Homeschooling becoming outlawed.

I have said that when people start taking kids out of public schools in California that they will start outlawing home schooling like they do in Germany. The court basically said that parents or even Christian homeschooling programs are not state approved programs. The court has declared that home schooling does not promote social interaction outside the family, it does not allow state social nanny police to determine if the child is brought up properly and they say that home schooling will be emotionally damaging. In other words parent home teaching will be outlawed by these socialist Nazis.

When the next administration takes over you can be sure that this will be the law nationwide.… continue reading

Global socialism will lead to fascism and the Beast Antichrist

This is a really great article on socialism and fascism it should help you to understand it better, why it will fail and why it always end up in dictatorship. Then he begs the question, if the world is going socialist what will the global dictatorship it will evolve into look like? The answer of course is the Beast.

The world is already going socialist in many ways. If the US elects a socialist leader like Obama or Clinton the world will be well into the start of the global socialist cycle that he implies. If that is true the Beast Antichrist global dictator is not far behind.… continue reading

Nano technology may help link up humans with the Antichrist

I think a direct neural link connection to all Internet data and the Antichrist will be very close to the real mark of the Beast. It looks like man will have that capability by 2030AD

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Humans and machines would eventually merge, by means of devices embedded in
people’s bodies to keep them healthy and improve their intelligence, predicted
Mr Kurzweil.”We’ll have intelligent nanobots go into our brains through the capillaries
and interact directly with our biological neurons,” he told BBC News.
The nanobots, he said, would “make us smarter, remember things better and automatically go into full emergent virtual reality environments through the nervous system”.
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The Church Shift to Dominion Theology will take a ride on the Beast

Just when you think it cannot get any nuttier in Christianity they prove you wrong. Now we are going to have a Shift in the Church and that Church Shift is going to establish God’s Kingdom on earth before Jesus even returns. Which is really nothing more than dominion theology. In order to establish this dominionism the mission of the Church will have to change from preaching the gospel to one of doing social works and this book sets the foundation for the world to become socialist along with the socialist pagans.

We have been warning the Church that this is where the postmodern heretics will take “Christianity”.… continue reading

The world invasion of the satanic change agents

If you are an astute Christian who knows what is going on you should have heard about the talk about change, rethinking and a coming paradigm shift. This dialog is coming from all that hold positions of power and global influence. It now even is the major subject in postmodern and Liberal church movements. The plan to move from individual thinking and belief in absolutes to a more global consensus group think way about everything. They think doing this will bring world Unity to help establish a unified global world agenda.

This brainwashing movement is going to do away with the absolutes truths of Christian and all absolute moral believes.… continue reading

Sustainable development is global governance

Sustainable Development is where the elite are moving the world and they are using imaginary environmental problems to get us there. It is a mixture of socialism and fascism. It will lead to the Beast system of the Antichrist where everyone and everything will be under global governance

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Under Sustainable Development there can be no limited government, as advocated by our Founding Fathers, because, we are told, the real or perceived environmental crisis is too great. Maurice Strong, Chairman of the 1992 UN Earth Summit said: “A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally-damaging consumption patterns.
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Dr Norman Geisler reviews Hank Hanegraff’s Apocalypse Code

Hank Hanegraff’s wrote a book called “Apocalypse Code”. Dr Norman Geisler does a brilliant scholarly book review and rebuttal of Hanegraff’s book that attacks premillennial dispensational theology. Here is just a small sample of Dr Geisler’s summery.

