gives ample proof that CO2 does not drive global warming.  The author suggests that global warming advocates will either go into denial because they cannot take being wrong or they will switch to the threat of global cooling. I do not think that will be the way it will turn out.

There is already plenty of proof that global warming is not man caused and the little warming that there was over the last hundred years is not any threat to mankind. Nevertheless, if you tell lies long and loud enough, and certain people stand to get rich supporting these lies, and politicians stand to gain power over the people through these lies, the lies are not going to be done away with anytime soon.… continue reading

Collapse of civilization is near

Your not crazy, the collapse of civilization as we know is near. Many of these surplus men will make up the army of the 200 million out of the East in Revelation. There are 163 million surplus men now but there will be many more by 2030. By the time all the end time events play out the Bible says this surplus of men will change to men becoming rarer than gold.

WorldNetDaily: Collapse of civilization is near: “At this risk of sounding like a crazy person, I am driven to say I believe a civilizational collapse is near. Worse, I think it is too late to reverse.

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Russia is rapidly going Fascist

Can anyone spell Fascism? There is no doubt that Russia is going back to its old ways. The bankruptcy of Russia erased their debt and their oil and natural resourse wealth now allows them to build a modern state controlled industry and a modern new military. In less than 15 years Russia will be the number one nuclear military threat to the world and China will be a close second. Meanwhile Europe will have their own Fascism. Who know what becomes of the United States? That’s just part of the world story because there will be other major players as well.continue reading

China is Fascist and the world will be Fascist by 2020

Joe Farah is correct. China is not communistic it is now Fascist. In fact the whole world is become Fascist step by step. Every right the government takes away from its citizens and every new dictated social agenda is one more step toward Fascism. China is now Fascist, Most Islamic countries are now Fascist, The EU is heading toward Fascism, Russia is moving toward Fascism, if not already their. Many Latin America countries are Fascist, The US is moving toward Fascism. The UN polices reflect that they believe in Fascism. Global warming agendas are Fascist.

At the rate the world is going I would say the entire world will be totally Fascist by 2020.continue reading

Higher inflation to warrant double-digit rates in future

Greenspan’s rationalization for double digit inflation in the future is self serving and very deceptive. Double digit inflation will come like Greenspan says but it won’t come because of lack of workers as Greenspan implies. Worker shortages just bring higher productivity. Double digit inflation will actually come because people and governments have been spending much more than they have had, for many decades.

The Federal bankers of some nations have just been creating money like it was toilet paper and it will be worth just about as much some day.

What’s the solution? There isn’t any, it is far too late to save the system.continue reading

Cooking the Books on Global Warming

So what we are finding out is that the warming recorded was because many of the cold-weather stations were shut down and the stations in the most reliable stations in the world located in the United States are often situated in places where they will skew the data in favor of Global warming theories.

Every new report that comes out proves that global warming is a fraud, a hoax, stupidity and a lot of hot air. Yet plans to tax CO2 which never could cause significant global warming will go on and on like the energizer bunny. Open a can of carbonated soda in your green house this winter and observe how much warmer it will get in your green house.continue reading

America aids China and loses Latin America

While we are so busy buying Chinese crap and spending over $200 billion more then we are buying from China every year the Chinese are taking our money and doing with it what we should have been doing in Latin America. Therefore, we paid China to undermine our own hemisphere. You can thank all the politicians and Corporate globalists who moved our jobs and technology to China so they could fill their own pockets at our expense. You can also thank yourself every time you buy that Chinese peace of crap that will break down in a year or poison your kids and pets.continue reading

China to act on gender imbalance

This is important in Bible prophecy because there will soon be a huge surplus of men of military age with no chance for a normal life. Ever since the 80’s China has been birthing a huge surplus of men. If they end the unbalance by 2010 like they have stated before. That generation will span from 1980 until about 2010 or 30 years. The last born of this surplus generation of men will be of military age by 2025 while the first of the generation will be still be young enough to be capable of fighting. This peak generation of disposable men will occur in the years between 2025-2035.continue reading

A Movement of God, Or Spiritual Incest?

