Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam?

I get emails asking me if I believe the Antichrist will be Islamic. Some give me a list of reasons why I am wrong in my articles to think that the Antichrist will come from Christianity or Judaism. They send me reasons from other Bible prophecy teachers why the idea that Bible prophecy teachers thought the Antichrist will come from the Roman Empire was wrong and why he will really come from Islam. Although I respect the Bible prophecy teachers that are now teaching this I do not believe that the Antichrist and his Beast government will come out of Islam.continue reading

Christianity progressing to enable postmodern inquisitions.

Peter Jones has it right in this article. Pseudo Christianity will again be going to war again against those true Christians who actually believe the Bible. When the youth of those going to the churches of today grow up (many of them already have) will those four percent that still believe the Bible actually be tolerated by Christianity? Of course not. Pseudo Christianity has persecuted the Church before in history and it will do it again. Christianity is now progressing to enable the coming postmodern inquisitions.

The persecution at the fifth seal of Revelation comes from the religious Harlot not the Antichrist because at this point he has not even arrived on the scene.… continue reading

Christians yoking up with swine will bring in the kingdom?

what we have are Evangelicals who really think that the Church will be influencing government to help bring in the social actions of a Christian kingdom on earth. What they do not understand is that you do not get into the pigpen if you want to yoke up with those that will pull on clean fertile ground. They also do not understand that there will be no Christian taking of the earth before the return of the King. What they will end up with is amoral secular socialism using them until the godless decide they want to get the religious monkey off their back.… continue reading

British want RFID implantable microchips for prisoners

They are also planning to microchip their military and it will continue to spread to more and more groups. It will not stay in Britain it will soon be everywhere. This is not the Mark of the Beast system yet but it is setting the technical foundation for it. I also found it interesting that these RFID chips already have the capability of uploading information to a satellite uplink.

U.K. to Begin Microchipping Prisoners

the Ministry of Justice is exploring the possibility of injecting prisoners in the back of the arm with a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip that contains information about their name, address and criminal record.

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The Ten horns of the Beast?

Let’s see so far we have plans for the:

The South African Union
The Union of African states (north and central Africa)
The South pacific Union
The North American Union
The South American Union
Russia and some former USSR states

Did I miss any? I count seven. Three more regional governments and we may have the make up of ten horns that give power to the Beast for his world government.

South American Union Will Also Have Common Currency

NaturalNews) Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva recently revealed that the South American countries are planning for a common currency as part of the integration of the individual countries into the Union of South American Nations.

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Will George Bush also convert to Catholicism?

I do not doubt that Bush will convert to Catholicism. There is not a whole lot of difference between Episcopalian Theology and Catholic Theology anyway. Bush by his previous statements also makes it quite clear that he really thinks that all religions worship the same God. So, Bush really does not have understanding of the biblical statement that says that no one comes to the Father accept through Jesus.

I think Bible believing Christians need to realize that George Bush and most of those around him really have religion not biblical Christianity. George Bush believes in globalism and a pluralist world religion just like Tony Blair.… continue reading

Finding Brian Mclaren’s way to the mother of all harlots

Here is the take from the Lighthouse on Brian Mclaren’s newest book “Finding Our Way Again”. Brian Mclaren is obviously a blind soul who could not even find his way with his seeing eye dog. What Mclaren teaches is not Christianity and I wish that Bible colleges and book stores would quit peddling his pagan delusions as something the Church needs to learn about. We do not need to know these things any more then we need to know what was in the books that the early Church burned.

There is a common thread in all these emerging teachers. These are nothing but wolves dressed in old gnostic wolves sheep’s clothing.… continue reading

Creating the end of our world.

There is nothing new under the sun. Jesus said what happened prior to the flood of Noah will happen again just prior to His coming. The combining of human and animal genetics will again bring God’s judgment on the whole world and only Jesus’ return will save a remnant. Seeing that humans have already started to corrupt God’s creation by creating chimeras and transhuman monstrosities indicates that time is getting might short.

Thomas Horn — Did Ancient Biotechnology Create “Nephilim?”

The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions” (Gen 6:2, Interlinear Hebrew Bible).

May 3, 2007 — RaidersNewsNetwork.com

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The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is setting up the world for the harlot woman on the Beast

I was not going to write about Tony Blair’s kick off speech to his new Faith foundation http://tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/2008/05/tony-blairs-speech-to-launch-t.html because I did not want to rain on this social effort and just look at the end time implications.

As You can see I changed my mind. While I was out cutting grass half the day I got an email asking for me to do a radio interview on the one world church implications of this (from a very well known Conservative Christian organization). When I came back in and answered the email it probably was too late for the show anyway. I am not a great one for doing interviews because I like to think about what I am saying before I say it.… continue reading

The Richard Foster of the Emergent Church Leaders

Rev. Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries has written a really good article about Richard Foster and how he is connected with the Emergent Church movement and the Contemplative/Centering Prayer that is now being taught to future pastors in many seminars and Bible colleges. Below are a few excerpts from this article but read the entire article there is much good information here. But while your at it don’t stop at this article on Richard Foster. Apprising Ministries www.apprising.org has many well documented articles on the emergent/emerging church heresies which are leading institutional “Christianity” into latter day apostasy. It is this emerging harlot woman that will ride the Beast Antichrist into power in these last days.… continue reading

If you vote for those who oppose biblical morality. You are to blame for the society you get.