This brings me to my chief concern about The Code–it is based on an allegorical method of interpreting prophetic Scripture that, if applied to other teachings of Scripture, would undermine the salvation essentials of the Christian Faith. Let me illustrate the extent to which The Apocalypse Code goes in allegorizing away the literal truth of Scripture from above cited texts. It transforms –

  • The plain meaning of the Bible into a so-called “deeper” meaning
  • Literal promises into spiritual ones
  • Unconditional promises into conditional ones
  • Jewish tribes into Gentiles
  • A thousand years into eternity
  • A literal resurrection into a spiritual one
  • Land Promises for National Israel into spiritual life in Christ
  • A literal mark of the Beast into a mere symbol of identity with him
  • Physical clouds into mere symbols of judgment
  • A literal earthly throne of David into a heavenly reign of Christ
  • Two literal witnesses into literary representatives of the Law and Prophets
  • Cosmic judgment into the destruction of a small city (Jerusalem)

All of this Hank is fond of calling “Reading the Bible for all it is worth.”

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Is the Singularity and the Rapture the same event?

I have made the conjecture that the mark of the Beast may have something to do with making man not quite human and that people will take the mark as some great evolutionary step forward for mankind. God says that those who take the mark can no longer be saved. This could be because the Kinsman Redeemer came only to save the Adamic race. If people become transhuman they will no longer qualify.

I do not hear about many buying into the theory that the singularity and the Rapture are the same events. Nevertheless, the article makes some good points and it is thought provoking.… continue reading

Commercial brain computer systems are coming

The reason I posted this is because I claim the mark of the Beast chip allows a neural link connection to the Internet. The technology to do that obviously is not that far away.

» Commercial brain computer systems are coming Emerging Technology Trends “All over the world, systems that directly connect silicon circuits to brains are under development, and some are nearly ready for commercial applications, according to a new report from the World Technology Evaluation Center and announced by a news release of the University of Southern California (USC). Some of the conclusions of this report about brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are quite surprising.

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EU leaders create a Beast

A regional government by treaty has arisen. EU polices will supersede nations. It is such a simple concept. It is a Beast make in the image of the old Soviet Union. Why not have a world government by treaty as well? They certainly will! This is just the first phase of the multi regional Beast world government. By the way, nations are bound by treaties, the nations have to comply with the treaty or they will be brought before the regional or world court. A nation cannot even pull out of a treaty without grave consequences unless the treaty also allows nations to pull out.continue reading

Rick Warren, Reconciliation Peace, and Brian McLaren

Is there any doubt why Rick Warren has change “planting churches” to “promote reconciliation” in the P of his P.E.A.C.E plan acronym? Rick Warren obviously has bought into Dominion Theology and Brian McLaren’s heresy. Willow Creek’s seeker churches have as well. If nobody sees the setting up of the world harlot who rides the Beast of Revelation taking place here they have little understanding of Bible prophecy. Not to mention the scriptures that warn us that this end time apostasy would come from among those who call themselves “Christians”.

The Latest “P” – Reconciliation “Put this quotation on a global scale and apply it to tribes and warring factions, people groups and nations, and you can see how grandiose this thinking becomes.

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The future is here right now, if you can read the signs

I keep saying that the Mark of the Beast includes a direct neural link to everything any everyone on the Internet. By that time, it will include just about all public information that exists in the world.

The future is here right now, if you can read the signs – Business – Business: “IT’S the year 2040 and Ray Hammond is getting advice from his software assistant Maria. Located in an implant just behind his left ear, Maria has a direct connection with Mr Hammond’s brain. Linked with Google and other search engines, Maria is able to filter, search and speak softly to Mr Hammond, as quietly and as transparently as if she were his own thoughts.”

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Computers will make humans think a million times faster

Microprocessor brain implants? About that time the Beast will show up. – Scientists Fear Day Computers Become Smarter Than Humans – Technology News News On Technology:
“The Singularity Summit: AI and the Future of Humanity” brought together hundreds of Silicon Valley techies and scientists to imagine a future of self-programming computers and brain implants that would allow humans to think at speeds nearing today’s microprocessors.

With advances in biotechnology and information technology, they say, there’s no scientific reason that human thinking couldn’t be pushed to speeds up to a million times faster.

Kurzweil, director of the Singularity Institute, is so confident in his predictions of the singularity that he has even set a date: 2029.