Some of what he says here may be true in America but it certainly is not true in China. There is a place for the house Church and there is a place for larger churches. If so many people are starting house churches because they are angry at their traditional church you might ask why that is? Let’s face it, many are tired of playing church a few hours a week and only getting the seeker friendly fluff or emerging mysticism that is now found in most large churches.

Others get tired of paying for the bigger and bigger entertainment centers that they meet in once or twice a week.continue reading

Worried about Putin’s Russia?: Read on

Read on….Gog arising

Worried about Putin’s Russia?: Read on – International Herald Tribune: “Not only is Putin’s regime making smart strategic investments – in infrastructure, laboratories, a modernized military – its flow of energy wealth is giving the Kremlin the confidence to pursue assertive foreign policies, secure for the moment in a set of global circumstances that has hobbled the United States, turned the attention of China and India elsewhere (toward growth and internal modernization), and given all the world’s oil-producing states immense leverage.”

Two examples will have to suffice here: the creation of a patriotic youth movement, and the not-too-subtle rewriting of Russia’s school history books.

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Who Shall Watch the Watchers?

This is where the world is heading and it is starting big time in China because the government already has all power in China. There is a time of war coming to the free world where governments will be given power over the people for security. In the coming surveillance society that will result we can ask who will watch the watchers? The answer will not be inherently noble figures, at least not for very long. Tyrants and control freaks will rise to watch the watchers who are watching us.

China: Who Shall Watch the Watchers? – HUMAN EVENTS: “In “The Republic” Plato’s lead character, Socrates, describes a perfect society as being one where there is reliance on laborers, tradesmen and slaves.

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China Enacting a High-Tech System to Track People

Sounds like they are already installing a system in China where one will not be able to buy or sell with something similar to the Mark of the Beast. Which proves how swiftly and easily it can be done today once government decrees that it will be done.

China Enacting a High-Tech Plan to Track People – New York Times “Data on the chip will include not just the citizen’s name and address but also work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status and landlord’s phone number. Even personal reproductive history will be included, for enforcement of China’s controversial “one child” policy.

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War Crimes by Jamie Glazov

“War Crimes” is a book that explains the treason that comes from the Left. The Left can only gain power when this nation loses.

My view is that the Left power brokers will do anything including treason to gain that power. Their allegiance is not to the United States, it is to a socialist world order run by those who believe they are the enlightened rightful rulers of this world. They are a self rightious delusional people who see themselves as God’s gift to save the world.

FrontPage :: War Crimes by Jamie Glazov: “Patterson: The bottom line is the Left in this country only wins when America loses.

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RFK Jr. to climate summit: worse environmental administration we had in our history?

I recall in the early 60’s that the Great Lakes were dead and many cities had air that was literally deadly at times. We had nuclear sites all over the West polluting vast areas.  President JFK headed the administration at that time.

What is JFK Jr’s solution for our electricity needs right now? If we did not now have these coal plants what is his alternative? Minor modifications like Wal-Mart is not going to solve our present energy requirements. It is also rather strange that JFK Jr. would praise a company that buys almost everything from China that is by far the biggest manufacturing polluter in the world.continue reading

China’s weather modification

China always goes to extremes and I do not doubt that they will here also. What happens when they take their weather modification programs too far and it impacts the climate of other nations? For example, it might not be hard to cool the earth by releasing certain gases into the ionosphere or certain chemicals in the oceans. Will that be China’s answer to global warming rather then controlling the industrial output that the West demands? If they did do such an experiment what would be the long term consequences to weather and food production on earth? Could it cause the biblical famines of Revelation?continue reading

Pollution kills 750,000 in China every year

The truth is that China’s fascist leaders care nothing about the environment or the health of their people. They will only change if it impacts China’s bottom line. The world needs to stop buying from the Chinese as long as they have this amoral leadership.

Pollution kills 750,000 in China every year Earth News Earth Telegraph

Pollution kills three quarters of a million people in China every year, according to previously unreleased World Bank statistics.

Workers clean a canal in Beijing. World Bank figures said China had 16 of the 20 most polluted cities on earth
The figures, almost twice previous estimates, were calculated using a new statistical model.

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