The big mistake America and the West made was letting the homosexual demons out of the closet. Now how do you get them back in? They are in rebellion against the Creator and they are going to do everything they can to disrupt God’s natural moral order. That is why judgment soon follows.

When the Liberals take over our government this year they will soon pass laws that muzzle any criticism of homosexual ways and they will force their perverted views to be taught to your children. So the real question is why have you voted for people in government that you know will bring these laws upon you?… continue reading

The Beast will come in through the Left door.

Take heed! The “nice” leftist people that you are electing are planing to take this nation to what we fought against in World War II. They plan to replace our system with a global fascist system of total governance over everyone and everything. History is repeating itself on a world scale and this time there will be no America coming to the rescue. It is Big Brother control disguised as democratic compassionate humanitarianism. They brainwash you to fear the Christian Right while they bring in their fascist godless socialism through the Left. This Beast will not follow the American Constitution it will follow the ways of the Antichrist.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist come from the linage of Antiochus Epiphanes?

Certainly a thought provoking perspective from Chuck Missler on the linage of the Antichrist figure.

The Genealogy of the Antichrist

A genealogical link between the original Antiochus Epiphanes and Titus Vespasian would not be surprising, and yet it is very provocative. But there may be more.

In the fifth century the royal line of the Franks intermarried with the Merovingian dynasty, which ultimately links with the family trees of the Habsburgs, the House of Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Pont‚zat, Montesquieu, Sinclair, Stuarts, and most of the royal families of Europe. Among contemporary luminaries are Otto von Habsburg of Austria and his son, Karl, and King Juan Carlos I of Spain and his son, Felipe.

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Coexisting with doctrines of devils

Bono, Rick Warren, Schuller, Bill Hybells, George Bush, Obama, and many others and most of the Emerging Church movement shape shifters all believe in pluralism and universalism while claiming to be Christians. Their Christianity is really religious dominionism. They want to use religion, government, media and the power elite to bring in total world governance and establishment of their idealist earthly utopia in the name of their higher power. What they will actually bring in will be the Antichrist figure who will claim to fulfill all the expectations of religions. The harlot woman is about to ride the Beast.

Bono, Universalism, and the Emerging Church?continue reading

12 steps toward pluralism and universalism defiles Christians

This is a very well written article on why pastors should not be promoting 12 step programs like AA. I wrote my own article on this subject a while back that says much the same things. You will find it in the New Evangelicals and post-modern psychobabble section of a much larger article I wrote on Dominion theology and where it will lead the church. There are a couple of good reference links on my piece. One is on the founders of AA, Bill Wilson, who was a real nut case. Also read the below article it gives additional insights.

A perfect example of a graduate of a 12 step program is President George Bush.… continue reading

Shirley Dobson appears on Hour of Power and says Robert Schuller is doing good work

Much of the church is missing Dr. Dobson’s mixed message because he tells them what they want to hear on issues of the family and morality but Dr. Dobson seems to be confused on many theological issues – from the evil of psychology in the Church, to soft dominionism to his confusion on Robert Schuller’s universalism.

I wrote an article that includes information on Dr. Dobson if anyone cares to read it. The major segment on Dobson is about half way down the article in the psychobabble section, also check the excellent link within for much more information.

Do The Dobsons and Focus on the Family Agree with the Emergent Church?continue reading

Janet Folger says stop whining and take dominion of the earth

How incredibly undiscerning! Janet Folger is now teaching America Word of Faith Theology. She obviously is a believer in heretical Dominion theology. The link will give you more of my take on that theology.

Folger implies that Jesus lost the keys of the kingdom of heaven and had to die to get them back from Satan.
What heretical nonsense. Jesus never lost the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What kind of God would lose his keys? The keys Jesus gave the Church is authority in the spiritual realm in the spiritual kingdom of heaven. Even Jesus has not yet bound Satan on earth and taken authority on the earth because the timing of that is set by the Father alone.… continue reading

The New Age plan to kill Christians and Jews for the sake of the world community.

Make no mistake about it Oprah and Tolle are setting the foundation for the coming persecution of true believers in Jesus Christ and Jehovah. Their satanic religion promotes the removing of all those who will not become part of the One universal consciousness. They will intend to kill us for the sake of their satanically inspired community and think they will be doing us and the world community a favor by doing so.

This teaching is not new. It has always been the teaching of New Age for many decades. Tolle and Oprah have just used their influence to popularize it under a new cover.… continue reading

Parsley and McCain prove that Fascism can also come from the religious right

What do Ron Parsley and John McCain have in common? They both see grave danger in Islam to the world. Obviously for Ron Parsley the number one criteria for being a conservative is to be against Islam.

We have here a religious leader and a political leader that would be more than willing to lead a military fight against Islam all over the world. Sure, that might be what it ultimately comes down to anyway, but do you really want the U.S. to actually promote this war? Need I explain the impact that a world war would have on our civil liberties and standards of living?… continue reading

A Religious UN in Rome is proposed.

Powerful figures have proposed a body that will speak with a united voice for world religion. I don’t thing that this should surprise Bible prophecy students or the fact that it will be set up in Rome. Revelation says the Harlot woman rides the Beast and the Harlot woman sets up in a city that could only be Rome.

Prophecy News Watch – Biblical Prophecy in the News

The leader of the Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, today proposed the creation of an ‘Organization of Religions Nations’ Rome-based, and said that the idea’ liked ‘by both the secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, and Pope Benedict XVI.Veltroni

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