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Europe’s heart of darkness

Good article that explains to me why the Beast will soon rise out of Europe. They have a very sick godless society.

FrontPage Magazine: “While Americans proclaimed, “In God We Trust,” the Europeans have gradually abandoned the belief in the Judeo-Christian God and the moral direction it provided. They largely agreed with German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) who wrote that, “God is Dead.” In Auschwitz, the Europeans did away with the Judeo-Christian God altogether. And since then they have increasingly relied on the state to direct their lives. The state has become the source of order, legitimacy, and authority. And the state has since 1957 evolved into a super-state known as the European Union.

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Brain chip reads man’s thoughts

The computer chip and science progresses toward the Mark of the Beast where all who take the Mark will be networked into the Beast.

BBC NEWS Health Brain chip reads man’s thoughts: “A paralysed man in the US has become the first person to benefit from a brain chip that reads his mind. Matthew Nagle, 25, was left paralysed from the neck down and confined to a wheelchair after a knife attack in 2001. The pioneering surgery at New England Sinai Hospital, Massachusetts, last summer means he can now control everyday objects by thought alone. The brain chip reads his mind and sends the thoughts to a computer to decipher.A

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What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine

That is why I call the Emergent Church Rosemary’s baby of the seeker friendly movement. The leaders of the Emergent Church grew up in the seeker churches where Bible doctrine was downplayed.

The post-modern emergent movement along with Rome’s leadership fits to a tee the Harlot Woman who rides the Beast of Revelation. They most likely will be brought together in a war against Islam and it will hate fundamental religion of any kind and embrace all beliefs except those who claim to have absolute truth.

What Happens When the Church Puts Primary Value on Attendance and Not on Discipleship and Doctrine – CWN: “The Emerging Church Movement is about evangelizing the consumer.

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The United Nation Returns to Iraq

The UN will take over nation building in Iraq. It will be the world headquarters of the Beast world government of the Antichrist. Twenty years down the line most Christians will understand the implications of a modern world class city being built at Babylon, if they are still here.

The United Nation Returns to Iraq – HUMAN EVENTS: “Four years after an explosives-packed suicide cement truck blew up and destroyed the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to expand its operation in Iraq. ”

“Iraq’s Al Azzaman Website quoted a senior U.N. spokesman as saying: “The U.N.

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Chuck Baldwin asks, Have Christians Already Accepted The Mark Of The Beast?

Chuck Baldwin chides Christians for any interest that might have in the timing of the second coming as if it is something a Christian should not be spending time on but he himself continually spends all his own time attacking our government and George Bush which he equates to Hitler and the Antichrist. No Christian should do this!

No, Chuck Baldwin — the mark of the Beast is not accepting the policies of Hitler or George Bush. Read your Bible for a change instead of fantasy conspiracy theories. The Mark of the Beast does not even occur until after the False Prophet comes on the scene after Satan is cast out of the Heaven for his 3 1/2 year reign on earth to deceive people like you who do not want to believe the truth and expect a man made resistance will bring about God’s Kingdom.continue reading

China Enacting a High-Tech System to Track People

Sounds like they are already installing a system in China where one will not be able to buy or sell with something similar to the Mark of the Beast. Which proves how swiftly and easily it can be done today once government decrees that it will be done.

China Enacting a High-Tech Plan to Track People – New York Times “Data on the chip will include not just the citizen’s name and address but also work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status and landlord’s phone number. Even personal reproductive history will be included, for enforcement of China’s controversial “one child” policy.

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The Transhumanists will lead to the Beast of Revelation

Your going to hear more and more about the Transhuman Movement. There is soon going to be a big push to extend life so that some will believe they will never die. I think the Beast Antichrist will convince people that the kingdom of God is on earth and that by taking the mark they will evolute into a higher life form and live forever in the flesh. This was never God’s design for man. Man must die in the flesh and be born of the Spirit. However, man including most religious people are so tied to their earthly bodies that they will do anything to extend their lives.continue reading